
From an ethical perspective, is Kilo’s conduct in terminating its relationship with Crystal more important than whatever its motive might be? Why or why not?

Jury 1 C – F (first letter of last name) DUE on 5/9 at 11pm

2020 unread replies.2020 replies.

Case of Global Ethics vs. Global Economy

This is a case that will be tried in the court of Public Opinion.

Kilo Shoe Company, a United States corporation, buys clothing assembled by Crystal, LTD., a foreign company that employs children under 12 years of age. These children work nine hour days and for low pay. Crystal’s nation does not enforce its child labor laws limiting workdays to seven hours for children under 12. Many times the children’s income is needed by the family for basic necessities. Crystal and Kilo are aware of this.

Human International Politics (HIP), an international political activist organization, discovered Kilo’s connection to Crystal, LTD. HIP plans to reveal this information to the press and on social media. Kilo hears about this proposed action by HIP. Before HIP can act, Kilo terminates its relationship with Crystal. Kilo then publicizes this action in its advertising. The company’s sales and profits increase, apparently as a direct result.

  1. Has Kilo acted unethically in any way(s)? Explain using one of the ethical philosophies from the readings and facts from the scenario.
  2. From an ethical perspective, is Kilo’s conduct in terminating its relationship with Crystal more important than whatever its motive might be? Why or why not?

Describe a product that you will only buy the name brand of (not the generic version). Explain why you only buy the name brand. Does the name brand cost more than the generic version? Why is it worth the extra money?

Monopolistic competition discussion

Describe a product that you will only buy the name brand of (not the generic version). Explain why you only buy the name brand. Does the name brand cost more than the generic version? Why is it worth the extra money?

Does the clause making the policy effective only after a medical examination violate public policy? What other basis for a lawsuit might Martha have against the insurance company? Explain

Jury 1 A – B (first letter of last name) DUE 5/9 at 11pm

1414 unread replies.1414 replies.

The Case of the Customer Who Died to Soon



On October 26, a Wednesday Country Life Insurance agent went to the house of Martha and Gary Andersen. He persuaded the Andersens to buy a life insurance policy and accepted a check for $1,600. On his way out the door, he gave the Andersens a “conditional receipt for medical policy,” dated that day. The form stated that the Andersens would have a valid life insurance policy with Wednesday Country Life, effective October 26, but only when all conditions were met. The most important of these conditions was that the Wednesday Country Life home office accept the Andersens as medical risks after the company scheduled a medical examination. The Andersens were pleased with the new policy and glad that it was effective that same day.

Gary died in a car accident three weeks later. Wednesday Country Life declined the Andersens as medical risks and refused to issue a policy. Martha Andersen sued. Wednesday Country Life pointed out that medical approval was a condition to being covered. In other words, the company argued that the policy would be effective as of October 26, but only if it later decided to make the policy effective. It had not made that decision as of the date of Gary’s death.

At Trial

Plaintiff argued that the policy was a scam. The so called “conditional receipt for medical policy” is designed to trick customers and then steal their money. The company leads people to believe they are covered as of the day they write the check. But they aren’t covered until much later, when the insurer gets around to deciding the applicant’s medical status.

The company gets the customer’s money right away and gives nothing in exchange. If the company, after taking its time, decides the applicant is not medically fit, it returns the money, having used it for weeks or even months to earn interest. If, on the other hand, the insurance company decides the applicant is a good bet, it then issues the policy effective for weeks or months in the past, when coverage is of no use. No one can die retroactively. The company is being paid for a period during which it had no risk.

Defendant, Wednesday Country Life, argued that it would be impracticable for Wednesday Country Life to issue life insurance policies without doing a medical check. That is the road to bankruptcy and would mean that no one could obtain this valuable coverage. They further argued that they do a medical inquiry as quickly as possible as it is in their interest to get the policy decided one way or the other.

The policy clearly stated that coverage was effective only when approved by the home office, after all inquiries were made. The Andersens knew that as well as the agent. If they were covered immediately, why would the company do a medical check?


  1. Does the clause making the policy effective only after a medical examination violate public policy? Explain
  2. What other basis for a lawsuit might Martha have against the insurance company? Explain
  3. Based on your answers to Nos. 1 and 2 who will win this case and why?

Construct a volcano plot to visualise the changes in fold change and p values from health to sepsis. (By excel) If you assume p<0.05 is significant and prioritise two-fold increased or decreased: name the two most increased and two most decreased proteins of significant interest. What are the biological processes for these proteins?

Biochemistry Question



Sepsis (also known as blood poisoning) is the immune system’s overreaction to an infection. Normally the human immune system fights infection but sometimes it attacks our body’s own organs and tissues. If not treated immediately, sepsis can result in organ failure and death. Yet with early diagnosis, it can be treated with antibiotics. Five people die each hour in the UK as a result of sepsis.

Study Design

Blood plasma samples were collected, processed and frozen from subjects visiting the X Hospital Accident and Emergency Unit and who were diagnosed with sepsis. Age and gender-matched control subjects were recruited from the same Accident and Emergency Unit and blood plasma was also collected, processed and stored; these control subjects were tested for but were not diagnosed with sepsis. The sepsis and control samples have been analysed applying a quantitative proteomics method; a specific protein has received a more in-depth mass spectrometry analysis; and the sepsis and control samples have been analysed applying an untargeted metabolomics method to identify changes in metabolites.


This assessment will allow you to investigate the data acquired. The assessment is broken down in to three separate sections.

The assessment should be submitted as a short scientific report defining (a) the computational methods applied; (b) the data analysis results generated and (c) a discussion/conclusion section. The maximum word count is 800 words.


The data collected is presented in the file named ‘Proteomics data.xls’.

  1. Construct a volcano plot to visualise the changes in fold change and p values from health to sepsis. (By excel)
  2. If you assume p<0.05 is significant and prioritise two-fold increased or decreased: name the two most increased and two most decreased proteins of significant interest.
  3. What are the biological processes for these proteins?


Serum samples were extracted and analysed for 15 subjects diagnosed with sepsis and 15 subjects not diagnosed with sepsis. Plasma was extracted in 50/50 methanol/water (v/v). Each sample was analysed applying a ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method followed by raw data processing. Quality Control (QC) samples were also analysed as part of the study.

The processed LC-MS data is presented in the file named ‘Omics_Microbes_Metabolomics_dataset_Case_Study.csv’.

  1. Assess the quality of the data provided applying multivariate analysis methods. Define whether the data is of an adequate quality to perform statistical analysis.
  2. Applying univariate statistical analysis methods, identify the metabolites which show a statistical significance between subjects with sepsis and subjects without sepsis. Report the metabolite and statistical critical p-value for all metabolites with a critical p-value < 0.05 (FDR-corrected).
  3. Identify the metabolite pathway or pathways that are associated with the statistically significant metabolites described in part b.


Suppose you were creating a program to support pregnant women and their families in delivering healthy babies. Identify factors that you might address at each level of Bronfenbrenner’s model (Chapter 1). Discuss your program and how it may help promote healthy infants.

Psychology of Infancy and Childhood

1. Most developmental scientists agree that nature and nurture interact to influence development. explain how sickle cell anemia being a genetic disorder illustrates the interaction of genes and context.

2. Mention two of the most common Infant Mental Health related disorders- explain them.

3. Suppose you were creating a program to support pregnant women and their families in delivering healthy babies. Identify factors that you might address at each level of Bronfenbrenner’s model (Chapter 1). Discuss your program and how it may help promote healthy infants.

4. Theo pushes into a crawling position onto all fours and rocks back and forth. Theo will soon crawl, about 2 months later than the other babies in the childcare center. Much smaller than his peers, Theo is new to the childcare center, recently adopted from an overcrowded orphanage in a developing country. At first tiny Theo didn’t eat much. The adults around him worried about his poor eating habits and lack of growth. Soon, however, Theo became comfortable in his new, affectionate and nurturing home and he began to grow quickly.

  •  How do motor skills unfold during infancy? Should Theo’s parents worry about his progress? Why or why not?
  • Theo’s mother worries about how his early experiences of deprivation might influence Theo’s brain development. Discuss processes of brain development and the role of experience in development.
  • What can she do to help Theo?

Analyze a visual image that connects to the topic of your research essay. Describe (summarize) the image to the readers. Discuss how this image connects to your research paper, how it supports (or doesn’t support) your essay’s ideas, and the effectiveness of the visual in conveying its message.

Critical Analysis

One of our focuses for this class is to develop our critical thinking skills. Critical thinking allows us to “read between the lines” and look beyond the obvious. We have read several essays and answered journal questions that require us to use our critical thinking skills. This next assignment will expand on those critical thinking skills.

For this essay, you will be analyzing a visual image that connects to the topic of your research essay. It could be a photograph, an infographic, a chart, diagram, etc.

In the essay, you will need to describe (summarize) the image to the readers. From there, you will want to analyze it. An analysis is an argument in which you study the parts of something to understand how it works, what it means, or why it might be significant.

Within your analysis, you will want to discuss how this image connects to your research paper, how it supports (or doesn’t support) your essay’s ideas, and the effectiveness of the visual in conveying its message.

For this piece, you should find at least two other sources that support your analysis of the image. These can be sources you’ve already used in the research paper, or they can be new sources. Basically, with these secondary sources, you’re showing how the visual supports (or doesn’t support) the ideas presented in the research essay. Please make sure the sources you choose are credible sources.

You will need to include an introduction that briefly introduces the topic of your research paper, but do not use your exact same introduction. Then, you will want to mention the visual image you chose. Make sure you tell readers where the image comes from, its title, and who created it.

Your introduction should include a strong thesis statement that lets the readers know what you are arguing.  Your introduction should also set the stage for the readers and let them know what your essay will be about. You should also include a strong conclusion that ties everything up for the readers and brings them back to the beginning of the essay.

This essay is worth 50 points. You will be graded on grammar/mechanics, content, documentation, thesis statement, the conclusion, the works cited page, and all the other elements of writing. Avoid using first person pronouns. Remember: this is an analysis, not a review.


Write an essay explaining how nursing has evolved over time.

Contemporary nursing

Write an essay explaining how nursing has evolved over time.

In chapter 7 we are told that intercultural relationships go through three phases. Explain what these phases are and provide an example of a relationship going through these phases (in a minimum of 150 words).

Communications Question

ANSWER THE WRITTEN QUESTIONS FULL and correct in your own words

1) In chapter 7 we are told that intercultural relationships go through three phases. Explain what these phases are and provide an example of a relationship going through these phases (in a minimum of 150 words).

2) Explain what a use value and an exchange value are. In addition choose one product (any) and explain its importance in terms of their use and exchange values (in a minimum of 100 words)

3) One of the things that characterized or started the industrial revolution was that the connection between producers and the means of production was removed. What does this mean and please provide an example.

4) Explain what an independent and interdependent orientation. Also explain which orientation you believe yourself to be and why (in a minimum of 100 words)

5) Define 5 of the following 10 terms

  • Culture jamming
  • negotiated reading
  • in-group
  • capitalism
  • micro-frame analysis
  • media
  • heteronormativity
  • neoliberal policy
  • encoding
  • network media

Look in five different types of magazines or media to find five images of how a woman is depicted. What is the purpose of the image/ad? How is the woman being depicted? What are the intentions of the figure? And how do you, the viewer, feel towards this woman and/or the intentions of the image/ad?

Art 100

Read pages 211-232 in the online text

Links to an external site..

How are women depicted in popular culture today? The expression “sex sells” can readily be validated by looking in virtually any advertisement or magazine, those geared for either men or women.

  1. Look in five different types of magazines or media to find five images of how a woman is depicted. What is the purpose of the image/ad? How is the woman being depicted? What are the intentions of the figure? And how do you, the viewer, feel towards this woman and/or the intentions of the image/ad? 100-300 words
  2. Then as an extension of this project, choose one image of particular interest. Copy or scan to create a black and white image. Incorporate a contrasting or provocative statement in red, similar to Barbara Kruger’s work Untitled (Your body is a battleground).

Identify the 2 crimes you researched. Describe the sentencing guidelines in TN state for each crime. Compare the sentencing guidelines for adult offenders and juvenile offenders for each crime.


Sentencing guidelines are determined through best practice research and public policies. Criminal justice practitioners must be well-informed regarding public policies and trends that impact sentencing in order to uphold best practices. In this summative assessment, you look at TN state’s sentencing guidelines for 2 crimes, as well as the public policies that influenced them.

Research examples of sentencing guidelines for 2 specific crimes in TN state and the public policies that influenced these guidelines.

Write a 1,750-word analysis of sentencing guidelines and the related public policies. Address the following in your paper:

  • Identify the 2 crimes you researched.
  • Describe the sentencing guidelines in TN state for each crime.
  • Compare the sentencing guidelines for adult offenders and juvenile offenders for each crime.
  • Compare the sentencing guidelines of TN state to the guidelines of TX state and the guidelines at the federal level for each crime.
  • Describe public policies and trends that influenced the sentencing guidelines in TN state for the crimes you researched.
  • Explain the impetus for the public policies and data that supported the public policies.
  • Propose a change to the sentencing policies in your state for the crimes researched and substantiate your proposal with support from research on the benefits of this change.