
How Should Nurses Assure Policy Change For Advanced Practice Registered Nurses?” What Role Does The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Play In Addressing Workforce Shortages In Rural Communities?

Nursing Question

How Should Nurses Assure Policy Change For Advanced Practice Registered Nurses?” What Role Does The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Play In Addressing Workforce Shortages In Rural Communities?

What flow-through income should be recognized? Are there any self-employment taxes on the income and any loss limitations associated with it?

Acct PowerPoint

Your presentation will be structured as a response to a “client question”. You will develop a presentation to answer this question. Topic is Partnership Contributions)

Client senario: Client A, B and C would like to form a limited partnership with each partner owning 1/3 of the partnership. The partnership has taken a loan of $20,000 from the bank. (do PowerPoint slides on client B and C and include notes on what to say on my presentation)

  • Client A

$100,000 cash contribution

  • Client B

Contributing some land they have owned for 5 years with a basis of $ 20,000 and accounting services

  • Client C (limited partner)

Investing $100,000 into the partnership.

Client questions

  • Difference between outside and inside basis – NC
  • What is each partner’s tax basis? – NC
  • Tax implications on gains and losses on property contributions.

Client B asks if they should sell their land first and contribute the cash or contribute the land instead.

  • What flow-through income should be recognized?
  • Are there any self-employment taxes on the income and any loss limitations associated with it?

How does government policy create and exacerbate challenges for undocumented immigrants, small businesses hiring documented workers, and companies and workers being penalized for hiring or being hired, in the context of immigration policy and employment regulations in USA?

Source Evaluation #5

Source Evals should be 3 pages in length, 1.15 line spaced, and conform to the following format:

In no more than 3/4 to 1 page:


Provide full citation in MLA format exactly as it will appear on your Works Cited (or References) page. Give one sentence of information about the author/s to verify they are a credible and scholarly


Demonstrate that you understand the source by summarizing the main argument and in your own words. Describe the author/s’ logic, position, and argumentation. Your Source Evaluations should demonstrate your comprehension and how the source potentially fits your project.

In the Remaining 1 to 1 1/4 PAGES:


Select three quotations that are important and relevant to your project. Interpret and analyze the citation and its implications for your developing project.


For the second and subsequent Source Evaluations, write several sentences of synthesis: Trace areas of agreement, disagreement, or complication between the readings. <– MAKE SURE TO DO THIS ONE


Reflect on how the source contributes to your research project. What are its limitations? What are its strengths? How timely is the source? Does it identify other potentially good sources? Identify any new questions you came up with while reading that might guide your future research.

Research question is: “How does government policy create and exacerbate challenges for undocumented immigrants, small businesses hiring documented workers, and companies and workers being penalized for hiring or being hired, in the context of immigration policy and employment regulations in USA?

Write a 600-800 word essay that addresses the following question: In what ways does I, Rigoberta Menchú bring together history and historical memory and what does the book tell us about la violencia in Guatemala?

Rigoberta Menchú Essay

Write a 600-800 word essay that addresses the following question: In what ways does I, Rigoberta Menchú bring together history and historical memory and what does the book tell us about la violencia in Guatemala?

Your answer to that question will be your thesis statement. Present your thesis in the intro to your essay; use the body paragraphs to present direct, cited evidence from the book and Wood, Chapter 12, to support your thesis; include a conclusion paragraph to tie together your arguments and summarize your findings.

Share the results of your literature review research as it applies to your hypothesis. What are your findings?

Human Growth and Development PowerPoint

Lesson 5: In this section you will share the results of your literature review research as it applies to your hypothesis. What are your findings? You may include charts and graphs if you wish.

You will create a PowerPoint with voiceover that includes all five stages of your project. You are not to copy/paste information from your project steps. Carefully choose pertinent information for your presentation. Summarize data, do not submit entire literature reviews. Be sure to include any graphs and photos to keep your presentation interesting. You should have a minimum of five slides one slide representing each project step. You may have more slides if you choose. Your presentation should be between 5-10 minutes in length. The goal of this presentation is to share with your audience (your classmates) the findings of your research. Take pride in your work.

Write a code in python using the above parameters with proper documentation and also a detailed report involving all the steps that have been taken to acheive the goal.

PPP loan Fraud detection using python

PPP Loan Fraud Detection: The aim of this project will be to explore loan data from the Paycheck Protection Program administered by the Small Business Administration which relief to small and medium-sized businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main goal of this project will be to develop graphical visualizations of this data and apply anomaly detection methods to determine which loans are likely fraudulent. The following are ideas on how to start with this project:

(a) Review background on fraud in the PPP loan program by using your preferred internet search tool, e.g. query “PPP loan fraud” in Google and read a few of the top news stories to develop an understanding of fraud issues.

(b) Download the full PPP loan dataset and data dictionary from the URL:… and review the different fields available in the data dictionary. Since this is a huge data set you can use only one part of the data set (i.e loans public _150kplus)

(c) Summarize the content of this data by both providing tabular summaries and graphical visualizations. For example, using pandas, write a Python script to read all .csv files containing loan data and plot a histogram of loan amounts.

(D) Some simple questions that I can quickly examine include:

  • the distribution of loan amounts approved under the PPP program
  • states and industries have received the most funding under the program.
  • the top loan originators and their loan approval rate
  • the average loan amount and approval rate for different sectors and demographic groups

(e) Finally, explore the use of more traditional unsupervised learning techniques such as anomaly detection ideas as in:
which can be supplemented with additional academic literature.

Longer-term questions and modeling topics that I would like to investigate include:

  • use unsupervised learning techniques, such as clustering or anomaly detection, to identify potentially fraudulent loans.
  • build a predictive model that can accurately identify fraudulent loans based on historical data.
    (d) Next, we will investigate determining loans that have a high potential for fraud by grouping together loans in common categories and identifying outlier loans. For example, for a fixed NAICS code, group together loans in a similar geographical region and identify outlier loans.

Write a code in python using the above parameters with proper documentation and also a detailed report involving all the steps that have been taken to acheive the goal.

Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy-making. Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges.

Discussion w8

  • Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy-making. (red)
  • Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges. (blue)
  • Finally, recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities to participate in policy-making. Be specific and provide examples. (yellow)

-Use 2-3 from the provided resources and 2 or more outside scholarly journal articles resources with dois.

– Include “the purpose of this discussion…” and a conclusion.

Sacristán, J., & Dilla, T. D. (2015). No big data without small data: Learning health care systems begin and end with the individual patient. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 21(6), 1014–1017.

Tummers, L., & Bekkers, V. (2014). Policy implementation, street level bureaucracy, and the importance of discretion. Public Management Review, 16(4), 527–547.

Klein, K. J., & Sorra, J. S. (1996). The challenge of innovation implementation. Academy of Management Review, 21(4), 1055–1080.

American Nurses Association (ANA). (n.d.). Advocacy. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from…

Of the four different types of schools that Anyon discusses in her article, which type would most likely adopt the “learning by discovery” model? What does that mean for students in other types of schools?

Writing discussions

Instructions: After reading the LUMEN lessons on “Quoting, Paraphrasing and Avoiding Plagiarism” and “Formatting the Works Cited Page (MLA)”, complete the following in preparation for this week’s discussion post:

  • Identify one quote from two module learning resources (two quotes total; not from Lumen lessons)
  • Integrate each quote into a sentence. You may choose to use a “direct quote” or paraphrase.
  • Include an MLA style in-text citation in parentheses at the end of each sentence.
  • Include full MLA style Works Cited entries for both sources.

Post your work to the Lumen Citing Sources Practice discussion board. You may use this information in your discussion post for this week. You do NOT need to complete peer responses for this post, though you may find it helpful to look at other students’ examples.

Part 2
Initial Post: April 17:For this discussion board post, respond to the prompt in two to three paragraphs (no bullets). Paragraphs should be organized by topic and not simply address the questions in order. Include examples from each of the texts, complete with MLA in text citations.


  • In Anyon’s article, she argues that students are “being prepared to occupy particular rungs on the social ladder.” What does this mean? Do you agree?
  • According to Anyon, what do teachers in the different types of schools expect from their students?
  • Edwards’ article makes a case that American schools are preparing students for a world that doesn’t exist and that a “learning by discovery” approach would better prepare students for the work world.  Summarize what Edwards means by “learning by discovery.” 
  • Of the four different types of schools that Anyon discusses in her article, which type would most likely adopt the “learning by discovery” model? What does that mean for students in other types of schools?

There are 5 definitions, select the term that matches the definition. Assign a list of actual NCAA revenues and expenses to the correct category/area.

Week 6: Revenue and Expense

Complete the Revenue & Expense exercise. This includes two parts.

Part 1: There are 5 definitions, select the term that matches the definition.

Part 2: Assign a list of actual NCAA revenues and expenses to the correct category/area. You will also use excel formulas to calculate subtotals, totals, and net income.

  1. Download the Xcel File (if you have Google sheets  ).
  2. Complete the assignment (See the Xcel Sheet and this week’s video for instructions and assistance)
  3. Submit your file back in excel. The file MUST be submitted in excel, to verify formulas were used. If using Google Sheets, you should be able to download the file to your computer in excel and attach it that way.

Complete the following on the discussion board related to the business of College, Professional, or International Sports.

Week 3: college-pro-international

For this week’s class, each class member should complete the following on the discussion board related to the business of College, Professional, or International Sports. Grading will be based on completing the three items and contributing to the discussion:

  1. Post a question: Post a question or discuss a topic related to the business of college, professional, or international sports. What questions do you have, what are things you’d like to know, what are you seeing in the media on areas that affect either of these areas in sports, and the income and expenses.
  2. Post a resource Link: Post a resource link with a description on the business of college, professional, or international sports. This should be specific to the business aspect of sport. It could also be related to players specifically as it relates to business.
  3. Post a comment: Comment on any other student or instructor’s question or resource link. Providing your thoughts on the subject or follow up.