
Prepare the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended March 31, 2023. Prepare the statement of changes in equity for the year ended March 31, 2023.

Intermediate financial accounting

Show all working and journal entry for the following:

  • Hazzizzi Ltd Trial balance as at March 31, 2023
  • Trade receivables 22,800,000
  • Trade payables 6,100,000
  • Provision for bad debt 7,600,000
  • Bank 2,100,000
  • Cash in hand 928,000
  • Petty cash 203,000
  • Interest income 4,700,000
  • Dividend income 2,600,000
  • Royalties 1,900,000
  • Contingent liability 17,300,000
  • Revenues 3,277,000,000
  • Land 177,800,000
  • Building 812,000,000
  • Motor vehicles 129,300,000
  • Fixtures and fittings 46,100,000
  • Machinery 166,200,000
  • Equipment 53,400,000
  • Accumulated depreciation: Building 81,900,000
  • Accumulated depreciation: Motor vehicles 21,400,000
  • Accumulated depreciation: Fixtures and fittings 7,900,000
  • Accumulated depreciation: Machinery 43,300,000
  • Accumulated depreciation: Equipment 15,900,000
  • 6% Redeemable preference share capital 41,300,000
  • 9% Irredeemable preference share capital 15,500,000
  • Ordinary share capital 222,000,000
  • Share premium 17,100,000
  • Revaluation reserves 39,800,000
  • General reserves 6,400,000
  • Retained earnings 5,900,000
  • Cost of sales 1,868,000,000
  • Administrative expenses 327,900,000
  • Distribution costs 116,600,000
  • Other operating expenses 216,400,000
  • Miscellaneous expenses 47,667,500
  • 12% Mortgage 604,000,000
  • 8% Bank loan 109,300,000
  • 15% Debenture 72,500,000
  • Mortgage interest payment 36,200,000
  • Closing inventory 21,600,000
  • Deferred tax asset 7,700,000
  • Overprovision of tax 3,400,000
  • Goodwill 48,300,000
  • Patent 131,000,000
  • Trademark 20,700,000
  • Copyright 9,800,000
  • Accumulated amortisation: Patent 26,700,000
  • Accumulated amortisation: Trademark 10,767,500
  • Accumulated amortisation: Copyright 731,000
  • Research and development costs 404,500,000

The following details are deemed relevant to the preparation of the draft financial statements which are to be presented to the entity’s auditors: Property, plant and equipment

Subsequent to a revaluation exercise which took place on March 31, 2023, the land had a fair value of $226 million, while the building had a fair value of $971 million. The building is depreciated evenly over thirty years to a nil residual value, with the charges allocated in a 3:1 ratio between administrative expenses and cost of sales. There have been no adjustments made for the revaluations in the current period, and their effects have not been included in the accumulated temporary differences noted below. The capital allowances granted on the building to date are equivalent to the accumulated depreciation charged against it.

Four months into the financial year, the entity bought a motor vehicle for $13.2 million, but inadvertently recorded the debit to miscellaneous expenses. Motor vehicles are depreciated on a straight line basis over eight years to a nil residual value. All depreciation charges on motor vehicles are to be allocated to distribution costs.

Additionally, management bought a conveyor system costing $18.1 million halfway through the financial year, which it is yet to record in the books. The system is comprised of two components: one of which has a useful life of 24 years, while the other component has to be replaced every six years. The latter component accounts for 8% of the total cost of the system. Associated depreciation charges are allocated in full to distribution costs.

Fixtures and fittings and machinery are to be depreciated 9% on the reducing balance and 12% on cost respectively, while equipment is to be depreciated over eight years on a straight line basis down to a residual value of 10% of cost. The depreciation on fixtures and fittings is charged to other operating expenses, while for machinery as well as equipment, depreciation charges are allocated equally between cost of sales and administrative expenses.

During the year, management commenced processes to sell all of its existing machinery to facilitate a major upgrade project. The sale was deemed highly probable effective July 1, 2022 when a buyer was identified. The items have a combined fair value of $107 million, with disposal costs amounting to $4.4 million. Any impairment or gain on the transaction should be recognised in other operating expenses.

Included in miscellaneous expenses is a lease payment which relates to the rental of manufacturing equipment with a remaining useful life of three years. The agreement commenced on April 1, 2022, and requires that a total of five annual payments of $8.1 million are made – an eighth of which relates to maintenance expenses, and another 5% of which is attributable to insurance expenses. Maintenance and insurance expenses are ordinarily classified as other operating expenses. The lease agreement also speaks to a guaranteed residual value of $0.96 million, and permits the extension of the lease by an additional two years. Management is confident that the company should receive the intended benefits from the leased asset within the agreed period, which would negate the need to extend the contract. The incremental borrowing rate is 7%, while the interest rate implicit in the lease is 400 basis points higher.

The $8.1 million payment debited to miscellaneous expenses is the only record of the lease transaction that has been made to date. Also debited to miscellaneous expenses is $1.1 million for legal fees incurred to draft the lease agreement on April 1, 2022, while a lease incentive of $490,000 which was received by cheque has yet to be recorded.

Depreciation on the right of use asset is to be shared equally between cost of sales, administrative expenses, and other operating expenses. The entity prefers to show the leased asset separately within its property, plant and equipment for presentation purposes.

Intangible assets

Goodwill is to be impaired by 14%, with the impairment charged to other operating expenses. The patent is to be amortised over 16 years to a nil residual value, with the amortisation charged to other operating expenses, while the trademark and copyright are both amortised over a 18-year period, with charges going to cost of sales.

On February 28, 2023, the entity acquired a brand for $64 million, but the transaction has not yet been recorded or otherwise accounted for in the books. The brand should be fully amortised over a 26-year period, with charges going to cost of sales and time-apportioned as necessary.

Of the total R&D cost on record, 45% relates to research cost, while the balance relates to development. Five-eighths of the amount recognised as development cost was incurred between September 1, 2022 to November 30, 2022. The product achieved commercial feasibility on December 1, 2022. Any capitalised development cost is to be amortised over fifteen years and charged to cost of sales, with time apportionment where necessary. Any non-capitalised research and development cost should be charged to other operating expenses.

Other liabilities

The contingent liability reflected in the trial balance relates to a customer lawsuit for which the chance of payout has been deemed as possible by the entity’s attorneys. The amount was recorded in other operating expenses. The entity’s attorneys have also advised that another lawsuit with which the company is currently faced has a probable chance of payout of $2.9 million. This amount has not been accounted for. Similar transactions are usually recorded in other operating expenses. Neither of these transactions will have an effect on the accumulated temporary differences noted below.

Debt instruments

On April 1, 2022, the company issued an 8% convertible debenture, a 0% loan note, and a 5.65% debenture with effective interest rates of 12%, 4%, and 7.78% respectively. The convertible debenture has a nominal value of $313 million and is redeemable at the end of the fourth year, while the loan note has a nominal value of $375 million, was issued at a 7.2% discount with issue costs of $2.791 million, and is redeemable after five years at a 12% premium. The regular debenture has a nominal value of $120 million and is redeemable after 3 years at an 6.9% premium.

Only the coupon payment relating to the convertible debt instrument – which was incorrectly debited to miscellaneous expenses – has been recorded so far; all other relevant journal entries across the three debt issues remain unrecorded. Additionally, there are interest sums for the existing debt obligations reflected in the trial balance that remain unaccounted for at the year end.

Equity and reserves

The par value of each ordinary share is $0.60. On the first day of the financial year, the entity decided to make a bonus issue of three new shares for every ten existing shares held. Subsequently, there was a two for thirteen rights issue on October 31, 2022 at $1.24 per share. The market price per share at that date was $2.38. The bonus and rights issues have not yet been recorded. In the case of the bonus issue, management’s preference is to preserve the retained earnings balance insofar as is possible. Additionally, the revaluation reserve may be used only to the extent that other reserves have been exhausted.

Dividends on the preference shares are currently unpaid and remain unaccounted for at the year end. An interim ordinary dividend amounting to $3.3 million was paid on January 1, 2023, but this is yet to be recorded. A further final ordinary dividend was declared on March 31, 2023 for $0.02 per share held as at that date; this too is yet to be accounted for. The declared dividends were paid on August 1, 2023. A sum of $4.8 million is to be transferred from accumulated profits to the general reserves.

Trade receivables

Of the trade receivables figure currently reported, $1.7 million relates to a receivables balance that was already paid by the customer during the prior period, but the payment was never accounted for as the monies were stolen by an accounting clerk who has gone into hiding since. The tax effect on any adjustment to be made is to be ignored. The provision for bad debt is to be revised to 9% of the adjusted trade receivables balance. Adjustments relating to receivables are ordinarily recorded in administrative expenses.

Discontinued operations

Included in administrative expenses is the net result of a discontinued operation. An entire division with assets costing $519 million and accumulated depreciation of $322 million was sold for $108 million. In addition to the sale, the entity also incurred redundancy costs of $20.3 million.

The now discontinued operation made profits of $111 million before accounting for the cost of redundancies and the sale of its assets as outlined above. The appropriate taxes on the profits for this segment were already accounted for.


A final inventory count on March 31, 2023 revealed that $4.1 million worth of inventory at cost had not yet been recorded. Of that amount, 3% was found to be obsolete and should be written off. Inventory purchases are ordinarily recorded in cost of sales, but any write-offs are charged to other operating expenses.

Other income

For interest income, the amount shown in the trial balance represents only a half of the amount earned for the year, while royalties earned but not yet received amount to $5.4 million.


Taxable profits reported for the current year of assessment amounted to $419 million. The overprovision on the trial balance above relates to prior year taxes which have since been paid. The entity has accumulated taxable temporary differences of $105 million, which does not include the effect of the revaluations on property, plant and equipment. The deferred tax asset currently reflected in the trial balance arose solely from transactions charged to the statement of profit or loss . The current corporation tax rate is 30%.REQUIRED:

a) Prepare the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended March 31, 2023 (9% marks)

b) Prepare the statement of changes in equity for the year ended March 31, 2023 (15 marks)

c) Prepare the statement of financial position as at March 31, 2023 (3 marks)

d) Calculate the basic earnings per share for the year ended March 31, 2023(22% marks)

Tell the class a little bit about yourself and your background. Do you have any musical experiences such as playing an instrument, singing, or any participation in musical events?

Music 115 wa

Welcome to History of Rock!

Tell the class a little bit about yourself and your background. Do you have any musical experiences such as playing an instrument, singing, or any participation in musical events? Most of us consume or experience music in some way, maybe through religious activities, playing in a band or choir, or just for entertainment. Why do you want to take this course and what are you hoping to learn?

What are the principles, tenants, and assumptions of this therapy? How does the technique work exactly? What methods are involved? What client/patient population is this approach designed for? What type of clinical presenting problem or mental health disorder is this approach designed for?

Psychology Question

For this assignment, you will first select a specific therapeutic technique (aka therapeutic approach, therapeutic intervention) discussed in this class and covered in Section III of the text. Carefully read all of the materials related to this technique available via the text and other class learning materials (e.g., lectures, supplemental articles or videos found within the pages of each module). Next, find at least two peer reviewed articles, published in the last five years, detailing research on the efficacy of this technique. Your written report will include a summary of what you have learned and a general critique of the technique.

The following are some examples of specific therapeutic techniques:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Humanistic Therapy
  • Gestalt Therapy
  • Interpersonal Processing Therapy
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Humanistic Approach (aka client centered or person-centered therapy)

In your report, make sure to address the following questions:

  1. What are the principles, tenants, and assumptions of this therapy?
  2. How does the technique work exactly? What methods are involved?
  3. What client/patient population is this approach designed for? What type of clinical presenting problem or mental health disorder is this approach designed for?
  4. What type of studies/research has been done on this approach? What has been found about the validity/efficacy of the approach?
  5. What diverse client populations, if any, have been left out of the research on this approach?
  6. If you were a practicing therapist, would you use this approach with your clients/patients? Why or why not?
  7. What questions remain for you about this approach?
  8. What research is still needed to better understand the efficacy of the approach?

Comment on the melody, rhythm, timbre, form and text of each song. How does the song change when it’s covered by different artists in a different genre?

Music 115

Choose TWO AUDIO examples (not video clips) from Unit 1 and write a 150-word journal that presents details of each song as well as comparisons. Audio examples are found in the modules area or click here.


For our first Listening Journal, please compare an original Rhythm and Blues (R&B) song and it’s cover version. Your options from this unit are either:

“Sh’boom” by the Chords (R&B original) and Crew Cuts (pop cover)


“Shake Rattle and Roll” by Big Joe Turner (original R&B) and Elvis Presley (cover country-based rock n roll)

Utilize your textbook and the PowerPoint presentation for this assignment. Include information about the audio examples including the artist, the genre or style of the music and instruments used. Comment on the melody, rhythm, timbre, form and text of each song. How does the song change when it’s covered by different artists in a different genre? You may also want to refer to the Musical Style Elements lecture presentation for clarification of musical terminology.


Your Journal should be around 150 words (5 pts), cover all of the topic points (5 pts), and be submitted on time (5 pts). There are 15 points possible for this assignment.

What do you understand by entrepreneur and entrepreneurship?

Define Entrepreneur

What do you understand by entrepreneur and entrepreneurship?

Alternative to fair value accounting, amortized cost accounting, uses expectations of cash flows and prices risks determined at initiation to account for financial instruments throughout their life. Discuss the three undesirable features of amortized cost accounting as compared to fair value accounting.

Accounting of Financial Institutions

Assignment Question(s): (Marks 15)

1) Alternative to fair value accounting, amortized cost accounting, uses expectations of cash flows and prices risks determined at initiation to account for financial instruments throughout their life. Discuss the three undesirable features of amortized cost accounting as compared to fair value accounting. (Marks 5)

Answer: (Week 2, Chapter 1)

2) Users of financial reports must assess banks’ current and expected future reserve and capital levels, because these levels affect the ability of banks to grow. Both thrifts and commercial banks can be either state or federally chartered, in what is referred to as the dual banking system. Explain the dual banking system along with the role of Comptroller of the Currency (COC), Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) and Federal Deposits Insurance Corporation (FDIC). (Marks 5)

Answer:(Week 3, Chapter 2)

3) Define Thrifts Bank in Details and Explain Financial statement structure of Thrifts Bank.

(5 Marks )

Starting from the Rhetorical Situation, analyze the articles that most effectively respond to that question. Show where the other articles come up short; where the deficits in their discussions are.

Exploratory essay

An exploratory essay does just as its name implies and considers a subject from multiple credible viewpoints. This is a critical step in the development of a persuasive paper (such as what you will prepare later in this course). An exploratory essay summarizes key ideas of divergent pieces on the given topic and may offer responses and rebuttals.

Choose one of the chapters taken from the “Readings” section of the current edition of They Say, I Say: With Readings (“why Care About The Planet?” How Can We Bridge the Differences that Divide Us?” ”What’s College For?” “How Is Technology Changing Us?” or “What’s Gender Got To Do With It?”) , critically read through the selections, and assess which articles best respond to that chapter’s title question. Starting from the Rhetorical Situation, analyze the articles that most effectively respond to that question. Show where the other articles come up short; where the deficits in their discussions are. You are to engage each of the sources directly, accommodating and acknowledging good ideas (and explaining why they are good), resisting and rejecting bad ideas (and explaining why they are bad), and negotiating and revising ideas (and explaining how they might best be revised), using examples from the texts to support your claims. Contrast the articles with others in the chapter.

Discuss the major risks involved in investing in young business/start up. Discuss the significance of valuation methods in private equity settings.

Questions about finance subject

Discuss the major risks involved in investing in young business/start up. ( 300 words)

Discuss the significance of valuation methods in private equity settings. ( 300 words)

Imagine that you will start small business or investment in product or service that is unique in the market and will solve current problem. Ex: medicine required, or technical required, or tools required in the market.

( Please mention the goals, models, selling strategy and people that are attracted, some problems and the solutions. Also, what’s the next steps or goals in the future )  ( 300- 400 words)


All derivatives are based on the random performance of something.

Identify and discuss this word “something ( 300 words)


With the global recession we recently have along with the increasing possible failure of many financial institutions across the world ; USA, Europe and possibly China. How would you explain all of these events especially with the mater fact that global consumptions have increased after recovering from COVID19 with increasing demand for many products & high levels of inventory, but at the same time there is high cost in the capital market (even Euromarket) as long as deleveraging by many local & global financial institutions.  On the other hand, labor market has been improved worldwide.

If you were the Medicines Company, how would you promote Angiomax?

The Medicines Company

Read the case and answer the question

If you were the Medicines Company, how would you promote Angiomax?


How much work has been done in general? Are you in the right track to complete the project within the timedeadline based on your development plan? If not, why? What functionalities have been done?

CSIM20 program creation using C and putty

The project :

    1. Implement a simple pull-based cache invalidation scheme by using CSIM20. In the scheme, a node generates a query and sends a request message to a server if the queried data item is not found in its local cache. If the node generates a query that can be answered by its local cache, it sends a check message to the server for validity. The server replies to the node with a requested data item or a confirm message. A set of data items is updated in the server. This scheme ensures a strong consistency that guarantees to access the most updated data items.2. Refer to the following technical paper and its simulation models (e.g., server, client, caching, data query and update, etc.):
    2. G. Cao, “A Scalable Low-Latency Cache Invalidation Strategy for Mobile Environments,” ACM Mobicom, pp. 200-209, 2000

For the sake of simplicity, use the following simulation parameters. Run your simulation several times by changing the simulation parameters (e. g. , T_query and T_update). Y ou can make an assumption and define your own parameter(s). Then draw result graphs in terms of (i) cache hit ratio and (ii) query delay by changing mean query generation time and mean update arrival time, similar to Figs. 3 and 4 in the paper. Note that remove a cold state before collecting any results.

attached pic for Parameter

Submit the followings

progress report includes

  • Working source code(s)
  • Project progress report (e.g., MS word file) – answer the following questions and be specific.
    1. How much work has been done in general? Are you in the right track to complete the project within the timedeadline based on your development plan? If not, why?
    2. What functionalities have been done?
    3. What part of work is currently on going?
    4. What functionalities remain to be done?
    5. Any implementation issues.