
What does it mean to be polite?” Choose one of the questions below for your paragraph.

Level 2 – Writing Assignment, we ONLY use Reading and Writing Book

Unit 3
In this assignment, you are going to write an example paragraph that responds to a question posted on an online forum about politeness. As you prepare your paragraph, think about the Unit

Question, “What does it mean to be polite?” Choose one of the questions below for your paragraph:

  1. I’m traveling to the United States for the first time. What do you know about manners in the U.S.? Give sentences What tips do you have about being polite? Give sentences
  2. I think that people today arc very rude. I’m the father of two young boys, ages five and ten. How can I teach my sons to be polite? Give sentences
  3. Sometimes I do not answer my phone when people call me, but then I think, is that impolite? What advice can you give me? Give sentences

Post a 2- to 3-paragraph description of the character you selected from Shange’s poem, including her emotional and physical self. Explain how this character represents the concepts of expression, perspective, and social change. How is the style of poetry in Shange’s work different from other styles of poetry?

ENGL2050-C Women’s Literature & Social change

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Read and listen to each of the Shange poems. Choose one of the female characters from the five included poems. In these poems, the characters include: Lady in Yellow, Lady in Orange, Lady in Blue, Lady in Red, and Lady in Purple.
  • What aspects of the character you chose are readily apparent? What are you most curious about regarding this character that is not directly apparent?
  • Consider references to formal and/or non-formal education that you identify in association with the character you chose and/or other characters in these five poems? For example, how does Shange communicate a character’s sense of knowledge of herself or an issue? In what ways do the women educate one another?

With those things in mind:

Post a 2- to 3-paragraph description of the character you selected from Shange’s poem, including her emotional and physical self. Explain how this character represents the concepts of expression, perspective, and social change. How is the style of poetry in Shange’s work different from other styles of poetry?

Develop more targeted policies and practices to mitigate adverse impacts on the environment while promoting sustainable economic growth.

Exploring the Association Between Economic Growth and Environmental Quality: A Country Level Study

Research Question and Rationale
Is there a relationship between economic growth and environmental quality?

This study was conducted with the aim to help policymakers and stakeholders better understand the tradeoffs between economic growth and environmental sustainability.
Develop more targeted policies and practices to mitigate adverse impacts on the environment while promoting sustainable economic growth.
Help anticipate and plan for future challenges related to climate change and environmental degradation.

Write a paper summarizing your perspective on how health care administrators should decide on spending their limited resources.

Demonstrate critical thinking

Instructions Learning Objective:
Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis

Week #5 PBL Assignment
Write a paper summarizing your perspective on how health care administrators should decide on spending their limited resources.

When determining how to allocate resources in a hospital how can administrators decide how to prioritize funding between employees’ wages and taking care of the poor. Given that increasing salaries would decrease resources for charity how should hospitals make these decisions? Isn’t providing a living wage or more for employees an acceptable social good as well? What guidelines would you create for Catholic hospitals to follow?

Answer all of the questions and submit your answers to the dropbox by Sunday at midnight. Your submission must be double spaced with 12-point font. The submission must be 2 – 3 pages and in APA format.

Construct your own children’s story as a final project for this course. Create a story about a kid having two mothers as parents.

Children story

READ CAREFULLY! You are going to construct your own children’s story as a final project for this course. Create a story about a kid having two mothers as parents. Your book must try to educate students on a particular topic and should follow the basic elements found in children’s books. There is not major restrictions to this project, you can write a book around a topic that would be banned in certain states, or it can just be a book about a topic you think children need to learn about in a fun and engaging manner.

You are responsible for the content, visuals, and overall look of the children’s book. You can create all visuals with construction paper or crayons, you do not have to pay for an expensive illustration to get credit for this project.

You can work in pairs, or on your own. At the end of the semester there will be 4 days to read the book to the class, present the illustrations, and then have a short conversation with us about what lead you to create this story in the first place. In this conversation you should answer the following questions:

  • Who is the intended target audience for this book?
  • Why did you focus on this topic?
  • Do you think this story would be banned, why or why not?
  • How did this project teach you about the freedom of speech (expression) as protected under the first amendment?
  • Would you be interested in publishing a future version of this story?

6-8 min presentation.

Visual aids should be submitted before class on the day of your presentation.

2 parts:

  • Reading the book/story
  • Reflecting on the process of creating this story.

Prepare the statement of cash flows of Company A for the year ended December 31, 2021, using the direct method. Use the additional information from the accounting records below.

Cash Flow Statement

Background and Directions

The comparative balance sheets (2021, 2020) and the income statement (2021) for Company A are shown in the spreadsheet.

Use this assignment’s Excel template for completing these tasks. Information for each task is given on the template in the Instructions tab. Use the correct Excel formulas in the cells when calculations are needed as well as formatting.


ACG3256fw Module 05 Written Assignment


Prepare the statement of cash flows of Company A for the year ended December 31, 2021, using the direct method. Use the additional information from the accounting records below. You may omit the schedule to reconcile net income to cash flows from operating activities. Use the Cash Flow Statement tab for your work and only fill out the yellow cells. Enter the values in thousands. For example, enter 7 for $7000.

  1. A building was sold for $7000. It originally cost $40,000 and was three-fourths depreciated.
  2. The common stock of Company B was purchased for $5,000 as a long-term investment.
  3. Company A acquired property by leasing a note payable to the seller. The terms were $30,000 with a 13% rate for seven years.
  4. New equipment purchased for $15,000 cash.
  5. January 1, 2021: bonds were sold at their $25,000 face value.
  6. January 19: a 5% stock dividend (1,000 shares) issued. The market price was $14 per share for the $10 par value common stock on this day.
  7. Shareholders received cash dividends of $13,000.
  8. November 12: Company A repurchased 500 shares of common stock as treasury stock at the cost of $8,000.

How have you improved or progressed in this course? What have you learned from the class readings, your instructor’s notes and lectures, your classmates, and the class projects? What concepts do you think you will use beyond this course?

REFLECTION for medical writing


You will prepare a final reflection on your learning in this course and how what you have learned could be applied in the future. Reflecting on your learning can help you consider and retain what you have learned.


To end this course, I’d like you to take some time to reflect on your learning in this class and write a 700-1100-word reflection on how your learning has progressed and how you might apply concepts from this course in the future, even if you do not plan to become a professional medical writer. In addition to helping you review and retain concepts in this class, this reflection is your opportunity to demonstrate to me that you have grasped the ideas and concepts in the class and that you will be able to apply them in the future.

Your own experience and learning in this class will help you determine what to address and how to organize your ideas, but the questions below can help with your reflection on your experience in this class:

  • How did your learning progress in this course? For example, what were your expectations and base-knowledge about medical writing before you started this class? What are they now?
  • How have you improved or progressed in this course?
  • What have you learned from the class readings, your instructor’s notes and lectures, your classmates, and the class projects?
  • What concepts do you think you will use beyond this course?

You are not limited to the above prompts. If there are other things that are important for you to include, please do so. In your reflection, you should also include specific examples (class readings, ideas from classmates or your instructor, your own work for the class in homework and major projects).

Watch this short video first and jot down the five signs/indicators of How to Spot a Quack. After watching the video, make a little check list of the 5 signs of a quack and then find and report on a website or web advertisement that meets the criteria for quack information.

 Nutrition misinformation in advertising

Page 500 – 501 of the assigned chapter reading speaks about nutrition misinformation in advertising. Watch this short video first and jot down the five signs/indicators of How to Spot a Quack. After watching the video, make a little check list of the 5 signs of a quack and then find and report on a website or web advertisement that meets the criteria for quack information. The instructor will give an award to the top quack hacks found relevant to some aspect of nutrition (e.g. anything from weight loss, anti-aging, disease treatment/prevention, supplements, etc.).

Conduct a literature search on your approved nursing practice problem. Find two translational research articles, one quantitative article, and one qualitative article. Using the “Translational Research Graphic Organizer,” present your proposed topic and, in the tables provided, compare one translational study to the quantitative study, and one translational study to the qualitative study.

Main assignment wk 1

The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a comparison on different research designs to better understand their designs and application. Understanding the different types of research design is important so that nurses can effectively apply evidence-based research into practice to address issues and offer better patient care.

You will utilize your approved nursing practice problem to complete the evidence-based practice project proposal assignments for this course and NUR-590, during which you will synthesize all of the sections into a final written paper detailing your evidence-based practice project proposal.

Review feedback from your instructor on your “Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Identification of Nursing Practice Problem,” submitted in Topic 1. If your original proposed nursing problem was outside the scope of nursing practice or not conducive to an evidence-based practice project proposal, work with your instructor to identify a new topic prior to beginning this assignment. If your proposed topic requires revision, complete this prior to beginning this assignment.

Conduct a literature search on your approved nursing practice problem. Find two translational research articles, one quantitative article, and one qualitative article. Using the “Translational Research Graphic Organizer,” present your proposed topic and, in the tables provided, compare one translational study to the quantitative study, and one translational study to the qualitative study.

Refer to the “Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Assignment Overview” document for an overview of the evidence-based practice project proposal assignments.

You are required to cite four peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Examine Information Technology Implementation by analyzing a case on using integrated systems that collect, track, and share information across local- and wide-area network tools to clinical and administrative audiences.


Course Objectives for Assignment:

  • Apply the principles of information management in a variety of settings such as large, networked enterprises, ambulatory care centers, long term care facilities and integrated provider delivery networks.
  • Examine Information Technology Implementation by analyzing a case on using integrated systems that collect, track, and share information across local- and wide-area network tools to clinical and administrative audiences.

Assignment Scenario: After being so successful at your internship, you decided to pursue a career in HIT. Review the information below and provide the details for the final assignment.

1. Using online career sites (e.g., or or any other healthcare career site:

  • Locate a position for the healthcare CIO using your selected healthcare career site. Include the position information.
  • Discuss the required academic qualifications, experience, and other desired/required characteristics.
  • Assess your candidacy for this position using career tools on CareerQuest at the UMGC.
  • Develop a plan to close the gaps necessary to meet the position requirements.

2. Chief Information Officer (CIO) is a term used in IT for an official who oversees the functions of collecting, processing, and presenting information of the organization to top management for making informed business decisions. The same concept is used in healthcare. However, the information collected and used in healthcare organizations differs the normal business information.

  • In a tabulated two-column format compare functions/responsibilities of CIOs for the routine business organizations and healthcare organizations.
  • Determine which responsibilities of the CIO are different in healthcare and business organizations?
  • Assess if they are more critical in healthcare than the business organizations and why.
  • Support your viewpoints with arguments and/or real-life examples (if you work in healthcare).

All supportive evidence should be formatted in APA 7th Edition.

Deliverables: Due Tuesday of Week 12 by 11:59 pm EST (no late submissions are accepted):

  1. Plan to close the developmental gaps for CIO position.
  2. Comparison of CIO in HC and Business organization in a tabular/narrative format.