
Read the case about the resource-based view in sports and write the conclusion of this case in your words. Create a discussion board thread and upload your answers.

Discussion ch 1- 8040

2.1 Learning Outcomes:

Chapter- 1 (01-03;01-04)

2.2 Action Required: (Knowledge Application-Apply)

This activity is important because as a manager, you should understand the factors that affect a firm’s profitability and long-term survival. According to the resource-based view, a company can gain a competitive advantage from resources that are inimitable and rare.

The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of the resource-based view by writing a conclusion in your words after reading a case study.

Case Analysis (The Resource-Based View in Sports)

Strategy and sports met in the movie Moneyball. The Oakland Athletics applied statistical analysis to the evaluation of players and surged in performance. The team’s analysis method, called sabermetrics, was unique in how it applied objective data to predict future player performance. The Athletics were able to recruit players at a lower cost due to their proprietary knowledge. Even after competitors started using statistical analysis, the Athletics benefited from their early knowledge, capable staff, and history of decision-making. All of this, of course, translated into profit for the team owners.

Competitive advantage comes from unlikely places in other sports as well. Researchers found that NCAA football programs benefit from staff diversity. Racial diversity among coaches and varied past experiences predict success. NBA basketball teams are more successful as they gain shared experiences. After years together on a team, just like after years together in a workplace, players/coworkers have a shared understanding of how work is done.

Financial resources are of huge benefit to the few universities with successful sports programs. Paying top coaches, building impressive athletic facilities, and fan support, all contribute to intangible gains such as reputation, stronger shared feelings of winning history, and motivation.

But what happens with a team suddenly loses its competitive advantage? In 1986, Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, dealt with what is called the “death penalty” in college sports. After years of paying players and their families, among other serious violations of NCAA rules, the team was punished by canceling its entire 1987 season. This damaged recruiting efforts, fundraising, reputation, and shared experiences among staff and coaches to that point. It was 20 years before SMU was in another bowl game.

2.3 Test your knowledge:(Question)

Read the case about the resource-based view in sports and write the conclusion of this case in your words. Create a discussion board thread and upload your answers. (Min words recommended 100-150)

2.4 Instructions:

Read the case about The Resource-Based View in Sports & demonstrate your understanding.

Write an Essay with at least Five paragraphs about “Innovation enabled: Shaping the Saudi Arabia Innovation Ecosystem”.

Business Question

Write an Essay with at least Five paragraphs about “Innovation enabled: Shaping the Saudi Arabia Innovation Ecosystem”.

Write a progress report that fulfills your promise to describe your progress toward your educational goal. Address your progress report to your parents, spouse, partner, relative, or friend.

Written Memo

You made an agreement with your parents (or spouse, partner, relative, or friend) that you would submit a report at this time describing the progress you have made toward your educational goal (employment, certificate, or degree).

Your Task. In memo format (several templates can be found in Word) write a progress report that fulfills your promise to describe your progress toward your educational goal. Address your progress report to your parents, spouse, partner, relative, or friend. In your memo (a) describe your goal; (b) summarize the work you have completed thus far; (c) discuss thoroughly the work currently in progress, including your successes and anticipated obstacles; and (d) forecast your future activities in relation to your scheduled completion date.

The memo should be in narrative form. You will be assessed on your ability to organize your information, your ability to get your message across, and your grasp of the English language. Keep in mind that business writing is purposeful, concise, audience-oriented, and usually informative.

This memo should be formatted as follows:

  • Left and right margins should be 1”
  • The font should be Arial 12 pt.
  • Standard spacing (double space guidewords and single space body of memo)
  • Length should be no more than 2 pages
  • Headings/subheadings should be used as appropriate to the memo content

Describe the various internal and external stakeholders associated with the Phoenix Project. How would you recommend the project team communicate with each stakeholder group?

The Phoenix Project: Remediation of a Cyber Security

Crisis at the University of Virginia

5. Describe the various internal and external stakeholders associated with the Phoenix Project. How would you recommend the project team communicate with each stakeholder group?

6. Identify the key risks inherent to this project. How would you recommend the team manage these risks?

7. When and how should the success of the Phoenix Project be evaluated?


Nelson, R & Wright, R. (2017). The Phoenix Project: Remediation of a Cybersecurity Crisis at the University of Virginia. UV7351.

Catalog and audit your assets, e.g. How many groups of people, buildings, etc. do you have in the environment? Rank the value of assets. Who and/or what is the most vulnerable to be attacked? Give your rationale.


Part I: Brainstorming list of Assets

Instructions: For the first part of this assignment, brainstorm to determine all of the assets in the chosen environment. Be sure to include all “types’ of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets. That list will be used to help complete the Matrix in Part II (the list below is a starting point; there may be more or less assets in your specific environment).

  1. Terminal 4
  2. Air crafts
  3. JFK Air Control Tower
  4. Parking
  5. People
  6. Runaway
  7. JFK AirTrain
  8. Cargo facilities
  9. Custom border patrol
  10. Taxi

Part II: Evaluation of Assets

Instructions: Complete the matrix below regarding the evaluation of assets in your environment. Please note the instructions for each section of the matrix. Additionally, you can add to this matrix if more space is needed.

  1. Be sure to include all “types” of assets, e.g., “things” as well as information assets, “people” assets, and moving assets. Use your brainstorm list to help with this.
  2. Catalog and audit your assets, e.g. How many groups of people, buildings, etc. do you have in the environment?
  3. Rank the value of assets.
  4. Who and/or what is the most vulnerable to be attacked? Give your rationale.

What is EI and how can managers benefit from understanding EI? What role does “Active Listening” play in communication? How does the way you handle communication impact decision-making and efficiency in the workplace?

Organization Behavior Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand emotions and motivations in yourself and others. Understanding how to recognize the emotions of others in different situations is a big communication tool for the manager. It is not unusual for people to fail to express what they are feeling verbally and thus leave the listener with an impression that may be false. Understanding how to read body language or facial expressions affords the manager additional knowledge as to the speakers’ true stance. It helps to communicate with meaning to the words we choose. Managers that have a good understanding of EI find it especially useful in approaching conflict decision-making and coaching employees.

In your initial post focus on:

  • What is EI and how can managers benefit from understanding EI?
  • What role does “Active Listening” play in communication?
  • How does the way you handle communication impact decision-making and efficiency in the workplace?

Describe the purpose of Problem-Solving Courts? Provide a summary example of three types of Problem-Solving Courts.

CRMJ-2020-Intro to Corections

  • Describe the purpose of Problem-Solving Courts? Provide a summary example of three types of Problem-Solving Courts. (Ch 5)

What is the material budget for braided cord for January (in dollars)?

Principles of Accounting 2 Raw material and Production Budgets


  1. Young Co. makes computers.  They have 850 computers on hand Jan 1st.  Their goal is to have 11% of next month’s sales on hand at the end of each month.  Sales budget is shown below:

Jan sales, units  20,000

Feb sales, units  32,000

Mar sales, units  40,000

What is the production budget for February (in units)?

Enter as a whole number, no commas.


  1. Young Co. makes computers.  Their goal is to have 3% of next month’s sales on hand at the end of each month.  Sales budget is shown below:

Jan sales, units  20,000

Feb sales, units  34,000

Mar sales, units  40,000

What is the production budget for January (in units)?

Enter as a whole number, no commas.


  1. Karen Partners makes jump ropes.  Their production budget is shown below:

Jan production, units  300,000

Feb production, units  355,000

Mar production, units  400,000

Each jump rope requires 2.1 feet of braided cord. Management wants enough cord to meet 4% of next month’s production needs.  Cord costs $1.63 per foot.

What is the material budget for braided cord for January (in dollars)?

Enter as a whole number, no commas and no dollar signs.


4.Easy Farms Inc. makes tillers for small farms.  Their sales budget is shown below:

Sep sales, units  10,000

Oct sales, units  45,000

Nov sales, units  40,000

Management want enough tillers on hand to meet 10% of next month’s sales.

Each tiller requires 8 round blades. Management wants enough blades to meet 7% of next month’s production needs.

What is the material budget for blades for September (in blades)?

Enter as a whole number, no commas and no dollar signs.


5.Easy Farms Inc. makes tillers for small farms.  Their sales budget is shown below:

Sep sales, units  10,000

Oct sales, units  55,000

Nov sales, units  40,000

Management want enough tillers on hand to meet 10% of next month’s sales.

Each tiller requires 9 round blades. Management wants enough blades to meet 2% of next month’s production needs.  Each blade cost $7.40.

What is the material budget for blades for September (in dollars)?

Enter as a whole number, no commas and no dollar signs.


  1. Mowers Inc. makes mowers for commercial landscapers.  Their sales budget is shown below:

Sep sales, units  10,000

Oct sales, units  35,000

Nov sales, units  40,000

Management want enough mowers on hand to meet 10% of next month’s sales.

Each mower requires 7 cutting blades. Management wants enough blades to meet 3% of next month’s production needs.

What is the material budget for blades for September (in units)?

Enter as a whole number, no commas and no dollar signs.

What institutions did New York and Pennsylvania establish in 1832? What was one of the principal demands of urban workers? What sector of children did not receive a sound public education?

U.S History to 1877 Multiple choice questions

You may use any resources to answer these questions. If you can find the textbook called “Introduction to American History volume 1 to 1877” online, then it would be helpful for answering these questions. There are no attachments or links to provide for this assignment. Explanations would be appreciated, but are not necessary. Please highlight/bold the right answer.

Chapter 10 of the textbook

1. The father of pacifism is __________.

  • Samuel Colt
  • Elihu Burritt
  • Peter Cooper
  • Oliver Evans

2. The American diet was heavy in ___________.

  • fresh vegetables
  • grain
  • dairy
  • fatty meats

3. Parts of cities that decayed became known as __________.

  • plantations
  • reservations
  • almshouses
  • slums

4. What institutions did New York and Pennsylvania establish in 1832?

  • Free public schools
  • Prisons
  • Hospitals
  • Mason chapters

5. What was one of the principal demands of urban workers?

  • Lower wages
  • Free public schools
  • More time at work
  • Hiring of more managers

6. The primary goal of public education was to teach __________.

  • African Americans to read
  • Women’s rights
  • morality
  • Indian history

7. What sector of children did not receive a sound public education?

  • Urban eastern children
  • Rural western children
  • Immigrant children
  • Short children

8. Communitarians believed in sharing __________.income

  • spouses
  • children
  • parents

9. According to the 1830 map of territorial growth, what state was in the Far West?Texas

  • Missouri
  • Oklahoma
  • Kansas

Chapter 11

1. What large animal inhabited the Great Plains?

  • The giraffe
  • The elephant
  • The buffalo
  • The polar bear

2. Over time, what did Army posts become?





What is Ethnic Studies and why does it matter? Analyze the role and impact behind “banking” and why it matters. Discuss the Problem-Posing model in the context of education.

Continuing the Conversation

You have a voice; what’s your say?

Guidance: Select course concepts (2+) introduced in this unit to answer two (2) or more of the below question(s) or prompts according Professor Fuentes’ lecture materials. You can also incorporate your own personal experiences or recent events, but there has to be a clear connection to concepts and case studies.*

  1. What is Ethnic Studies and why does it matter?
  2. Analyze the role and impact behind “banking” and why it matters.
  3. Discuss the Problem-Posing model in the context of education.
  4. Describe what Dr. Takaki means by “A Different Mirror” (Ch. 1).
  5. Analyze the term “ethnicity” as described by Omi and Winant (Ch. 1).
  6. Add your own link to an IG post, tweet, or Tik Tok and explain how it is an example of Ethnic Studies, “banking,” or problem-posing; OR Write your own question and incorporate course concepts to explain the importance behind your question (and the value of the potential answer).