
Search the internet and find two Practice Management Systems. Explain at least two functions of each and elaborate how these help the Physician practice in its patient and revenue management.

Week 6 Discussion

Search the internet and find two Practice Management Systems. Explain at least two functions of each and elaborate how these help the Physician practice in its patient and revenue management (e.g., patient registration, scheduling and tracking patients’ appointments, medical billing, communication with patients).

With reference to JUST TWO out of the following a) theology b) philosophy c) science evaluate the significance of the Muslim encounter with Greek learning in the Near East for the development of Islamic civilization. What contribution did Islamic teachings make in this encounter?

Muslim encounter with Greek learning

Prompt: With reference to JUST TWO out of the following

  • a) theology
  • b) philosophy
  • c) science

evaluate the significance of the Muslim encounter with Greek learning in the Near East for the development of Islamic civilization. What contribution did Islamic teachings make in this encounter?

Reserve Books:

Dimitri Gutas, Greek thought, Arabic culture: the Graeco-Arabic translation movement in Baghdad and early ʻAbbāsid society (2nd-4th/8th-10th centuries) London, 1998.

Majid Fakhry, A History of Islamic Philosophy, New York, 2004

George Saliba, Islamic science and the making of the European Renaissance, Cambridge, Mass. 2007.

Tim Winter, ed., The Cambridge Companion to classical Islamic theology (Chps on Early Kalam and Falsafa (Philosophy))

What is the concentration of salt in the effluent 4.1 days after flow begins? Use the full and abbreviated forms of the Ogata-Banks Solution. Do they give different answers?

Hydrology 08

1. A saline (salt) solution with a concentration of 370 mg/L is introduced into a 3.0-m-long sand column in which the pores are initially filled with distilled water. The solution drains through the column at an average linear velocity of 0.79 m/d and the longitudinal dispersivity of the sand column is 15 cm. In answering the following, assume there is no retardation of the saline solution and assume that molecular diffusion is not important.

  • a) How long will it take for the advective front to reach the effluent (end) of the column?
  • b) What is the concentration of salt in the effluent 4.1 days after flow begins? Use the full and abbreviated forms of the Ogata-Banks Solution. Do they give different answers?

2. The contents of a canal are leaking into a shallow aquifer. The water in the canal is suddenly polluted by a discharge of industrial waste that contains a non-degradable chemical and non-retarded chemical: 1,4-dioxane. The concentration of 1,4-dioxane in the canal is 0.90 mg/L. The aquifer has an average linear velocity of 1.25 ft/d.

  • a) Use the Xu and Eckstein relationship to estimate the longitudinal dispersivity for a plume length of 30 ft.
  • b) What is the concentration of 1,4-dioxane at a distance 75 ft from the discharge after 50 days? (D* = 1.0 ×10−9 m2/s). Assume the system can be approximated as 1-dimensional flow.
  • c) What is the concentration at a distance of 150 ft after 70 days?
  • d) In b) and c), are you behind or ahead of the advective front?
  • e) Plot the concentration as a function of time at a monitoring well that is directly downgradient of the discharge and 300 ft away. Be sure to use times that are large enough so that eventually, the plot reaches C = C0.

3. A manufacturing facility prints circuit boards using TCE. The TCE washwater spills into a shallow groundwater at a steady rate such that it creates a continuous source of 10.0 mg/L. The groundwater beneath the site has an average linear velocity of 1.0 ft/d. The fractional organic carbon content of the soil is 0.012. The bulk density of the soil is 1.6 g/mL. The porosity is 0.35 and effective porosity is 0.18.

  • a) What is the retardation coefficient for TCE in this system?
  • b) Estimate the longitudinal dispersivity using a plume length of 600 feet using the Xu and Eckstein relationship.
  • c) What is the concentration of TCE at a well 75 feet directly downgradient of the spill after 200 days? Use the full Ogata-Banks solution with retardation. Assume no degradation of TCE.
  • d) If the TCE did not adsorb to the soil what would the concentration be at this well after 200 days? Assume no degradation of TCE.
  • e) Recalculate the concentration at 200 days assuming TCE is retarded and degrades according to a first order rate with coefficient of 0.01 /d.
  • f) What is the concentration of TCE at this well once the plume has reached steady state? Assume retarded transport and that degradation of TCE at a first order rate with coefficient of 0.01 /d.

Describe the “rule of nines.” How is it calculated and why is it important? What would the TBSA be if a female adult burned both of their arms and their right leg? Additionally, describe one of the types of injury to your classmates: Thermal, Chemical, Electrical, or Inhalation.

Adult Health IV

Describe the “rule of nines.” How is it calculated and why is it important? What would the TBSA be if a female adult burned both of their arms and their right leg? Additionally, describe one of the types of injury to your classmates: Thermal, Chemical, Electrical, or Inhalation.

What ideas, stereotypes, or assumptions does this essay challenge? What is “the erotic”? Is it simply about sex or sexuality itself or is it a more general concept?

Journal 3 writing

For this journal, read Audre Lorde’s “Uses of the Erotic” and give a summary in your own words. Then mention examples wherever you can and any applications you can make—from current events, pop culture, your own life or a friend’s experience.

You may explore ANY of the following questions:

  • What ideas, stereotypes, or assumptions does this essay challenge?
  • What is “the erotic”? Is it simply about sex or sexuality itself or is it a more general concept?
  • Choose the most powerful quotation or several and explain what you think she means.
  • What is the potential or the erotic to undo injustice and society’s oppressive systems?
  • What inspires you or puzzles you about this essay?

Putting this together with what else you have learned in the class: Why do you think or not think this essay is important for sociologists studying sexuality?

Create a Business plan. A BP can be written for any business, but for this assignment, the BP must be related to health care.

Business Plan

The purpose of this course is to gain experience in writing a BP. The focus should be on the process of creating the plan, more than numbers in the plan. In the "real" world we would research financial data thoroughly to be accurate, but due to time constraints, for this course, it is acceptable to estimate revenue and expense items. For example in calculating labor costs we could spend time researching average RN salaries for a given location. Your estimation of what an RN would earn in your area, will be acceptable for this BP.

Create a Business plan. A BP can be written for any business, but for this assignment, the BP must be related to health care. BPs can be organized in many ways, but for this course the BP will be organized as follows:

Business Plan Sections
1: Business Description
2: Marketing Plan
3: Organizational Operations Plan and Time Line
4: Capital Startup Budget and Amortization Schedule & Cash Flow Projections
5: Income Projections &Break-Even Analysis and Projected End of Year One Balance Sheet
6: Executive Summary and Evaluation

Write a 1 page essay about what the main concepts in the material in this chapter are; Add a personal statement of what you think of what you learned.

The process of the juvenile court

Read Chapter 13

Review the additional resource materials for Chapter 13.

Write a 1 page essay about what the main concepts in the material in this chapter are; Add a personal statement of what you think of what you learned.


Read the attached article and write a 1 page paper on your thoughts. This meeting happened a few years back and it was good for some of our police leaders to see how things work abroad.

Police leaders

Read the attached article and write a 1 page paper on your thoughts. This meeting happened a few years back and it was good for some of our police leaders to see how things work abroad.




Words Used: 0 [ Maximum Words: 200 ]

Words Used: 0 [ Maximum Words: 200 ]

What is difficult in the way we ask people to identify their “race or ethnicity”; should we change that, in the US Census for example? What problems might it cause and what challenges might it address?

Unit 1 Race: Are We So Different? Part One

Reading, Viewing, & Two Discussion Assignments

This is the link to the website we will study on Race: are we so different? created by the American Anthropological Association. Go Through Each part of the Website and see what the topics are. Required reading for everyone is the 1st Tab. “Race is Not Genetic.” View everything in the other tabs and you may skim but get an idea of what each tab is covering.

Watch all the videos below. View in depth videos that relate to your Group questions. Also include discussion about Oto Benga’s tragic life seen in the Overview Introductory PowerPoint.

ragic life seen in the Overview Introductory PowerPoint.

Honey Child

What is difficult in the way we ask people to identify their “race or ethnicity”; should we change that, in the US Census for example? What problems might it cause and what challenges might it address? Refer to “Honey Child.”