
Choose a problem that lends to an implementation that uses dynamic programming. Clearly state the problem and then provide high-level pseudocode for the algorithm. Explain why this algorithm can benefit from dynamic programming.

Algorithms & Data Structures Question

Choose a problem that lends to an implementation that uses dynamic programming. Clearly state the problem and then provide high-level pseudocode for the algorithm. Explain why this algorithm can benefit from dynamic programming.

Identify the demographic that you would like to give your presentation to and then select a community site where that demographic can be found.

Benchmark community teaching plan

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to plan and develop an outline for your community teaching plan and gain feedback from a community health representative in your local community. The teaching plan developed in this assignment will be used to develop your Community Teaching Presentation due in Topic 5. Complete the following:

  1. Identify the demographic that you would like to give your presentation to and then select a community site where that demographic can be found.
  2. Complete the “Community Teaching Acknowledgement Form,” found in your topic Resources. This form requires a handwritten signature from the appropriate representative selected, allowing permission for you to teach your selected topic at that site.
  3. Complete the “Community Teaching” template resource, found in your topic Resources. This form will help you organize your teaching plan and create an outline for the written assignment due in Topic 5.
  4. Review the plan with the representative that signed the “Community Teaching Acknowledgment Form” and request feedback (strengths and opportunities for improvement). The feedback received will be used to refine the teaching plan in Topic 5.

Provide a research paper on how positive parenting affects children and parents.

The Perks Positive Parenting

Provide a research paper on how positive parenting affects children and parents.

“Our constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of the minority but of the whole people” (Pericles) What was the attraction of such a constitution and how well did it live up to its promise?


“Our constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of the minority but of the whole people” (Pericles) What was the attraction of such a constitution and how well did it live up to its promise?

Develop plans for innovative practices that help meet the needs of diverse learners. Explain why the proposed technology is expedient, appropriate, and relevant to the specific educational setting.

Action Plan for Technology Innovation

This paper has two four-page sections. Instructions also attached in PDF format.

Action plan (4-5 pages) proposing implementation of appropriate and relevant technology, evaluating that technology in terms of meeting diverse needs of students, and analyzing the implications of initiating this change.

This assessment will apply the theoretical foundations and best practices for educational innovation with technology. In the assessment, address how to bring about change within a school and how to implement specific technologies in an action plan.

Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency: Develop plans for innovative practices that help meet the needs of diverse learners.
Explain why the proposed technology is expedient, appropriate, and relevant to the specific educational setting.
Evaluate how the proposed technology is most appropriate for meeting the diverse needs of students.
Analyze the implications of initiating the proposed technology innovation through an action plan.
Present a rationale for action plan decisions, including the choice of who to involve and how to involve them, the timeline for implementation steps, and required resources.


Part 1: Evaluation and Analysis
Submit a 4–5-page paper in which you:

Describe briefly the technology you are proposing to implement through your action plan.
Provide a rationale for why this technology is expedient, appropriate, and relevant to your school.
Base this determination on collaborations with stakeholders at the school or on publicly accessible data through the school or district Web site or community publications.
Evaluate how this technology is most appropriate for meeting the diverse needs of students, including cultural background, developmental and readiness levels, language, speed of learning, access to technology, and so on. For example, how might the appropriateness of the technology be affected if students only have access to technology via smart phones rather than having access to laptops or iPads?
Use peer-reviewed literature to support your evaluation.
Analyze the implications of initiating this change through your action plan. Address the potential impact on students, teachers, and school-wide programs.
Your analysis should align with theories of institutional change, systems theory, and/or an educational change model.
Your analysis should be supported by the professional literature and may reflect professional feedback.

Part 2: Action Plan Proposal
Design an action plan that includes the following components:

A brief analysis of the change you are planning to implement.
A description of the actions that need to be taken to implement the plan, including a rationale for why these actions need to happen.
Be sure to indicate if any steps need to happen concurrently or in a certain sequence.
A list of the individuals who are responsible for each specific action.
Consider who has the time and is appropriately situated to take on these responsibilities, but also consider who is most capable of keeping the objective of meeting the needs of diverse learners at the forefront of the planning and implementation.
If it is not clear why an individual is assigned to a certain task, be sure to include an explanation.
A list of who should be consulted or informed about the project and its findings.
In referring to individuals, do not use names, but refer to the position they hold in relation to the plan, such as PTA Chair, ESL Lead Teacher, et cetera.
A rationale justifying why giving awareness to these individuals is relevant and important to the goals of your project.
Note: Be sure to include parents and community members.
A description of who will monitor the progress, document the effects of implementation, and gather any data that is acquired.
A timeline of the actions to be taken and the monitoring steps.
A list of resources needed to carry out the action plan and a rationale for their inclusion.
Consider the resources that may be needed within your school and district as well as resources that may be needed from the community. You will also want to think about resources for training and supporting teachers in the classroom.
Submit both parts, the paper and your action plan proposal, for assessment. Refer to the scoring guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.

Submission Requirements
Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Part 1 is 4 double-spaced, typed pages.
Part 2 is 4 double-spaced, typed pages.
Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.

Explain, in your own words, how each of the issues or trends identified by Keating impacts nursing education. Examine the role that faculty development would play in mitigating the impact of the issues and trends on nursing education.

Faculty Development

Review the 6 “major issues and trends in nursing education as they apply to the nursing faculty role in curriculum development” identified by Keating (2014, p. 57), available in this week’s University Library Resources.

Write a 900-word paper in which you:

o Explain, in your own words, how each of the issues or trends identified by Keating impacts nursing education.
o Examine the role that faculty development would play in mitigating the impact of the issues and trends on nursing education.

Analyze/evaluate pros and cons of each alternative solution – list the pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages) you can predict could result from each possible alternative if chosen and implemented as the solution to the problem (decision).

Complete the case study.

  1. Define the problem – ask yourself what is the underlying problematic circumstance/situation in the case information? DO NOT identify symptoms of the underlying core problem (issue). This process of problem identification is facilitated by listing all the “problems” you believe exist in the case, then, attempting to detect if there is a “direction” or “trend” in all of the “problems” you’ve identified.
  2. Gather pertinent facts – list the facts that relate only to the problem statement.
  3. Develop/propose alternative solutions – list all the ways that the problem could be dealt with in order to bring about a solution. Important: you list alternatives whether you agree with them or not.
  4. Analyze/evaluate pros and cons of each alternative solution – list the pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages) you can predict could result from each possible alternative if chosen and implemented as the solution to the problem (decision).
  5. Make a decision and defend your choice – make a statement of your decision (one of the previously stated alternative solutions), i.e., the alternative solution that emerges, based upon your analysis, as the best. This is your decision. State your reason(s) for choosing this alternative solution for implementation as your decision. The best way to defend your decision is to state why you did not choose the other available alternative solutions.


Discuss different types of strategies for competitive advantages (2), and then select and discuss the most appropriate strategies to improve the performance of the organization (2).


Project Report Structure: Part 1

Submission: week 7 Thursday 04/05/2023                                                   

Marks: 17 Marks

  1. Cover Page (1 Mark).

This must contain topic title (0.25), student names and Students ID (0.5), section number and course name (0.25).

(You can find the cover page in the blackboard)

  1. Table of Contents (0.5 Mark).

Make sure the table of contents contains and corresponds to the headings in the text, figures, and tables.

  1. Executive Summary (2.5 Marks).

What does the assignment about (1), The name and field of the chosen company (0.5), and briefly explain the distinct features (1).

  1. Organizational Profile (3 Marks).                               

Brief background of the business including organization details (1), purpose (1), and organizational structure (1).

  1. Strategies (4 Marks).

Discuss different types of strategies for competitive advantages (2), and then select and discuss the most appropriate strategies to improve the performance of the organization (2).

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization)

  1. Technology Involved (3 Marks).                         

How is the organization set up in terms of its IT infrastructure? Discuss the hardware (0.5), software (0.5), telecommunication (0.5), information security (0.5), networks (0.5), and other elements (0,5).

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course, and it’s related to your selected organization)

  1. Data Management (2 Marks).

Discuss the methods the organization uses to manage and process data (1), and then give one advantage and one disadvantage of these methods (1).

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course (chapter 3) and link it to your selected organization)

  1. Identify the Stakeholders (1 Mark)

Who are the main individuals, groups, or departments affected by the information system?

(You can choose any stakeholder who has a major influence on the IS or vice versa. You can choose 1 stakeholder to discuss)



Project Report Structure: Part 2

Submission: End of week 12 Saturday 10/06/2023                                                  

Marks: 13 Marks

  1. Analysis of Existing System (5 Marks).

Analyze the key problems of the existing system used by the company (2). Also, discuss the Information Systems used within the company (3) for example:

  • Transaction processing systems (TPS)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
  • Functional Area Information Systems
  • Business intelligence
  • DSS

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and it’s related to your selected organization)

  1. System Evaluation (2 Marks).

Evaluate the current system that the company use (your chosen company) with one of the following options (1):

  • Success
  • Partial failure/partial success
  • Total failure

Then, State the reasons for your choice (1)

  1. Suggestions for the company (3 Marks)

Design or choose a system to help the company solve its main problems. State the following:

  • The new system name (1)
  • Its features (1)
  • Problems that will be solved (1)

(If the system that the company uses is successful and does not need to be changed, you can mention that (1), mention its features (1), and mention the problems that it solved or prevented from happening (1).)

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and it’s related to your selected organization)

  1. Conclusion (2 Marks).

 Summarize your report (including part 1)

  1. References (1 Mark).

 Use APA referencing style format


Project Presentation: Part 3

Submission: Instructors will manage the date and time for presentation during week 13                                                

Marks: 10 Marks

Make a power-point presentation of your Project work mentioning all the above contents and present in a group (All team members must participate ((1).  There must be minimum 10 slides in the presentation with a good background design (0.5), readable font size and style with an appropriate color (0.5).

Presentation must have the following format:

  • First slide: Group members name and Student id & Title of the Project (1)
  • Company Profile (1)
  • Strategies (1)
  • Technology Involved and Data Management (1)
  • Analysis of Existing System (1)
  • Evaluation and suggestions (1)
  • Conclusion (1)
  • References (1)

What is the difference between a multiple baseline design and a delayed multiple baseline design? Which one is stronger for research and why? Describe the 3 different types of multiple baseline designs and provide an example of each.

Research Design Lab

Define the following and add a sample graph (of your own making, rough hand drawing, or pasted in screen capture of an article or google image) that depicts it.

  1. Reversal Design
  2. Alternating Treatment Design
  3. Multiple Baseline Design
  4. Changing Criterion Design

Answer the following questions

  1. The “A” in the A-B design usually refers to:
  2. What is the difference between a multiple baseline design and a delayed multiple baseline design? Which one is stronger for research and why?
  3. Describe the 3 different types of multiple baseline designs and provide an example of each.
  4. Provide an example of when you would use a changing criterion design.
  5. Provide an an example of the following types of research studies. Example Provided: Ron is a child who has a difficult time staying awake in class. His therapist has decided to try a new program with him. First, the therapist observes Ron’s behavior during his afternoon classes for a week. Next, the therapist teaches Ron some “stay awake” strategies. Ron puts these strategies into practice for a week. The therapist then observes his afternoon classes for another week to see if the program helped.
    1. A-B-A
    2. A – B – A – B
    3. A – B – C – A – B – C


What methods or procedures were used by the author to carry out their investigation; to find out whether there is evidence to support the purpose or hypothesis of the study?

Psychology 92.

The research paper will focus on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and psychotherapy for mental illnesses like depression. Hypothesis is to use CBT as an effective treatment for reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.


2. Find a three-research article that has an abstract, introduction, methods/method section, results, discussion, references sheet

3. Summarize each of the THREE research articles. The summary SHOULD state:

  • {A} What did the author(s) set out to investigate, or what the purpose of the study was or what the hypothesis of the study was?
  • {B} What methods or procedures were used by the author to carry out their investigation; to find out whether there is evidence to support the purpose or hypothesis of the study?
  • {C} What the results of the study were, or what the author found after carry out the study?

Finally, the summary SHOULD include what the reference information of the article is. The reference information or citation information of the article includes the name of the author(s), the date of publication, the title, the journal the article was published in, and the pages the article occupied in the journal. Add the link and actual download of the article.

4. The next step is to combine the THREE summaries and ADD your hypothesis as the last sentence of the last paragraph.

To CREATE the INTRODUCTION section of your paper. You will have a THREE paragraph INTRODUCTION section.


Add the link and actual download of the article.