
Select a journal article in physical Anthropology gain some experience writing and summarizing published anthropological research, and learn to use journal databases and follow guidelines used by Anthropologists to cite research.

Writing Assignment

Journal Article Summary: Estimated length 1 to 1.5 pages, not including title, header or citation.

The goal of this writing exercise is to select a journal article in physical Anthropology gain some experience writing and summarizing published anthropological research, and learn to use journal databases and follow guidelines used by Anthropologists to cite research.

Should there be Good Samaritan laws, making it a legal duty for a stranger to intervene to save a person from death or great bodily harm, when one might do so with little or no risk to oneself?

Argument essay

Should there be Good Samaritan laws, making it a legal duty for a stranger to intervene to save a person from death or great bodily harm, when one might do so with little or no risk to oneself?

What do you think of Celebrity vis-a-vis Vlogger’s YouTube Channel in terms of content, prominence, and responsibility? Name one of the channels and describe your opinion on the matter.

Public Relations Trends in the Philippines

What do you think of Celebrity vis-a-vis Vlogger’s YouTube Channel in terms of content, prominence, and responsibility? Name one of the channels and describe your opinion on the matter.

How do gender roles affect the play’s tragic outcome? How does Antigone’s gender affect Creon’s judgment? What comments do characters make about gender?

Explore gender roles in the play Antigone

Is Antigone a feminist hero, or just the opposite? Consider these questions: How do gender roles affect the play’s tragic outcome? How does Antigone’s gender affect Creon’s judgment? What comments do characters make about gender?

What is the role and duties of a Veterinary Assistant before surgery, during surgery and after surgery?

The pre surgery, surgery,and post surgery as a veterinary assistant

What is the role and duties of a Veterinary Assistant before surgery, during surgery and after surgery?

Explain the role that attitudes play in job performance. Describe different personality theories.

 Personality theories

Explain the role that attitudes play in job performance. Describe different personality theories.

Develop a 10-12 page PowerPoint presentation on how DEI benefits any healthcare workforce sector of your choice. Identify 2-3 diversity management theories or approaches that undergird the importance of DEI benefits in the healthcare workforce sector you’ve identified.

Power Point Presentation

In this unit, you have learned various theoretical backgrounds to diversity management and the importance and benefits of diversity, equity, and inclusion to the overall healthcare workforce. Now, it’s time to take what you’ve learned and apply it to the specific healthcare sector of your choice. You may wish to consider the health sector in which you currently work or would like to work. Examples of the healthcare workforce include, but are not limited to the following: behavioral or mental health, geriatrics, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, health IT, public health, oral health, community health workers, EMT, etc.

Develop a 10-12 page PowerPoint presentation on how DEI benefits any healthcare workforce sector of your choice (not including the title slide and the references slide). In addition, identify 2-3 diversity management theories or approaches that undergird the importance of DEI benefits in the healthcare workforce sector you’ve identified.

Write a 500 word proposal that addresses the research question “How have state-level restrictions on abortion and access to contraception evolved in recent years, and what is the impact of these restrictions on reproductive health and rights?” and the topic of civil liberties.


For the paper proposal, write a 500 word proposal that addresses the research question “How have state-level restrictions on abortion and access to contraception evolved in recent years, and what is the impact of these restrictions on reproductive health and rights?” and the topic of civil liberties.

In the proposal, explain the importance of the topic/political significance. (i.e. why should we care about your topic? What makes it important to politics?)

Create a health promotion plan for given health issues and target the community.

Health Promotion plan

Create a health promotion plan for given health issues and target the community.

Expand the paper to 6 pages and add 2 academic, book or peer-reviewed scholarly database articles.

Individual vs Society


Expand the paper to 6 pages and add 2 academic, book or peer-reviewed scholarly database articles.