
What did you learn from this video? Summarize its content in 1-2 paragraph/s. What rule/ standard/ law/ regulation have been violated? What were the punishments? Do you agree with the punishment? Why?


Sterile Compounding is one of the most important skills that Hospital and Institutional Pharmacy Technicians should master. Proper Sterile Compounding depends majorly on accurate techniques, and accurate Dosage Calculations. Pharmacy Technicians can easily make a mistake that can cost a patient’s life if not caught by the pharmacist in the right time” 1
What could happen if appropriate techniques or correct dosage calculations were not followed?

Your task for this week is as follows:

Research the internet, and find the following:
An article or a video that discusses errors, cases or misadventures that occur in a pharmacy, a hospital, or a clinic due to wrong calculations or inappropriate techniques used for sterile compounding. Post the link here.   4 Pts.

  • What did you learn from this video? Summarize its content in 1-2 paragraph/s.   4 Pts.
  • What rule/ standard/ law/ regulation have been violated?  2 Pts.
  • What were the punishments?  2 Pts.
  • Do you agree with the punishment? Why?  1 Pts.

• Review your classmates’ posts and comment on at least two of them.  7 points

Is it appropriate to attempt to represent the entire population only by a sample?


A sample is a subgroup of the population that is supposed to represent the entire population. In your opinion:

Is it appropriate to attempt to represent the entire population only by a sample?

State the data collection procedure(s) you developed for this study. Provide the questions or form you will use to gather data using your technique. Describe specifically how, when, and where the data will be collected.

Assignment 4: Measurement // Data Collection Methods

**List your research topic, research type (QT or QL), research purpose, and research question at the top of your paper.**

Answer the following questions. Do not use first person language (e.g., I, me, my, our, we, etc.) in your answers.

Type your responses and number them according to the numbering below. Include a reference page (following APA format) for all sources used, keeping in mind that all sources in the reference list should be cited in the paper and all citations in your paper should be included in the reference list.

Part 1: Measurement

As part of your research proposal in this course, you will need to develop measurement procedures for each variable/research question. The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice developing measurement/data collection procedures for your study.


  1. State your research question. Then, list all of the variables in your study (these should be clear in your RQ).
  2. For each variable you listed, present the measurement procedure(s) you will use in your study. For any variable that is not demographic/categorical in nature (e.g., gender, control vs. treatment group membership, etc.), you must locate an existing measuring instrument (scale) that is an appropriate measure of the variable in your study and provide the name of this instrument. Be sure to include an appropriate citation for each measurement instrument you use. Provide actual copies of instruments (surveys, questionnaires, scales, etc.) that you will be using.  In the case that the full instrument is not published (or requires payment to obtain), simply state that and describe the instrument and include sample questions from the instrument (be sure to include a citation for this).



  1. State the data collection procedure(s) you developed for this study. Your data collection procedures may be interviews, focus groups, observations, etc.
  2. Provide the questions or form you will use to gather data using your technique. For example, if you are going to conduct interviews, provide the list of questions you will ask. If you are going to do observations, turn in a detailed outline of how you plan to complete the observations and include the table, form, or rubric used to take observation notes if applicable.

Part 2: Data Collection Methods and Analysis

Now your task is to describe how you plan to collect your data in enough detail so that your study could be replicated. The key to doing well on this part of the assignment is to include enough detail in your descriptions so that someone else could collect your data.

  1. Describe specifically how, when, and where the data will be collected. Be as detailed and precise as possible—the details and description of the data collection process should provide enough information that the study could be replicated. For example, you may discuss:

How will the survey (if applicable) be administered? On paper? Online? Telephone? Face-to-face?

How will interviews (if applicable) be scheduled? When and where will they occur?

When will data be collected? At the beginning or end of an intervention (e.g., pre-test/post-test format)?

Where will the data be collected? At a meeting? In a classroom? Somewhere else?

Your answer to this question needs to be detailed enough that someone can replicate your process. Think about what it will be like to be a participant in your study—what will their experience be? Be sure to cover all details (but do not write from their perspective—maintain academic voice/writing style).

For example, for QL studies don’t simply say “Interviews will be conducted with each participant.” Tell the reader everything he/she needs to know about those interviews–How do you schedule them? How do participants give informed consent? Where will the interviews happen–a coffee shop? the library? How long will they last? Similarly, don’t say “Participants will take a survey.” How will they take it? When and where? It is at their leisure, or during a specified time?

For QT studies, don’t simply say “Participants will take a survey.” How will they take it? When and where? It is at their leisure, or during a specified time? When does access to the survey cease? If you are giving a pre-and post-test, how long before and after the treatment phase are participants tested?

Conduct research and argue the importance of aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in aviation accident prevention.

Importance of aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in aviation accident prevention

Conduct research and argue the importance of aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in aviation accident prevention. Write a 3 page paper, not including the title page and reference page, that explains the accident, the findings, and considers the role of the NTSB, coupled with effective SMS principles, in preventing a similar accident from occurring.

In terms of managing the relationships with each company, what has been the effect of Aegis partnering with larger companies? What are the motives of Honeywell and for Rockwell for maintaining the alliances?


Write one post regarding Case 3 – 4: Aegis Analytical Corporation’s Strategic Alliances:
4A: Evaluate Aegis’s strategy for forming alliances to market its products. Why did Aegis form the alliances in the first place? What was its motive for entering each?
In terms of managing the relationships with each company, what has been the effect of Aegis partnering with larger companies?
What are the motives of Honeywell and for Rockwell for maintaining the alliances?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each contract’s provisions for Aegis?
Now that the alliances are more than a year old, what is the reason that neither alliance has resulted in a sale of Aegis’s product?

Briefly describe the purpose of the study. Briefly describe the key theories/terms from the literature review. Describe the paper’s key hypothesis.

Watching violence on television is significantly and positively correlated with aggressive behavior in children.

Hypothesis: The main hypothesis is as follows: watching violence on television is significantly and positively correlated with aggressive behavior in children.

Annotated bibliographies are summaries of relevant research to your topic. They are a useful way to understand the topic, keep track of the relevant research, and help organize your paper. For this assignment you need to find four relevant articles and summarize them. These articles should not be more than 10 years old. The articles should help justify our hypotheses.

Your annotated bibliographies should cover the topics listed below. Try to spend about 5-7 sentences on summarizing the article (items 1-6) and 1 to 2 sentences on why it is important for your study (item 7). Entries in an annotated bibliography should begin with an APA formatted reference list entry for the article you are summarizing.

1) Briefly describe the purpose of the study (What is the question or issue being investigated?)

2) Briefly describe the key theories/terms from the literature review.

3) Describe the paper’s key hypothesis.

4) Describe the sample used in the study (where they came from/ a basic demographic if it’s important)

5) Summarize the method used (type of design, what are the key independent variables that the authors manipulated, what are the key dependent variables that they measured?)

6) Describe the most important results (what was the relationship between the key variables?)

7) What are the implications for your research question? What points of your argument can this support?

List two ways we can increase our sense of social connectedness. Then also list two health benefits reported by those who feel a high level of connection vs. those feeling socially disconnected.

FNDH 352

Spring 2023

Exam 3

Take home version APPLE TV+

60 points


Take Home Exam Instructions:

Provide your answers to the 24 questions below.  Use your own words (copy and pasting from the notes and other class content will not earn points for a correct answer) and work independently.

 Kansas State University has an Honor and Integrity System based on personal integrity, which is presumed to be sufficient assurance that, in academic matters, one’s work is performed honestly and without unauthorized assistance. Undergraduate and graduate students, by registration, acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Honor and Integrity System. The policies and procedures of the Honor and Integrity System apply to all full and part-time students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate courses on-campus, off-campus, and via distance learning. A component vital to the Honor and Integrity System is the inclusion of the Honor Pledge which applies to all assignments, examinations, or other course work undertaken by students. The Honor Pledge is implied, whether or not it is stated: “On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work.” A grade of XF can result from a breach of academic honesty. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation.


  • List two ways we can increase our sense of social connectedness. Then also list two health benefits reported by those who feel a high level of connection vs. those feeling socially disconnected. (4 pts)

Methods to increase social connectedness:



Health benefits:



  • What are three characteristics or abilities of people with a high level of emotional intelligence? (3 pts)





  • List three healthy stress reduction strategies discussed in class and in notes (3 pts).




  • Mental illness is… (highlight/circle all that apply) (3 pts)


  • Rare
  • The complete absence of any mentally healthy characteristics
  • A physical disease of the brain
  • Commonly addressed and treated
  • Stigmatized by society
  • Impacts older adults the most


  • Please list two mentally healthy characteristics. (2 pts)




  • List the four most common types of mental illness. For each type, please offer the name of one disorder belonging to each type. (4 pts)






  • Megan and Lindsay, CFT doctoral students, discussed characteristics of healthy relationships by walking through the acronym R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P.S. List two of the 13 components discussed and explain why each is important in relationships. (3 pts)




  • Match the following relationship types from our in-class demonstration: (1.5pts)


Word bank:      Distant            Co-dependent             Healthy           Abusive


A: ________

Two Is: ________

H: _________


  • What is one way you can retrain your brain to be positive or practice gratitude? (2 pts)


  • In Pursuing the Positive, Chris Bowman discussed negativity bias. Please explain what this is. (2 pts)


  • List two things we can do to improve in our financial wellness/well-being. Additionally, please name two other dimensions of wellness impacted by our level of financial wellness and explain why or offer an example. (4 pts)


Improve financial wellness:



Other dimensions impacted by financial wellness and why:





  • Describe three physiological responses when we are experiencing stress. (1.5pts)





12b) List one positive stress response which we can see as helpful in times of stress. (1pt)


  • What is the main cause of stress or the stress response? (2 pts)


  • List 2 factors that increase the risk of developing an eating disorder. (2 pts)



  • Naomi possesses high self-esteem, is optimistic and shows a high degree of resiliency (getting back up after getting knocked down). Lately, those who know her report she is not like herself (easily defeated, pessimistic, with large amounts of anxiety) and has had a marked personality change.  Should Naomi be evaluated by a mental health professional? Please explain your answer. (2 pts)


  • Highlight/circle the following statements that are TRUE about suicide? (3.5 pts)


  • Those who are suicidal, may view suicide as a way to take away the pain, but do not want to die.
  • Suicidal thoughts and actions originate from the occipital lobe of the brain.
  • Leading factors in suicide are feelings of hopelessness, isolation and being a burden.
  • Depression can increase the risk for suicide, but not all who are depressed are suicidal.
  • Suicide is in the top ten causes of death in the U.S.
  • Suicide is something you should never ask about.
  • Suicide is always linear (thoughts leads to plan leads to attempt)


  • Name and describe each of John Gottman’s four houseman of the apocalypse. (2 pts)






17a) What are these meant to predict? (1 pt)


  • Consent is… (highlight/circle all that apply) (2.5 pts)
  • Freely given
  • Informed
  • Specific
  • Reversible
  • Repeated


  • What does Dr. Thompson mean when he says: (3 pts)

“Get curious, not furious.”


“Don’t start by talking.”


“We have a problem; we need to solve.”



  • What is the ultimate goal when resolving conflict? (2 pts)


  • List one TO DO and one NOT TO DO we learned in our Green Bandana training when talking to someone who may be in emotional crisis. (2 pts)






  • Create an assertive statement using the assertive statement template. (2 pts)



  • List two boundary-setting tips from the notes. (1 pt)



  • List one way you could be kinder to yourself. (1 pt)


Craft a topic that is narrow enough to support a strong argument. Engage with multiple viewpoints about your topic. Improve your general research and writing skills. Practice crafting the thesis statement. Write an extended argument with supporting evidence that is persuasive and compelling.

Mental health among young working class adults after COVID 19

Research Project Instructions

Assignment Objectives

Craft a topic that is narrow enough to support a strong argument.

Engage with multiple viewpoints about your topic.

Improve your general research and writing skills.

Practice crafting the thesis statement.

Write an extended argument with supporting evidence that is persuasive and compelling.

In one complete or incomplete sentence, describe the KEY variables looked at. Summarize KEY findings in one or two complete or incomplete sentences. Describe implications of study for our hypotheses.

Violence in media

Research Methods (Online)


Outline Instructions


How: Upload to BB in PDF file

  • You are required to submit an outline of the introduction of your paper. Do not include any other sections.
  • An outline provides you with a general structure for how you will write your paper.
  • Your outline should clearly show the order in which you will present your introduction, and what you will present in each section/paragraph of the introduction.
  • The outline should present a clear and logical argument, or series of arguments, for your hypotheses.


Below is an example of how you might structure your outline. This is very general—your outline will be specific to your articles. Here are some pointers:

  • Each paragraph must have a purpose.
  • Each paragraph should have its own “level”, for instance in the example below, each paragraph is marked with a Roman Numeral.
  • Body paragraphs (not the first or last paragraph) should have “main points” which are supported by one or two of your studies.
  • Keep in mind that the order of the paragraphs and studies you are citing is logical and leads the reader to our hypotheses.
  • Each point (a., b., c., etc.) should have a sentence that explains what will go in that part of the paragraph.


  1. Introduce the topic and describe its importance
  2. Preview argument: main points to be talked about below
  3. End with thesis: Your general prediction or topic


  1. Main point of this paragraph (a necessary claim to support your thesis)
  2. Study supporting main point of this paragraph
    1. In one complete or incomplete sentence, describe the KEY variables looked at.
    2. Summarize KEY findings in one or two complete or incomplete sentences.
    3. Describe implications of study for our hypotheses. (i.e., These findings suggest that…)
  3. Study supporting main point of this paragraph
  4. In one complete or incomplete sentence, describe the KEY variables looked at
  5. Summarize KEY findings in one or two complete or incomplete sentences
  6. Describe implications of study for our hypotheses (i.e., These findings suggest that…)


Main point of this paragraph (make sure to transition between paragraphs in actual paper)

***Repeat study descriptions, use studies to support main point


Main point of this paragraph (make sure to transition between paragraphs in actual paper)

*** Repeat study descriptions, use studies to support main point

  1. The current study…
  2. Bring argument together: Based on “main points II-IV” … we investigated whether… we predict that…
  3. Say what you did in this study: We measured x, y, and z with a survey…
  4. State specific hypothesis: Our hypothesis is that…Based on these variables, we predict


As a Director General of Ghana Educational Service what would you do to maintain toilet facilities in schools?


As a Director General of Ghana Educational Service what would you do to maintain toilet facilities in schools?