
Do you think their credibility or lack of credibility was specific to you or would it also be true for most people receiving the communication? Explain.

Writing Question

1). Introduce yourself to your peers by sharing something unique about your background.

2). Explain how you expect this course will help you move forward in your current or future career.

Review the components of credibility outlined in Chapter 1 of your textbook and then think of a public communication from the last three months where someone communicated to you. This could be someone from your work, an event speaker (virtual or otherwise), a politician giving a televised speech, the public promotion or announcement of a product, or other public communication.

3). Identify the communication and then explain whether or not the speaker established credibility in a way that you trusted and that motivated you to listen to what they had to say. On the other hand, explain if they failed to establish or even lost credibility as they spoke. Be sure to provide specifics on how they did one or the other.

4). Do you think their credibility or lack of credibility was specific to you or would it also be true for most people receiving the communication? Explain.

Observe one student in a classroom setting for two hours. During this observation, record all the behaviors displayed by the student. Create a pseudonym for the student to maintain confidentiality.

Writing Question

For this assignment, you will be required to observe one student in a classroom setting for two hours. During this observation,you will record all the behaviors displayed by the student. You should create a comprehensive and specific list of behaviors (e.g.,pulls his own hair, stares away from the teacher, whispers to her friend, throws pencil on the floor, etc.). The summary should be extremely detailed. Do not use the student’s real name in the summary. Create a pseudonym for the student to maintain confidentiality.

Determine whether Hand was entitled to Miranda warnings. Explain whether the fact that Hand was not a citizen of the United States affects his rights in relation to the Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.

Criminal Justice Question

Prior to beginning your written assignment, read the Fifth AmendmentLinks to an external site. article, the Competency to Waive Fifth Amendment Rights during Custodial InterviewLinks to an external site. article, You Might Have the Right to Remain Silent: An Erosion of the Fifth Amendment With the Use of Pre-arrest SilenceLinks to an external site. article, and the Miranda v. Arizona, 386 U.S. 436 (1966) court decision.

Read the following case scenario:

The former Sameer Shariff, a Saudi Arabian national who changed his name to “The Left Hand of God” and is known to his followers as “Hand,” is a suspected terrorist. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agents believe that he is planning an imminent attack somewhere in Capital City. Under duress to prevent the attack, three DHS agents and three FBI agents storm into Hand’s house, burst into his bedroom, where he is in bed with a woman, and point shotguns at him. They demand to know what he is planning. No Miranda warnings are read. Hand tells them that he has hired Alex “Boom Boom” Jaxon, a known explosives expert, to plant a bomb in the Capital City Arena, with a timer to go off in three hours when the arena will be filled with over 20,000 people for a music concert.

Jaxon is known to the police and is in Central City, which is two hours away. He is arrested by Central City police and calls his lawyer in Capital City, who tells him he will meet him there and to remain silent. The lawyer then tells Central City police that they are not to question Jaxon until they arrive in Capital City and the lawyer is present.

Central City Police Officer McFadden drives Jaxon to Capital City. McFadden knows that DHS, FBI, and Capital City police are searching the arena, but McFadden is afraid they will not find the bomb in time. By the time that McFadden and Jaxon arrive in Central city, the concert hall is already full of audience members, and the show is set to begin in twenty minutes.

McFadden, who knows Jaxon’s family from previous police contacts, tells Jaxon that his mother and two brothers, who have been surveilled by the police for the last six weeks, are at the concert and will die if the bomb goes off. Jaxon leads McFadden to the bomb, which is defused. A crying Jaxon states that his purpose was to kill infidels, but he would never harm his family.

Research Fifth Amendment cases, including Miranda v. Arizona, 386 U.S. 436 (1966), which involves custodial interrogation and the right against self-incrimination.

In your paper,

  • Determine whether Hand was entitled to Miranda warnings.
  • Explain whether the fact that Hand was not a citizen of the United States affects his rights in relation to the Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.
  • Identify whether Hand’s questioning was custodial.
  • Explain whether McFadden’s statement about his family constitutes custodial interrogation.
  • Evaluate whether Hand’s statement can be used against him in a court of law.
  • Explain whether Jaxon’s statement be used against him in a court of law.
  • Determine whether Jaxon can testify against Hand.

Write a paper with at least 400 words (include a word count at the top of your page) reflecting your thinking about Medical Technology. Which developments in the field of medical technology interested you most? Which technologies do you think are most beneficial to society?

Answer the following

Write a paper with at least 400 words (include a word count at the top of your page) reflecting your thinking about Medical Technology.  Which developments in the field of medical technology interested you most?  Which technologies do you think are most beneficial to society?  Which of the technologies discussed might you be willing to accept having performed on you?  Which technologies would you refuse?  Why?

If you use or copy any ideas that are not your own to help support your writing, be sure to summarize that person’s ideas or put their exact words in quotation marks and use an APA in-text citation.  On a second sheet at the end of your reflection paper, called “References,” add an APA reference for your source.


The United States uses a healthcare system based on economic ability to pay, whereas other countries use a free and/or universal system for their healthcare. Which do you feel is better for society? Why? Is it acceptable for society allow for individuals to become bankrupt or turn to crowdfunding their medical care?

Answer the following

(1) The United States uses a healthcare system based on economic ability to pay, whereas other countries use a free and/or universal system for their healthcare.  Which do you feel is better for society?  Why?  Is it acceptable for society allow for individuals to become bankrupt or turn to crowdfunding their medical care?

(2) In this week’s videos, we saw that robots are increasingly being used to perform surgery.  It can operate at angles and for lengths of time that are much longer than a human surgeon can.  Would you feel comfortable knowing that a surgical procedure you required would be performed by such a robot?  Why or why not?

(3) Do humans that are enduring extreme suffering or terminal illness have the right to commit suicide?  Should healthcare professionals be allowed to assist in this?  Why or why not?


Make orthographic drawings of your design with dimensioning, welding specifications and a parts list with identification labels.

Mechanical Engineering Drawing

The triangular swivel gusset is to be fixed on the open end of the U-frame. The U-frame has been built by welding the two horizontal arms on the vertical web on the left end, while the edge b of the gusset is to be fixed between the arms on the right end using non-permanent fasteners. The gusset is permitted to swivel a maximum angle of 1800 in and out of the plane of the U-frame under the effect of force P. Equal and opposite forces F act vertically on the right ends of the two horizontal arms, tending to bend the arms inwards. Design the joint using appropriate, standard fasteners to permit the swivel under the force P on the gusset, while also being able to withstand the compression under the vertical forces F. For better stability of the connections, you may need to machine or add flat blocks at the tips of the gusset. The welding of the two horizontal arms on the vertical web also needs to be strengthened to prevent any possible cracking. You may choose to strengthen it by attaching reinforcement brackets or gussets, or building up on the surface by weld deposit, or remaking the U-frame from scratch as an assembly of individual arms and web joined using standard fasteners

1. Make orthographic drawings of your design with dimensioning, welding specifications and a parts list with identification labels.

2. The rationale for the design should be neatly handwritten/typed-up and appended to the drawing sheet/s.


Using the Borough of Demarest Municipal Limiting Schedule and the Zoning Map, prepare a comprehensive zoning analysis (table format) that lists all the zoning restrictions.

Zoning analysis

Assignment involves developing a zoning analysis for the architectural project described and based on the analysis, prepare plans and elevations of the new house as follows:

Analysis: Using the Borough of Demarest Municipal Limiting Schedule and the Zoning Map, prepare a comprehensive zoning analysis (table format) that lists all the zoning restrictions.

Other information are provided to the attached documents below:


Based on your description of the brand’s strategy identify what you think the target market is using two segmentation variables.

Marketing Question


The purpose of this assignment is to review the strategy of a product using the 4 P framework. You need to select a product or product:

a) that is a packaged consumer good (part of the assignment is to describe the package design)

b) for which you can find market share data in either Mintel or Passport

Important: you should select a product, not a company. For example, the company Coca-Cola has many different products lines and brands, but each brand has a different strategy.

Content of the paper

Your paper should include the following sections:

Introduction. This section needs to include sales and market share data – this is the only section for which you will need to use UIC library databases

Product strategy. You will describe a) the product line, b) one functional and c) one psychological benefit of the product, d) the package design, and e) provide background information about the brand name. You need to include a visual of the package design.

Distribution (Place) strategy. You will describe where this product is sold and need to include both labels of types of retailers, as well as examples of specific retailers.

Pricing strategy. You need to compare the price of your product with prices of at least two competing brands and conclude whether or not a prestige pricing strategy is used. The comparison should be presented in a table.

Promotion strategy. You will provide an overview of the communication tools the company uses and describe a few examples of specific social media posts or ads in other media.

Target market and positioning strategy. Based on your description of the brand’s strategy you will identify what you think the target market is using two segmentation variables. You will summarize the strategy using a positioning statement format. Make sure to follow the format in the sample:

To [insert target market description and general need], [insert brand name], is a [insert product category] that [insert a description of the point of difference].

Conclusion. Summarize why you think the brand is successful (or not successful if you chose a brand that has seen a declining market share)

References. You can use any established reference format that you are familiar with.

What are the first officer responsibilities when responding to a crime? What actions should be taken to secure a crime scene? In a death investigation, what might officers encounter during a preliminary death investigation?

Revel Criminal Investigation: The Art and the Science, 9e “ADJ 236”

This paper must be 3 typed pages in length, double-spaced with one – inch margins.

Use the link or Zoom recording: Crime 360 – The Shooting Party (season 2 episode 3 – 44:58 minutes)…

Answering the following questions based on information from the textbook “Revel Criminal Investigation: The Art and the Science, 9e” and the video:

  • Summarize what happened in the case? The who, why, what, when and how.
  • What are the first officer responsibilities when responding to a crime?
  • What actions should be taken to secure a crime scene?
  • In a death investigation, what might officers encounter during a preliminary death investigation?
  • What physical evidence is found by the police?
  • What was discovered at the autopsy?
  • Because one of the victims had a gun when he died, what is a possible legal defense the suspect(s) might use?
  • What evidence did the detectives discover to make arrests?
  • According to the lead detective – how many suspects were charged with this case and what were the charges?
  • What is the lucky buckeye?

Analyze your audience, and think about how you can use ethos, pathos, and logos to appeal to your audience. Consider counterarguments to your position, and how you can defend your position against opponent’s counterarguments.

English Question


  1. Use a minimum of eight sources. Your sources must be accessed through our library. You are also encouraged to interview someone who is an expert the subject. There must be 12 in-text citations as a minimum with no source used more than three times. All sources must appear on the Works Cited page.
  1. The paper must be properly formatted MLA style. 12 pt. Times New Roman font max. The paper must be stapled in the top left hand corner. 1500+word min.

Beginning your assignment:

At the invention stage of the essay, free write on your topic to help find focus and possible points to support your thesis. Consider the angle of vision you will take on your subject. What solution or position will you take on the problem or topic?

  • Analyze your audience, and think about how you can use ethos, pathos, and logos to appeal to your audience.
  • Consider counterarguments to your position, and how you can defend your position against opponent’s counterarguments.

Topics should be college level research topics. No papers on abortion or the legalization of any drug will be accepted.

Library databases: