
Briefly describe the context. In other words, tell me what I need to know to understand your analysis.

Management Question

Assignment Instructions:

Good writing skills are essential for success in any academic or professional work. This is particularly true for people in a leadership position, where writing is the primary way to communicate ideas to lower-echelon managers or entry-level employees. Good writing is a skill that requires practice to become perfect.

The purpose of the Leadership Experience Paper is to apply the leadership concepts (from the lectures, class notes, book, additional readings,…) to your personal life: to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as a leader and to recognize which situations align with your style, and which do not.


Use leadership concepts to systematically evaluate your leadership and your relationship with your followers. Specifically, think about a time when you were in a leadership position and when you had to influence others. For example, you can talk about a situation that happened in school (e.g., group project, school event) or outside of school (e.g., summer jobs, internships, volunteer work). Address and evaluate your leadership behaviors/style and your relationship with your followers. Please arrange your paper in the following way:

Context. Briefly describe the context. In other words, tell me what I need to know to understand your analysis. Make sure you briefly address the following questions (i.e., one or two sentences for each question):

  • What was the setting (e.g., school, work,…)?
  • What was your main task?
  • Who were your followers?
  • How many followers did you have?
  • Were your followers similar to one another? In what ways were they similar/dissimilar?

Analysis. After describing the context, you should relate the experience to the leadership literature. Select two leadership theories from the theories listed below.

Skills approach (CH 3)
Situational approach (CH 5)
Path-goal theory (CH 6)
LMX theory (CH 7)
Transformational leadership (CH 8)

For each theory, please do the following:

  • Briefly explain the leadership theory.
  • Apply the theory to the context (explain the connections between the theory and your situation).
    • Skills approach – Which leadership skills did you demonstrate? Explain how you demonstrated these skills. Which leadership skills did you not demonstrate? Explain how you did not demonstrate these skills.
    • Situational approach –Which development level were your followers? Were all your followers at the same development level? Explain why your followers were at this level(s). Which leadership style(s) did you use? Explain how you demonstrated this leadership style(s). Did you use the same leadership style with every follower?
    • Path-goal theory – Which follower/task characteristics were observable in your situation? Did all your followers have the same follower characteristics? Explain these characteristics. Which leadership styles did you use? Explain how you demonstrated these leadership styles.
    • LMX theory – Which of your followers were in the in-group and which were in the out-group? Which phases of leadership making did you go through? Explain how you went through these different phases.
    • Transformational leadership – Which transformational factors did you demonstrate? Explain how you demonstrated these factors. Which transformational factors did you not demonstrate? Explain how you did not demonstrate these factors.
  • Analyze your performance.
    • According to this theory, were you an effective leader? Why/Why not?
    • According to this theory, what could you have done differently to be a more effective leader?

Conclusion. After analyzing your leadership, provide an overall summary of your leadership.

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses as a leader?
  • Based on your strengths, which situations (tasks/followers) do you think you would excel at leading?
  • Based on your weaknesses, which situations (tasks/followers) do you think you would struggle at leading?
  • What aspects of your leadership are you going to try to work on to become a better leader?
  • How do you plan to improve these aspects of your leadership?

Identify the main ethical issues; usually there are 1 or 2 main ethical issues, and several sub-issues stemming from the key issues; try to cover main problem(s) and then 1 sub-issue if possible.

Ethical Dilemma Case Study Instructions

Your goal is to find or create an ethical dilemma, research and propose a potential solution following a step-by-step process. You need to research your issue, the ethical schools of thought (theories) you believe are applicable, the pros and cons, and then conclude with your final proposal. An ethical dilemma is a problem having an ethical component to it. A simple example is finding a wallet with money it and identification; should you return it? Why? How do you make your decision? For this case study, you need a more complex ethical dilemma.

Main Steps
1. Obtain relevant facts of the issue; address why it’s important. At this level, you should address at least what you know about the situation – as well as what you don’t know; even more significant is the amount of time available. Often this is the determining factor in what will ultimately be done.

2. Identify the main ethical issues; usually there are 1 or 2 main ethical issues, and several sub-issues stemming from the key issues; try to cover main problem(s) and then 1 sub-issue if possible.

3. Determine who or what is affected by these dilemmas; who are the stakeholders? Who wins, loses? Who is helped by this? Who is hurt? Why?

4. Identify viable solutions/options based on 2 ethical schools of thought we’re studying this semester. For example: utilitarianism, egoism, virtue ethics, social contract, deontology, – or any version of these. At this point, you may want to rank them from best to worst by considering which is the least problematic, yet still most effective. This can be quite difficult.

5. Identify at least 1-2 specific consequences – both long-term/short term- for each alternative/school of thought. Explain in detail and use examples.

6. Make a choice (in your conclusion) and provide a philosophical argument supporting why your solution is the best by comparing and contrasting the benefits and liabilities of your solution to the one(s) you believe is/are the worst and/or second best. You may want to integrate a discussion on the original circumstances which created this dilemma in the first place – and how it might be avoided in the future.

7. Use 2 sources, APA or MLA format: 5-7 pages total.

8. Grammar, spelling, sentence structure, clarity in writing, formatting, organization, effective use of sources, images, and overall writing style are all part of your grade for this project.

Write a letter to your son and give him advice about how he can persevere through his difficulties. As the mother, refence specific words or phrases you used in the poem (give text evidence) and explain the life expereinces that shaped the values you hope your son will use in the difficulties he faces.


Imagine that you are the speaker of the poem and that your son is facing a difficult time. Write a letter to your son and give him advice about how he can persevere through his difficulties. As the mother, refence specific words or phrases you used in the poem (give text evidence) and explain the life experiences that shaped the values you hope your son will use in the difficulties he faces.

boook on Study Sync
book called “Mother to Son”

What insights have you gleaned from this analysis? What does the company do well in regards to stakeholder relations? What could be improved?

Stakeholder Analysis

In this activity, you will conduct a stakeholder analysis for an organization of your choosing, ideally the one you will analyze for your final project. For the data for your analysis, look for information in its annual report, and in other sources such as the company’s website, press releases, sustainability reports, etc.

  1. Begin by reviewing these examples and graphics:
  • Links to an external site.
  • Stakeholder engagement guide 4_stakeholder_engagement_for_Emerging_Markets.pdf Actions
  • 4_StakeholderEngagement(1).jpg
  • Using the Indiana CPA Society chart as a guide, create a stakeholder analysis through the eyes of your organization.
    • Who are the stakeholders? (list at least five groups). Some of your categories might be regulators (e.g., government agencies, oversight bodies like the Security and Exchange Commission); employees; shareholders/investors; supply chain vendors; sales/distribution partners; media; and interorganizational alliances (networks, coalitions, or other firms in that industry).
    • How and why does your organization engage with each group?
    • For each group, describe:
      • the value they bring to your organization
      • the value your organization delivers to them.
  • Close with a summary.
    1. What insights have you gleaned from this analysis?
    2. What does the company do well in regards to stakeholder relations? What could be improved?

Write a minimum 500-word original business memo. In a concise manner, describe to executive management the data you will analyze to determine a potential market for this product. State your purpose in the opening paragraph and provide sufficient information to explain the required items.

Segmentation and the Target Market

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this assignment:

MT219-3: Describe market segmentation and target marketing in a case scenario.
Using the information on the target market you learned from reading Chapters 6 and 8 in your text, original research on the Internet, and the various Learning Activities provided, read the scenario and respond to the checklist items in a business memo format.

Case Scenario: The product is a portable multimedia center, to be marketed in the U.S., called “Media Popup” and made by the startup company Porttron, Inc. The multimedia center is a glossy compact 10ʺ×12ʺ entertainment box. It includes a screen with optional additional screen extension that pops out of the right side; a computer keyboard that folds down; four surround-sound mini-speakers that can be adhered to any hard surface with the stick strips at the back of each speaker; and a subscription to streamed movies, music, and videos for 2 years — all for $499. It is available in three different colors (black, silver, and white).

Business Memo: You are a marketing assistant at Porttron, Inc. tasked with providing a business memo (i.e., an internal company document) to the U.S. executive management team of Porttron, Inc. concerning the checklist items provided below.

Write a minimum 500-word original business memo. In a concise manner, describe to executive management the data you will analyze to determine a potential market for this product. State your purpose in the opening paragraph and provide sufficient information to explain the required items. Finally, provide a concluding paragraph to summarize your suggestions.

1. Identify either a consumer or business market.
2. Describes a minimum of four (4) bases each for segmenting the market for at least one market (see Chapter 8).
3. Identify four (4) segmentation descriptors (e.g., if a company chose usage-rate segmentation they might decide between heavy and light users).
4. Explain your rationale for the four (4) segmentation descriptors for at least one market.
5. Describe a minimum of 4 factors of the target market.
6. Identify a marketing mix (product, place, promotion, price) for the product.
In a minimum of 2 pages (500 words) in a Microsoft Word document, write the business memo using the current APA format and citation style

All derivatives are based on the random performance of something. Identify and discuss this word “something.”

Financial derivatives 405

All derivatives are based on the random performance of something. Identify and discuss this word “something.”

Can you think of any specific disadvantages to T-cells’ positive and negative selection processes in the thymus? Can you think of ways in which the identified disadvantages will affect T-cell function?

Module 4 Discussion

T-lymphocytes undergo thymic selection whereby they are able to recognize foreign peptides contained in MHCs. Based on this statement, answer the following questions:

  • Can you think of any specific disadvantages to T-cells’ positive and negative selection processes in the thymus?
  • Can you think of ways in which the identified disadvantages will affect T-cell function?

Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Support your response with specific evidence.

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

Use the template to write a 4 page academic research paper in which you include the following:
Step 1: Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Support your assessment with specific evidence.
Step 2: Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Support your response with specific evidence.
Step 3: Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influences its overall success. Support your assessment with specific evidence.
Step 4: Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of the corporation. Support your response with specific evidence.

Use three or more quality sources, including your textbook, to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. (Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources)

How useful can researchers make automated testing against requirements documents? How many users are needed to generate valid recommendations? How can we better explain the differences between users’ perceptions of a task and the objective measures?

Human computer Interaction


Researchers can contribute their experience with experimentation to develop improved techniques for interface evaluation and the user experience. Guidance in conducting pilot studies, acceptance tests, surveys, interviews, and discussions would benefit large-scale development groups, but additional attention needs to be given to smaller projects and incremental-type changes. Strategies are needed to cope with evaluation for the numerous specific populations of users and the diverse forms of disabilities that users may have. In this project 2, you are the Experts in helping design and constructing psychological tests which can help in preparing validated and reliable test instruments for subjective evaluation of the varying types of interfaces, from small mobile devices to very large displays, including specialized interfaces such as gaming. Such standardized tests would allow independent groups to compare the acceptability of interfaces.

SCOPE: You are working for an Independent company and you are tasked to design an evaluation instrument tool used to profile users’ skill levels with interfaces that would be helpful in job-placement and training programs.

STEP ONE (1) Use PowerPoint (MS Suite Products or suitable Tool) to design (draw) your HCI Interface, design an Evaluation Instrument Test Tool to validate an interface for a small mobile device or a very large display to include specialized interfaces such as gaming. Please show in your design how you would incorporate quality features e.g., usability, universality, and usefulness using an AI and/or Machine Learning approach.

OBJECTIVE: This project 2 should show how do you best incorporate and evaluate qualitative data and dimensions such as fun, pleasure, joy, affect, challenge, or realism.

STEP TWO: Answer each of the following question to include why as it relates to Evaluations and the Users Experience.

  • Would benchmark datasets and task libraries help standardize evaluation?
  • How useful can researchers make automated testing against requirements documents?
  • How many users are needed to generate valid recommendations?
  • How can we better explain the differences between users’ perceptions of a task and the objective measures?
  • How do we select the best measure for a task?
  • How can life-critical applications for experienced professionals be tested reliably?
  • Is there a single usability metric that can be used and compared across types of interfaces?
  • Can we combine performance data and subjective data and create a single meaningful result?
  • Is there a scorecard that can be used to aid in the interpretation of usability results?
  • Is there a theory to explain and understand the relationship between measures?

What failing organization did you choose? What external factors contributed to the organization’s failure? What internal factors contributed to the organization’s failure?

Assessment Description: Q& A 150 words-

Due tomorrow

Making a pivot has saved organizations from completely deteriorating. Using an industry resource, such as the Wall Street Journal, research an organization of your choice that has made an impactful pivot. Write an 8-10-sentence summary of the organization and the monumental pivot that saved the organization from deteriorating.

Assessment Description: This is a group PP. This is Due on Monday 10th, at 3pm to the team

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Throughout history, organizations have regularly failed. Many have failed due to their lack of innovative structure and culture. Your group has the opportunity to research an organization that has failed because it was unsuccessful in implementing innovation. You may choose an organization of your own or one of the following: Blockbuster, Polaroid, Blackberry, Sears, Toys ‘R’ Us, Xerox, Atari, Kodak, or Borders. In this assignment, you will build a 10-12-slide PowerPoint presentation, excluding the title slide and references. Be sure to include presenter’s notes. In your presentation, address the following questions:

  1. What failing organization did you choose?
  2. What external factors contributed to the organization’s failure?
  3. What internal factors contributed to the organization’s failure?
  4. What obstacles did the organization encounter? How were they handled?
  5. What did the organization fail to forecast in the changing market?
  6. What could you have done, as leaders of the organization, to pivot the company to success?

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Team References:

8 Reasons Why Blockbuster Failed & Filed for Bankruptcy (

A Look Back At Why Blockbuster Really Failed And Why It Didn’t Have To (

Blockbuster: the Rise and Fall of the Iconic Movie Rental Store (

“A Blockbuster Failure: How an Outdated Business Model Destroyed a Gian” by Todd Davis and John Higgins (

Blockbuster: It’s Failure and Lessons to Digital Transformers – Digital Innovation and Transformation (

Assignment 3:

A: Assessment Description: 150 words Due 4/10

Analyze and explain a successful organization’s structures and conditions that facilitated creativity and innovation. What structures inhibited creativity and innovation? Provide examples and explain. Would a lean business model help those structures support or inhibit creativity and why?

B: Assessment Description: 150 Words Due 4/11

Watch the TED Talk, “TedX Bay Area – Daniel Burres: Using Flash Foresight to Drive Innovation and Growth,” located in the topic Resources. What are some of the uncertainties impacting life and business today and how are they different from 2011? Is it still possible to predict the next linear step and, if so, how? Give an example of one current area where you can predict a possible “next step” and why you think it is possible?

C. Assessment Description:Organizational Innovation Analysis 500-750 words Due 4/13. APA format

In order to make effective change within an organization, an analysis of the current organizational state is essential. In this assignment, you will be analyzing the current innovative status within your own organization or an organization of your choice. This organization will also be used in several subsequent assignments. In your 500-750-word organizational analysis paper, address the following questions:

  1. What are your organization’s competitors’ current trends of innovation?
  2. How does your organization’s innovativeness compare to its competitors’?
  3. Within your organization, which stakeholders are responsible for supporting innovation? In what capacity?
  4. Examining your organization’s structure, systems, and people, how adaptable is the organization for implementing innovative principles and practices?
  5. How does your organization leverage analytics or trends to justify innovation?