
Summarize the five essential universal components of most language systems: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Identify at least five early predictors of developing strong literacy skills.

Essay – Early Literacy and Emergent Readers

In this assignment, you will use what you learned from this week’s readings in addition to outside research to write a 4- to 5-page essay discussing the importance of early literacy skills in language development and analyzing how recent research has influenced instruction in these areas.

  • Create a paper in a Word document for your response.
  • Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
  • Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
  • Follow the steps to complete the assignment.

Step 1. Access
Access the resource, US Department of Education: Early Literacy Resources, for use in this assignment.

Links to an external site.

Step 2. Summarize
Provide a brief overview of each of the five areas of instructional focus identified by the National Reading Panel as critical for a successful reading program. Address the following in your summary:

  • Outline the five areas of instructional focus: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and reading comprehension.
  • Summarize the five essential universal components of most language systems: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.
  • Identify at least five early predictors of developing strong literacy skills.

Step 3. Analyze and Reflect
Analyze and reflect on how research over the past two decades has contributed to the understanding and delivery of reading instruction and the implications this has for students and educators. Address the following in your analysis and reflection:

  • How listening and speaking develop the foundation for reading and writing in language development
  • The relationship between early literacy skills and learning to read and why early literacy skills are essential for developing readers
  • How research has influenced reading instruction and the implications this has for all teachers

Step 4. Submit
Submit your final paper.

Utilize Excel to create, organize, and analyze lists of data. Develop an understanding of relational databases and how to import data into a relational database.

Week 2 Assignment: Relational Database Tables

Course Objective:

  • CO1. Utilize Excel to create, organize, and analyze lists of data.
  • CO2. Develop an understanding of relational databases and how to import data into a relational database.

Assignment Prompt:
Before you start with this assignment, you will want to watch the five videos in the Reading & Resources section under Content in week 2 bin. This week you will be creating two new databases in Access (this assignment does not use the Excel databases you downloaded in week 1). Complete instructions are listed below for how to create your two new “Contacts” databases inside of Access. As this file will go no further than your instructor if you want to complete these two databases with family, friends, coworkers, business, and social contacts, you are free to do so. A great source for all of this information is in your Cell phone. Likewise, if you are uncomfortable with using real contacts, you may make some up (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Frank Zappa, Paul McCartney, Elvis Presley, etc.). The two databases you are creating this week will be used in the next assignment, so, take care of developing and complete them as accurately as possible.

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Complete the databases in one Access file that you will submit below as your homework for week 2.
  2. The work you do this week may look like a lot of busywork, however this database, once completed, will be used in two future classes (week 3 and week 5) where you build queries, forms, and reports.
  3. The intent of this assignment is to create your own personal database of contacts (individual and Company). Your Cell phone or contacts database in your personal email software is an excellent source for the data you will need for this assignment. The database will be kept confidential and no one but your instructor will see it. If you are concerned about confidentiality, your only other choice is to create a database of fake names.
  4. Start your project by constructing a “Form” in Access with the fields listed below. There is an excellent resource for how to build a form in the “Content: Reading & Resources” section. If you would like to review how to create forms you can also use this hyperlink: Access Forms Transcript can be accessed on video host site.
  5. Include a minimum of 35 contacts, more would be better. Use at least 10 organizations, businesses, or service provider company contacts, again more would be better
  6. If you receive any recommended changes from your instructor when he or she returns your work after grading, please complete these changes before the next week’s assignment
  7. Follow the directions below exactly, enough said, let’s get these done and move on to using them in future classes.

What does recent research indicate about atypical language development with this population? What are research-based instructional strategies shown to improve language skills for this population?

Literature Review Presentation – Atypical Language Development

In this assignment, you will select a student population at high risk for atypical language development from a list provided and complete a literature review using a minimum of five sources (three sources may be module readings, but at least two sources must be outside the module readings). The goal of your literature review will be to identify the reasons the selected population is considered at risk and appropriate strategies for assessment and intervention. Your final product is a slide presentation appropriate for a stakeholder audience, such as parents or colleagues.

  • Create a slide presentation consisting of 7-9 slides, including a title and references slide.
  • Use APA format for the references slide and in-text citations.
  • Follow the directions for each step to complete the slide presentations.

Step 1. Choose
Choose a student population at high risk for atypical language development from the list provided for your research.

(NOTE: If you would like to use another group with atypical language development, you may do so with approval from your instructor.)

  • English language learners
  • Highly mobile students
  • Students with intellectual disabilities
  • Students from culturally and linguistically diverse families
  • Students with a speech language impairment
  • Students with ASD (autism spectrum disorder)

Step 2. Conduct
Conduct a literature review on your student population using a minimum of five sources (three sources may be module readings, but at least two sources must be outside the module readings).

Consider the following when conducting your literature review (use speaker notes as needed):

  • What does recent research indicate about atypical language development with this population?
  • What are research-based instructional strategies shown to improve language skills for this population?
  • What kind of language assessments are suggested which may be specific to this population?

Step 3. Develop
Develop a 7-9 slide presentation (including a title and references slide) appropriate to a stakeholder audience, such as parents or colleagues, highlighting your findings from the literature review.

  • Include an introduction slide providing an overview of this population. Use speaker notes to highlight information regarding why this population may be at risk for atypical language development.
  • Include a conclusion slide highlighting your thoughts regarding your literature review.
  • Include a title slide and a references slide citing a minimum of five sources (three sources may be module readings, but at least two sources must be outside the module readings).

Write a summary of Chapter 9 with 1 page (times new roman, 12 pt font, and single-spaced). Define classification methods for data mining. Apply classification methods for data mining.

Management Question

Read chapter 9 of the textbook.

Write a summary of Chapter 9 with 1 page (times new roman, 12 pt font, and single-spaced).

Grading Criteria:

You must appropriately explain the main points in chapter 9 in order to receive full credit.

Submit your homework file in Microsoft Word file format

Learning Outcomes:

  • Define classification methods for data mining.
  • Apply classification methods for data mining.

Identify the hard and soft technology used for both domestic and global environments of your company. What are the domestic, global, and technological barriers for the business and how will the company overcome those barriers?

Business Question

Research the domestic, global, and technological environments of your selected worst company and write an essay in APA format that covers the following:

1. Identify the company, describe the nature of its industry, and describe the domestic environment (home company). For example, U.S. Air operates in the airline industry. Its home country and domestic environment are the United States.

a. Summarize the company’s industry, how long it has been in business and the attribute for which it is the least or worst admired company
b. Investigate and explain the domestic government regulations associated with the chosen industry

2. Identify the global environment (consider two international countries other than North America/look beyond Canada or Mexico)

a. What are the characteristics of the Global Country/Environment that will best suit the company for success

3. Identify the hard and soft technology used for both domestic and global environments of your company. This topic is not about computers or software; see the lesson

4. What are the domestic, global, and technological barriers for the business and how will the company overcome those barriers?


  • Organize your paper using topic headings (APA format)
    • Research requirement: minimum 2 sources with at least one source from your required readings.
    • Minimum page requirement: 4 pages in APA format not to exceed 6 pages.
    • For further guidance please review the grading rubric for this assignment for guidance in preparing your essay.

What are your experiences working with dual language learners? What are your experiences working with children with atypical language development? How might you differentiate instruction for a dual language learner and a student with processing deficits? Why?

Discussion Questions

1.Skills for Foundational Language

Centers are one way to develop language skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

View the video, REACH Workshop Series Oral Language.

REACH Workshop Series Oral Language

Links to an external site.

  • How could you use centers to develop oral language skills for students?
  • How are students developing phonological awareness during these activities?
  • What language skills do children develop in literacy centers?


2.High-Risk Populations for Atypical Language Development

Students developing atypical language patterns are at risk for developing reading and writing delays. Reflect on the students you have worked with or are currently working with who are either at risk of or identified as having atypical language development.

  • What are your experiences working with dual language learners?
  • What are your experiences working with children with atypical language development?
  • How might you differentiate instruction for a dual language learner and a student with processing deficits? Why?


3.Instructional Strategies to Develop Reading Comprehension

Many students read text without understanding what it is they just read. Students with learning disabilities often have processing deficits which result in difficulty reading and comprehending text. Graphic organizers are a great strategy for both increasing vocabulary and reading comprehension.

  • How would you use graphic organizers to assist in vocabulary development in struggling readers?
  • How can you provide instruction using graphic organizers to develop reading comprehension skills for your struggling readers?


4.Betsy Van Deusen MacLeod describes the benefits of using literacy centers as “providing both a physical and social context for learning.”

In their article describing the value of learning centers at the high school level, Moritz and Holmes note: “When students worked on individual and cooperative projects in the centers, they were engaged with the content at deeper, more meaningful levels. The learning centers contained multisensory and differentiated activities that helped meet the diverse range of student interests, ability levels, and needs.”

  • What is your experience with literacy centers?
  • How can literacy centers be used to gather data and create comprehensive and data-informed instruction?
  • How could you differentiate instruction in a literacy center to provide Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions for struggling readers?

The Enlightenment in England was punctuated by social theories proposed by two men, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. They each proposed a different form of government for different purposes. Which of their theories do you find most appropriate?

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke Government Theories

The Enlightenment in England was punctuated by social theories proposed by two men, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. They each proposed a different form of government for different purposes. Which of their theories do you find most appropriate?

Explain in detail all the steps from the time user enters the website until the final user buys a product. (What can be improved in the process?)

ECOM101 – E-commerce

E-commerce Project

(Part A)

3rd Semester 2022-2023

Submission: Thursday 13th April = 15 Marks



In this project, you are required to evaluate Rate the site selected below based on what you learn from this course and your perspective. The evaluation will cover the different aspects of E-commerce such as business idea, website design, marketing, security … etc.

You will need to analyze the business and provide suggestions to improve the current business situation.

Current e-commerce businesses: 



Explain the business e-commerce process (2 marks)

Explain in detail all the steps from the time user enters the website until the final user buys a product.  (What can be improved in the process?)

Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for improvement related to the clinical issue identified. Analyze the SWOT data to provide the foundation for an action plan for quality improvement.

Nursing Quality Improvement Project Continuation


  • To assess a clinical issue that is the focus of the Quality Improvement Project.
  • Create a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for the project.

Content Requirements:

  1. Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for improvement related to the clinical issue identified.
  2. Analyze the SWOT data to provide the foundation for an action plan for quality improvement.

Submission Instructions:

  • The paper is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  • The paper is to be 2 – 3 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).
  • Your paper should be formatted per current APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)

Discuss and cite the resources. If you use your textbook, cite it too. Provide examples for each and one case lawsuit example of violations of the employer-employee relationship.

Week 10 Discussion

Chapter 30: Ethics in the business settings (Page 515).

Foster opened a fast-food in a one-story shopping plaza owned by Green. He signed a simple lease prepared by Green and moved in after spending a large sum of money on construction. One month after Foster opened for business. Green rented a store to a competitor of Foster, 60 feet from Foster’s restaurant.

Answer the questions below and discuss this case in an essay format.

1- Assuming what Green was legal, was it ethical?

2- Why should not a landlord be able to rent space to whomever the landlord wishes?

3- If Green did not recommend to Foster that Foster seek the advice of a lawyer before signing the lease, was that unethical?

4- If Foster is at fault because he failed to either thoroughly read the lease and secure the advice of a lawyer, is there anything unethical about what Green did?


  • Discuss and cite the resources. If you use your textbook, cite it too.
  • Provide examples for each and one case lawsuit example of violations of the employer-employee relationship.
  • Provide one external source and cite it in your writing following the APA 7th edition style.
  • Cite all sources, including YouTube videos.
  • Use the internet to visit news websites, a government website, etc., to find cases, examples, etc.
  • The initial post should contain 250-300 words, and the reply should contain 100-150 words.

Note: Grading will be based on the quality and logic of the discussion and not necessarily on the word count. Ensure that all references follow the APA 7th edition guide (Please provide at least one external source= 2 points.)