
Compose a paper discussing key components of planning mistakes or lack of planning from an incident choose another emergency/disaster where poor planning caused an issue. Discuss what issues were caused and how planning prior to and/or during the incident may have resulted in a better outcome.

 Planning mistakes

Compose a paper discussing key components of planning mistakes or lack of planning from an incident choose another emergency/disaster where poor planning caused an issue. Discuss what issues were caused and how planning prior to and/or during the incident may have resulted in a better outcome.

What was your experience with recognising the signs of deterioration in the patient in the case study scenario? State areas of strength you have achieved and improvements you may require.

NURS3015 Health Variations 4 – Acute Life Threatening Conditions

Assignment 4: MET call case study – Reflection

Word/time limit: 500 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 10%

After you have read this information, go to the Assignment 4 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment.

Assignment overview

This assignment is a mandatory submission, which means that in order to pass this subject of study, you must submit this assignment. 

This assignment follows on from your Assignment 3: Group presentation – MET call case study, and is to be completed following the submission of your presentation recording. The aim of this assignment is to enhance your understanding of the significance of recognising a deteriorating patient. You will reflect on your understanding of pathophysiology in relation to the patient’s clinical manifestations using a holistic patient approach, and reflect on the importance of working together as a team in the group presentation reflective of teamwork in caring for a deteriorating patient.

This assignment supports Subject Learning Outcomes 1, 2 and 4.

If your studies have been adversely affected by circumstances beyond your control, you may request an extension using the following options.

Note: A request must be made within 48 hours of the assignment due date.

Request an extensionView an existing request

Assignment details

Read through the following steps to understand and meet the requirements of this assignment:

Step 1: Read through the reflection questions

You are expected to critically reflect on and respond to all of the following reflection questions.

Reflection questions

  • Question 1: What was your experience with recognising the signs of deterioration in the patient in the case study scenario? State areas of strength you have achieved and improvements you may require.

  • Question 2: What was your experience with understanding the underlying pathophysiological changes and its link to the patient’s clinical manifestations? State areas of strength you have achieved and improvements you may require.
  • Question 3:  What was your experience with working as part of a team in understanding the patient’s MET call and presentation? State areas of strength you have achieved and improvements you may require.

Step 2: Write your reflection on your MET call case study

Your reflection should be based on a critical reflection framework. Some examples of these are Rolfe’s reflective framework (What, So What? Now What?) and Gibb’s reflection framework. You may find it useful to review the following guides for developing your reflective writing skills:

While you will be drawing on your experiences from completing Assignment 3: Group presentation – MET call case study, and referring to the specific case study that you were allocated to, this reflection is an individual assignment and should be completed independently.

Step 3: Submit your reflection

Before you submit your assignment, ensure that you have proofread your reflection and have formatted your submission according to the following specifications:

  • 3 cm left and right margins
  • double spaced
  • Font: Arial or Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12pt

Your assignment must be submitted in either .doc or .docx format, and follow the file naming convention of Surname_FirstName_Assignment Title. Refer to the Submission Details Overview section for specific instructions on how to submit your assignment using Turnitin. Ensure that you include the marking guide with your submission.

Write a term paper that analyzes the cost and impacts of your energy source on the economy overall.

The Cost and Impacts of Bio fuels

On Bio-Fuels:

Write a term paper that analyzes the cost and impacts of your energy source on the economy overall.  The economy may be that of the US (probably you will have more data on this) or the world.  The impacts could be environmental, health and safety, political, social, etc.

We need to write a term paper – then a power point.

We are to draw conclusions about the feasibility of using bio fuels as an energy source in the future and outline its impacts in detail.

Write a Reflection essay: Find a media portrayal of a person with an addictive disorder, and in no more than 300 words, outline the premise of that particular portrayal, and briefly reflect on any potential stigmatising or destigmatising information provided and what that might mean to people with an addictive disorder.

Addictive Disorder

Write a Reflection essay: Find a media portrayal of a person with an addictive disorder, and in no more than 300 words, outline the premise of that particular portrayal, and briefly reflect on any potential stigmatising or destigmatising information provided and what that might mean to people with an addictive disorder.

(You can use any type of addictive disorder e.g., substance use disorders with different substances; gaming; gambling, sex, etc.)

“De-growth offers a viable alternative to development”. Critically assess this statement.

Political science Question

“De-growth offers a viable alternative to development”. Critically assess this statement.

Prepare a response and plan of action to resolve the problem as directed by the CEO.

Assignment #4

Prepare a response and plan of action to resolve the problem as directed by the CEO.

At a local hospital, a decision was made to downsize the nursing staff. The local television station sent a reporter and camera crew to interview the administrator regarding the impact of this action on patient care. After 20 minutes of filming the interview, the reporter left. Later that evening, the CEO received a call from the hospital’s public relations director, who directed her to YouTube. A video had been posted showing several nurses and former patients protesting the hospital’s decision in front of the hospital. The public relations director also directed the CEO to a new community blog called “”

The CEO called a meeting for the next morning and wondered, “How did things get so out of control?” She asked the public relations director to provide an overview and present a brief plan. Present the overview and plan.

Do you think storytelling is a good idea despite the fact that it might have negative consequences?


Do you think storytelling is a good idea despite the fact that it might have negative consequences?

Use the link below as a reference

After reading the required chapters and watching the below YouTube Video: That Little Voice by RBC- #SpeakUpForInclusion, you are to create a PowerPoint Presentation to discuss the new DEI efforts at your organization.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

DEI is not just about race and gender. After reading the required chapters and watching the below YouTube Video: That Little Voice by RBC- #SpeakUpForInclusion, you are to create a PowerPoint Presentation to discuss the new DEI efforts at your organization. Recently, you were hired as the new VP for DEI and your main metric is to increase the branding of your organization supporting DEI. This concept is not supported by everyone on the board of trustees, whom by the way, are all male of the same race. You have some serious barriers to break in 2022.

Share you DEI statement; What will the organizational climate and culture now look like; How will you engage employees; What is their stance on the issue; What about survey and some of the questions you asked; What about hiring incentives to attract talent; How would your training program retain key talent; What about policies and regulations to ensure compliance? You may use your previous company and logo, but this time add your workforce staff number, race and gender numbers, and location of business.

Write a 500 page paper over selective attention by first defining it according to the literature and then continue with your thoughts on the video you reviewed and finally discuss a time in your own life when you “missed” something that was right in front of you. Describe how the concept of selective attention may have been the reason for this.

Cogn Psyc wk 2

Watch the short video about the invisible gorilla. The researchers found it very interesting that a large number of people fail to see the gorilla. They believe that this is due to selective attention. After watching the video, answer how close you were to the number of passes the white shirt team actually made. Can you even guess how many the black shirt made? Now put this into real life. Write a 500 page paper over selective attention by first defining it according to the literature and then continue with your thoughts on the video you reviewed and finally discuss a time in your own life when you “missed” something that was right in front of you. Describe how the concept of selective attention may have been the reason for this. Conclude with how we can be more attentive and not miss quite so much.

Here is the link to the video,

Use this book as the reference
Anderson, J. R. (2020). Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications (9th ed.). Macmillan Higher Education.

What are the strengths that are per-existing for this family/support network/youth? OR what do things look like when they are going well? Who is involved in applying this strategy and why?

Case study

Junior is a 13-year-old Indigenous boy in grade 8. He is the oldest of four; he has two younger sisters and a younger brother. His parents are survivors of the residential school system during the 60’s scoop. They have experienced trauma as a result and struggle with mental health and addictions issues. Despite his parents’ greatest efforts to keep him in kinship care, child protective services have apprehended Junior and placed him in a group home where he has been for the past 6 months. His three younger siblings have been placed in a foster care setting. His sisters are together in the same foster home and his brother is alone in another foster home.
Junior and his siblings have been removed from their home multiple times – first when he was two years old, then at six years old, and again when he was nine – due to family violence concerns. Since his first time in care at two years old, Junior and his siblings have been in kinship care, different foster care homes, and group homes. His parents have expressed that they would like their children in the care of their maternal grandmother (and she is willing to accept all four children) but their caseworker at child protective services is hesitant as she is also a residential school survivor.
Since arriving in the group home, he has been suspended three times for various behaviors including smoking in the school bathroom, fighting, and skipping class. Junior likes skateboarding, movies, cultural dancing, and video games. He is an intelligent youth and enjoys learning at school however, his diagnosis of ADHD since the age of 10 interferes with his learning.
Junior has been having difficulties in the group home since he arrived. He is the youngest teen in the home and is often in conflict with the older teens. Junior’s teacher, Mr. Wilson, has contacted you, the child and youth care worker at his group home, and asked for a meeting to discuss Junior’s behavior and make a plan for supporting him.

3. Students will complete this assignment from the perspective of a primary child and youth care worker.

4. For this assignment you will develop an intervention plan for two(2) of the following settings. Students will base their intervention plan based on the theories and assessment models presented in class. (clearly labelled)

  • a. the group home setting
  • b. at school
  • c. with parents/elders/kinship care providers/grandmother
  • d. community setting

5. Each intervention plan should outline the following:

  • a. Strengths and Resilience Factors: What are the strengths that are per-existing for this family/support network/youth? OR what do things look like when they are going well? Who is involved in applying this strategy and why? (Approximately 100 – 200 words – can be bullet points)
  • b. Potential Challenges/Concerns: What are we worried about /Challenges (presently, as well as in the future if changes are not made) (Approximately 200 – 300 words)
  • c. Next steps: What specific actions can we take to create safety/make lasting changes for this youth/family? Indicate the specific role each player is going to take (ex. Group home commits to checking in with Junior twice a night to ensure he is okay). This would be the bulk of the work. (Why the strategy is useful in this case.) (Approximately 500 words)
  • d. Community Resources: You must include at least 3 community resources or programs that could support this family within the ‘next steps’ portion of your intervention plan.