
Given your target population (e.g., African American), if the problems are viewed from their own perspective, how the social reality can be interpreted differently? What cultural values (or beliefs) and historical context should be considered in your research design and interpretation of the findings? Why?

Social Work Question

Purpose: students will be required to submit their research proposal as a final product of this course. Through this assignment, student will demonstrate that they will be able to:

  • Select a researchable topic and develop problem statements and research question and hypothesis.
  • Explain the use of critical thinking skills in the examination of beliefs, assumptions and generalizations when conducting social work research.
  • Understand the research fundamentals and research designs to develop scientific inquiry as a producer of social work research and employ evidence-based interventions as a consumer of social work research.
  • Explain how ethnic-based research is linked to African American culture and behavior.

Please, see the following guideline and complete your research proposal.


  • Problem Statement
    • General Problem identifies the need for the study. Provide current statistics and research to support that the problem is real and exists NOW.
    • General population group or sample who are affected by this problem are identified.
    • Specific “Problem” in the given context will be proposed for your research.
    • The background information needs to be included. It indicates the root of the problem being studied, its scope, and the extent to which previous studies have successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that your study attempts to address. To narrow down and develop your inquiry to a research question, students are required to search and read the related scholarly writings.
  • Purpose of the Study
    • The general purpose of the study and specific study questions that you plan to investigate through this study
    • specific research question and hypotheses for each specific question
    • The central focus of the study


  • Literature review
    • After identifying the problems and research questions, you should investigate the literature thoroughly about the issue and synthesize the findings from various studies.
    • Choose at least two study issues (e.g., Independent Variable and Dependent Variable) and synthesize relevant study findings about the issues using scholarly articles.
    • Per each study issue, you need to include at least 5 scholarly articles.
    • Provide explanations in depth rather than statistics alone.
  • Afrocentric Perspective
    • Description of Afrocentric Perspective (definition, core values, tenets, etc.)
    • Application of Afrocentric Perspective to the selected research topic
      • How can we define the problem differently?
      • What strategic plan may be needed to recruit and retain more African American participant for your study given the characteristics of African American culture?
      • Given your target population (e.g., African American), if the problems are viewed from their own perspective, how the social reality can be interpreted differently?
      • What cultural values (or beliefs) and historical context should be considered in your research design and interpretation of the findings? Why?

What is marketing? Why marketing is important as an entrepreneur?


What is marketing? Why marketing is important as an entrepreneur?

What laws govern or pertain to the issue? What ethical obstacles affect how the medical community addresses the issue? How do ethical theories apply to the issue?

Poverty in Healthcare

Compose a focused paper that explains and describes your healthcare issue or topic from a cultural and ethical perspective of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in one paper.)

Form and answer two levels of research questions for each inquiry to address your chosen topic.

  • Choose a “Level 1 Research Question/Writing Prompt” from both of the lists below to answer in the paper.
  • Compose a “Level 2 Research Question/Writing Prompt” for each kind of inquiry that provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research, and writing.
  • State your research questions in your paper’s introduction.
  • Form the body of your paper by answering each research question and support your assertions with evidence (research).
  • In the conclusion of the paper, briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and insights.
Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
ETHICAL Perspective of Inquiry

  • What laws govern or pertain to the issue?
  • What ethical obstacles affect how the medical community addresses the issue?
  • How do ethical theories apply to the issue?
  • How do money, power, and control matters relate to the issue and its treatment?
Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
CULTURAL Perspective of Inquiry

  • Which cultural values and/or norms influence the issue?
  • How is the issue addressed differently in varying cultural contexts and situations?
  • Which cultures or societies are most affected by the issue? Why?
  • Which cultural traditions affect the treatment(s)?

Your paper must be five pages in length and reference four to six scholarly, peer-reviewed resources. Be sure to follow current APA Style (e.g., spacing, font, headers, titles, abstracts, page numbering).

What are your thoughts on the U.S. Foreign Policy? What areas do you see need improvement?

GOVT2305 question

What are your thoughts on the U.S. Foreign Policy? What areas do you see need improvement?


1.Make your initial post to respond to the discussion question. Your initial post must be at least eight full and complete sentences. You will be graded on grammar, spelling and sentence structure as well as fully answering the questions.

In the following passage there is an argument. The passage is laced with emotive terminology. If you strip the passage of its words that evoke your emotions, do you think the argument is persuasive?

Philosophy questions

Answer these discussion questions.

3. The following story appeared in Sunday’s edition of the Ogden (UT) Standard-Examiner. It was titled: “Report Suspicious Activity.” In it there is an argument. What’s the conclusion of the argument? And what reasons lead to that conclusion?

NOTE: one or more of the premises or the conclusion may be suppressed or implicit.

4. In the following passage there is an argument. The passage is laced with emotive terminology. If you strip the passage of its words that evoke your emotions, do you think the argument is persuasive?

5. People are often genuinely confused by the distinction between semantic and syntactic ambiguity. Below is an example of a sentence that is semantically ambiguous, and it is a statement we hear often in conversation.

6. Read the following passage carefully. Determine what the conclusion of the passage is. Also, cite an unspoken assumption which a person would have to accept to find the argument cogent?

7. On which condition(s) (A, R, G) does the following argument fail and why?

8. Is the following passage an example of confirmation bias and, if so, what makes it an example of confirmation bias?

9. .Are the premises of the following argument rationally acceptable? If not, which one isn’t acceptable and explain why you say that it isn’t acceptable?

10. Write a few premises supporting the following claim: “Great national peril will result from the Obama Health Care plan.”

11. Write an argument that is an example of a categorical syllogism.

12. Sorites are a special kind of enthymeme. Using what you have read about a sorites-style argument, construct an argument to show that no person should be considered “bald.”

13. We have been supposing that there are only two truth values, true and false. But mightn’t there be an additional truth value, which we might call, for a better name, “indeterminate.” Play around with this idea. Do you think it makes sense? Why or why not? If you think it does, give an example of a sentence whose truth value is “indeterminate,” that is, neither true nor false.

14. Translate the following argument into symbolic form. Use the “v” symbol to represent (the inclusive) “or”. Then explain how you might determine whether the argument is valid or invalid. Finally, give your answer to this question (“Is the argument valid or invalid” at the end of your discussion.

15. Provide a reductio ad absurdum proof which shows whether the following argument form is valid or invalid. Note here that “not” is being symbolized by “-” and “or” is being symbolized by “v”.

Conduct research on any ONE of the topics below to build a focused report that covers a certain area with all necessary information such as facts, advantages, disadvantages, current state, challenges, and threats.

Report About mobile computing

Section A: [30 marks]


Over the years, technology has revolutionized our world and daily lives. Technology has created amazing tools and resources, putting useful information at our fingertips.
Modern technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices like the smartwatch and the smartphone. Computers are increasingly faster, more portable, and higher-powered than ever before. With all these revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better, and more fun.

Task details

The introduction above gives you an overview of how technology is used in our daily life and what it promises for the near future.

Conduct research on any ONE of the topics below to build a focused report that covers a certain area with all necessary information such as facts, advantages, disadvantages, current state, challenges, and threats.

  • Humanoid Robotics
  • Mobile Computing
  • Deep Learning

Your research may concentrate on the implication of technologies in the country of Oman, in relation to regional and global countries. Validate your report with the pieces of evidence from your research and support your discussion with tables and graphs for better interpretation of the analysis. You can use secondary data, such as articles from journals, magazines, newspapers, and other valid sources.

The report should contain the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Discussion of the Technology (Facts, advantages, disadvantages, current state, challenges, and threats
  • Conclusion
  • Reflection (Learnings from your research)
  • References

In the Sheet1 worksheet, the formula in cell B15 should contain the AVERAGE function.Create a formula using a function.

Mind Tap Excel

Enter text in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell F3 should contain the text “Total”.
Enter text in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell A12 should contain the text “Vancouver”.
Enter a number in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell B12 should contain the value 120.
Enter a number in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell C12 should contain the value 130.
Enter a number in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell D12 should contain the value 117.
Enter a number in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell E12 should contain the value 130.
Update a value in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell B3 should contain the text “Quarter 1”.
AutoFill values in a range.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, the range C3:E3 should contain the series of annual quarters.
Edit Data
Update a value in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell B4 should contain the value 133.
Update a value in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell B6 should contain the value 109.
Copy and Move Cell Data
Copy and paste a value in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell A13 should contain the text “Total”.
Cut and paste a range of values.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, the values in the range H5:H7 should be cut from the worksheet.
Enter Formulas and Use AutoSum
Use relative references in a formula.
The formula in cell F4 should reference the cells B4, C4, D4, E4.
Create a formula using a function.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, the formula in cell B13 should contain the SUM function.
Copy Formulas with Relative Cell References
Copy a formula into a range.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell F4 contains an incorrect formula.
Copy a formula into a range.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell B13 contains an incorrect formula.
Copy Formulas with Absolute Cell References
Enter text in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell G3 should contain the text “% of Total”.
Use mixed references in a formula.
The formula in cell G4 should contain a relative reference to cell F4 and an absolute reference to cell F13.
Copy a formula into a range.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell G4 contains an incorrect formula.
Enter a Formula with Multiple Operators
Enter text in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell J3 should contain the text “This Year”.
Use relative references in a formula.
The formula in cell K3 should reference cell F13.
Enter text/a number in a cell.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell J5 should contain the text “% Increase”.
Use absolute, relative, or mixed references in a formula.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, the formula in cell K5 should reference cells K3 and K1.
Change the number format.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, cell K5 should be formatted using the Percentage number format with two decimal places.
Insert a Function
Create a formula using a function.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, the formula in cell B15 should contain the AVERAGE function.
Create a formula using a function.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, the formula in cell B16 should contain the MAX function.
Create a formula using a function.
In the Sheet1 worksheet, the formula in cell B17 should contain the MIN function.
Switch Worksheet Views
Set the print area for a worksheet.
The print area of the Sheet1 worksheet should be A1:K20.
Non-graded – Choose Print Options

Design an interface that guides the user through the entire trip purchasing experience.

Figma Web design Project

Project: Mobile app design for booking a trip to a single travel destination (e.g. San Francisco).

User journey: From the loading screen, to the pick a city, flight, hotel, rental car and through the entire checkout process.

Objective: Design an interface that guides the user through the entire trip purchasing experience.


  1. Loading screen
  2. New user / existing user login
  3. Homepage / dashboard
  4. Single travel destination landing page (e.g. San Francisco)
  5. Browse flights
  6. Single flight information
  7. Browse hotels
  8. Single hotel information
  9. Browse rental cars/transportation options
  10. Single rental car or transportation option
  11. Shopping cart
  12. Billing information
  13. Review the final shopping cart and all of the trip details
  14. Thank you / Successful transaction
  15. Extra requirement: Special feature


  1. Use Adobe XD (preferred) or Figma
  2. Mobile only
  3. Include all of the necessary artboards plus a special feature
  4. Include basic animations and transitions
  5. Establish a design system of reusable components

View the How to Overcome our Biases? Walk Boldly Toward Them video. Write an original post (at least 250 words or more) on your thoughts, feelings and similar experiences. Use at least one reference to support your ideas.

Module 1 – Unconscious Bias

Our biases can be dangerous, even deadly — as we’ve seen in the cases of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner, in Staten Island, New York. Diversity advocate Vernā Myers looks closely at some of the subconscious attitudes we hold toward out-groups.


  1. View the How to Overcome our Biases? Walk Boldly Toward Them video.…
  2. Take the Implicit Association Test (IAT).…
  3. Post your reaction to the IAT results. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Why not?
  4. Write an original post (at least 250 words or more) on your thoughts, feelings and similar experiences. Use at least one reference to support your ideas.
  5. Respond to one of your classmate’s posting with meaningful answers. (I will send you 1 clasmate work after submiting my part, I will need a 100 words reply)
  6. To see the grading rubric, click on the 3-dot menu 3-dot menu on the top-right side of screen.

Explain why the product or service exemplifies this topic. Provide three actionable recommendations for enhancing this product or service’s digital presence in ways that are different from how it is currently being marketed.

Real-world product or service

Choose a single topic from Module 7 or 8.

  • Module 7: New Retail or Desktop Manufacturing
  • Module 8: Pay What You Want or Freemium Model

Then find a real-world product or service that exemplifies the topic of your choice. The product or service should NOT repeat what was already discussed in the Coursera videos and do the following:

  • Provide an overview of the product or service. Include details such as the name of the product or service, the company that offers it, and how it is currently being marketed. (4 points)
  • Explain why the product or service exemplifies this topic. (5 points)
  • Provide three actionable recommendations for enhancing this product or service’s digital presence in ways that are different from how it is currently being marketed. (6 points)