
Look up the senior management group at Walmart and decide to whom Luther should write. Compose a letter that you think would be appropriate for Luther to send to Walmart.


Luther Henderson was a long-term frequent Walmart shopper often spending $325 weekly on groceries and other merchandise for his family of seven. That is, until he lost his part-time job that helped to supplement his regular job as a police officer. Luther, however, knew that in a few months he would be able to find another part-time job. Therefore, he was surprised when he tried to put $794 in holiday gifts on layaway at his local Walmart and discovered that only $144 worth was eligible for layaway because the firm had a policy of not allowing all merchandise to be eligible for layaway. In disgust, he departed without putting any merchandise on layaway and also left $139 in groceries in his shopping cart. That evening, he mentioned his experience to Sally, his wife of 19 years. Sally mentioned that her friend Karen had a similar experience and decided to visit the local Kmart that she had not patronized for over decade. At Kmart, Karen had no problem putting on layaway 15 holiday gifts that totaled over $700. Karen liked the experience so much, and so disliked and was offended by the Walmart layaway policy that she decided to boycott Walmart. Sally urged Luther to join Karen in her boycott. Luther reminded Sally that his grandfather gave him $100 of Walmart stock when he was born in 1975 and that last year when they prepared income taxes, his $100 of stock had increased to over $200,000. That evening Luther decided, as a long-term Walmart shareholder, he should first write to the senior management about his concern with the layaway policy.


1. Look up the senior management group at Walmart and decide to whom Luther should write.

2. Compose a letter that you think would be appropriate for Luther to send to Walmart.

Note: If you have never written a formal business letter you might want to do some research to ensure your letter is written correctly. As a business person it is important that you know how to write a proper business letter. See the example below.

Which material seems to be unaffected by the temperature of the water? Which material is most greatly affected by the temperature of the water?

Solubility Curves

Using the following graph to answer the questions.

1) Which material seems to be unaffected by the temperature of the water?

2) Which material is most greatly affected by the temperature of the water?

3a) Which material dissolves the most in 15OC water?  b) Which material dissolves the least?

4) At what temperature of water will the water dissolve more KClO3 than HCl?

5) How many more grams of HCl can be dissolved in 100 g of water at 60 OC than SO2 at the same temperature?

6) What kind of solution would be present if 55 grams of NH3 were dissolved in 100 g of water at 35 OC?

7) What is the maximum mass of KNO3 that can be dissolved in 100 g of water at 75 OC?

8) How many grams of NH4Cl can dissolve in 500 g of water at 25 OC?

9) How many grams of KClO3 can dissolve in 10 g of water at 25 OC?

Discuss the concept of employment at will. Then discuss the exceptions to employment at will based on contract law and public policy. What is your view of this rule? Do the public policy exceptions to the rule give enough protection to employees?

Sports law questions


In short essay format, answer the following four questions. For each answer, support your position with at least two (2) peer-reviewed sources not used in class. Further, short essay answers should be at least 200 words and long enough to adequately answer the question presented. Bullet point answers are not permitted.

1. Explain how the common law system facilitates slow legal change.
2. Discuss the concept of employment at will. Then discuss the exceptions to employment at will based on contract law and public policy. What is your view of this rule? Do the public policy exceptions to the rule give enough protection to employees?
3. Hazing may have both criminal and civil ramifications. Discuss this and how you would develop a hazing prevention program for your high school athletic program.
4. Give three examples of types of contracts that must be in writing according to the Statute of Frauds.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Which approach or approaches to sustainability from Chapter 9 were utilized by Herman Miller? Were different approaches used at different times in their history?


Read the attached case study, “Herman Miller and Its Rainforest Chairs,” from Marianne Jennings, Business Ethics, Case Studies and Selected Readings, 9e, Cengage (2018).


Then go to the Herman Miller website and review its self-reported sustainability initiatives:

Summarize the key facts from the case, adding anything else you might glean from their website or other sources.

In your analysis, consider the following questions:

First, which approach or approaches to sustainability from Chapter 9 were utilized by Herman Miller? Were different approaches used at different times in their history?

During 2008-2012, Herman Miller went through a slump in sales and earnings but retained its sustainability focus, Despite a drop in stock prices and pressure, the company refused to cut costs by eliminating its “green” programs. Was this a responsible business decision? How can it be justified (or was it not justified)?

Going forward, what recommendations would you make to Herman Miller to position itself for continued sustainable growth?

Evaluate 3 competitors’ products or services, and the benefits that your product or service offers that they do not. Describe how you will address specific objections that the potential customer may raise during your meeting.

Entrepreneurship Question

Answer the following in 750 to 1100 words:

  • Develop 5 questions you will ask to build rapport and learn more about the customer.
  • Evaluate 3 competitors’ products or services, and the benefits that your product or service offers that they do not.
  • Describe how you will address specific objections that the potential customer may raise during your meeting.
  • Summarize what you will do or say to close the transaction.
  • Recommend 5 marketing strategies that you will use to launch your company into the market.
  • Recommend 5 marketing strategies you will use to scale and grow your company.

Find an example of a company involved somewhere in the clothing supply chain (designer, manufacturer, retailer) , and post a summary of what they are doing to address this issue.

April 18th Discussion Board

Watch the following two videos on the topic of “fast fashion.”

After watching, post the following:

  1. Find an example of a company involved somewhere in the clothing supply chain (designer, manufacturer, retailer) , and post a summary of what they are doing to address this issue.
  2. Research a “sustainable” clothing company’s website, and check the prices on the clothing. What are your thoughts? Do you agree with the idea that consumers making sustainable clothing choices and avoiding fast fashion are mostly ones who can afford to do so? How can any inequities be addressed, that is, making sustainable clothing more affordable? Are there concept from Chapter 9 which would help support the case for a more sustainable clothing market?
  3. After thinking about the issue, is there anything you would change about your clothing purchases?

Provide short background information for each firm. What is their line of business? What are the competitive advantages and disadvantages of each firm as compared to the other?

Discussion Question

Provide short background information for each firm. What is their line of business? What are the competitive advantages and disadvantages of each firm as compared to the other?

In the forecasted financial statements, do you forecast a deficit or a surplus for each of the two firms? How could the firms balance the balance sheet?

Suppose that you are a potential lender to both firms. Both firms want to borrow money from you at the same interest rate. Which firm would you more likely lend the money to? Why? Explain.

Overall, which firms’ management team does a better job at running the firm? Why? Explain.

Suppose that you are an investor and you plan to buy some shares in one of the two firms. Given the current market prices of the two firms and given your analyses, which firm is a better long-term  investment? Why? Explain.

Analyze and contextualize it, both as historical and theological source, including what is its place in Islamic history.

Islamic history

Pick one of the three following primary sources:

  1. Exchange of letters between the Umayyad Caliph Abdulmalik Ibn Marwan and al-Hasan al-Basrî, on God enabling man to disobey him.
  2. Abd al-Jabbar on Gods will and Human freedom, from his commentary on the five principals.
  3. Abū al-Hasan al-Ash’arî, on God’s creation of Man’s disobedience, from his book of brightness.

Analyze and contextualize it, both as historical and theological source, including what is its place in Islamic history.

Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own clients. If so, how? If not, why? Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article.

Therapeutic approach for treating clients, families, or groups with addictive disorders.

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide about diagnosing and treating addictive disorders. As you watch the 187 Models of Treatment for Addiction video, consider what treatment model you may use the most with clients presenting with addiction.
  • Search the Walden Library databases and choose a research article that discusses a therapeutic approach for treating clients, families, or groups with addictive disorders.


In 3-4pages

  • Provide an overview of the article you selected.
    • What population (individual, group, or family) is under consideration?
    • What was the specific intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was already studied?
    • What were the author’s claims?
  • Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own clients. If so, how? If not, why?
  • Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article.
  • Support your response with at least three other peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Provide references to your sources. Be sure to include the article you used as the basis for this Assignment.

Draft an affidavit or declaration that Smythe might file in support of his motion to set aside the default judgment. Share this affidavit/declaration in your initial post. Look up FRCP 60. Based on this rule, do you think the court should grant Smythe’s motion? Why or why not?

425 discussion 7

Consider the following fact pattern:

Reed, a former business partner, sues Smythe for breach of contract. After he is served, Smythe talks to Reed, telling him that he believes the lawsuit has no basis, but, in any case, he has no money or assets, and any judgment would be uncollectable. He also tells Reed that he is very ill and has a condition that may be terminal. Reed, feeling sorry for Smythe, tells him not to worry about the lawsuit. Smythe does not consult a lawyer and does not file an answer to the complaint. Reed obtains a default judgment for $1 million. Shortly after, Smythe wins $10 million in the lottery. He also learns that his medical condition was not as serious as the doctors first told him. He now wants to make a motion to set aside the default judgment for $1 million.

First, draft an affidavit or declaration that Smythe might file in support of his motion to set aside the default judgment. Share this affidavit/declaration in your initial post.

Next, look up FRCP 60. Based on this rule, do you think the court should grant Smythe’s motion? Why or why not?