
List at least two aspects of sexual development that are relevant to each stage of development. An example has been provided for you. Each life stage section should be at least 50 words in length.

CNL-530 Topic 6: Sexual Development Worksheet

Directions: In the table below, list at least two aspects of sexual development that are relevant to each stage of development. An example has been provided for you. Each life stage section should be at least 50 words in length. Include a minimum of three scholarly sources in your responses and an associated APA reference note for each source at the end of the worksheet.


Life Stage Sexual Development

In Utero

1.      Ultrasounds have shown evidence that male fetuses have erections (Lehmiller, 2017).

2.      Erections have also been noted in newborns a few hours old (Lehmiller, 2017).


1.      Both male and female infants are capable of sexual response from the moment of birth(Lehmiller, 2017).

2.      Kinsey’s writings include references to both male and female infants engaging in various formsof self- stimulation, such as rubbing or thrusting their genitals against an object, followed bywhat appears to be orgasm(Kinsey, Pomeroy, & Martin,1948; Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, &Gebhard,1953).

Early Childhood 1.      “playing doctor,” a game in which children inspect one another’s genitals(Lehmiller, 2017).

2.      childhood same-sex experi-ences are not necessarily indicative of adult sexual orientation and, sometimes, simply reflecttransitory behaviors (Lehmiller, 2017).

Preadolescence 1. curiosity and behavior set in well before puberty begins; however, they tend to increase significantly afterwards

2. Puberty typically begins between ages 10 and 12 and lasts for several years. Girlstend to start puberty a little earlier than boys

Adolescence 1.      Adolescence is a significant life stage because it is when most people develop feelings of sexual attraction for the first time

2.      It is also when most people have their first experience with sexual intercourse and their first romantic relationship

Adulthood 1.      the odds of developing one or more sexual problems increases.

2.      Study after study has found that there is a negative correlation between age and sexual satisfaction, such that the older people get, the less satisfiedthey tend to be



Lehmiller, J. J. (2017). The psychology of human sexuality (2nd ed.). Wiley-Blackwell.

Nominal GDP does not account for the change in prices of goods and services. Will the output be affected? Explain.

Work sheet

Q1 – Complete the following statement

  1. GDP per capita is the real GDP on a per-person basis, it’s usually calculated using the following formula: GDP = Real GDP divided by ______________

Q2 – Compare and contrast savings and disposable personal income:


Q3 – Nominal GDP does not account for the change in prices of goods and services. Will the output be affected? Explain:


Q4 – Correct the following statement:

  1. GDP and GNP are always equal, one cannot be higher or lower than the other



GDP is the total dollar value of all final products in a country’s border in a given year. There are many factors that affect the changes in GDP, such as environmental and political factors. Demand and supply also affect GDP, but in what way does demand and supply affect GDP? Explain:

What is your overhead (what items make up your overhead)? Since there are a billion coffee shops, what makes yours different or makes yours stand out? Do you have promotions?

 Financial Reporting Assignment

The Financial Reporting Assignment is a Powerpoint Presentation that discusses information needed to start and manage a new business. This assignment should take about 3-4 hours to complete (based on feedback from prior semesters), and once completed, should be submitted to the assignment dropbox below. You may submit multiple versions of your Powerpoint, but the last submission.

This semester we our business is a coffee shop. The Powerpoint should be 5 (least) to 10 (most) slides long, and should mention:

  1. Your company name, logo, and perhaps you have a clever slogan.
  2. The location where you operate (garage or maybe you are a street vendor) and tell why you chose this location.
  3. Number of employees and pay rate per employee. You could work for free while your business is getting off of the ground, or you could pay an employee from the start. Mention the pro’s and con’s of each of these scenarios.
  4. What risks did you incur and how did you control these risks.
  5. Where do you advertise? (Pintrest, Facebook, etc.)
  6. Are you socially responsible? If the answer is yes, give an example. If the answer is no, tell why not.
  7. A menu of items you will sell (about 10 items) with prices. This could be anything from 5 flavors of coffee and five pastries, to 8 flavors of coffee/tea and 2 breakfast cakes. You could have cake pops, or you could have no food (only coffee/tea). The choice is yours.
  8. What type of production will you use? Assembly line? Job Order? Why did you make this choice?
  9. Where will you order your raw materials? (Amazon, HEB, Kroger, etc.)
  10. What is your overhead (what items make up your overhead)?
  11. Since there are a billion coffee shops, what makes yours different or makes yours stand out? Do you have promotions?

Create a digital presentation of 8-10 slides (be sure to include slide notes) about the information you learned regarding the prevention program. Develop this presentation as if you were going to be presenting to professionals about the benefits and drawbacks of the program, at a professional development workshop.


Prevention programs are essential to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS. Locate one prevention program in your local community that addresses HIV/AIDS; you can locate this program through Internet research or by checking with local mental health agencies. The prevention program you select may include some of the following prevention topics: safe sex, needle exchange program, prevention for pregnant mothers, education, mental and physical health support, and testing.

Create a digital presentation of 8-10 slides (be sure to include slide notes) about the information you learned regarding the prevention program. Develop this presentation as if you were going to be presenting to professionals about the benefits and drawbacks of the program, at a professional development workshop.

Create a digital presentation of 8-10 slides (be sure to include slide notes) about the information you learned regarding the prevention program. Develop this presentation as if you were going to be presenting to professionals about the benefits and drawbacks of the program, at a professional development workshop.


Prevention programs are essential to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS. Locate one prevention program in your local community that addresses HIV/AIDS; you can locate this program through Internet research or by checking with local mental health agencies. The prevention program you select may include some of the following prevention topics: safe sex, needle exchange program, prevention for pregnant mothers, education, mental and physical health support, and testing.

Create a digital presentation of 8-10 slides (be sure to include slide notes) about the information you learned regarding the prevention program. Develop this presentation as if you were going to be presenting to professionals about the benefits and drawbacks of the program, at a professional development workshop.

What was the most rewarding part of the process of AD? Why? How did you overcome challenges during your research? Identify at least three (3) difficulties that arose during the project and explain how you solved them.

Spanish Question

I. General Questions on the AD Process (15%)

  1. What was the most rewarding part of the process of AD? Why? Please, be specific.
  2. How did you overcome challenges during your research? Identify at least three (3) difficulties that arose during the project and explain how you solved them.
  3. How did you navigate multimodal tools (voice-over script, images, sound, music)?

II. Script: Focusing on verbal language (25%) (Modules 2 and 3)

  1. What was the hardest part of writing your script regarding language (i.e. selection of adjectives, adverbs, matching time and words, etc.) and what was the easiest? Why? Please offer specific examples.
  1. Do you feel your level of Spanish or English has improved by writing this script and doing this project? How? Please, be specific.
  2. What, if anything, has your project made you notice about language that you did not notice before?
  3. Explain in detail how movement has been expressed through words in your AD taking into account specifically what we discussed this semester in class about choosing the right lexical choice of verbs and what we discussed when commenting AD for dancing.
  4. How was the revising and editing process of the script? Be specific.

III. Voice-over: Focusing on vocal skills (20%)

  1. What prosodic features (intonation, pitch, tone of voice) did you notice are crucial in AD? Please, be specific and provide examples.
  2. How do you think your pronunciation of Spanish or English has improved because of the voice over of your AD project? Please, be specific and provide examples.
  3. Did you notice that your vocal skills would need to adapt to the rhythm or genre of the movie, play or art piece? Please, be specific and provide examples.
  4. What was the hardest part of doing the voice-over and what was the easiest? Why? Please, be specific.

IV. Creativity in AD (10%) (Modules 12 and 13)

Think of two (2) examples or instances in your final project where you were compelled to use a creative AD approach and answer the following questions:

  1. Explain those two (2) cases of creative AD. Why did you decide to do it?
  2. How did you deviate from standard guidelines of AD?
  3. Are you satisfied with the result? Why?
  4. What consequences do you extract from using creative AD in your final project
  5. After having read the article “´What should I say? ´ Tentative Criteria to Prioritize Information in the Audio Description of Film Characters” by Fresno et al. (2016), what are the types of traits that you have used to describe the main characters in your final project? And for the secondary characters?
  6. After having read the article “How Co-Speech Gestures are Rendered in Audio Description: A Case Study” by Jankowska & Zabrocka (2016), please give examples in your final project of each one of the three types of gestures that the authors identify.
  7. According to that same article (“How Co-Speech Gestures are Rendered in Audio Description: A Case Study” by Jankowska & Zabrocka, 2016), please explain and justify what type of strategy did you use in each type of the gestures identified above.
  8. After reading the article of English and Spanish AD in Élite by García-Vizcaíno (2021), identify in your final project three (3) cases of kinesics, looks, or face expressions that may have a different cultural impact in English and Spanish. Explain in detail.

Choose a disease (any disease) and FABRICATE a patient with all signs/ symptoms and lab results.

FABRICATE a case-study

Signature Assignment: Choose a disease (any disease) and FABRICATE a patient with all signs/ symptoms and lab results. You are going to FABRICATE a case-study and answer all the questions listed. My advice is to be descriptive and the more you write, the better your paper will be. Your Signature Assignment should be 4-8 pages NOT including title page and reference page. Please use a MINIMUM of 4 REFERENCES (two of the four should be scholarly journals) to support your paper. I am posting a Sample Signature Assignment below for your reference. Please follow the Structural Format of the sample paper.In order to write a case study paper, you must carefully address a number of sections in a specific order with specific information contained in each. The guideline below outlines each of those sections.

You will be graded on how well you complete each of the above sections. You will also be graded on your use of APA Style and on your application of nursing journals into the treatments and interventions. For integrating nursing journals, remember the following:

Make sure to integrate citations into all of your paper

Support all claims of what the disease is, why it occurs and how to treat it with references to the literature on this disease

Always use citations for information that you learned from a book or article; if you do not cite it, you are telling your reader that YOU discovered that information (how to treat the disease, etc.)

Section Information to Include
Introduction (patient and problem)
  • Explain who the patient is (Age, gender, etc.)
  • Explain what the problem is (What were they diagnosed with, or what happened?)
  • Introduce your main argument (What should you as a nurse focus on or do?)
  • Explain the disease (What are the symptoms? What causes it?)
  • Explain what health problems the patient has (Have they been diagnosed with other diseases?)
  • Detail any and all previous treatments (Have they had any prior surgeries or are they on medication?)
Nursing Physical Assessment
  • List all the patient’s health stats in sentences with specific numbers/levels (Blood pressure, bowel sounds, ambulation, etc.)
Related Treatments
  • Explain what treatments the patient is receiving because of their disease
Nursing Diagnosis & Patient Goal
  • Explain what your nursing diagnosis is (What is the main problem for this patient? What need to be addressed?)
  • Explain what your goal is for helping the patient recover (What do you want to change for the patient?)
Nursing Interventions
  • Explain how you will accomplish your nursing goals, and support this with citations (Reference the literature)
  • Explain how effective the nursing intervention was (What happened after your nursing intervention? Did the patient get better?)
  • Explain what the patient or nurse should do in the future to continue recovery/improvement

Discuss the significance of valuation methods in private equity settings. Why do venture capitalists use preferred stock? Discuss the major reasons.

Discussion FIN-421: Small Business Financing

Discuss the significance of valuation methods in private equity settings.

Why do venture capitalists use preferred stock? Discuss the major reasons.

Create a 3D work of art you created for the theme of Disease and Illness. Then, create a formal analysis using the provided instructions.

Make a 3D art

Create a 3D work of art you created for the theme of Disease and Illness. Then, create a formal analysis using the provided instructions.


  • Header including name and class/section number
  • Times New Roman
  • 12 point font
  • 1 inch margins
  • Double Spaced
  • Pages Numbered
  • 2-3 Page length

Checklist of key concepts and VOCABULARY that should be included in your paper:

  • Dimensions
  • Medium
  • Technique
  • Subject matter
  • Composition
  • Visual Elements (there are 8 of them, not all will apply to every work of art but incorporate the concepts that apply to your piece)
    • Line
    • Shape
    • Mass
    • Light
    • Color
    • Texture
    • Space
    • Time and Motion
  • Principles of design (there are 8 of them, not all will apply to every work of art but incorporate the concepts that apply to your piece)
    • Unity
    • Variety
    • Balance
    • Emphasis
    • Subordination
    • Scale
    • Proportion
    • Rhythm
  • Style
  • Content (Iconography – if there is any)
  • Reasoning for choosing each of these components
  • Your Experience

Create your own matrix to assess which technological development investments are likely to yield the biggest bang for the buck in case of ‘biometric security devices’. Explain your findings.

Demonstrate the ability to collect and synthesize data, facts and figures


Q1– Based on your textbook, explain the 5 steps that can help to obtain the ‘big picture’ of technology evolution in an area and to prioritize innovation investments. Give at least one example to support your answer. (5 Marks, Min words 400-500)


Q2– Judging by the current trends of the technological innovations in the market, select a company of your choice which has repeatedly weighted the ‘importance to customer’ as its primary objective while choosing their innovation projects. Explain at least two instances in depth supporting your answer. (2.5 Marks, Min words 200-250)


Q3– Judging by the current trends of the technological innovations in the market, select a company of your choice which has repeatedly weighted the ‘ease of development’ as its primary objective while choosing their innovation projects. Explain at least two instances in depth supporting your answer. (2.5 Marks, Min words 200-250)


Q4– Write about minimum two companies or industries that are currently investing in technology dimensions where the utility payoff of improving the technology has flattened.  (2 Marks, Min words 200)


Q5– Create your own matrix to assess which technological development investments are likely to yield the biggest bang for the buck in case of ‘biometric security devices’. Explain your findings. (3 Marks, Min words 300)