
Explain how statistical anomaly detection and rule-based intrusion detection are used to detect different types of intruders.

Network and Internet Security

Explain how statistical anomaly detection and rule-based intrusion detection are used to detect different types of intruders.

An example of a host-based intrusion detection tool is the tripwire program. This is a file integrity checking tool that scans files and directories on the system on a regular basis and notifies the administrator of any changes. It uses a protected database of cryptographic checksums for each file checked and compares this value with that recomputed on each file as it is scanned. It must be configured with a list of files and directories to check, and what changes, if any, are permissible to each. It can allow, for example, log files to have new entries appended, but not for existing entries to be changed. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using such a tool? Consider the problem of determining which files should only change rarely, which files may change more often and how, and which change frequently and hence cannot be checked. Hence consider the amount of work in both the configuration of the program and on the system, administrator monitoring the responses generated.

How to ensure the security of a computer network so that it is not easily hacked by unauthorized parties?

Security of a computer network

How to ensure the security of a computer network so that it is not easily hacked by unauthorized parties?

What did you find most interesting about the workshop? What did you find most relevant to your daily life about the workshop? What question(s) do you have about the workshop topic? What would you like to learn more about related to the workshop topic?

Archived Recordings of Past Workshops


Step 1: Watch an Archived Recording
  • Watch an archived recording of one of the workshops above.
Step 2: Clearly State Which Workshop You Attended or Watched

In your assignment submission, clearly state which workshop(s) you participated in during the period

  • Example: “I watched Holding Government Accountable during week 4.”
  • Example: “I watched the week 6 archived recording of the Global Conflict and Cooperation.”
Step 3: Respond to a Specific Question

Select 1 of the following questions to respond to:

  1. What did you find most interesting about the workshop?
  2. What did you find most relevant to your daily life about the workshop?
  3. What question(s) do you have about the workshop topic?
  4. What would you like to learn more about related to the workshop topic?
  5. What did you find perplexing or challenging about the workshop topic?
  6. Note: If you wish, you can ask yourself your own question.
Step 4: Clearly State your Question
  • Be sure to clearly state this question in your assignment submission.
  • Using a question provided in the prior step, or a question that you ask yourself, be sure to clearly state this question in your assignment submission.
Step 5: Answer Question with 4 Sentences

Write at least 4 sentences answering the question you selected.

  • Sentence 1.
  • Sentence 2.
  • Sentence 3.
  • Sentence 4.

Provide your responses to the outline request at the end of the case study.

The Threatening Interview Candidate

Read the following case study titled “The Threatening Interview Candidate” – Here is the situation:

You are the manager of a health information management (medical records) group, and you are interviewing to fill an open position for an Accredited Record Technician (ART). Human resources has referred four candidates to you, all of whom have been determined to possess the required qualifications for the job. The first two you interview seem satisfactory to you, and you feel that either could do a reasonable job. As you proceed with your third interview, you quickly decide that this candidate, although seemingly friendly and personable, is the weakest of the three so far in knowledge and experience. Toward the end of the interview you ask the candidate if she has any questions. She indicates she has no questions but then states, “I’m five months pregnant.”

You respond, “Why should that concern me?”

She smiles and says, “Because if you don’t hire me I’m going to charge discrimination based on my condition.” With that, she thanks you for your time, and leaves your office.

On the same day, you conduct the fourth interview. In your opinion, the candidate who threatened you was probably the third or last choice out of four.

You are to outline the approach you recommend for proceeding with hiring for the open ART position, stating why you offer the courses of action you propose.

Provide your responses to the outline request at the end of the case study.



What is Globalization? Will the Coronavirus Bring the End of Globalization?

Write a short personal response to the Discussion Materials

Read or view all the articles/videos linked below for use in the discussion assignment.
The questions are provided only as prompts: feel free to formulate your own questions to be addressed in the posts.

Include what you liked, what you didn’t like, what you found valuable, how you might use the information, etc. Be sure to relate your post to the text’s concepts and theories. Remember: this should be your own thoughts, not a retelling of the book contents.

1). What is Globalization?

2). How Globalization Reached the Cradle of Islam.

3). Will the Coronavirus Bring the End of Globalization?

4).Deglobalization in a hyper-connected world

Consider the five core job characteristics (variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback). Do you think that any one of those characteristics is more important than the other four? Is it possible to have too much of some job characteristics?

MGT 301-Organizational behavior

Case Study: –


Read the case “DELTA” from Chapter 6 “Motivation Page: – 186 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (7th ed).  by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2021) and Answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):

  1. Which motivational theories does Delta appear to be leveraging in its approach to motivation? (03 Marks) (Min words 150-200)
  2. Picture being an employee of Delta during the period where the company transitioned into—and out of—bankruptcy. What motivational implications would that experience have, and how long would they last? (03 Marks) (Min words 200-300)
  3. Which do you think is most motivational for Delta’s employees? Their high base pay, their generous profit sharing, or a CEO who is so accessible and communicative? (03 Marks) (Min words 200)


Discussion questions: Please read Chapter 4 & 5 Job Satisfaction & Stress carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

  1. Consider the five core job characteristics (variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback). Do you think that any one of those characteristics is more important than the other four? Is it possible to have too much of some job characteristics? (03 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)
  2. If you managed people in an organization in which there were lots of hindrance stressors, what actions would you take to help ensure that your employees coped with the stressors using a problem-focused (as opposed to emotion-focused) strategy? (03 Marks ) (Min words 200-300)

What are the laws in your state regarding mandatory reporting related to suspected abuse and neglect? Describe the impact of reporting requirements on management strategies. Describe an example provided during the interview regarding a case of suspected abuse and neglect.

Benchmark: Abuse and Neglect in Health care

Contact a health care professional who has experience with mandatory reporting requirements and arrange to conduct an interview. Use the interview to gain a better understanding of mandatory reporting requirements and associated actions needed for suspected abuse and neglect. Create 10 interview questions and attach as an appendix to the assignment. You do not have to include answers with interview questions as these will be discussed.

Write a 1,250-1,500 word paper based on the interview in which you address the following:

  1. What are the laws in your state regarding mandatory reporting related to suspected abuse and neglect?
  2. Describe the impact of reporting requirements on management strategies.
  3. Describe an example provided during the interview regarding a case of suspected abuse and neglect.
  4. Describe what was done by the facility to attempt to resolve the suspected abuse and neglect.
  5. How does this align with laws in your state and ethical considerations?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Does the criminal justice system represent an effective deterrent against crime? Are punishment mechanisms determined based on partisanship rather than interest in maintaining public order? Why do Republican-dominated states tend to have higher incarceration rates than Democratic-dominated states? Why does proximity to an election increase incarceration rates?

2 Discussion post

Find a public setting where you can practice your hand at field observation to answer a question that you find interesting. For example, it could be studying who does and does not properly return shopping carts at a grocery store. Or, are men or women more likely to hold a door open for someone when entering a building. Plan on spending at least 30-minutes making observations. Write up what you observed in a 250 – 350 word essay. In your essay, include what you learned about field research in doing this exercise. Here is a link to the grading rubric. For this discussion everything should be in your own words, there shouldn’t be any quotes.

Does the criminal justice system represent an effective deterrent against crime? Are punishment mechanisms determined based on partisanship rather than interest in maintaining public order? Why do Republican-dominated states tend to have higher incarceration rates than Democratic-dominated states? Why does proximity to an election increase incarceration rates?

Everything should be original and written in your own words.

The ancient Greeks were so innovative, that it’s mind blowing! How does the design of this ancient Greek Theatre enhance the sound of the human voice?

Experiencing Greek Theatre

The ancient Greeks were so innovative, that it’s mind blowing! How does the design of this ancient Greek Theatre enhance the sound of the human voice?

Discuss the typical characteristics of the jail population. What is problematic about these characteristics? Is our criminal justice system biased against the poor and minorities, and why do you feel that they are or are not? What are some strategies that could be used to alleviate disparities in jail populations?

Jail Management ‘ Policy Strategies

Jails house both those awaiting trial for offenses when they cannot make bail, as well as those who have been sentenced to offenses, typically for a term of imprisonment of a year or less. Although imprisonment has recently been on the decline, the jail population is still estimated at about 11.7 million per year.

Consider the first three steps of the Criminal Justice Decision Making Model:

Step One: Define the problem (and the questions that need to be answered): Read the sections titled “The Contemporary Jail,” “Pretrial Detention,” and “The Sentenced Jail Inmate.” What strategies should be used to deal with the needs of the two types of jail inmates discussed? What are some of the main issues in jail administration, and how can they best be addressed? Is there such a thing as “rehabilitation” in jail, and should there be more or less emphasis on this concept? What does the future hold for jails, and how could they be improved?

Step Two: Gather evidence (laws, policies, procedures, data) and evaluate for relevancy: Research jail populations that exist in California. Are they currently in decline, and what might be contributing to the trends you see? What guidelines are used for jails in CA?

Step Three: Weigh moral considerations and direct and indirect consequences: Discuss the typical characteristics of the jail population. What is problematic about these characteristics? Is our criminal justice system biased against the poor and minorities, and why do you feel that they are or are not? What are some strategies that could be used to alleviate disparities in jail populations?

Following Steps 4 and 5 of the Criminal Justice Decision Making Model, write a three-page essay in which you discuss the issues facing jail administration and the best strategies for dealing with those issues. As you write your essay, focus on correct usage of direct and indirect quotes to support your points. Your essay should contain a minimum of three direct quotes and three indirect quotes. Be sure to cite your sources in APA format.

Step Four: Write your position paper, argument, or proposal, using the material above.

Step Five: Balance your position by addressing alternatives and potential pitfalls.