
What is the greatest common divisor of 4655 and 17689? Prove that the remainder of the division by 9 of a positive integer written in the decimal system is equal to the remainder of division by 9 of the sum of its digits.

Discrete Math Test 3

Yoram Sagher

Your solutions should be submitted through Canvas in .pdf in 60 minutes.

1. What is the greatest common divisor of 4655 and 17689?. An answer without a relevant calculation will receive no credit.
2. Find all x so that |x + 1| + 3 |x 2| < 5. An answer without a relevant calculation will receive no credit.
3. Prove that the remainder of the division by 9 of a positive integer written in the decimal system is equal to the remainder of division by 9 of the sum of its digits.
4. Find irrational numbers, a, b so that ab is a rational number.
5. A prime number is an integer whose only divisors are 1 and itself. Prove that if p is a prime and n is any integer that is not a multiple p then the greatest common divisor of n and p is 1.
6. We proved that if s and t are positive integers and the greatest common divisor of s and t is d, then there exist integers, x and y so that xs+yt = d. Prove that if a prime number and s and t are positive integers so that and p divides s·t but does not divide s, then p divides t.

Describe the intended audience, the genre, and the purpose. What are the characteristics of the audience overall – think about age, professions, education, and other factors you might assume from analyzing your samples?

Source Analysis Assignment

When you have found writing sources or examples in your discipline, analyze those and consider the following for each source you find:

  • What is its purpose?
  • To what audience(s) is it directed?
  • What genre of writing is it and why is it appropriate for the situation?
  • What are the conventions of the genre that help to identify it and analyze the specific piece of writing?
  • What other elements of the piece of writing can be identified and analyzed to understand more about what the writer is trying to do?
  • Start with the end – what do you think the writer intended for the reader to walk away thinking or knowing from this piece of writing?

Practicing this type of analysis helps make sense of a piece of writing and the rhetorical situation in which is it operating. Developing the ability to analyze writing concepts, that is to understand the purpose, audience, genre, context, etc., is helpful in understanding and developing our own writing more effectively.


Write a brief analysis — around 300 words — of the sources you intend to use in your Final P3 Reflection. Your analysis should include the following for each sample:

  1. Describe the intended audience, the genre, and the purpose.
  2. What are the characteristics of the audience overall – think about age, professions, education, and other factors you might assume from analyzing your samples?
  3. How should the audience use the information? What action should be taken or what is the audience asked to think about?
  4. What is its role in the larger discipline, potentially?
  5. What are the needs, values, or beliefs of the audience that the writer is working toward here? How is the writer appealing to the audience?
  6. Are any audiences excluded by the way the piece is written?
  7. How is information presented, formatted, arranged, and is it appropriate to the genre?
  8. What messages are intended, and are they clearly conveyed?
  9. Is there anything notable about the discourse used?
  10. What are the overall impressions of how each sample fits into the discipline or major? Is it surprising, or typical/expected of the major?
  11. How does each sample represent the major or discipline overall?
  12. Include any other analysis you want to share.

What are the differences between classic, multipreneurs, and intrapreneurs? Thinking about the founder of the company where you work or a company with which you are familiar, what category does he or she fit? Why?

Week 6 Discussion blue

In 150 words, answer the following question(s).

What are the differences between classic, multipreneurs, and intrapreneurs? Thinking about the founder of the company where you work or a company with which you are familiar, what category does he or she fit? Why?

What is the foundation of great customer service? How can companies ensure that each customers continuously receive great customer service?

Week 6 Discussion

What is the foundation of great customer service? How can companies ensure that each customers continuously receive great customer service?

If ABC produces a liter of orange juice in its US headquarters and ship it to Japan for USD $1.45 per unit. If the firm wants a 25% markup on the project, what should be the price of the juice sold in Japan measured by Yen, if using the exchange rate as shown above?

Financial Management    Spring 2023

Project (20 points)

Note:   Write down the steps and results of each step of the calculation process.

  1. (4 points)

ABC Inc.’s capital structure is 40% debt, 30% preferred, and 30% common equity, and its tax rate is 35%. For financing, (a) ABC sold a non-callable bond several years ago that now has 15 years to maturity with 8% annual coupon, paid semiannually, at a price of $1,055, and a par value of $1,000. (b) ABC sold a perpetual preferred stock for $95.50 per share, with a $7.50 annual dividend and a flotation cost of 3.00% of the price. (c) ABC also has beta = 1.2, risk free rate of return rRF = 6.00%; market risk premium RPM = 7.00%;

The question is: What is the company’s WACC?

  1. (4 points)

ABC is considering a project that has the following cash flow and WACC data.

  • What is the project’s NPV?
  • What is the project’s IRR
  • What is the project’s MIRR?
  • Should the project be accepted? Why?

WACC:  The result of (1) above


Year              0        1        2        3        4        5  

Cash flows     -$1,200    $420     $380     $360     $340     $320

  1. (4 points)

ABC is now considering changing the debt ratio and moving it to the new debt/assets ratio as indicated below, and replacing all preferred stocks with debt.  The money raised would be used to repurchase preferred stock at the current price.  It is estimated that the increase in risk resulting from the additional leverage would cause the required rate of return on equity to rise somewhat, as indicated below.  If this plan were carried out,

  • By how much would the WACC change, i.e., what is WACCOld – WACCNew (WACC (in question (1) or (2)) – WACC (in question (3))?

New Debt/Assets               45%      Interest rate new = rd       7.0%

New Equity/Assets             55%      New cost of equity = rs     13.0%

  • Based on the Hamada equation, what would the firm’s beta be if it used no debt, i.e., what is its unlevered beta?


  1. (4 points)

ABC is planning its operations for next year, and wants to forecast the firm’s additional funds needed (AFN).  Data for use in the forecast are shown below. Based on the AFN equation, what is the AFN for the coming year?  Dollars are in millions.

Last year’s sales = S0               $700   Last year’s accounts payable       $45

Sales growth rate = g                 18%   Last year’s notes payable          $55

Last year’s total assets = A*0        $500   Last year’s accruals               $35

Last year’s profit margin = M          5%   Target payout ratio                50%

  1. (4 points)


On 4/10/2022, the exchange rates are as follows:

1 British Pound = USD $1.30

1 Australian dollar = 0.57 British Pound

1 Australian dollar = 87.59 Japanese Yen

$1 USD = 1.34 Australian dollar

$1 USD = 124.46 Japanese Yen


  • ABC is considering expanding its sales of orange juice overseas. If the product is produced in ABC’s Australian brunch with cost 2.20 Australian dollars, ship to UK, where it can be sold for 1.54 British pound. What is the profit measured by US dollars on the sale?
  • If ABC produces a liter of orange juice in its US headquarters and ship it to Japan for USD $1.45 per unit. If the firm wants a 25% markup on the project, what should be the price of the juice sold in Japan measured by Yen, if using the exchange rate as shown above?
  • If the shipped orange juice in Japan is actually sold for 215 Yen, by PPP, what is the exchange rate between USD and Yen (Yen/USD $1) implied?

Briefly summarize each article, keying in on the six aims identified in “Crossing the Quality Chasm.” Discuss the regulatory effect that these reports had on the US healthcare system and patient safety.

M1 – Class2 – Healthcare information technology (HIT) has a huge impact on patient outcomes.

Healthcare information technology (HIT) has a significant impact on patient outcomes. Having effective systems that assist in converting data from useful health information will enhance clinical decisions being made. Understanding the importance of having accurate data to ensure patient safety and quality care in healthcare systems is critical in preventing medical errors.

Review the following articles:

To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System Download To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System
Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century (Attached)

Answer the following:

Briefly summarize each article, keying in on the six aims identified in “Crossing the Quality Chasm.”
Discuss the regulatory effect that these reports had on the US healthcare system and patient safety.
Assess how healthcare delivery has changed to help achieve those goals and describe the barriers to achieving those goals.
How are health care information systems used to support the delivery of care to report patient outcomes?

Define the desirable features of HIT design that serve both well-being and effectiveness and that can be used in product evaluation and comparison by purchasers or health care leaders.

M3 – Class2 – After reading the article, provide recommendations on the following:

TABLE. Efforts to Support Well-being in Technology-Mediated Work

Design technology for the health care we need

Generate a collaborative vision of next-generation health care

  • Establish workgroups of technology and industry experts to assess potential models of care and their requirements.

Use team-based care and technology to support care innovation

  • Enhance coordination through integrated interprofessional care plans with goals, steps to reach them, and overall progress.
  • Generate evidence to improve team-based models.
  • Support patient-created data and remote monitoring.

Align human and technology resources with chronic conditions

  • Support a longitudinal view of a patients treatments, disease progression or remission, etc. Support registry management.
  • Establish chronological models for various conditions. Use tools to analyze risk trajectories and respond to window periods or stages of disease with timely targeted interventions. Augment human interactions with technology-driven checkups to monitor for physical or mental health changes.
  • Integrate nonmedication interventions into care plans including individualized behavioral interventions, caregiver roles, and technologyprescriptions.

Understand the essential roles for physicians

Align physician roles with future care models

  • Discern the essential and compelling roles for physicians in future models of care.
  • Design HIT to support and quantify nonencounter physician activities toward quality, productivity, and other health care imperatives.

Develop leadership and strategies to reduce a physician bottleneck

  • Coordinate and prioritize encounter expectations from a perspective of the time, attention, and cognitive constraints of physicians in encounters.
  • Orient health care information and tasks increasingly around the patient vs through physicians.

Educate new physicians for emerging roles

  • Assess trends in HIT and develop core curriculum for human-computer collaboration in health care.
  • Train doctors in the use and oversight of AI-enhanced risk prediction, decision support, diagnostics, surveillance, etc.
Design technology for a well workforce

Develop foundational principles and methods

  • Research the intermediates of well-being and burnout in HIT, ranging from simple usability issues to satisfaction with advanced collaborative technology interactions.
  • Establish fundamental principles, goals, and methods in HIT design that lead to guidelines, standard use cases, and evaluation methods.
  • Use terms and make reference to design taxonomies to enculturate well-being as a normative design consideration.

Define the desirable features of HIT for well-being

  • Define the desirable features of HIT design that serve both well-being and effectiveness and that can be used in product evaluation and comparison by purchasers or health care leaders.

Establish accountability for well-being in the work environment

  • Establish leadership accountable to the work environment, especially HIT impacts. This is contrasted with, but complementary to, current resiliency-focused efforts.

Monitor HIT for human impacts and remediate

  • Assess HIT impacts not only for outcomes but for efficiency, user stress, etc. Seek feedback from physicians and objective measures via audit logs etc.
  • Increase the overlap between design and implementation to allow for change in technologies that fall short in effectiveness or humanistic design.

Write a program in Python that is a study tool for the vocabulary terms in this course.

Programming prjct

This is an individual assignment. Evidence of copying will be submitted as a violation of the honor code to the Dean of the College of Engineering and the Dean of Students.

Write a program in Python that is a study tool for the vocabulary terms in this course.

Step 1: Create 15 plain text files; one for each of the chapters from the book covered in this course. Name the files chl.txt, ch2.txt, etc. Each text file will contain at least 5 technical terms and their definitions from that chapter. Note that the chapters covered are 1-12, 14, 16, and 17.

Requirements: The program will prompt the user for a specific chapter or allow the user to select all chapters. Based on the user’s selection, it will then present relevant multiple-choice style questions in which a term is presented along with 4 possible definitions for that term. One of the definitions is correct. The other 3 definitions are pulled randomly from the definitions of other terms.

For each question, the program prompts the user to type a, b, c, d, (corresponding to the four definitions) or ‘q’ to quit the game at any time.
If the user gets the correct answer on their first try, they get a point. If not, that answer is removed that the user gets a second guess (now with only 3 choices, a, b, and c). If they get it right this time, they get 1/2 point. If they get it wrong, that answer is removed and the user gets a 3rd guess (now with only a and b as choices). If they get it right this time, they get 1/4 point. If not, no points are awarded, the correct answer is revealed, and they move to the next question.

Behind the scenes: The code will read in the terms and definitions from all of the previously mentioned text files and store them in one or more dictionaries. The question generation feature will access the dictionaries to generate the questions and answers, and also to check if the user got the correct answer.

Ending the game: The game will end when either: 1) All of the terms for the user’s selection have been presented OR 2) The user types ‘q’ At that point, the final score will be display as well as an encouraging message.

Write a well-sourced paper supporting your arguments not to exceed 2 pages. Pick one of the brands you have been using (NIKE), and let’s take a deeper dive.

What are you buying assignment

Write a well-sourced paper supporting your arguments not to exceed 2 pages. Pick one of the brands you have been using (NIKE), and let’s take a deeper dive.

In your paper, address the following:

-Using the brand you have been using, define the target audience for your brand using outcomes-based segmentation. This means you will need to tell us what your consumer is buying and not what you are selling.
-Tell us how the brand’s personality will help make the consumer decision process easier for this target audience.

What does this action say about the power of the branch? How does it affect the power of the branch, as given by the Constitution? How does this action affect the relationship between the acting branch and the other branches?

Research Paper Essay

Each student will submit a research paper on either a piece of legislation, an executive order, or a Supreme Court case, enacted or decided since 2000, by the United States federal government.

The tool of policy that you choose must be active, meaning that it is a law that has been passed and is currently enforced, it is an executive order that has not been rescinded, or it is a Supreme Court case that has been decided and not overturned.

Students will use this paper to analyze the example of governmental power/action of their choice by explaining the action to the best of their understanding and then putting the issue in the context of the broader scope of government.

Ask a few questions:

  • What does this action say about the power of the branch?
  • How does it affect the power of the branch, as given by the Constitution?
  • How does this action affect the relationship between the acting branch and the other branches?
  • How did this affect citizens and residents of the United States?