
Describe a nonverbal behavior in which you engage that people have frequently misunderstood.

Comm 100- Discussion Board #5 Nonverbal Communication

Part One

As you write your initial post, please think about and respond to each of the three questions below and write in a way that encourages your reader to reflect and be motivated to engage with you in a discussion. Be thorough by supporting your assertions with evidence, including no fewer than three significant quotations from this week’s readings on language to support your claims. Please do not include the questions in your initial post, just number your responses.

1) Describe a nonverbal behavior in which you engage that people have frequently misunderstood.

2) Find a place to casually observe people for 30 minutes. Identify two specific types of nonverbal behavior that people used (i.e. various types of body movement, chronemics (use of time), paralanguage, etcetera). Additionally, identify three functions that the nonverbal served (i.e. regulate interactions, express identities, communicate emotions, etcetera). From your observations, how did nonverbal behavior influence your perception of those people and the conclusions you drew about them?

3) After reading the article “Do you have a happy or angry resting face?,” what are two claims the author makes that stood out to you? Do you agree with these statements? Why or why not? Be sure to support your claims with explanatory detail, including information from this week’s readings.

Part Two:

Engage in a discussion with the classmates in your discussion group using the following 3CQ format (Compliment – “I liked that…”, Connect – “Something else I read this week that addresses what you are talking about was…”, or “I experienced something like that when…”, Comment – “what I would add to your post is that…”, “I came to a different conclusion on this because…”, and Question – “I wonder why…”, “what might happen if…”, “I’m curious what you think about…”. Make sure your responses add meaningfully to the discussion and help move it along.

Explain the concept of a search engine. How has the utilization of mobile technologies impacted search engine optimization practices? Describe how mashups create new benefits and functionality from existing data or information.

Search engine


  1. Explain the concept of a search engine.
  2. How has the utilization of mobile technologies impacted search engine optimization practices?
  3. Describe how mashups create new benefits and functionality from existing data or information.

Purpose of Module Review Questions
Module Review Questions allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the module topics and to develop your critical thinking skills.

Required Research
In order to answer the questions, you will first engage in a process of scholarly research for the purpose of obtaining data that can be utilized to support your answers. Conduct in-depth research in the course textbook AND outside primary sources.

It is strongly recommended that you conduct research utilizing the ERAU Hunt Library. The Hunt Library contains a great amount of information on aviation and other topics. A benefit of utilizing the Hunt Library is the availability of the APA style citation/reference tool that is provided when conducting research utilizing the EAGLEsearch feature. This tool can automatically provide the proper APA style formats for citations and references.

Compile/Develop a complete Project Charter utilizing components from Problem Sets #2-6 that you will have completed throughout the semester based on your selected project, as well as including a few other project charter components.

BADM 634 – Initiating the Project

Final Project Charter

Compile/Develop a complete Project Charter utilizing components from Problem Sets #2-6 that you will have completed throughout the semester based on your selected project, as well as including a few other project charter components.

Your individual Final Project Charter will include:

  • Project Title – You will provide the title you best think fits the project. This should be descriptive of your project. Some project charter titles could be full sentences.
  • Background – provide a narrative explanation of the need for this project, how it came to be considered, and general overview of the project
  • Business Case – provide your working business case
  • Stakeholder Register – Use Exhibit 6.4 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set
  • Communication Matrix – Use Exhibit 6.9 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set
  • Project Scope Statement – a specific identification of what will be completed with this project. This will focus on scope requirements and narrow the business case to provide more specific scope information (combined with #7 Deliverables and Acceptance3 Criteria per Exhibit 7.12)
  • Deliverables with Acceptance Criteria – Use Exhibit 7.4 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set
  • WBS with Activities List – Use Exhibit 7.12 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set
  • RACI Chart – Use Exhibit 9.5 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set
  • Risk Register – Use Exhibit 11.9 and Instructions/Instructor Feedback from Problem Set
  • Create a Glossary that defines the following concepts (or terms) as well as any and all other terms that may need to be explained or defined within the Project Charter. This is a professional document so citing is not necessary, but you must utilize your own words to define/describe the concepts or terms. This section should look like a dictionary with terms defined and alphabetized.
  • Create a professional signature page for your six (6) key and internal stakeholders to sign
  • title
  • scope
  • business case
  • background
  • project vision,
  • enterprise environmental factors,
  • organizational process assets,
  • objectives,
  • stakeholder list,
  • team operating principals,
  • milestones,
  • communication plan
  • project risk planning,
  • assumptions,
  • constraints
  • organization and implementation plan.
  • Any and all terms that may need to be defined that appear in the Project Charter

Overall Form & Function of Charter – This will be a graded section that will review the overall look, usability, and professionalism of the project charter as well as the inclusion of any other elements deemed necessary to be included to ensure a superior project charter. This is not a section that needs to be completed but will be a grading aspect of the overall project charter as submitted.

Make corrections to your Problem Sets as provided in grading feedback from the instructor. Do not include components of Problem Sets that are not project charter related (essays, etc.). This should be completed as the semester continues and not left until the last week of the semester. Ensure all inserted charts are legible. Covert pages with charts from portrait layout to landscape layout.

You will design this as an official document to be submitted to the Project Sponsor; so, ensure that it looks professional. You may add any additional sections, besides those listed, that you think would be beneficial to your overall product and are relevant to the project.

Write a 150-200 Word Paragraph Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages on how Macabéa’s migration from the Northeast of Brazil significantly impacts how she is portrayed in the book “Hour of the Star.”

Write a 150-200 Word Paragraph 1

Write a 150-200 Word Paragraph Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages on how Macabéa’s migration from the Northeast of Brazil significantly impacts how she is portrayed in the book “Hour of the Star.”

Prepare a project audit report. Include project classification, analysis of information gathered, recommendations, and lessons learned. Include an appendix of appropriate documentation.

Weeks 15 & 16 – Simulation Experiential Exercise

To prepare a project audit report. {Using the Simulation Project Team}

Use the project team in the simulation to complete this exercise. Using the guidelines in the document attached, you can prepare a project audit report. Be sure to include project classification, analysis of information gathered, recommendations, and lessons learned. You can also include an appendix of appropriate documentation.


Final project report discussing all phases of the project.

NOTE: The “Project Audit Report” should be submitted as a MS Word document in APA 7 Format

Why does the project team require a project scope statement prior to planning procurements? What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness? Give an example of something that is one but not the other.

Discussion Forum Week 7

Assigned Readings:

  • Chapter 13: Project Supply Chain Management
  • Chapter 14: Determining Project Progress and Results
  • Chapter 15: Finishing the Project and Realizing the Benefits

Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Why does the project team require a project scope statement prior to planning procurements?
  2. What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness? Give an example of something that is one but not the other.
  3. Give specific examples of risks on a project that are within the team’s control, partially within the team’s control, and outside the team’s control. Tell how you would deal with each.

Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!

Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (written in full essay, using proper paragraph structure, sources cited within the body of the main text and Times New Roman with font size 12).

Following the Box-Jenkins methodology, identify an appropriate ARIMA(p,d,q) model for your company’s return. Provide a clear explanation of the identification, estimation, and diagnostic stages of the modelling process.

Box-Jenkins methodology

Following the Box-Jenkins methodology, identify an appropriate ARIMA(p,d,q) model for your company’s return. Provide a clear explanation of the identification, estimation, and diagnostic stages of the modelling process.

Company data is attached.


When to use a random number generator? What are the differences in sampling with and without replacement and why does that matter?

Random Number Generators (PLG1)

First, research random number generators. Then, respond to the following using the following Random Number Generator Template assignment template:

  • When to use a random number generator?
  • What are the differences in sampling with and without replacement and why does that matter?
  • Provide a URL link or source (If source use APA documentation)
  • Screenshot (at least 10 numbers created by Random Number Generator)
  • Reference List (at least two using current APA format)

Establish the potential value and application of an idea, and identify costs, benefits, and available resources before deciding to implement (p. 317).

Business and administrative studies

Define the Business (Why is this such an important strategic prerequisite?)

The more things an organization attempts to do, the more information it needs to have in terms of environmental assessment for the ,purpose of strategy formulation and adjustment. According to Mendelson and Ziegler (1997), firms need to define their businesses in terms of what they do best. This limits the scope of the business and makes for a more focused organization. This does not imply that a firm cannot explore new products and markets. A firm must look at its strategic success factors and consider those when making decisions about what products/services to provide, customers to serve, markets to enter, and how it will go about doing all that. What a firm does best is directly related to its core competences. It should consider strategic partners and alliances if considering moves that require competences it does not possess. According to Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn (2005), organized chaos is a good thing when making critical decisions. First, put as many ideas on the table as possible; second, frame the ideas so that alternatives can be considered; third, look at alternatives from different points-of- view; fourth, make certain all the pieces of the puzzle fit. You should then establish the potential value and application of an idea, and identify costs, benefits, and available resources before deciding to implement (p. 317).



Schmermerhorn, J. R. Jr., Hunt, J. G., & Osborn, R. N. (2005). Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Wiley

Mendelson, H. & Ziegler, J. (1999). Survival of the Smartest: Managing Information for Rapid Action and World-Class Performance. New York: Wiley.

Explain the differences in stock trading between two different stock exchanges. Explain how a company’s free cash flow impacts its growth potential. Cite the free cash flow of example companies.

Investing in stocks


Investing in stocks is an option when planning for retirement or other financial management decisions. In this activity, you will research how to evaluate stocks as an investment option.


In a 1-page paper, respond to the following:

  1. Explain the differences in stock trading between two different stock exchanges.
    1. Identify two different stock exchanges in the United States.
    2. Describe the similarities and differences between the two stock exchanges.
  2. Explain how a company’s free cash flow impacts its growth potential. Cite the free cash flow of example companies.
    1. Identify one company (Hasbro) on each of the two stock exchanges you researched.
    2. Determine the free cash flow from 2019 and 2020 for each company.
    3. What inferences can you draw from the companies’ free cash flow?
  1. Apply financial ratios to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of stocks as investments.
    1. Using the 2019 and 2020 financial statements for both stocks, prepare two financial ratios for each of the following categories: liquidity ratios, asset management ratios, and profitability ratios. You should have a total of six ratios for each stock, per year.
    2. What challenges, strengths, or weaknesses do you see when you examine these ratios?