
Should the Senate be reformed? If so, what type of reforms should be implemented? What are the main challenges to reform?


The Canadian Senate has long been considered an institutional pariah, viewed as an undemocratic, outmoded warehouse for patronage appointments and mired in spending and workload scandals. Should the Senate be reformed? If so, what type of reforms should be implemented? What are the main challenges to reform?

In today’s environment, how could Radnor Pediatric restore the growth possibilities for the group practice?

Assignment #3

Prepare a response answering questions asked at the end. Recommend an action plan to avoid such a situation in the future.

The Radnor Pediatric Care group has grown dramatically in recent years. Located in a midsized city in the Southeast that had seen an influx of younger families, the practice had recruited pediatricians and physician extenders to meet the increasing demand of patients. The group was also quite aggressive in ensuring that the diversity of practitioners was a key part of its recruiting efforts and a hallmark of which senior group members were proud. Now entering the 10th year of the practice, the group had five locations throughout the metro area, but there were some early concerns in terms of the financials. At a quarterly meeting of the executive committee, the practice administrator reported for the first time that practice growth and revenues were both flat. This was a first in the group’s history. The timing of this message was somewhat fortuitous in that the group had already planned a fall meeting of all its clinicians at a local hotel. The group is trying to determine the best path forward. You are the marketing director for Radnor Pediatric and have been asked to provide a sense of possible direction and rationale.

In assembling your notes, you provide an overview of the practice:
Radnor Pediatrics
Five clinic locations: two sites have weekend hours.
Website: This is updated on a quarterly basis.
After-hour support: This is provided by hospital urgent-care locations downtown.

Walk-in appointments: These are available at central Radnor Pediatric locations five days a week before regular appointment visits from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. when all offices open.
Prescription refill requests: These can be left after hours on the answering machine at the main clinic site.
Appointment requests: These are made at each office when the practice site opens. The hours for two office locations are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; the main clinic site is open 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (except the walk-in time), and the far west site is 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • In today’s environment, how could Radnor Pediatric restore the growth possibilities for the group practice?

What are your views on change? How will your practice be affected by the current changes and challenges associated with “Failure to Respond”? How will you personally uphold the change efforts in practice?

Environmental Factors in Clinical Decision Making for the Novice Nurse

Background knowledge-brief summary of current knowledge on the “Failure to Respond” and Clinical-Decision Making in Nursing
Challenges imposed in practice

Literature Review
Uses literature to support claims, facts, and statistics.
In text Citation present and appropriate.

What are your views on change?
How will your practice be affected by the current changes and challenges associated with “Failure to Respond”?
How will you personally uphold the change efforts in practice?


Write a short essay that reflects your belief or passion about a particular part of your professional experience.

Project 1

In this project, you will write a short essay that reflects your belief or passion about a particular part of your professional experience. This project requires you to organize complex and divergent thoughts to write a single page paragraph by paragraph. Your essay is intentionally limited to 500 words to engage you in the structural process of writing. You will refresh basic writing skills and rediscover the building blocks that you will use for longer projects. Consider this a first step in your journey.

Do you consider Beowulf to be brave? How does bravery relate to heroism? Is a hero always brave?

Heroism In Beowulf

Basic instructions: Compose a 4-page paper discussing the main character’s heroism or lack thereof in the poem Beowulf. Your thesis statement and your paper in general should argue whether Beowulf was or was not a hero and three reasons why.

Define honor. What makes a hero in your opinion?

Include in your paper lines from the epic poem that show Beowulf’s heroism or lack thereof. Be sure to cite your sources. What actions did he take or state of mind did he have that show that he is or is not a hero? What characteristics did he have that made him a hero or not a hero? Remember to cite your sources.

Do you consider Beowulf to be brave? How does bravery relate to heroism? Is a hero always brave?

Allusion: What other characters or people do Beowulf’s actions reflect that illuminate how he is or is not a hero? How does he compare to others that are considered heroes?

Figurative language: How does the figurative language in the epic poem underscore his heroism or lack thereof?

Consider these questions about Beowulf when writing your major assignment.

Write a 500-750 word essay that explains how African Americans have shaped either a community, a country, or an idea, and what status quo was created, perpetuated, or disrupted during the process.


Write a 500-750 word essay that explains how African Americans have shaped either a community, a country, or an idea, and what status quo was created, perpetuated, or disrupted during the process.

Use any of these sources (5 total):


Briefly introduce the case of leadership failure. Why is studying this case important? Explain the paper’s purpose and outline what follows in the remainder.

Leadership Paper (Volkswagen Emissions Scandal)

Introduction (10%) Briefly introduce the case of leadership failure. Why is studying this case important? Explain the paper’s purpose and outline what follows in the remainder.

Leadership Theory (35%) In this section you lay the foundation of the leadership theory that will be used later for your analysis Pick one of the leadership styles* and explain how it works and what we know about it. Specifically, focus on elements relevant for the case analysis. If you want to make the argument later that there was too much of leadership style A and not enough of B, then it will make sense to cover and contrast both styles in this section Writing this section will require identifying relevant literature (integrate 10 additional journal articles).

Transactional, Transformational, LMX, Situational, Horizontal/Distributed, Ethical, Servant, Authentic Case Description (10%) Describe what happened in the case you selected. Presenting the events in a chronological order often makes the most sense. Clarify why you think this is a case of leadership failure and not a problem mostly unrelated to leadership. Draw on references (news articles etc.) when describing the case but write your own paraphrased summary.

Case Analysis (40%) Use the theory put forward under #2 to analyze the case described under #3 How does leadership theory help us understand what happened? What does leadership theory suggest for fixing the problem? Create an analysis table with three columns:

  1. ) listing the three core elements of the problem,
  2. ) summarizing strategies to address each of the three elements, and
  3. ) citations of literature to back up the strategies.

Why are the suggested strategies a good fit? How exactly could they be implemented? Create an implementation table with two columns:

  1. ) adverse effects – when implementing your strategies, what could go wrong, and how could such adverse effects be mitigated?
  2. ) context factors – what are factors unique to the case? How would your strategy have to be adapted if implemented in a different context? Provide examples. Explain the table.

Summary (5%) Summarize the entire paper in one paragraph. References Provide a least two double-spaced pages of references. Each reference should have been meaningfully included into the body of the paper.

Discuss the chances and risks of an increased use of customer data for product customization in the financial industry from the perspectives of customers and companies. Discuss the issue from a technical, economic and social perspective.


Discuss the chances and risks of an increased use of customer data for product customization in the financial industry from the perspectives of customers and companies. Discuss the issue from a technical, economic and social perspective.

Using the lessons learned from these resources, write an essay describing your takeaways, lessons learned, and how visiting these sites has benefited you.

Infection Control

Utilize your topic of interest identified in week 1. Test your question with a few trusted peers. Then follow the steps below to perform and build a plan for your topic development.

The OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue ( is an excellent site at which to hone your writing and research skills.
Go to and complete an “Audience Analysis.”
Go to and identify your blocks to writing and try two of the suggested intervention strategies.
Go to and evaluate the value of the next three sources of information you plan to use in your research.

Using the lessons learned from these resources, write an essay describing your takeaways, lessons learned, and how visiting these sites has benefited you.

[This essay should be at least 400 words in length. Include your link. ]


Explain the emerging threat, identify how layers of security can mitigate the threat, discuss the effectiveness of current mitigation strategies, and provide a recommendation for improvement.


Evaluate one of the emerging security threats in the aviation industry. Review the following resources and consider how the TSA uses layers of security to combat your selected threat:


Explain the emerging threat, identify how layers of security can mitigate the threat, discuss the effectiveness of current mitigation strategies, and provide a recommendation for improvement.