
Identify my main feedback across WP1, WP2, WP3. Self assess your own writing and writing process: what is the main feedback you have for yourself?

Writing Project Reflection – due Friday at 11:59pm

Write a one-page (double-spaced) reflection about your first three essays
Task: Reread your Writing Project 1, Writing Project 2, and Writing Project 3. Using my feedback and your own self-assessment, reflect on these essays.

The reflection should:
Identify my main feedback across WP1, WP2, WP3.
Self assess your own writing and writing process: what is the main feedback you have for yourself?
Give an example from WP1, WP2, or WP3 that displays a major issue you would like to work on. In the reflection, you can quote yourself or summarize your work, depending on the issue.
How can you apply the feedback and your own self-assessment?

If your Historical/Memoir/Nonfiction book was not a graphic novel, how did reading the text-only format compare to you reading the text and viewing the images in Takei’s memoir?

Reflective Analysis books

(We are not free by Traci Chee & They called us enemy by Geroge Takei)

Reflection paper should be 3-5 pages in length. All papers are expected to be double-spaced, with 1” margins, and in 12-point Times New Roman font.


George Takei chose to present his memoir in a graphic novel format.

  1. Was the Historical/ Memoir/ Nonfiction text you read also told in graphic novel format? If so, how did the images impact your experience as a reader?
  2. If your Historical/Memoir/Nonfiction book was not a graphic novel, how did reading the text-only format compare to you reading the text and viewing the images in Takei’s memoir?
  3. What were the most powerful moments or scenes from the both books? What empathic feelings did they evoke?
  4. How does reading a graphic novel compare to reading a traditional novel? Did the visuals impact the way you understood what connected to the text?
  • First book is They Called Us The Enemy by George Takei
  • Second book is We Are Not Free by Traci Chee

What position will the presentation take in regard to the topic researched? What is the relationship you plan on showing in the presentation?


This is a statement that represents the intent of your presentation. What position will the presentation take in regard to the topic researched? What is the relationship you plan on showing in the presentation?

I. Introduction to presentation

A. Overview of topic

B. Plan for presentation must be presented

II. Main idea — the topic sentence (what is the first main point you will be presenting?)

A. First Subordinate idea

  1. Supporting detail (evidence? examples?)
  2. Supporting detail (evidence? examples?)

B. Second Subordinate idea

  1. Supporting detail (evidence? examples?)
  2. Supporting detail (evidence? examples?)

III. Main idea — topic sentence

A. First Subordinate idea

  1. Supporting detail
  2. Supporting detail

B. Second Subordinate idea

  1. Supporting detail
  2. Supporting detail

IV. Main idea — topic sentence

A. First Subordinate idea

  1. Supporting detail
  2. Supporting detail

B. Second Subordinate idea

  1. Supporting detail
  2. Supporting detail

V. Main idea — topic sentence

A. First Subordinate idea

  1. Supporting detail
  2. Supporting detail

B. Second Subordinate idea

  1. Supporting detail
  2. Supporting detail

VI. Conclusion

Analyze what your own station in the chosen society would be based on your own determinant factors and whether, perhaps, such factors could increase/decrease your chances at becoming an offender or becoming a victim of crime.

CJA: Race, Crime, Justice Power-Point Presentation

A multitude of factors influence how and if an individual moves within or between social strata in society. These determinant factors, along with the overall structure of any given society, have a large impact on how an individual is able to access basic services, such as education and health care, and thus greatly change the individual’s overall quality of life.


– APA 7th format

– No plagarism

Getting Started

Choose a character from a movie, a film-adapted book, or a play and examine the social structure in which that character exists. You should research the components of the character’s social context and describe how your chosen character exemplifies the characteristics of a typical person with their social position within the chosen social context. Research the effects of at least four or five determinant factors such as gender, race, and ethnicity and their effects on crime rates (offending and/or victimization). Once you have researched your character’s social context, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that exhibits how that character’s storyline would be different if three or four of those determinant factors were changed. How, for example, would the story change if the character were a man instead of a woman? Or of a different race?

At the end of your project, you will provide:

A 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation you create, which:
1. Provides two or three screenshots and/or clips from the original film to provide an overview of the context in which the character exists
2. Shows how the character’s storyline would change if three or four determinant factors were different through detailed examples
3. Uses one or two concepts and theories and appropriate terminology from the text to explain the character’s society and their position in society

4. Analyze what your own station in the chosen society would be based on your own determinant factors and whether, perhaps, such factors could increase/decrease your chances at becoming an offender or becoming a victim of crime.

5. Compare the analysis of the character’s social mobility versus your own in the chosen society

6. Analyze how your current life would be different if you existed in the chosen social context

7. Cite three to five academic resources, one or two newspaper or magazine articles, and the film chosen

Write a two-page (double-spaced, twelve-point font size) addressing the following question: How were Yang Xi’s actualization and other practices meant to replace the “merging the pneumas” (heqi) ritual of the Celestial Masters for his followers?


Part 1: Write Your Paper

Write a two-page (double-spaced, twelve-point font size) addressing the following question: How were Yang Xi’s actualization and other practices meant to replace the “merging the pneumas” (heqi) ritual of the Celestial Masters for his followers?

Submit your paper as a Microsoft Word attachment to Canvas.

Remember! You are not writing for me! Your imagined audience is an intelligent student NOT in this class. Explain everything.

Due April 13 at 11:50 PM.

Suggestions for organizing your thoughts:

In your writing, dedicate roughly equal length (about 200 words on each part) to answering three questions: (1) What are the procedures and goals of the Celestial Master heqi ritual?. (2) What methods did Yang Xi propound that were based on the same model as the heqi ritual? (3) What benefits to practitioners these new practices an improvement over the former Celestial Master ritual? Your thesis statement will come from your answer to Question 3. So, once you have mapped all this out, (4) go back and write your two sentence (or so) introduction. Remember your completed 2-page paper is due 13 April by 11:50 PM. So, to receive the best help from your peer reviewers, please complete all four steps by then.

Part 2: Peer Review Two Papers

Because your assignment was on time, you will receive the essays of two classmates, which you are to analyze using the following four-point guide.

Read the papers assigned to you carefully two or three times.

Complete the following for each paper:

  1. What is the author’s thesis statement?
  2. Does the author argue for his or her thesis consistently and logically? List three sentences that support the main thesis.
  3. Were you convinced by the argument? Why or why not?
  4. Write down two constructive suggestions that might improve the paper.

How do we measure a four-firm concentration ratio? What does a high measure mean about the extent of competition? How do we measure a Herfindahl-Hirshman Index? What does a low measure mean about the extent of competition?

Economics Question

29. What is the goal of antitrust policies?

30. How do we measure a four-firm concentration ratio? What does a high measure mean about the extent of competition?

31. How do we measure a Herfindahl-Hirshman Index? What does a low measure mean about the extent of competition?

32. Why can it be difficult to decide what a “market” is for purposes of measuring competition?

33. What is a minimum resale price maintenance agreement? How might it reduce competition and when might it be acceptable?

34. What is exclusive dealing? How might it reduce competition and when might it be acceptable?

35. What is a tie-in sale? How might it reduce competition and when might it be acceptable?

36. What is predatory pricing? How might it reduce competition, and why might it be difficult to tell when it should be illegal?

37. If public utilities are a natural monopoly. what would be the danger in deregulating them?

38. If public utilities are a natural monopoly, what would be the danger in splitting them into a number of separate competing firms?

39. What is cost-plus regulation?

40. What is price cap regulation?

In response to Robert Campany’s discussion of the possible effects of Shangqing meditations, can you think of further ways that these meditations might have real effects in the society or in the individual?

Module 5: Discussion

Write a post addressing the following question:

  • In response to Robert Campany’s discussion of the possible effects of Shangqing meditations, can you think of further ways that these meditations might have real effects in the society or in the individual? (Be sure to provide examples from your readings of the meditation practice you address.)

Use the material from the readings or lectures to support your ideas and assertions.

Respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Response posts should be substantive and move the discussion forward by asking questions, elaborating on a point in the initial post, suggesting other possible arguments, or suggesting other examples.

Give a short introduction first that describes briefly the historical context, talks about existing research, describes your use of sources and raises your research question.

Challenges Jews faced when living in Treblinka

The Writing: Topic (since the feedback says to be more specific about my outline I am changing my topic to Challenges jews daces when living in the Treblink ghetto in polland rather than just ghettos)

For your discussion of your chosen subject you should consult several books and articles and if possible one or more primary sources.

Write 12-15 pages (double spaced, 12 points, Times New Roman). Do not forget to insert page numbers!!! Don’t forget your name and the course title.

Find a title for your paper, which is short, catchy, and describes what your research is about. Artificial evidence like chat dpt etc. will be detected.

Give a short introduction first that describes briefly the historical context, talks about existing research, describes your use of sources and raises your research question.

Separate the introduction from the main body of the paper. (insert 2 blank spaces underneath the introduction or write a subtitle)

In the main part discuss your topic and develop your thesis based on arguments and evidence from the readings, and the primary sources. You can use subtitles to structure your main text.

Separate the main part from the conclusion. (insert 2 blank spaces underneath the main section or use the term conclusion)

Finish the paper with a conclusion that summarises your investigation and discussion of the topic, formulates your main thesis, and/or answers your research question.

Cite other author’s ideas and facts they provided (that is their property) properly:

Write a short essay comparing and contrasting your assigned type of follower to a Servant Leader.

1009W Assessing Writing – Compare and Contrast Essay

You will write a short essay comparing and contrasting your assigned type of follower to a Servant Leader.


Min. – Max. 250-750 words (not including title, reference pages, and graphic organizer)

Double spaced, 12 pt. Arial font, with 1 in. margins

Strong, clear, and concise purpose and thesis statements in the introduction

Follow the standard essay format (i.e. introduction, body, and conclusion)

Include a graphic organizer after your reference section (i.e. outline, Venn Diagram, etc.)

Follow the Army Writing Style, APA (lite) Format, and Standard Written English


Introduction Paragraph




Body Paragraphs

  1. Compare “Survivor ”  Follower Type to a Servant Leader

Contrast “survivor” Follower Type to a Servant Leader

Answer the question:  “How does a Servant Leader transform your “survivor” type into an Effective Follower?”

Conclusion Paragraph


Conclude (restate thesis)

Works Cited / Reference Section

Graphic Organizer

Using the Spreadsheet attached, choose your investments that you would like to use as a way to reach your goal. You can choose Mutual Funds, Stocks, Bonds, whatever you would like. Choose at least 5 different investments. They can all be mutual funds, just choose 5 different ones.

Filling out an Excel sheet with 5 investments

1) Think about what you want to invest for and how much. For example, you want to buy a house in 10 years and you want to spend $300,000 on the house. Your goal is purchasing the house and your time horizon is 10 years

2) Using the Spreadsheet attached, choose your investments that you would like to use as a way to reach your goal. You can choose Mutual Funds, Stocks, Bonds, whatever you would like. Choose at least 5 different investments. They can all be mutual funds, just choose 5 different ones.

3) Fill in the spreadsheet with your infromation in everything that is yellow in color. You don’t need to fill in anything else at this point