
You have noticed that your organization’s leadership isn’t all that responsible and responsive to employees and many customers. Maybe adopting more ethical standards and practices could improve business and some of the questionable leaders’ behaviors. What would you do and why?

Chapter 5 (pg. 154): Managerial Decision Exercise

In 500 words, answer the following question.

Question #4

Your department boss wants you to select a few others in your organization to explore adopting corporate social responsibility practices. Some of your friends think that CSR isn’t effective and in fact
wastes resources and time of those who get involved. To take on this assignment would require time out of doing your own work. However, you have noticed that your organization’s leadership isn’t all that responsible and responsive to employees and many customers. Maybe adopting more ethical standards and practices could improve business and some of the questionable leaders’ behaviors. What would you do and why?

Define cost-plus pricing. Why is it used so frequently? What are the drawbacks associated with using it? What is penetration pricing? Can you think of an example of a company that has used penetration pricing to introduce a new product? Which firm is it and what is the example?

Week 5 Business

I. Chapter 8

Key Concept Questions

  • Define cost-plus pricing. Why is it used so frequently? What are the drawbacks associated with using it?
  • What is penetration pricing? Can you think of an example of a company that has used penetration pricing to introduce a new product? Which firm is it and what is the example?
  • What is the relationship between pricing and competition?
  • How can a pocket price waterfall assist a business?
  • What is meant by “15/10 net 45”? What is the impact on the seller’s pocket price when a customer takes advantage of this?

II. Chapter 9

Critical Thinking Exercises

  • Identify a well-known public figure and discuss his or her brand. How has this individual enhanced the brand? How has he or she damaged it?
  • Brainstorm five creative ways for a small business with a low budget to advertise and promote its products or services using the latest developments in communications and Internet technology.
  • Why does viral marketing have such success potential? How can a viral marketing campaign work against a company?
  • What role should the unique selling proposition play in a company’s advertising strategy?

Use iteration to calculate the result of 3x4x5x6x7. Show the result in a message box. Create a button to activate this sub.

Iteration calculation

Use iteration to calculate the result of 3x4x5x6x7. Show the result in a message box. Create a button to activate this sub.

Research any social, governmental, or political event that has occurred within 2023. You may find an event that has happened within any of these governments- federal, local or state within the

GOVT2305 ques



Current Events Project: Research any social, governmental, or political event that has occurred within 2023. You may find an event that has happened within any of these governments- federal, local or state within the

You may not write about news outside of the U.S. You may not complete a current event on the following topics:

  • Abortion
  • Anything related to COVID-19
  • Monkey Pox
  • NRA or anything related to guns
  • Marijuana
  • LGBTQ+
  • BlackLives Matter/Back The Blue
  • DACA, Immigration or anything related to immigration

While these are all great subjects to discuss, you should think beyond these subjects and uncover a new topic.

Instructions on how to complete the Current Event:

  1. Using Microsoft Word, provide a summary of what is going on in your article (do not rewrite the article, just provide highlights of the main idea in the article. Do not use Google Drive, Box, Microsoft Edge to complete this assignment. I will only accept Word documents.
    1. Use reputable news sources such as mainstream news platforms like CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Texas Tribune etc.
    2. Do not use Wikipedia or any social media platforms.
  2. Connect something we have learned in class, lecture or that you have read in your text with the article.
  3. Detail your thoughts feelings and concerns with the source.
  4. You do not need annotate or have a word count. Simply, answer all the questions asked with full and complete sentences.
  5. Copy and paste your article link at the end of your article. Failure to copy and paste the article link is an automatic zero on the assignment.

Provide an expanded explana2on of one of the speakers talking points. This should be about four to five sentences long and provide an adequate degree of technical detail. Focus on an important point, rather than personal background or banter.

PPOL 220. Introduc0on to Civic Technology

Event Par0cipa0on Template
Event Name, Event Date

Post a screenshot of your event’s presenta2on. You can use Windows Snipping tool (or Apple (Shi> +Command + 4) to grab the window. (10 points)

Point I. (30 points)
Provide an expanded explana2on of one of the speakers talking points. This should be about four to five sentences long and provide an adequate degree of technical detail. Focus on an important point, rather than personal background or banter.

Point II. (30 points)
Provide an expanded explana2on of one of the speakers talking points. This should be about four to five sentences long and provide an adequate degree of technical detail. Focus on an important point, rather than personal background or banter.

Point III. (30 points)
Provide an expanded explana2on of one of the speakers talking points. This should be about four to five sentences long and provide an adequate degree of technical detail. Focus on an important point, rather than personal background or banter.

Explain how this period and related educational experiences prepared you for the subsequent educational phase in your life (the educational level immediately following the one you selected to analyze).

Personal reflection

This assignment is a personal reflection and an educational analysis of an important developmental and socialization experience. The paper should be 3- 4 pages. 12-size font, double-spaced. For the paper, you can use bullets, a formal outline, or write your thoughts using complete sentences and paragraphs. Make sure the paper demonstrates that you put in the time and effort expected: personal reflections, critical thinking, creativity, and relevant references. Review the paper details including the requirements noted below. Do your best to address all the areas outlined for the draft. Consider using the attached template (you can remove the heading and insert your information).

  • Identify one of the following periods in your academic journey that you would like to reflect on and discuss using a sociology of education perspective: Elementary School. State why you selected this period. Describe the context of the school. In addition to a sociology of education perspective, you can also include a perspective from psychology, ethnic studies, or another appropriate social science.
  • Select two theories or concepts (or one theory and concept) from sociology, psychology, or education (or another related area) to analyze your academic journey. Discuss the main points of the theories or concepts and note why you feel they are relevant to your experience. Clearly state the theories or concepts you decide to use up front in your paper. Note the name of the recognized researcher/scholar who advanced the theories or concepts. Use the theories or concepts presented in this course—from the readings, reports, the professor’s lecture notes, etc. You can use applicable concepts and theories you’ve learned in other courses or from your own research.

• In telling your educational story, use the theories or concepts to highlight the factors that promoted or hindered your development personally, socially, and academically. Address all three areas. You can talk about the promotion aspects and hindrances (or either one). Specifically, discuss: the influential people (parents, siblings, peers, teachers, role models, etc.); impactful programs (course curriculums, other academic enrichment, sports, community service, faith-based endeavors, ethnic cultural activities, etc.); memorable places (classrooms, labs, libraries, recreation fields, home environments, community spaces, etc.); and significant psychosocial dynamics (mindsets, feelings, and behaviors resulting from the interrelation of mental states, emotional well-being, social factors, etc.).

  • Explain how this period and related educational experiences prepared you for the subsequent educational phase in your life (the educational level immediately following the one you selected to analyze).
  • Point out ways in which this period and related educational experiences shaped you as a student, placed you on an academic path, and account for what you have achieved thus far in your scholastic life.
  • Conclude your academic journey by delineating both the theoretical and practical takeaways. In discussing the former, keep in mind a perspective from sociology, psychology, or another relevant theoretical perspective and speak to a scholarly and research-oriented community. For the latter, keep in mind your real-world experience and speak to students and practitioners who are seeking pragmatic advice. Identify at least two takeaways under each area.
  • In the paper, reference at least two sources and cite accordingly MLA,). One of the sources should be from an empirical, research-based journal, book chapter, or report of some sort. You can use course materials as part of your references, including the professor’s lecture slides.
  • Structure your paper in the following manner: Title your paper “An Analysis of My Educational Journey.” Or, come up with your own descriptive and catchy title. Include commonly used essay sections, such as an introduction, body, conclusion, and references.Use headings and sub-headings to clearly identify the key areas of your paper (most of the underlined/bolded areas noted in the first six bullets above).

Estimate the equity value using the comparable P /E ratios. Compare the market price of the target company with the value estimates using EV / E * BDITA ratio and P/E ratios.

Discussion 5

Step 4: Follow the example in Q4-2, work out the relative valuation for your target company in the project

  1. For your target company, also pick three to four companies in the same industry for comparison.
  2. Collect financial statement for both the target company and its comparables.
  3. Estimate EBITDA P / E ratio, EV/EBITDA ratios for both the target company and its comparables.
  4. Estimate the Enterprise value and equity value using the comparable EV / E * BITDAratios.
  5. Estimate the equity value using the comparable P /E ratios.
  6. Compare the market price of the target company with the value estimates using EV / E * BDITA ratio and P/E ratios.

Outlining the Lecture Here is a sample outline of the first part of the lecture. Use your notes from Activity 3 to fill in as much information as you can. Remember to use abbreviations and symbols and write key words only. Listen again if necessary.

ENG 220

Assignment 1

CRN: 31665
Module Title:  

ENG 220 Listening & Speaking I, 3rd Semester

Mark: Out of 10 points.
Feedback to Learner:  



Assignment instructions:

Complete Activity 4, “Outlining the Lecture,” on page 63 in Tanka & Baker (2013).

Complete Activity 3, “Balancing a Checkbook,” pm page 70 in Chapter 3, Part 4 of Tanka & Baker (2013).

1.       Take notes and listen to the script or lecture again if necessary.

  1. Write your outline on the next page




1. Listen to the Taking Notes from Activity 3, “Taking Notes,” in Chapter 3, Part 2 of Tanka & Baker (2013). 5 Marks

  • Outlining the Lecture Here is a sample outline of the first part of the lecture. Use your notes from Activity 3 to fill in as much information as you can. Remember to use abbreviations and symbols and write key words only. Listen again if necessary.

Date: _______________________________



Topic: Entrepreneurs


1. Intro


A.     Example: __________________________________________________


B.     Def. of entrep. ____________________________________________________


Il. Characteristics (similar)


A.     _________________________________________________________________


1. Ex _________________________________________________________________


B.     ________________________________________________________________


1. Ex: _______________________________________________________________


Ill.  Background (diff)


A.     _______________________________________________________________


1. Ex: _______________________________________________________________


B.     Some rich some poor.


C.     Many ent are ______________________________________________________


1. Ex: _________________________________________________________________


C.     _________________________________________________________________


D.     _________________________________________________________________


1.      Ex: _______________________________________________________________





2. Listen to the  Balancing a Checkbookfrom Activity 3 in Chapter 3, Part 4 of Tanka & Baker (2013). 5 Marks

  • Balancing a Checkbook George and Martha Spendthrift have a joint checking account, that is, they share one checking account and both of them can write checks from it. Here is one page from their checkbook record. Listen as they try to balance their checkbook. Fill in the missing information.
NAME:                                George & Martha Spendthrift
ACCOUNT:                        132-98804
No Date Description Payment Deposit Balance
200 10/25   30.21   490.31
201 10/27 Electric copany 57.82    
202 10/27 Time magazine      
203 10/30   70.00   327.49
———– ————- ——————— —————- —————- ————-
204 11/1 Campu-Tech 125.00   202.49
205   Dr. Painless 40.00   162.49
  11/1 Deposit   1234.69  
206 11/2       985.18
207 11/4 VISA Payment 155.00   830.18
208 11/8   305.00   525.18
209 11/10 Traffic ticket      

Discuss the technology used by the organization, or the functioning of the application. What, specifically, makes it/the organization work? Provide hard details on platforms and applications used, and details about data/open data/or how the entity uses (or aggregates) information.

PPOL 220. Introduction to Civic Technology  

Profile Paper

 This assignment is intended to provide you with an expanded understanding of the civic technology movement in its diverse manifestations. During the semester, you will write three (3) profile papers, each of about 3-3.5 pages in length. You will choose one of the options below for each of the papers, and you must produce one of each during the semester:

  1. A profile of a working application that uses open, real-time, or user-derived data to provide citizen information or a government service. (ex. mRelief, Pigeon,,, etc.)
  2. Civic Tech Organization. A profile of a civic technology organization (one primary associated with advocacy, civic engagement and organized as a nonprofit). (ex. Code for America, Chihacknight, City Tech Collaborative, etc.)
  3. GovTech Organization. A profile of a city information office, a government entity whose primary role is to use principles of data or data science to assist their work, or a company/private entity who engages in government services contracting or consulting. (US Digital Service, City Information Office, 18F, etc.)

Paper Structure

Each of these areas should be included in your paper, with a header to clearly indicate the section of the paper (i.e. have a section called ‘Organization’).

  1. Introduction (0.75-1 page) – Introduce the reader to the organization/application and its mission. Provide specifics and details; if this is an application, what problem(s) specifically are they trying to solve?


  1. Background (1 page) – Provide an expanded discussion of the history of a chosen application or organization. How did it come into existence, and who was leading its development? How long has it been in use? If an organization, what is its mission and how does it fit into the wider realm of government?


  1. Information Technology (0.75-1 page) – Discuss the technology used by the organization, or the functioning of the application. What, specifically, makes it/the organization work? Provide hard details on platforms and applications used, and details about data/open data/or how the entity uses (or aggregates) information.


  1. Conclusion and Summary (0.5 page) – Provide a brief, professional summary for the reader. (0.5 page)


  1. References – Provide proper attribution for any material utilized from external sources in text, all sources are listed in reference section using APA format (which should also be cited in text throughout the paper). Using a combination of journal articles and trusted sources is acceptable, but you should have a strong grounding in current research.

Contrast external outputs with internal outputs produced by a system. Remember to consider differences in external and internal users. What are the drawbacks of electronic and Web-based output?

Review Questions

Answer the following review questions from the textbook:

  • Chapter 11
    • Review Questions 1, 2, 4, and 7 (page 328)
  • Chapter 12
    • Review Questions 1, 3, 6, and 7 (pages 356-357)

Your answers should be written in a professional manner (as if you were preparing a summary for a corporate executive). In other words, do not simply provide “bullet point” items, but carefully describe the related concepts in paragraph form. Your submissions will be evaluated on both technical correctness and adherence to professional communication standards.

Review Questions Chapter 11

1. List six objectives an analyst pursues in designing system output.

2. Contrast external outputs with internal outputs produced by a system. Remember to consider differences in external and internal users.

4. What are the drawbacks of electronic and Web-based output?

7. What kind of output is desirable if many readers will be reading, storing, and reviewing output over a period of years?

Review Questions Chapter 12

1. What are the design objectives for paper input forms, input screens, and Web-based fill-in forms?

3. What is proper form flow?

6. What is a specialty form? What are some disadvantages of using specialty forms?

7. List the four guidelines for good display design.