
What do you think are the most important issues for the Behavioural Intervention team to be aware of? What other information, not included in the description above, would be helpful to know? What explanation would you suggest for Zac’s apparent change of behaviour when starting school?

4PSYC004W – Developmental Psychology

Assessment 2 – Case study:  Zac 9 years old.

Zac is a nine-year-old male who was referred for behavioural intervention treatment of ADHD. Zac lives with his parents and his sixteen-year-old sister and thirteen-year-old brother. At the first appointment, Zac’s parents reported that he exhibits restlessness and hyperactivity. He also was described as easily distracted, having difficulties listening and following instructions and had difficulties playing quietly. His parents said that he was always “jumpy.”

Background information

For much of Zac’s early life he was in the care of a local childminder. Zac’s mother returned to work when he was 4 months old, both parents having low-paid full-time work. The childminder was unregistered and cared for several other young children.  For the first few years of his life, Zac was quiet and undemanding, so spent much of his time in a baby chair in front of the television, while the childminder attended to the needs of the more demanding children.

When Zac was two, he spoke fewer words than children of a similar age and his pronunciation was very difficult for non-family members to understand. His parents brought him to the GP and on closer questioning he had <10 words of speech. Review of his Personal Child Health Record (red book) showed consistent growth along centile lines, and other developmental milestones were attained. In the consultation room he made reasonably good eye contact and was able to identify his nose and ears when asked. A referral to audiology was made and a hearing testing was performed. He had hearing thresholds of >40 dB (mild-to-moderate hearing loss).

He was actively observed for 3 months and then referred to an ear, nose, and throat consultant. With evidence of persistent conductive hearing loss, he was offered hearing aids or grommets, in keeping with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines. His parents elected for grommet insertion. On follow-up at 2 years, 6 months, his vocabulary had expanded to >100 words, and audiogram showed thresholds <20 dB in the normal range.

Since starting school, Zac’s energy and attempts to socialise with his peers increased. He is currently in year four of his local primary school. When he was seven, he was diagnosed with ADHD. According to his teacher, Zac showed no involvement in class assignments; he regularly disturbed class activities and behaved aggressively. This behaviour seemed to be getting more disruptive over time. The school asked the parents to see their GP and she referred Zac to a specialist who diagnosed ADHD and prescribed Ritalin. The drug apparently caused Zac to lose weight. At that point, his parents searched for an alternative for Ritalin and discovered a behavioural intervention program in which Zac’s parents were asked about his screen time habits. The parents reported that he had in his bedroom a PlayStation and a computer which he also used to play video games and watch TV. Along using these devices, Zac also multi-screened with his smartphone, occasionally using it for playing video games. Not very often, he also used virtual reality glasses. His parents reported that screens ‘quiet’ down Zac.

Zac was not interested in participating in any after-school activities. Thus, most of his after-school time was devoted to digital media use, which was estimated to be seven hours in weekday and more on weekends. Once, he played video games with his brother from 9 a.m. until 6 a.m. Zac’s weekday’s bedtime was usually around 11 p.m., and he was reportedly viewing screen close to bedtime.

Based on: Lissak, G., (2018) Adverse physiological and psychological effects of screen time on children and adolescents: Literature review and case study, Environmental Research, Volume 164, Pages 149-157.

  1. What do you think are the most important issues for the Behavioural Intervention team to be aware of? (500 words)
  2. What other information, not included in the description above, would be helpful to know? (100)
  3. What explanation would you suggest for Zac’s apparent change of behaviour when starting school? (300 words)
  4. Apart from his hearing loss, what might account for the delay in Zac’s language development? (300 words)
  5. Would either Piaget or Vygotsky’s theory be able to provide insight into Zac’s cognitive development? (300 words)
  6. What possible support could the behavioural team put in place to address some of the issues raised in the case study? (500 words)

Support all your answers with evidence from the research literature and provide one combined reference list of all cited sources using the APA reference style.

Were people who contributed less than the mean of the group in any round punished more than those who contributed more than the mean? In other words, was there a norm for contributions (the mean) which was such that if you contributed less you were punished?


Write a report that answers the questions below. You will be judged on how well you present your arguments and the strategy you use to answer the questions.

1) In the experiment there were two groups of 5. Was there learning over the 10 rounds of the experiment?

2) Were the contributions higher in the treatment with punishment as compared to those without punishment in the first and last five rounds (I.e., compare rounds 1-10 with and without punishment and then rounds 11-20 with and without punishment)?

3) Were people who contributed less than the mean of the group in any round punished more than those who contributed more than the mean? In other words, was there a norm for contributions (the mean) which was such that if you contributed less you were punished?

4) What was the reaction of people who were punished? I.e., in the round following a punishment did people increase or decrease their contribution?

5) Classify people into two groups: Punishers and non-punishers. (Use your own classification. ) Were the payoffs of those who you classified as punishers greater or smaller than those who were not classified that way taking into account their cost of punishment?

Briefly summarize Aquinas’ argument that there must be some necessary being that doesn’t get its necessity from any other being. What reasons does he give to support this claim? Do you think this is a sound argument? Why or why not?


Answer 3 of the following five questions. Each answer should be a minimum of 300 words.

1. Briefly summarize Aquinas’ argument that there must be some necessary being that doesn’t get its necessity from any other being. What reasons does he give to support this claim? Do you think this is a sound argument? Why or why not?

2. Taylor argues there is a distinction between two kinds of truths or facts. What are these two kinds of truths? Why is this distinction important?

3. In the Ethic of Belief, William Clifford argues “’it is wrong, always, everywhere, and for anyone to believe anything upon insufficient evidence.” What arguments does he use to show this? Do you think this is a sound argument? Why or why not?

4. In The Will to Believe, William James writes about a “genuine option.” Why is this concept so important to James? Do you believe this concept is as important as James claims? Why or why not? Please give reasons to support your position.

5. In Male Chauvinist Religion, Mathieu argues that women have often been excluded from public office or high level management positions. Men often are encouraged to work in the well rewarded public sphere, while women are often encouraged to work in the home or take low paying “care” jobs. For instance, women are encouraged more often to become nurses. Whereas men are encouraged more often to become doctors. She claims that religions, particularly Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are responsible for the inferior role of women. What argument does she give to support her claim? Do you think it is a sound argument? Why or why not?

Write out your explanation in the speaker notes for each slide. Use the PowerPoint Speaker Notes Tutorial, located in the Supporting Materials section, to help you with this task. Remember that these speaker notes represent what would be the spoken part of your presentation.

CS Study System analysis


You work for a small consulting company that designs systems for various clients. You are continuing to work on a system for DriverPass. Previously, you completed a business requirements document for your project lead that articulated DriverPass’s needs. You also made a suggestion regarding which approach—object or process—your company should take. Based on your excellent work thus far, your project lead would like you to continue designing the system for DriverPass. Your project lead ultimately decided on a blended approach that incorporates the best of object and process modeling. She has asked you to complete a system design document, which will include several UML diagrams and a description of the technical requirements for the DriverPass system. This design document will eventually be shared with the developers on your team who will implement your design.

Finally, your project lead has asked you to create a short presentation for the client based on your design. You will be asked to communicate different components of the system and how they meet DriverPass’s needs. Since this information will be presented to the client, you will need to avoid the use of technical jargon.

Review the assignment directions below and follow the steps needed to complete these deliverables for your project lead.

Note: You will not be creating all of the UML diagrams for the entire system, nor presenting the entire design to the client. In the industry, you would have help from coworkers and a longer time frame to complete all of the documentation. For the purposes of this project, things have been simplified.


System Design Document
You will complete a system design document based on the requirements you collected in Project One. In this document, you will complete your system design by creating proper UML diagrams and describing the system’s technical requirements.

  1. Review the business requirements document that you completed for Project One. This will remind you of your client’s needs and your plan for the design.
    Tip: It would also help to review any feedback your instructor provided on Project One.
  1. In Module Six, you created a UML use case diagram for the DriverPass system. If you would like to make any adjustments to your diagram, please do so. Check to make sure that you included appropriate components and symbols and that your design meets the client’s requirements.
  1. In addition to the use case diagram, you will use the CASE tool Lucidchart to create UML activity, sequence, and class diagrams. Each diagram must include the appropriate components and symbols and meet the client’s requirements.
    • Based on the use case diagram you created:
      1. Choose two use cases and create two UML activity diagrams, one for each use case.
      2. For one of the use cases you chose, create a UML sequence diagram.
    • Finally, you must use Lucidchart to create a UML class diagram for your system. Your class diagram should include the different classes and attributes needed for your system design. You are not required to include methods, but you may if you wish.
  1. Include a copy of each UML diagram in your system design document. Use the template linked in the What to Submit section.
  1. Review the different functional and nonfunctional requirements you included in your business requirements document for Project One. Based on these, describe the technical requirements of your proposed system. The technical requirements should address the required hardware, software, tools, and infrastructure necessary for your system design.

Client Presentation
You will create a short PowerPoint presentation to your client, which includes a description of your system. Your team lead wants to see your ability to present your ideas and designs back to clients. She would like you to include speaker notes for each slide that include your explanation of the slide and how it meets the client’s needs. Since you are presenting to a client, your explanation should be simplified and targeted at a nontechnical audience.

  1. Open the client presentation template, linked in the What to Submit section. Each slide includes a heading as well as a prompt for what to include on the slide. You will present information from both your business requirements document and system design document. You must complete the following slides:
    • Title
    • System Requirements
    • Use Case Diagram
    • Activity Diagram
    • Security
    • System Limitations

    NOTE: You may include additional slides if you would like to explain other aspects of your design.

  1. Write out your explanation in the speaker notes for each slide. Use the PowerPoint Speaker Notes Tutorial, located in the Supporting Materials section, to help you with this task. Remember that these speaker notes represent what would be the spoken part of your presentation. Since you are explaining your designs to the client, you must do the following:
    • Explain how each component of your design meets the client’s needs.
    • Use nontechnical language to communicate your ideas.
    • Clearly articulate your designs with polished grammar and sufficient detail.

Create a budget that includes both revenues you expect from the event (such as ticket sales, donations) and the expenses. Expense items include advertising, food, transportation, etc.

Word Document, Excel Worksheet, PowerPoint Presentation

Word Document

Create a Project Charter document listing the following in a table:

  • Team Name
  • Team Members
  • Event title
  • Event location, date, and time (all made up)
  • Write a paragraph describing the health fair – include topics, purpose, people involved, This should be information provided as input from all team members

Excel Worksheet

Create a budget that includes both revenues you expect from the event (such as ticket sales, donations) and the expenses. Expense items include advertising, food, transportation, etc. The revenue and expenses you choose will depend on the plan for your health fair.

  • Make the required calculations to total all the revenue items and all the expense items.
  • Calculate the net profit (or loss) as the revenue minus the expenses.
  • Format the budget attractively using fill colors, borders, and other enhancements to make the data easy to read.

PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint that consists of 5 slides and format the presentation attractively using the theme of your choice

  • Slide 1: Title slide includes the name of the event and your team members
  • Slide 2: Purpose of the health fair
  • Slide 3: Location, Time, and cost
  • Slide 4: Chart showing a breakdown of costs (from the Excel document)
  • Slide 5: Motivational closing slide designed to encourage the audience to attend; include appropriate pictures

Explain an important and interesting concept*, one you already know well or are just learning about. Consider what your readers are likely to know and think about the concept, what they are likely to find interesting about the topic, what you might want them to learn about it, and whether you can research it sufficiently in the time you have.


Thoroughly respond to the following prompt: Explain an important and interesting concept*, one you already know well or are just learning about. Consider what your readers are likely to know and think about the concept, what they are likely to find interesting about the topic, what you might want them to learn about it, and whether you can research it sufficiently in the time you have.

*See page 151 in the SMG for possible concepts.

Essay Requirements: Essay must be at least 1,000 words (not including the Works Cited page). Please include the word count in your heading. Works Cited page is required and must, like the rest of the essay, follow MLA format. At least one credible source is required.

Using IRAC discuss Cabinet Co.’s and its employees’ duties, obligations, and remedies with respect to the fact pattern.

2 case studies on Business Law knowledge

Case study 1

Before You Start

  1. Review IRAC.
  2. Read the chapters associated with this module.
  3. Carefully review the instructions and information below.

Important Guidelines

  1. Your score will be determined using the Critical Legal Thinking Case Study Rubric. Please read this rubric thoroughly before attempting this assignment.
  2. Your score will be determined by the evaluation of your substantive content. Using IRAC to structure and develop your answer is crucial. Your analysis and solutions must be based on the principles of law, ethics, and business—not on your opinions.
  3. Key facts are those facts that determine if the principles of law are met. You must demonstrate that you recognize the key facts in this case. Make sure you have identified those key facts and applied them in your IRAC.
  4. The length of your response doesn’t directly impact your score, but you need to provide a sufficient length of an answer to address the fact pattern completely. Although there is no minimum or limit, however, most responses will be at least two to three substantial pages.

Frank is the receiving dock supervisor for Cabinet Co., a company that manufactures metal storage cabinets. His job is to supervise the inspection and stocking of components and materials used in the manufacture of the cabinets as they are delivered and to notify the accounting department so invoices can be timely paid. On June 1, the company received a shipment of casters used in the manufacture of rolling cabinets. This new shipment would not be needed for three weeks, as there were plenty of casters located on the assembly line. The storage facilities where the casters would normally be placed were under renovation, and there would be no space to store this latest shipment of casters until June 20. Frank decided to leave the unopened boxes of casters in a secure and covered corner of the receiving dock. He did, however, notify the accounting department that the casters had been received. The accounting department paid the $8,000.00 invoice in time to earn the discount if paid within ten days.

On June 20 Frank had his workers open the boxes of casters to inspect them and place them in the appropriate space in the storage facility. Upon inspection, it was determined that nearly all of the casters were defective and unusable. This caused the company to default on several contracts for rolling cabinets as it ran out of casters before it could secure replacements for the defective ones. Cabinet Co. was able to replace the casters at a 15% increase in cost.

  • Using IRAC discuss Cabinet Co.’s and its employees’ duties, obligations, and remedies with respect to the fact pattern.
  • Using IRAC your answer should include the pro and cons outlined in the reading material. You should also discuss the elements of the cause of action, defenses, and your ultimate conclusion based on the fact pattern.

Case study 2

Before You Start

  1. Review IRAC.
  2. Read the chapters associated with this module.
  3. Carefully review the instructions and information below.

Important Guidelines

  1. Your score will be determined using the Critical Legal Thinking Case Study Rubric. Please read this rubric thoroughly before attempting this assignment.
  2. Your score will be determined by the evaluation of your substantive content. Using IRAC to structure and develop your answer is crucial. Your analysis and solutions must be based on the principles of law, ethics, and business—not on your opinions.
  3. Key facts are those facts that determine if the principles of law are met. You must demonstrate that you recognize the key facts in this case. Make sure you have identified those key facts and applied them in your IRAC.
  4. The length of your response doesn’t directly impact your score, but you need to provide a sufficient length of an answer to address the fact pattern completely. Although there is no minimum or limit, however, most responses will be at least two to three substantial pages.

Roger is a director of a major car manufacturer. This is one of the few remaining car companies yet to introduce a sport utility vehicle. Roger convinces the board to investigate forming a new division to design, build, and market a sport utility vehicle. Roger also convinces the board that the first sport utility vehicle that the division introduces should be the largest yet sold to the general public.

The board set up a committee to do some research, and this committee hired a marketing consulting firm. The committee and the consulting firm both had a few reservations about such a large vehicle, but the data showed that the market could most likely support it. After much discussion, the board of directors voted in favor of creating the new division and the huge sport utility vehicle as its first product. The vote was 9 to 6 in favor of the plan.

Shortly before this vehicle was introduced, there was a major oil supply disruption that caused the price of crude oil to nearly triple. Few purchasers were found for the huge new sport utility vehicle and the company lost considerable money. A shareholder filed suit against Roger claiming he violated his duty to the corporation by convincing the board to build and market the large SUV.

  • Using IRAC discuss the duties and defenses a director, here Roger, has to a lawsuit.
  • Using IRAC your answer should include the pro and cons outlined in the reading material. You should also discuss the elements of the cause of action, defenses, and your ultimate conclusion based on the fact pattern.

How does the point of view of The Body impact your analysis of the text? How does the narrator’s characterization impact your reading of the text? Do you trust that Gordie is telling the truth – and why?


PART ONE: Reread the definitions for point of view and characterization. ( posted under the Stephen King section)

Gordie is the narrator who seems to know the truths of his friends from the distance of writing their story as a grownup.

  • How does the point of view of The Body impact your analysis of the text?
  • How does the narrator’s characterization impact your reading of the text? Do you trust that Gordie is telling the truth – and why?

PART TWO: The Body is a novel with a specific social and political and historic and economic contexts.

  • Identify and define one of the above contexts at work in the novel and analyze how it supports the novel’s content, the story itself.
  • What larger statements are being made by using these social and political and historic and economic contexts?

As per page 627 in Operations Management – Supply Chain Management (#5), post your Summary of One (1) Testimonial and summarize it within this Discussion.

SAP Exercise:

As per page 627 in Operations Management – Supply Chain Management (#5), post your Summary of One (1) Testimonial and summarize it within this Discussion.

WRITE A ONE- TO TWO-PAGE ANALYSIS of one of the primary sources that you are using as evidence for your research project.

Primary source analysis

WRITE A ONE- TO TWO-PAGE ANALYSIS of one of the primary sources that you are using as evidence for your research project. Your primary source analysis should be typed in a document in paragraph format with complete sentences, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, submitted on Canvas as an uploaded file and turned in during class as a hard copy, and it should include the following:

Footnote citation (Footnote citation in Chicago Manual of Style at the end of the page)
Who (who is the author of the source? Think broadly about the who.)
What (what is the source about? Give a summary.)
When/Where (when and where was the source created, or when and where were its main audience?)
Why (why was the source created? Think about the author’s intention and provide the historical context.)

This is the link to the video ( there is a video transcript you can use instead of watching the clip
