
What are some other differences in this country and/or culture from what you experience in your home country’s culture? How does this behavior affect the negotiation process in a cross-cultural context?

Module 4: Discussion Forum

Welcome to Module 4! Communication is critical to all cultures. Imagine the complexity of effective communication in your culture and how it becomes even more complicated when attempting to communicate in cultures different than your culture.

Answer the following questions. Include the question numbers, so everyone knows what you are answering:

  1. Choose one country and/or culture to discuss the relative use of nonverbal and verbal behaviors, such as silence, interruptions, facial gazing, touching, and other cultural differences by people with various cultural backgrounds.
  2. What are some other differences in this country and/or culture from what you experience in your home country’s culture?
  3. How does this behavior affect the negotiation process in a cross-cultural context?

Your initial response should:

  • Repeat the questions in the text
  • Be at least 250 words in length
  • Cite at least one resource
  • Be submitted before Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

Choose an existing local healthcare organization in the Tampa Bay region to write this proposal for and an existing local religious community that this organization will be seeking to better serve.

Healthcare Organization Proposal

Writing Prompt:

Healthcare Organization Proposal:

You have been asked by a local healthcare organization – such as a clinic, doctor’s office, or hospital – to create a brief written proposal to encourage the delivery of culturally appropriate care to members of a specific religious community – such as a church, temple, or synagogue – in the Tampa Bay region.

  1. Choose an existing local healthcare organization in the Tampa Bay region to write this proposal for and an existing local religious community that this organization will be seeking to better serve. Your proposal should be realistic and address real circumstances and communities.
  2. Your proposal must include a plan for a new initiative to educate the organization’s healthcare staff on culturally appropriate methods and priorities for delivering holistic healthcare that respects the religious beliefs, etiquette rules, and community values of a specific religious community in the local area. You may need to refresh your memory of the corresponding readings that we did related to this religious tradition, ask a member of this community, or research an outside source, such as a publication, podcast, or film.
  3. In addition, your proposal will include plans for publicizing relevant healthcare services and benefits to the members of the religious community you selected, so that they will know what is available and how their health needs can be met, as well as how their cultural needs and personal values will be respected.
  4. Your proposal should be clear, organized, and realistic. Submit your assignment as either a .pdf, .doc, or .docx file. This is not necessarily a graphic design or visual assignment, though images may be used. Nevertheless, your primary focus should be on creating a clear written plan that applies knowledge gained in this course to a realistic and local setting.

Each proposal should be 500-1000 words. You should cite any sources you consult, including websites, however your written proposal must be entirely IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Do not include quotations.Note: For this essay use muslim community and write the essay as a muslim.

Cite everything you use in APA, avoid AI content since I will run it through Ai detector.

Write an argumentative essay. Make a claim, compile evidence, and persuade the audience that your side of the argument is the best.

Could Guns Really Be The Problem?

For your final essay assignment, you will be writing an argumentative essay. The main purpose of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to the writer’s point of view. Your job, as the writer, is to convince the reader of the validity of your argument.

You will need to choose an article from our latest discussions: “The Hidden Life of Garbage” by Heather Rogers, or “Guns Are the Problem” by German Lopez. Each of these articles offer a debatable argument—that is, there are at least two sides to the discussion. Select the article which speaks to you the most and use its content, together with three additional sources, to support your own thesis. Your essay must present an original argument supported by examples/evidence from your selection as well as outside sources. This is your first step into research. You will need at least three (3) scholarly articles and have at least one (1) article which presents an opposing viewpoint.

For this project, your will: make a claim, compile evidence, and persuade the audience that your side of the argument is the best. Some of the articles should help prove the claim/thesis, and at least one article will cover the opposition and ensure that the arguer addresses both sides of the argument.

Identify a sentence in Dr. King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” that you think is consistent with the principles of deontology. Look for sentences that focus on a single idea and above all, sentences that contain an action or can be transformed into an action.

Week 3 discussion

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, view the Week 3 content in the PHI208: Ethics ‘ Moral Reasoning Links to an external site. interactive multimedia, and watch the Deontology Links to an external site. video in the Week 3 Guidance. Read Chapter 4 of How Should One Live? An Introduction to Ethics and Moral Reasoning, the Kant Required Reading Marked in Red Download Kant Required Reading Marked in Reddocument for Immanuel Kant’s (2017) Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s” Letter From a Birmingham Jail.”

This discussion has two parts, both of which require careful examination of Section 4.2 in Chapter 4 of the text, so consider reading it more than once like you were asked to do in the Week 1 Reading Philosophy discussion.

In Part 1 of this discussion, you will create your own test case following the format presented in Section 4.2 of the textbook. In Part 2, you will create a test case based on a single sentence you select from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.”


PART 1 – Test Case

Discuss either the formula of universal law or the formula of humanity.
Create your own test case following the format presented in Section 4.2 of the text. The text case can be anything you want to consider, but it must be an action such as lying, cheating, or killing one person to save the lives of five others. It can even be an absurd or far-fetched example such as a test case with a maxim that states you will eat a piece of cake any time you sneeze, or that you will sing a brief song every time you blink (These work well when imagining what the world would be like if everyone in it obeyed the universal law).
Follow the numbered steps below to present your test case.

Maxim: State the maxim of your action using first-person singular.
For example: Every time I blink, I will sing a brief song.
Universal Law: Formulate a universal law based on the maxim.
For example: Every time anyone blinks, they will sing a brief song.
The World: Describe what the world would look like if everyone in it must obey the universal law. This step should have a good amount of depth and detail and fully explain the types of behaviors and actions that would occur in this world.
For example: If everyone in the world sang every time they blinked, there would be almost constant singing when people were awake.
Is There a Contradiction? Consider whether there is a contradiction in the world you have imagined. This step is often tricky, so just keep in mind that you are looking for a logical or moral contradiction or paradox—something that would make the world immoral or dysfunctional or absurd.
For example: A world in which everyone sang whenever they blinked would be both dysfunctional and absurd.
State Whether the Maxim Is Moral: If there is no contradiction, then the maxim is moral. If there is a contradiction, then the maxim is immoral.
For example: The maxim is not moral.

PART 2 – Test Case: “Letter From a Birmingham Jail”

Using the same format as above,

Identify a sentence in Dr. King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” that you think is consistent with the principles of deontology. Look for sentences that focus on a single idea and above all, sentences that contain an action or can be transformed into an action.
For example, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” is a sentence that falls within the general territory of deontology but does not contain a clear action. To rephrase this maxim with an action, you might state, “Anytime I see injustice, I will fight against it because it is a threat to justice everywhere.”
Place your sentence just below the Part 2 heading, then fill in the five reasoning steps as presented above: (1) Maxim, (2) Universal Law, (3) The World, (4) Contradiction, (5) Conclusion.
Complete your primary post by explaining whether a utilitarian would agree with the conclusion in one of your test cases.

Provide a 200-300-word thoughtful reaction to a selected contemporaneous article.

Global Political Risk Discussion: Post #4

Country about Egypt

Post (1): Provide a 200-300-word thoughtful reaction to a selected contemporaneous article.

For a superb/quality post, the analysis must endeavor to connect the contemporaneous event/development to as many as possible of the following–

  • at least one of the definitions of Political Risk
  • salient course concepts
  • course lectures/lecture slides
  • assigned/required course readings
  • implications for the business community
  • “personal” experience (direct or vicarious, where applicable)
  • build on (rather than regurgitate) earlier posts in the discussion thread
  • furnish reference information for all applicable/additional research/sources

The post should provide your own thoughtful and informed “so what?” (critical thinking) analysis of the event/development. Be sure to reflect on at least their implications for business (manager, entrepreneur, enterprise, market, customer, client, supplier, investment, etc.) and other non-state actors. Besides the first reaction/analysis on a featured article, subsequent reactions should endeavor to reference (i.e., build on) earlier reactions to the selected article. Consider asking questions, elaborating on a point in earlier posts, suggesting other possible arguments, or suggesting other examples.

As a general guideline, posts should be well-developed, use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Select and develop a strategic plan to implement one of the specific technologies addressed during this course to a particular business need (i.e., business intelligence, management information systems, decision support systems, emerging technologies, etc.)

MIS 520 Leading Strategic Change with Technology

Select and develop a strategic plan to implement one of the specific technologies addressed during this course to a particular business need (i.e., business intelligence, management information systems, decision support systems, emerging technologies, etc.). Your plan should include concepts that have been addressed during the course and provide a course of action that leadership can take in order to positively impact the overall business. Submit your plan in a 3-5 page APA-formatted paper. Be sure to include in-text headings to outline each section of your paper.

You will create a PowerPoint presentation of your plan which will be presented during the live class session in Week 8.

After reading the article, write a detailed summary on Emotional Appeal in Advertising and mention any concepts/terms from the textbook (e.g., from the chapters read so far) that can be linked to the article.

Read Chapter 14 – How to Motivate Your Prospects to Action

After reading the article, write a detailed summary on Emotional Appeal in Advertising and mention any concepts/terms from the textbook (e.g., from the chapters read so far) that can be linked to the article.

Does Emotional Appeal Work in Advertising? The Rationality Behind Using Emotional Appeal to Create Favorable Brand Attitude

by Tapan K Panda, Tapas K Panda, and Kamalesh Mishra

*(Try copying and pasting the link into your browser to open)

Chapter 14 – How to Motivate Your Prospect to Action

The art of motivating a prospect to accept your recommendations has far more to do with your relationship skills and listening ability than it does with issues of product or price. Earning a prospect’s confidence does not occur in a single moment nor is it created with a clever phrase or a glib presentation, but instead is built on a solid foundation of trust and rapport.

Using detailed examples from the lecture materials in Module 5, especially the Reading Rockets website, create a detailed list of all reading assessments you use in your classroom. Describe each assessment and explain how the data is used to meet the needs of your students. I



Read the Assessment: In Depth | Reading Rockets

Links to an external site. website carefully. Take the time to gain a deeper understanding of the types of assessments used to evaluate reading in schools today.

Reflect on all the videos you have watched in Module 5

Using detailed examples from the lecture materials in Module 5, especially the Reading Rockets website, create a detailed list of all reading assessments you use in your classroom. Describe each assessment and explain how the data is used to meet the needs of your students. If you have children, include the assessment tools used with your children. Describe how these assessment strategies are successful. Are they? How do the assessment strategies help you meet students’ needs INDIVIDUALLY? Do they? What are the strengths and weaknesses? (To receive credit for this assignment, cite examples to support your thinking from your text, AND the videos must be included.) Please make this personal!! Share your heart!

DO NOT copy or paste ANY information from the text or lecture materials. Use your own words and weave the information from the resources provided to respond to the prompt. YOU MUST INCLUDE EXAMPLES FROM THE RESOURCES PROVIDED TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. (Cite the text and outside resources using APA 7th edition). You must write in paragraphs using appropriate grammar and spelling. Proofread your work carefully!

Describe what is meant by the term human factors. Take a minute to think critically about your own strengths, limitations, and values. Now think about your team members. How do these areas have an impact on clinical decision making in relation to patient safety?

Topic 7 DQ 2

Assessment Description

Describe what is meant by the term human factors. Take a minute to think critically about your own strengths, limitations, and values. Now think about your team members. How do these areas have an impact on clinical decision making in relation to patient safety? Be specific. Provide an example of flawed clinical decision making and potential legal ramifications.

How do you feel about developing the emotional qualities of yourself and other people in an organization as a way to be an effective leader? Do you agree that people have the capacity for developing their minds and hearts beyond current competency? Can you give an example?


  • How do you feel about developing the emotional qualities of yourself and other people in an organization as a way to be an effective leader?
  • Do you agree that people have the capacity for developing their minds and hearts beyond current competency? Can you give an example?
  • What are some specific reasons leaders need to be aware of their mental models?