
Search the web for a major drug case involving the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) drug case and provide a review of that specific case.

Drug Case Study

Search the web for a major drug case involving the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) drug case and provide a review of that specific case. You will describe the law enforcement operations, enforcement strategies, subsequent prosecution of the case, etc… and you will relate the reported or projected impact of the case on drug supply reduction in the targeted jurisdiction. Supplemental research on this case is encouraged. This paper must be from three to five full pages of text, not including the cover page or references page.

Create an in depth power point presentation on a topic of your choice from the text book. Add diagrams, photos, and make it come to live.

Depth power point presentation

Create an in depth power point presentation on a topic of your choice from the text book. Add diagrams, photos, and make it come to live.

Put in the work and summarize a topic from the text. You can select the topic. Make sure it is to me via email 2 weeks before the term ends 18-20 slides with proper content, descriptions and see the librarian or Internet for additional research on creating power points

In a well-written paper, discuss four (4) types of business insurance and why they are important. Which type(s) would you find most necessary for a business you might want to own someday?

Business Insurance

In a well-written paper, discuss four (4) types of business insurance and why they are important. Which type(s) would you find most necessary for a business you might want to own someday? Include sources and citations, and a reference list at the end of your paper. Adhere to APA 7th ed. formatting.

  • Your paper should include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion.
  • Follow APA format for structure. An APA template is attached here. Support your essay with three (3) credible academic references beyond the course materials. Note Wikipedia, Investopedia, and similar general websites are not credible academic references

After reviewing the material, consider the ways in which your own attitudes and ideas have been formed. Who and what have influenced your development the most? What religious or cultural beliefs do you hold as important that may differ from others?

Week 2 discussion

For your discussion post, answer the following:

After reviewing the material, consider the ways in which your own attitudes and ideas have been formed. Who and what have influenced your development the most? What religious or cultural beliefs do you hold as important that may differ from others? Finally, when have you experienced cognitive dissonance?

Share any cognitive errors or biases that you recognize now that you might like to change.

*Remember to share at your own comfort level as far as what you choose to disclose. This forum is not to cause you to feel embarrassment or shame, but rather give you cause and opportunity for more insight.

Even though you may be sharing from personal experience, remember that there are plenty of ways to include a reference to this week’s good research material within your post. Don’t forget your citation and reference as you share.

Based on what you have learned about positive model, action research model and the general model of planned change, were there any important steps omitted from the IMAR change process? Were there any extra steps included in the IMAR change process? Explain.

Planned Change in an Underorganized System

Assignment Question(s):

Refer to the case study titled Planned Change in an Underorganized Systemgiven on Page number 36, Chapter 2 in your textbook and answer the following questions:

  1. Critically discuss the basic change process beginning with the formation of IMAR and ending with the existence of a number of funded projects carried out by university researchers. (3 marks)
  2. Which model of planned change has been used in the case from your point of view? and why? (3 marks)
  3. Based on what you have learned about positive model, action research model and the general model of planned change, were there any important steps omitted from the IMAR change process? Were there any extra steps included in the IMAR change process? Explain. (3 marks)
  4. Discuss the main challenges faced by the team during the change process. (3 marks)
  5. Critically evaluate the change process and if you were the consultant what would you have done differently to improve the process? (3 marks)



  • You must include at least 5 references.
  • Format your references using APA style.

What is the case about? What were the key issues? What did Supreme Court majority decide and why? What is a dissenting opinion, and what did Justice Alito say in his? If you were on the Supreme Court, how would you rule in this case, and why?

U.S. Constitution Assignment

First Amendment Assignment

As we have learned from our reading, the meaning of the Constitution is constantly being revised and refined by federal court decisions – not just the landmark cases described in your book, but hundreds of cases that work their way through the court system every year.

The First AmendmentLinks to an external site. to our Constitution guarantees the freedom of speech, but – as with other civil liberties – that freedom is not absolute. You can’t incite specific acts of violence. You can’t reveal military secrets during wartime. You can’t slander people without consequence. You can, however, express just about any opinion you wish, even when that opinion causes great distress to other citizens. An example is the Westboro Baptist Church, a small church near Topeka, Kansas, whose members protest against homosexuality at the funerals of American soldiers.

In March, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari (look it up) in a case entitled Snyder v. PhelpsLinks to an external site., concerning whether the First Amendment protects the pastor (Phelps) and members of Westboro from an “intentional infliction of emotional distress” lawsuit filed by the father (Snyder) of a fallen soldier whose funeral was the subject of a protest rally. The Court listened to oral arguments in October, and issued an 8-1 opinion on March 2, 2011.

Read the majority opinion and the dissenting opinion all the way through. Submit a three-to-five page essay about the case. Some issues to make sure you cover:

What is the case about?
What were the key issues?
What did Supreme Court majority decide and why?
What is a dissenting opinion, and what did Justice Alito say in his?
If you were on the Supreme Court, how would you rule in this case, and why?
In your opinion, should there be any limits on the freedom of speech? If so, what should they be, and why?

Why is it important to preserve eyewitnesses to history? How important are their stories? What will be lost if we can’t? What moments in this film stood out for you? Why? Anything that challenged what you know — or thought you knew?

Preserving History – New Technology and A Holocaust Survivor


Why is it important to preserve eyewitnesses to history? How important are their stories? What will be lost if we can’t?
What moments in this film stood out for you? Why?
Anything that challenged what you know — or thought you knew?
What messages, emotions, or ideas will you take away from this film? Why?

Explain the Babylonian Captivity & the Great Western Schism. What damage do these controversies do to Papal authority? What is Conciliarism? How does the Conciliar movement undermine papal authority?

HIS-380: Renaissance and Reformation

Topic 2: Turmoil in the Church

Answer each of the following questions with answers of 200-300 words each.

Use the textbook, class materials, and lecture notes to prepare your responses and include APA style citations. Include an APA style reference page at the end of the worksheet.

  1. Explain the Babylonian Captivity & the Great Western Schism. What damage do these controversies do to Papal authority?  (Cite McGrill in your response)
  2. What is Conciliarism? How does the Conciliar movement undermine papal authority?  (Cite Skarsten in your response)
  3. Who was Jan Hus and what is significant about his writing, De Ecclesia (The Church)? Why would the Church, who had controlled Europe for several hundred years, be so afraid of the ideas from one person like Hus? (Cite Didomizo in your response)
  4. At the end of the Middle Ages, what was the state of affairs between the Church and monarchies in Western Europe? (Provides specific examples)
  5. How do these examples of turmoil in, and around, the Church undermine the authority of the Church that dominated Europe for centuries?

Write down the augmented matrix that corresponds to the system. Solve the system of equations. Determine if the system is consistent or not. If it is consistent, determine if the system has a unique solution or infinitely many solutions.

Math 284 Cuyamaca College

Project 1 – Curve Fitting

In a wind tunnel experiment, the force on a projectile due to air resistance was measured at different velocities, according to the table below.
Velocity, t (100 ft/sec) 0 2 4 6 8 10 Force,p(t) (100 lb) 0 2.9 14.8 39.6 74.3 119

Follow the indicated steps to find an interpolating polynomial for these data that is a polynomial whose graph passes through the data points given in the table.

Use the function A(t) = a0 + a + a 2t2 + a 3t3 + a 4t4 + a sts

(a) Make a plot of the data.

(b) Find the system of equations with variables a0,…, a5 that results when the values for the velocity are substituted in for t in the function above.

(c) Write down the augmented matrix that corresponds to the system.

(d) Solve the system of equations. Determine if the system is consistent or not. If it is consistent, determine if the system has a unique solution or infinitely many solutions.

(e) Find the interpolating polynomial, if it exists.

(F) Graph the polynomial on your plot from part (a).

(g) Estimate the force on the projectile when it is traveling at 750 ft/sec.

(Note the units in the table above.)

Explain the role of rational and intuitive cognition in the theory and practice of management. Discuss that the decision-making process takes place in conditions of permanent uncertainty under the pressure of time.

MGT425-Spreadsheet Decision Modeling

Assignment Questions: (Marks 15)

Read the above case study and answer the following Questions:    

Question 1: Explain the role of rational and intuitive cognition in the theory and practice of management. (250-300 words) (3-Marks).

Question 2: Discuss that the decision-making process takes place in conditions of permanent uncertainty under the pressure of time. (250-300 words). (3-Marks).

Question 3: Discuss the inadequacy of the management theory in relation to problems faced by management practitioners in the decision-making process. (250-300 words) (3-Marks).

Question 4: Explain the various stages of problem-solving process with suitable examples. (250-300 words) (3-Marks).

Question 5: What is your learning from this study and how it is beneficial for you? (250-300 words) (3-Marks).