
Using a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, evaluate your written product; that is, how well did the essay turn out in your view? Was it successful? Based on your evaluation of the final draft, what are its strong points? Where could it continue to be improved?

Discussion 1

Essay Reflection

  1. Describe your writing process for this essay. For example, did you go through the conventional steps of prewriting (brainstorming, freewriting, listing, mapping, etc.), planning (whether by an outline or otherwise), drafting, getting feedback from others, and revising, or did you take another approach? You might include comments here about how your writing occurred (With pen and paper? On your phone/tablet/laptop? In a lab?) and also when it occurred (spread out over ten days vs. the night before?).
  2. Evaluate your writing process for this essay. What worked well for you? What is something you might do differently next time? What would possibly be improved by this change?
  3. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the easiest and 10 being the hardest, how difficult was this essay for you to write? What aspects of the assignment were easy for you, and what aspects posed challenges?
  4. What changes did you make to your essay as a result of feedback from others (peers, friends and family, or your professor)?
  5. Using a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, evaluate your written product; that is, how well did the essay turn out in your view? Was it successful? Based on your evaluation of the final draft, what are its strong points? Where could it continue to be improved?
  6. If there are any additional things to note about the grade distribution or essay writing process, you may note them below.


The reflection should be a minimum of 350 words

Student Response: 200 words

With the tremendous growth in the field of artificial intelligence in recent years, it has become imperative to prioritize the ethical integration of AI into new systems. This development compels us to be mindful of the moral responsibilities we have as citizens in ensuring fair AI systems. Moral responsibility is a complex issue with multiple stakeholders who may be deemed morally responsible depending on the circumstances.

A compelling example that illustrates the challenges of moral responsibility in AI is the case of Cambridge Analytica in 2018. The firm misused personal data collected from Facebook users without their consent to influence political campaigns. In this case, multiple parties could be implicated for moral responsibility. Firstly, the users who shared their data on Facebook could be seen as morally responsible for not being cautious while sharing their data. Secondly, Facebook, as the platform that allowed the data leak to occur, could also be morally responsible for failing to protect user data and prevent the unethical use of their platform. Lastly, regulators and policymakers could also be morally responsible for not implementing proper safeguards and regulations to prevent such abuses of artificial intelligence.

Another notable example that highlights the same issue is the incident in 2018 where an Uber self-driving car killed a pedestrian in Arizona, USA. This incident raises questions about the safety and moral responsibility of autonomous or AI-driven vehicles. Who is responsible for the accident? Is it the fault of the car or the person who incorporated the rules in the car and designed it? Should a car prioritize the safety of the passenger inside over other pedestrians?

There are measures that can be implemented to make AI safer and more reliable. Developers should consider and adopt ethical frameworks such as transparency, fairness, and accountability while designing AI systems so that they can make sound decisions even in worst-case scenarios. Human oversight of AI systems is also crucial, as there may be situations where AI cannot discern between very similar options. Additionally, implementing strict rules and regulations for the development, deployment, and use of AI systems is vital. This includes establishing specific guidelines for data privacy, security, and ethical behavior, and imposing penalties and fines for non-compliance.

In conclusion, moral responsibility in the realm of artificial intelligence is a critical aspect that requires immediate attention. It is a multifaceted issue that demands active involvement from various stakeholders, including developers, organizations, users, and data providers. All these parties share equal responsibility in ensuring the safe and ethical utilization of AI technologies.


Collect historical data for 3 stocks from the Saudi stock market (TASI).Compute the Return R= P1-P0/P0. Compute Expected Return for each stock and the Standard Deviation and the Correlation or Covariance. Create 30 portfolios with these three stocks but changing the wights in each portfolio.

Simple project

Step1-Collect historical data for 3 stocks from the Saudi stock market (TASI).

Step2- Compute the Return R= P1-P0/P0.

Step3- Compute Expected Return for each stock and the Standard Deviation and the Correlation or Covariance.

Step4- Create 30 portfolios with these three stocks but changing the wights in each portfolio.

Step5- Compute the Expected Return and the Standard deviation(risk) for the portfolio.

Step6- Draw the efficient frontier.

What advantages do you have that others do not (skills, education, experience, certifications)? What achievements are you most proud of? What do you do better than anyone else?

Assessment 2 Instructions: SWOT Analysis

Conduct an environmental scan and write an assessment in which you focus on both the internal and external factors that could affect your success within your chosen industry.

After an organization has completed a SWOT analysis, it will carefully monitor both the internal and external environments to detect signs of opportunities and threats that could affect current and future plans. This environmental scanning can help an organization identify trends that are most likely to affect the industry, thereby allowing the development of a strategy for change. The right information, at the right time, can determine the future of an organization.

Note: Developing a strategic plan requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in order and should be completed in sequence. Conduct a personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. In your analysis, consider the following:

What advantages do you have that others do not (skills, education, experience, certifications)?
What achievements are you most proud of?
What do you do better than anyone else?
What do you think others would see as your strengths?
Do you have special connections that others may not have?
What personal resources do you have available?

Be sure to consider how others see you-not just how you see yourself.

Are there tasks you avoid doing because you do not feel confident doing them?
Do you have any negative work habits (often late, disorganized, easily stressed)?
Do you feel confident about your skills, experience, and education?
Do you have any personality traits that might hold you back? For example, do you have a fear of public
speaking, yet work where you are expected to conduct regular meetings?

Again, consider how others see you.

Opportunities _389414_1&content_id=_12222493_1 1/3

Take the cumulative knowledge from the semester to answer the core question of presidency: What determines presidential success or failure? Create an informed definition of success and failure.

Evaluating Presidents and Mastery of the Office

In this final, you will take the cumulative knowledge from the semester to answer the core question of presidency: What determines presidential success or failure? Create an informed definition of success and failure. In crafting your answer to this part, assess the following dimensions of presidential governance

  • i) the system-wide demands of the office and to what extent they are conducive for mastery
  • ii) tools presidents have to accomplish their goals
  • iii) constraints that make achieving goals difficult
  • iv) pitfalls that lead to failure and
  • v) illustrations of success.

Next, does presidential success necessarily mean betterment of the polity, and similarly, is prosperity in society necessary for presidential success? Having established the contours of success and failure, conclude your paper by assessing the prospects for presidential success moving forward, and whether our politics need to de-emphasize or rely even more on the chief executive

Draw up the relevant Control Accounts entering end-of-year totals for accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Statement of Financial Position as at March 31, 2010


                                                                                    $                                              $

March 31, 2010                       March 31, 2009


Non-current assets                                                      4,200                                       3,700


Current Assets

Inventory                                                                    1,500                                       1,600

Accounts receivable                                                    2,200                                       1,800

3,700                                       3,400

Total Assets                                                                7,900                                       7,100


Share capital                                                                1,200                                       1,200

Retained earnings                                                       2,800                                       1,900

Total Equity                                                                4,000                                       3,100


Non-Current liabilities

Long term loan                                                            1,600                                       2,050


Current Liabilities

Accounts payable                                                        1,250                                       1,090

Taxation                                                                         895                                          655

Bank overdraft                                                               155                                          205

Total Current liabilities                                               2,300                                       1,950

Total Equity & Liabilities                                         7,900                                       7,100





ABC Co.,

Income Statement for the year ended March 31, 2010


$                                 $

Revenue                                                                      5,270

Cost of sales                                                                2,000

Gross profit                                                                 3,270

Operating expenses                 1,000

Depreciation                               970


Operating profit                                                          1,300

Interest expense                                                             250

Profit before tax                                                          1,050

Taxation                                                                         450

Profit for the year                                                          600



Additional information:

(i)  During the year ended March 31, 2010 the company purchased property plant & equipment Of  $870.

(ii)  No interest was owed at the end of the year.

(iii) Dividend paid for the year ending March 31, 2010 is $300.

You are required to prepare the Statement of Cash Flow for ABC Co., for the year ended March 31, 2010 as per IAS7.



Question 2

The financial year of The Better Trading Company ended on 30 November 2017. You have been asked to prepare a Total Accounts Receivable Account and a Total Accounts Payable Account in order to produce end-of-year figures for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable for the draft final accounts.   (20 marks)

You are able to obtain the following information for the financial year from the books of original entry:


Sales                – cash                                                                                                   344,890

– credit                                                                                                 268,187

Purchases        – cash                                                                                                     14,440

– credit                                                                                                 496,600

Total receipts from customers                                                                                     600,570

Total payments to suppliers                                                                                        503,970

Discounts allowed (all to credit customers)                                                                    5,520

Discounts received (all from credit suppliers)                                                    3,510

Refunds given to cash customers                                                                                   5,070

Balance in the sales ledger set off against balance in the purchases ledger                         70

Bad debts written-off                                                                                                        780

Increase in the allowance for doubtful debts                                                                      90

Credit notes issued to credit customers                                                                          4,140

Credit notes received from credit suppliers                                                                    1,480


According to the audited financial statements for the previous year accounts receivable and accounts payable as at 1 December 2016 were $26,555 and $43,450 respectively.



Draw up the relevant Control Accounts entering end-of-year totals for accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Differentiate with suitable examples the relevant cash flows and irrelevant cash flows. What relevant role do these cash flows provide in management decision-making? Provide a suitable example in context to an organization to support your answer.

Accounting Question

Assignment Question(s):   (Marks 15)

Q1. Differentiate with suitable examples the relevant cash flows and irrelevant cash flows. What relevant role do these cash flows provide in management decision-making? Provide a suitable example in context to an organization to support your answer.   (3 Marks)

Note: Your answer must include suitable examples of relevant and irrelevant cash flows for management decision-making.   (Week 2, Chapter 1)


Q2. What are the various methods of estimating cost functions? Explain each method with suitable numerical examples.   (4 Marks)

Note: You are required to assume values for numerical examples of your own, and they should not be copied from any sources.   (Week 3, Chapter 2)

Q3. ALC ltd. manufactures a product ‘X’ for which the selling price per unit, variables cost per unit, and fixed costs are as follows:   (4 Marks)

Selling price per unit SAR 750
Variable cost per unit SAR 225
Total Fixed Costs SAR 425,000

Answer the following questions using cost volume profit analysis:

  1. Determine the break-even point in units.
  2. Determine the break-even point in sales SAR.
  3. What will be the pretax profit if the company sells 1,400 units of the product?
  4. How many units the company will be required to sell to reach a target pretax profit of SAR 200,000?
  5. The margin of safety in units if the company’s estimated next year budgeted sales are 1,500 units.        (Week 4, Chapter 3)


Q4. KCC Ltd. uses a process costing system for its sole processing department. There were 35,000 units in the beginning WIP inventory for June and 325,000 units were started in June. The beginning WIP units were 50% complete and the 30,000 units in the ending WIP were 40% complete. All materials are added at the start of processing.      (4 Marks)

You are required to:

  1. a) Compute the no. of units started & completed.
  2. b) Compute the EUP for DM and CC using FIFO and WA methods.
  3. c) Calculate total manufacturing cost/EUP under both methods with the following details:
Direct Material Cost SAR 850,000 SAR 1,000,000
Conversion Cost SAR 1,025,000 SAR 1,350,000

(Week 5, Chapter 6)

Consolidated financial statements present the financial position and results of operations for controlling entity and one or more controlled entities. ‘Consolidated Financial Statement has some advantages but at the same time it is not free from limitations.’ Elaborate this statement.

Accounting Question

  • Assume Large Corporation Invested $ 600,000 for Small Corporation and the estimated Fair Market Values of Assets, Liabilities and Equity Accounts are as follows:
Assets Amount $ Liabilities Amount $
Account Receivable


LT Marketable Securities

PP & E







Account Payables

Retained Earnings

Commons Stock








Required:    (2+3 Marks)

  1. Determine the Amount of Goodwill or Bargain Purchase.
  2. What is the Journal Entry in the book of Large Corporation?


  • From the following Table pass Basic Elimination Entry under Equity Method in the book of Parent Company: (5 Marks)

Book Value

= Common


+ Additional

Paid in Capital

+ Retained


Beginning Book Value

+ Net Income

–         Dividend





150 550 (100)





Book Value

750 150 550 50


  • Consolidated financial statements present the financial position and results of operations for controlling entity and one or more controlled entities. ‘Consolidated Financial Statement has some advantages but at the same time it is not free from limitations.’ Elaborate this statement. (5 Marks)


Describe the disease process for MG. List (2) local community resources available that can provide support such as: Nutrition. Transportation.

MDC 4, Myasthenia Gravis Pamphlet.


As a new nurse, you have had clients with Myasthenia Gravis (MG) and are concerned about their level of understanding of the disease process. You have taken on the task of developing a teaching pamphlet to provide clear discharge instructions including information on the disease, support resources, medication teaching, and signs and symptoms of Myasthenic Crisis. You will include the following information in the pamphlet.

  1. Describe the disease process for MG.
  2. List (2) local community resources available that can provide support such as:
  • Nutrition.
  • Transportation.
  1. Psychosocial needs such as support groups.
  2. Include medication administration instructions and the importance of timing of medication delivery.
  3. Include signs of symptoms of Myasthenic Crisis and when to notify health care provider.

You have been asked to present the pros and cons of converting to the IFRS standards, thus allowing your company to move to international markets. Explain how this change will affect the financial statements.


Merchandising companies invest large sums of money in inventory, having to account for the purchasing, selling, and costs. Most U.S. based companies or companies on U.S. exchanges have previously had to follow the GAAP standards. As IFRS has moved forward in many countries, these companies have to review if the GAAP or the IFRS standards should be used.

Your company has been following GAAP standards and is looking to expand to international markets. You have been using a LIFO cost of inventory system and have had several inventory items marked down under the lower-of-cost-or-market. You have been asked to present the pros and cons of converting to the IFRS standards, thus allowing your company to move to international markets. Explain how this change will affect the financial statements.

150 words-300.

What failing organization did you choose? What external factors contributed to the organization’s failure? What internal factors contributed to the organization’s failure? What obstacles did the organization encounter? How were they handled?

Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Throughout history, organizations have regularly failed. Many have failed due to their lack of innovative structure and culture. Your group has the opportunity to research an organization that has failed because it was unsuccessful in implementing innovation. You may choose an organization of your own or one of the following: Blockbuster, Polaroid, Blackberry, Sears, Toys ‘R’ Us, Xerox, Atari, Kodak, or Borders. In this assignment, you will build a 10-12-slide PowerPoint presentation, excluding the title slide and references. Be sure to include presenter’s notes. In your presentation, address the following questions:

  1. What failing organization did you choose?
  2. What external factors contributed to the organization’s failure?
  3. What internal factors contributed to the organization’s failure?
  4. What obstacles did the organization encounter? How were they handled?
  5. What did the organization fail to forecast in the changing market?
  6. What could you have done, as leaders of the organization, to pivot the company to success?

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.