
For the APT your group studied, were there identifiable harms to privacy or property? How are these harms linked to C-I-A? If not, what ethically significant harms could result from the scenario your group researched?

The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

Advanced persistent threats (APTs) have been thrust into the spotlight due to their advanced tactics, techniques, procedures, and tools. These APTs are resourced unlike other types of cyber threat actors.

Your chief technology officer (CTO) has formed teams to each develop a detailed analysis and presentation of a specific APT, which she will assign to the team.

Review the APT document and respond to these questions in a 2 to 3-page eassy format

: Ethics in Cybersecurity

o Do you think the vulnerability(ies) exploited by the APT constitute an ethical failure by the defender? Why or why not?

o For the APT your group studied, were there identifiable harms to privacy or property? How are these harms linked to C-I-A? If not, what ethically significant harms could result from the scenario your group researched?

o For the APT your group studied, when the targeted organization identified the breach, was the disclosure made with transparency? Do you feel the organization acted ethically? Why or why not?

Do you think that these reforms would provide a balanced and workable means of ensuring that corporations are accountable for serious breaches of Australian legislation?

Writer can choose depending on what is argued in the essay.

Question 2 – In April 2020, the Australian Law Reform Commission (‘ALRC’) handed down its Report 136 on Corporate Criminal Responsibility. The ALRC’s report made a number of recommendations for reforming the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) as it applies to offences committed by corporations. Do you think that these reforms would provide a balanced and workable means of ensuring that corporations are accountable for serious breaches of Australian legislation?

Is this source a scholarly article? An op-ed piece? A blog? What is the author’s purpose and who is the intended audience? Are any political biases present?

Classical Argument Essay

This is the Final Classical Argument Essay AND Annotated Bibliography, hence the word count. My writer has already written the topic proposal, but I will attach it here for reference to follow. LOOK AT ALL 3 ATTACHED FILES – the Topic Proposal, Annotated Bibliography Assignment Sheet, AND the Classical Argument Essay Assignment sheet.

Specifics – Annotated Bibliography:

Assignment Description
Unlike a plain list of sources, an annotated bibliography also includes the writer’s annotation or commentary on each source. Each annotation should include the following:
1. Rhetorical information. This includes the source’s rhetorical context, particularly its genre and its purpose and audience. Is this source a scholarly article? An op-ed piece? A blog? What is the author’s purpose and who is the intended audience? Are any political biases present?
2. A summary of the source’s content. Here you should summarize the source’s actual argument.
3. Your evaluation of the source. What are the source’s particular strengths or weaknesses? How useful is the source for specific purposes? How might you use the source for your research project?

How does modern technology make it easy to spread false information, photos, and videos?

Modern technology

How does modern technology make it easy to spread false information, photos, and videos?

Write a short response (200-300 words) on the part you annotated–some questions to prompt you: why did you choose that section? How did that section contribute to your understanding of the text/argument as a whole? Did you see connections to the TV show or lectures this week? If so, what were they?

Book notes

Read & Listen

Take notes ON (physically on the reading, in the margins, etc.) at least 2-3 pages of the reading. Among the notes you make, please mark the following:

  1. Definitions of words you don’t know
  2. Definitions of concepts/references you don’t know
  3. Key ideas or phrases of the text
  4. Questions that the text provokes in you
  5. Ways the text reminds you of something else
  6. Details that you particularly love or hate
  7. You might also underline/note the claims you see

Write a short response (200-300 words) on the part you annotated–some questions to prompt you: why did you choose that section? How did that section contribute to your understanding of the text/argument as a whole? Did you see connections to the TV show or lectures this week? If so, what were they?

You can submit photos, scans, or saved pdf annotations of the above along with your weekly respond

Define the component in your own words as if you are explaining it to a parent. Identify at least 3 assessments, or which 1 must be formal and 1 must be informal. Provide the name for your assessment and the type (formal or informal).

Essential Elements

Students will develop a PPT that will demonstrate substantive understanding of the six components of reading as a process: Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.

The Essential Elements of Reading Instruction PPT will include an overview of EACH of the six components of reading including:

  1. Definition of EACH component: (Minimum 1 paragraph/ 1 slide)
    • Define the component in your own words as if you are explaining it to a parent. (Do not copy and paste from your source)

    Assessments for EACH component: (3 separate slides, 1 paragraph for each assessment)

    • Identify at least 3 assessments, or which 1 must be formal and 1 must be informal.
    • Provide the name for your assessment and the type (formal or informal).
    • Provide a brief description of your assessment (How do you do the assessment, how do you score, how can you monitor progress?)

    Evidence-based strategies for EACH componenet: (3 separate slides, 1 paragraph for each strategy)

    • Identify at least 3 evidence-based strategies that are specifically for the selected component. (e.g., “guided practice”, “eye-contact”, “repetition” are not specific strategies for any Essential Element)
    • Briefly describe the strategies (do not just list them)
    • Explain how the strategy can be extended for home learning

    Credible Resources

    • Use at least 5 related websites and/or resources
    • At least 3 must be from different sources
    • Provide a bibliography with all works cited

    Grammar, Mechanics, & PowerPoint Etiquette

    • Check for grammar and punctuation (You’d be surprised how many students still begin their sentences with a lowercase letter)
    • Keep the font size and style consistent throughout each slide
    • Do not copy and paste from another source (If you copy and paste, you will not receive a grade for that portion of the project and will result in a deduction of points from your overall score.

    Also attach a word document worth 15- 20 mins in length about each slide but DO NOT repeat what’s on the slide.

Critically evaluate the significance and the relationship between ethics and Business as explained by the author. Discuss how ethics could be incorporated in education, particularly for business students.

Mgt 422 Business ethic assignment one

Assignment Question(s):

  1. Critically evaluate the significance and the relationship between ethics and Business as explained by the author. (Not less than 500 words-5 Marks)
  2. With suitable examples (at least 2) discuss the importance of trust in business. What happens when trust is lost? (Not less than 500 words-5 Marks)
  3. Discuss how ethics could be incorporated in education, particularly for business students. (Not less than 500 words-5 Marks)

# Note: All answers should be supported with proper references.

Describe how you will be involved with the decision-making process using the DECIDE model. Include an example from a clinical situation you experienced in the healthcare setting.

NUR 2832 Discussion : Nurse leader and manager decision


Nurse Leader and Manager Decisions

Nurse leaders and managers and are responsible for making decisions in the healthcare setting.

First Post

Describe how you will be involved with the decision-making process using the DECIDE model. Include an example from a clinical situation you experienced in the healthcare setting.

As an expert discuss, how supply chain experts should focus their attention this year to improve the overall supply chain?

ECOM402_E-supply chain management_project

Question 1:

Information technology offers many valuable capabilities to the enterprise, especially in

Question 2 :

As an expert discuss, how supply chain experts should focus their attention this year to improve the overall supply chain? (3- Marks)

Discuss how e-learning, competency frameworks and improved knowledge-sharing at Meltos Co. might help to cut costs and make the HRM at Meltos Co. more strategic. How might the firm seek to ensure a return on investment for its learning and development activity?


Read the case given below and answer the questions:

Meltos one of the world’s largest bakery businesses with a significant market share in many of the world’s biggest bakery  markets, including many emerging markets. It has a long and proud tradition, stretching back more than 150 years, including a long history of developing its employees, which has remained part of its ethos during its progress to becoming a global company.

Despite very positive sales figures over the last 12months, Meltos Co. has prioritized streamlining the business to make it more competitive and has placed a strong emphasis on reducing costs over the next 18 months. Despite being keen to preserve its longstanding reputation as a firm that is committed to developing all its employees, in respect of learning and development, this ‘streamlining’ activity has focused on:

  • ensuring a clear return on investment in training activities
  • changing the way that learning programs are delivered and being more creative in developing approaches to learning.
  • connecting training activities to the strategic needs of the firm.

The most important driver of the assessment of its training provision at Meltos change. Whilst performing well in the marketplace, senior management continue to express discontent with levels of productivity and employee performance. Moreover, senior management has determined that the company needs to become more flexible and adaptable to respond to change in its market context, for example by an ability to adapt organizational structures to meet new business needs or through the introduction of technological innovation. Therefore, Meltos Co. wants to move towards a system of continuous improvement by creating a culture whereby workers are empowered to implement small incremental changes, rather than have substantial change imposed on them from time to time.

Traditionally, training needs analysis at Meltos Co. has been ‘gap-led’. In other words, training tends to be focused where Meltos Co. identifies a gap in capability – for example, where the introduction of new technology requires worker skill to be updated, company policy is changed or a key worker leaves the firm, requiring training to be provided to their replacement. Typically, this gap-led identification of need is conducted at a local level, with little reference made to the wider national or international workforce.

Currently, the company runs several large training events each year designed to update manufacturing staff on everything from health and safety changes, business strategy and company performance to the adoption of new production technology. This is sometimes coupled with skills training for these workers as and when appropriate.

The head of learning and development, (L&D)responding to a call to cut costs from the HR director, is now of the opinion, however, that such long training programs, often of up to three or four days, are no longer the most cost-effective and efficient means by which to develop the staff. Such training has the dual problem of requiring regular investment and repeat sessions to cover workers on different shifts or at different plants, as well as leading to undesirable downtime of certain aspects of production. In particular, the head of T&D is keen to reduce the reliance on external training providers to design and deliver interventions to different workforce groups, from senior management to shop-floor workers.

Nabeel , the head of learning and development at Meltos Co. recently attended a seminar at a local university on ‘the changing nature of workplace HRM’. He was slightly alarmed to find out that much of the company’s practice was seen as outdated. In particular, he was interested in examining how some more contemporary approaches and techniques in HRM could help the company both reduce costs and better performance through continuous improvement.


  1. What changes would you recommend that Meltos Co. make to their current learning and development provision to reduce costs and improve performance?  (4 Marks)
  2. Discuss how e-learning, competency frameworks and improved knowledge-sharing at Meltos Co. might help to cut costs and make the HRM at Meltos Co. more strategic.  (4 Marks)
  3. How might the firm seek to ensure a return on investment for its learning and development activity?  (4Marks)
  4. How effective is training in the organization you work for and mention a few methods being used for effective development?  (3 Marks)