
Should Amazon continue its PL brands? Why and why not? How can Amazon build synergy with third-party retailers while developing its PL brands? How can Amazon handle ethical concerns?

Strategic Management Case study: Answer 3 questions

Answer the following questions to help Grandinetti prepare for the shareholders’ meeting  (5 points each):

  1. Should Amazon continue its PL brands? Why and why not?
  2. How can Amazon build synergy with third-party retailers while developing its PL brands?
  3. How can Amazon handle ethical concerns?

Explain in detail your rationale/perspectives, rather than only stating your opinion. Think deeply and broadly.

Present opinion with reason(s), evaluating pros and cons, and explaining in detail your choice with the conclusion.

Describe the multicultural factors (e.g., age, gender, and ethnicity) evident in the scenario and explain how these factors affect treatment and treatment approach(es).

Treatment of Forensic Populations

Final Project Guidelines
In the Final Project for this course, due by Day 7 of Week 11, you will demonstrate your understanding ofas well as apply and critically evaluatethe major concepts presented in this course.

For your Final Project, you will apply concepts and approaches presented in the course to a scenario featuring an offender with multiple related factors (e.g., gender, ethnicity, type of offense, and age).

Your Final Project must be presented as a 12- to 15-page (not including references, title page, or abstract), double-spaced, APA-formatted paper. Please use 10 or 12 point, Times New Roman or Courier font. Reference citations should come from peer-reviewed journals, reputable periodicals, and non- commercial Web sites. Please note that Wikipedia is not considered a scholarly reference and is not accepted as a citable source.

In your Final Project, you must:

  • Identify which scenario you selected to use for your Final Project.
  • Explain the offender category(ies) that concurs with the scenario client and discern the treatment considerations inherent in this category(ies).
  • Describe the multicultural factors (e.g., age, gender, and ethnicity) evident in the scenario and explain how these factors affect treatment and treatment approach(es).
  • Describe the treatment approach(es) and/or programs you would use with the offender and explain why.
  • Describe any legal and ethical issues that might be involved in the treatment of your selected offender and explain how you would address these issues.
  • Describe the model you would use to measure treatment outcomes and explain why you selected this model.

Your Final Project will be graded on a 20-point scale and is worth 30% of your final grade.
Although the Final Project is not to be submitted until Day 7 of Week 11, you should become familiar with the project requirements and have them in mind as
you proceed through the course. Many of the Discussions and Application

Assignments relate to and can be of use to you in writing your Final Project.
The Final Project will be evaluated according to all four indicators in the Application Assignment and Final Project Writing Rubric, located in Course Info. Information on scholarly writing may be found in the APA Publication Manual and at the
Walden Writing Center Web site. Also, see the “Policies on Academic Honesty” in the Syllabus-II, Walden University Policies and Information.

Using your work in Part A, create a budget spreadsheet. Include a section for income, a section for expenses, and a section for balance. Insert a picture of your completed spreadsheet.

Personal Budgeting Real-World Module Project (30 points total)

Directions: Answer all questions in complete sentences and show all work to receive full credit. For all parts, please use $1,502.45 as your bi-weekly net pay. Remember to convert to monthly pay by multiplying the bi-weekly pay by 26 and then dividing by 12. Use the space below to complete the monthly pay calculations:

Part 1: Build a Budget (15 points)
A. (10 points) Using the categories and percentages below, create a monthly budget using the monthly pay you calculated above.

1. Choose a percent within the given range. Make sure when choosing each percent, that the sum of all categories equals 100%. For example, you decide you want to spend 20% of your budget on housing. 20% for housing plus each percent from all other categories will equal 100%.

2. Then, using the monthly pay you calculated above, determine, in dollars, the maximum amount you can spend in each category monthly. (Multiply the monthly pay by your chosen percentage.)
Housing 25% – 35%: percent chosen =
Food/Household 10% – 20%: percent chosen =
Savings 5% – 10%: percent chosen =
Transportation 15% – 20%: percent chosen =
Debt 5% – 15%: percent chosen =
Entertainment 5% – 10%: percent chosen =
Medical/Personal Care 3% – 7%: percent chosen =
Giving 5% – 10%: percent chosen =
Clothing 3% – 5%: percent chosen =
Miscellaneous 5% – 10%: percent chosen =

B. (5 points) Using your work in Part A, create a budget spreadsheet. Include a section for income, a section for expenses, and a section for balance. Insert a picture of your completed spreadsheet.

Part 2: Finding a Rental Property (10 points)
A. (5 points) Research and find two rental properties. Your rental property may be in any city within the United States. Using the information found for your properties, complete the following chart:

    City, State                                         Rental Property 1                        Rental Property 2

Type of property –
house, apartment,
mobile home, etc.

Number of bedrooms

Number of

Total square footage

Utilities included –

Amenities included –

Monthly rent

Monthly electric – use
$150 if not included in

Monthly water – use
$65 if not included in

Monthly Total: rent +
electric + water

  • B. (5 points) Using the totals from your completed chart, determine what percent of your monthly net income is spent on housing for each property. Compare the housing percent you chose in Part 1 to the percentages for each property chosen in Part 2.

Part 3: Saving for Rent (5 points)
Choose one of the rental properties from Part 2. Using the dollar amount for savings in Part 1, calculate how many months it will take to have four months of rent saved.

Use metacognition in your post to your peers. Provide at least (2) financial management peer-reviewed journal articles to support your rationale. Identify if your classmate followed the Sample Paper Template and used APA (2020) format.

Discussion Question (DQ) 1 and Response to Peers – Module 1

Download the “Sample Paper Template” located in Module 1. Use this format for all written papers in the course.

Health Financial Management offers a framework to help managers simplify and improve their management decisions.

  • Use the NSU online library or Google Scholar to locate at least (3) financial management peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • In your initial post, use critical thinking skills to analyze how financial management offers a map for clinicians who assume leadership roles in healthcare organizations.
  • Write a 500-word initial post of 2-3 paragraphs in APA (2020) format.
  • Then, respond to two students with a 250-word post in APA (2020) format.
  • Use metacognition in your post to your peers. Provide at least (2) financial management peer-reviewed journal articles to support your rationale.
  • Identify if your classmate followed the Sample Paper Template and used APA (2020) format.

[HINT: There are several financial management journal websites in the Syllabus].

State the healthcare issue/topic & problem. Explain the methods/procedures/approaches.

Writing an Abstract

DRAFTING THE ABSTRACT Draft the abstract of your final paper. Remember to meet the limits of 150250 words in the final version of the abstract. You may handwrite or type your draft in the spaces provided, or you may word process, and attach your abstract. This is a draft. You will revisit it when you have completed your final paper, and revise it as needed, based on your final product.

Part 1 State the healthcare issue/topic & problem
This should be based on your problem statement, but revised for brevity:

Part 2 Explain the methods/procedures/approaches
Outline the perspectives of inquiry in your preferred order. If appropriate, discuss
the research process you used, and/or the key research sources you employed:

Part 3 Reveal your results and findings (understandings from inquiry papers)
Briefly describe the key takeaways or major/main points from each of the inquiry sections:

Part 4 Disclose/expose your concluding solution
Avoid the details, but divulge the solution you will propose in the concluding section:

Explain how Bratton used each of the four functions of Management using evidence from the Case.

Bratton case study

Read the attached Bratton Case Study and respond in essay format to the questions.

This exam should contain examples from the Case and theories from the textbook and/or outside sources—at least 1.5 pages – double-spaced with 11-point font.

  1. Explain how Bratton used each of the four functions of Management using evidence from the Case.

Guidelines for responses:

  1. Planning. Explain Problems and Opportunities, goals (measurable), and strategies.
  2. Organizing. Explain how Bratton organized and how he changed structure and job roles.
  3. Leading. Use two leadership theories and two motivation theories and explain how Bratton led (could be positive or negative).
  4. Controlling. What controls were put in place to measure performance? Be specific. (hint: tables and charts end of the Case)

Select a listed company of your choice from Muscat Stock Exchange. Write a report of 1000 to 1200 words excluding the cover page and the reference pages.

AUDIT AND ASSURANCE. (Oman arab bank)

  • Select a listed company of your choice from Muscat Stock Exchange.
  • THE COMPANY NAME (Oman arab bank)
  • Download the corporate governance report, annual report, company news and other data (relating to the year 2021) that you require for preparing this report.
  • Write a report of 1000 to 1200 words excluding the cover page and the reference pages.

Evaluate whether the plan is comprehensive based on the major parts that are typical for a business plan. Provide details of major shortcomings and/or exceptional parts.

Business Plan

Instructions for Individual Assignment: Evaluation of a Business Plan

(A Review/Critique/Analysis of an Existing Plan)
Your task is to critically analyze a full business plan provided to you by the instructor. The business plan for your individual evaluation is posted in CourseDen. You should use the contents of your textbook to guide your assessment, and your grade will be based on how well you demonstrate your ability to apply the concepts from this course and explain your analysis. Your work on this assignment is to be individual, and each student submits his or her own report.
The analysis should be approximately two-to-three single-spaced pages in length (or four-six double-spaced pages if you prefer to double space the document). Submit your analysis as a Word document via the assignment folder in CourseDen. Essentially, you are trying to determine if the plan presents a viable business and then, to provide recommendations for ways to improve the plan. You should highlight key shortcomings or open questions with the plan as well as identify some positive aspects of the business and the plan. Papers earning the highest grades will note both positives and negatives about the business plan.
Your report should address the items below. Parts 3 and 4 are the substantive parts of the analysis of the business idea and should represent the largest component of the report.

1) The basic mechanics – grammar, spelling, typos, formatting, order of the sections, and so on.
a. You should assess the plan that you are reviewing for these basic mechanics. You do not have to identify all errors. However, you should identify the nature of the errors, perhaps showing a few examples, and explain whether/how such errors are detracting from the message of the plan.
b. Additionally, you should proofread and edit your own report to eliminate errors in the basic mechanics.

2) Evaluate whether the plan is comprehensive based on the major parts that are typical for a business plan. Provide details of major shortcomings and/or exceptional parts. [You can ignore missing resumes and details about the management team as these have been removed for the anonymity of the authors.]

3) Explain how the business idea described in the plan might be improved, strengthened, and made more relevant to the business environment. Remember that entrepreneurs can become so enamored with their ideas that they have large blind spots which can be evident as overstatements, generalizations, omissions, or quick dismissal of what would seem to outside observers to be obvious concerns – such attitudes and perspectives might be displayed in the plan you are reviewing. Specifically, address the question from the following two angles:
a. What changes would you suggest to the business idea and the plan for implementing it (i.e., not to the written document, but to the ideas it presents)? What effect would those changes have if adopted?
b. In your opinion, is this business likely to be adaptable to changes in environment and resilient when confronted by challenges in the environment? Or is its likelihood of success limited to a particular set of circumstances? We have seen recent examples of environmental challenges with the labor supply and supply chain and inflation, but there are many other types of changes such as economic shifts (from up to down or from down to up), new/disruptive technologies, regulations, and arrival or departure of competitors or substitutes. Do you have concerns about this business’s resilience and ability to adapt? What are some modifications to the business that might increase its chances of operating successfully during challenges or adapting to lasting changes?

4) Does the plan offer a compelling justification for starting the proposed new business? Why or why not? With the changes you proposed in item 3 above, do you think the plan presents an idea for a business that could reach an appropriate scale and sustain itself over time? You can use the list above as the framing structure for your paper, or if a different order better suits your analysis, that is fine.

To help you get started and decide how to proceed with your analysis, below is a list of the major sections of a business plan as well as major traits expected in a plan (e.g., organization, professionalism). Use this list as a reminder of the types of topics and characteristics that an informed reader would be expecting to see in a business plan. It is acceptable if a section is omitted or positioned differently as long as you think that the necessary information is present and well-organized. Also, additional sections could be included if they are relevant to specific circumstances of a business or industry.
 Sections
a. Executive summary
b. Product or service description
c. Industry and market analysis
d. Marketing plan
e. Operations plan
f. Management team plan
g. Company structure
h. Financial plan
i. Growth plan
 Characteristics
a. Detail that is relevant
b. Clarity of explanations
c. Professionalism
d. Appearance and organization
e. Effectiveness

What happens to the concept of loyalty between worker and employer if we move to a mostly gig economy? Will that result be negative or positive? For whom, and why?

Gig Work Have you ever been a gig worker? A recent study found that 37 percent of U.S. workers participate in the gig economy, and government and other estimates say 40 percent will be working outside traditional full-time jobs by 2020. Clearly the gig economy is not a fad. The issue is often whether it benefits only the company or also the worker. Do people actually like being gig workers, or has the economy forced them into it, sometimes by taking second and third jobs? A national survey by the Freelancers Union found that two in three of the 55 million U.S. workers who freelanced in 2016 did so because they wanted to, not because they were forced to; the other one-third did it out of necessity.7° Although motivations for gig work may vary, it is clear that employers are benefitting. Of course, part-time contract workers are not new. What is new is the way gig work has spread to many white-collar professions. Here are two examples. Joseph creates websites for a marketing company and a digital content studio. He also creates and edits motion graphics. “It’s been a fun ride, tiring but fun,” he says. “Finding time is always the struggle. I’m working on a freelance project every weekend.” Joseph thinks gig work has helped him improve his graphic skills faster than he might have done in a traditional job. “I get to move around to different companies, and if one thing falls out, I still have other things I can fall back on—and it keeps me sharp.” Nicole, a mother of three, is a full-time clerk at a law firm, but she decided she needed extra money and signed up with a work-at-home call center. Her husband has joined too. Nicole says her gig job is one she could continue when she retires, and she likes that possibility. 71 “This is the future of work,” says Diane Mulcahy, a private equities investor whose clients often benefit financially from the use of gig workers. The full-time employee is getting to be the worker of last resort.”77

Critical Thinking

  • Aside from the lack of benefits, what are the potentially negative effects for society of the gig economy?
  • What happens to the concept of loyalty between worker and employer if we move to a mostly gig economy? Will that result be negative or positive? For whom, and why?