
Read the Passage! Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

Stats dB2

Read the Passage! Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

National polls are conducted to gain data and knowledge on a specific topic. For example, Cleveland Clinic offers a survey to gain insight on patient experience and compare the results to competitors. “In 2019, Cleveland Clinic began administering the Press Ganey Medical Practice Survey for use in the physician office setting to measure patients’ perspectives of outpatient care” (Press Ganey, 2022). The resulted showed the sample sizes and the perctange sizes from 2020 and 2021. For instance, in the catergory ‘appointment access’, 2020 surveyed 97,763, which was 70.2 % and in 2021 surveryed 106,998, which totaled 75.2%. These polls are directed to the individuals that receive care from the facility. By using these polls, they can adjust their polices and improve their quality care standard.

Is this company in a competitive market, or a monopolistic market? Is there any price discrimination for different types of customers? Does this market suffer from typical problems we discussed in class: adverse selection, moral hazard, agency problem, technology overuse, etc?

The Quarterly Journal of Economics

Your presentation is graded with the following metrics:
1. Time: 8-10 minutes (10%)
2. Structure and Contents (80%)
a. You should have a structure that at least includes intro, deep dive, solution or conclusion
b. Your presentation should be relevant to health economics concepts we discussed in the class (example: adverse selection, moral hazards, market inefficiency, agency problem, health disparities, regulation, randomized control experiment, etc.)
c. Your presentation should have a good pace: don’t rush, don’t disproportionately spend your time in some slides but rush through the others; You should at least do one practice run on your own before you present.
d. Your slides: should be clear and able to read; you should not use too tiny word fonts that overwhelm your audience.

3. Q&A (10%)
If you picked a topic, you can borrow questions from the following;
If you picked a paper, here is some questions you can follow:

1. What is some motivational evidence or background that can be interesting/surprising? (For presenter(s), try to show some maps or figures)

  • a. If it focuses on a certain problem/illness, how many people get the problem per year in the US? How much percentage is diagnosed?
  • b. Is there any solution or treatment for the problem? How much percentage of patients is treated properly?
  • c. What’s the trend? Has the problem increased a lot?
  • d. What about disparities? (age, gender, race, income, geography) What are the causes of these disparities

2. What research question does the author(s) ask to explain the above evidence?
3. Any lab/natural experiment? What are the A and B groups, or treatment and control groups, which the researcher(s) compare?
4. What’s the result? (For presenter(s), try to show 1-3 figures or tables, focus on the main results) If you are a policy maker, what policies do you make based on the main result?
5. Based on the main result, if you are just an individual, any useful lesson for you? If you are an entrepreneur, any startup ideas you have? (Optional, depends on the paper)
6. If you are going to write a paper on top of the findings from this paper, what is the next important and unanswered research question you want to ask?

If you picked a company, here is some questions you can follow:
1. A brief introduction of the company: this can include the history, the problem/illness it tries to solve/treat, the scope/price of the problem/illness, how it has achieved it so far
2. What is the product they are selling? Are they adding new products to the healthcare market, or reducing inefficiencies in the healthcare market by providing their products?
3. Who are their (potential) customers? What are their basic demographics (age, gender, race, income)?
4. Is this company in a competitive market, or a monopolistic market? Is there any price discrimination for different types of customers?
5. Does this market suffer from typical problems we discussed in class: adverse selection, moral hazard, agency problem, technology overuse, etc?
6. Does the product increase or decrease health disparities?
7. If you are an investor, will you bet on its future? Why?
8. If you are a consumer, what is your willingness to pay for this product? Why?
9. If you are a policy maker, how will you regulate this product or this market?
10. Any other aspects related to health economics

What Leadership roles to RN’s play and what are their responsibilities that come with it? Write about the topics.

Clinical Reflection/Journaling

Leadership Roles and Responsibilities of the RN within the Healthcare Team including the RN’s role as a delegator. What Leadership roles to RN’s play and what are their responsibilities that come with it? Write about the topics. (Minimum 2 pages) Submit in Canvas Drop Box

Present a series of paragraphs that discuss the risk of the toxicant, the potential for exposure or likelihood that it would be found locally in our food or water, and potential effects of the concentration levels found. Find real data for the concentrations that have been found and discuss this information.


For this discussion please conduct research on a contaminant that has been found in our food and/or water. Conduct a literature review for a specific contaminant that has been found in food and/or water and find at least three references, two of which must be journal articles. You can have more than three references. Your original discussion should present a series of paragraphs that discuss the risk of the toxicant, the potential for exposure or likelihood that it would be found locally in our food or water, and potential effects of the concentration levels found. Find real data for the concentrations that have been found and discuss this information. Make sure and discuss specific locations where the contaminant has been found to be a problem. In a second post discuss what can be done to reduce the risk of this contaminant to human and or ecological health. Finally, discuss the current or future regulatory considerations for this contaminant. Make sure and use in text citations following APA or another accepted style. In text citations should include (Author, Year). Please go to to review using various styles for citations. Also, you need to have a references list at the end of each discussion. Make sure this follows an appropriate style. You may use another style besides APA, just make sure you are consistent.

Critically discuss the concept of the South African “Rainbow Nation” from a post-colonial perspective. In your discussion, reflect on how the idea of the “Rainbow Nation” contributes to the construction and development of cultural identity amongst “Generation Z” South Africans.

CULTURAL IDENTITY: A Postcolonial South African Cultural Identity

In South Africa, ‘decolonisation’ has reemerged as a theme for identity, economic and cultural contestations among the youth. In this, the celebratory rhetoric of rainbow nationalism of postapartheid utopia is confronted headon.” (Oyedemi, 2021:214)

Critically discuss the concept of the South African “Rainbow Nation” from a postcolonial perspective.
In your discussion, reflect on how the idea of the “Rainbow Nation” contributes to the construction and development of cultural identity amongst “Generation Z” South Africans.

Also reflect on how the idea of the “Rainbow Nation” might, on the other hand, be detrimental to South Africans’ cultural identity development.

Strengthen your discussions by referring to any of Kim’s (2007) four ideological positions (assimilationism; pluralism; integrationism; and separatism) you find relevant to your arguments. Do not refer to those ideological positions that are not relevant to your arguments.

Illustrate your arguments by referring to real/existing examples from post1994 South African news media, entertainment media, or social media.

What was the most interesting thing that you learned about in these two pages? Why was it interesting? Why is it important to know about this piece of Christian history in order to better understand the Christian religion as a whole?


Part One: The Gospel of Mark

This week we read the Gospel of Mark, which scholars believe is the earliest of the four canonical Gospels (in other words it was likely written before Matthew, Luke, and John). In the first part of your Discussion Board response, I would like to hear more about your reaction to this Gospel.

Respond to the following questions concerning the Gospel of Mark:

  1. What were your expectations of this Gospel? Did you have any prior experience reading it or hearing about it? How did you imagine that it would describe the life of Jesus? Were those expectations confirmed or was it different from what you thought it would be?
  2. What surprised or fascinated you most about Mark’s portrayal of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus?
  3. Overall, how do you think Mark wants the reader to understand Jesus? What particular attributes of his personality, teaching, healings, and/or death is he trying to emphasize?

Be sure to include at least one quotation from the Gospel of Mark in your responses to these questions.

Part Two: Let’s Look Deeper Pages

This week you also read about the documentation for Jesus and early Christianity in sources other than the Christian Bible as well as some groups in the first few centuries of Christianity that had different ideas of who Jesus was.

Respond to the following questions concerning the “Let’s Look Deeper” pages:

  1.  What was the most interesting thing that you learned about in these two pages? Why was it interesting?
  2.  Why is it important to know about this piece of Christian history in order to better understand the Christian religion as a whole?

Be sure to include at least one quotation from the “Let’s Look Deeper” pages in your responses to these questions.

*Further Instructions:

Your initial discussion board response must be at least 500 words long and contain two direct quotes from the readings (one from each of the two readings for this week).


Who was Jesus? Where was he born? When? What religion/culture was Jesus raised in? Where did he live most of his life? What was Galilee like?



Jesus’ World

1. Who was Jesus? Where was he born? When?

2. What religion/culture was Jesus raised in?

3. Where did he live most of his life?

4. What was Galilee like?

5. What type of job did Jesus likely have?

6. What happens at the end of Jesus’ life?

The Roman Empire: Religion, Society and Culture

7. What are some features of Roman Religion as it was practiced during Jesus’ life?

8. What was the status of Judaism in the Roman Empire during Jesus’ life?

9. What was the political unrest that was occurring in Judea before, during and after Jesus’ life?

10. Who was Herod the Great? Who was Herod Archelaus?

11. Who was Pontius Pilate? What was his role in Judea?

12. Who was Caligula? And what did he do in 37 CE?

13. What was the Jewish Revolt? What happened because of it?

14. Jewish Society and Religion in the First Century

15. Was Judaism a monolithic religion or community in Jesus’ life?

16. What were the four main sects of Judaism at this time? And what were some important characteristics of each?

17. However, which sect did most Jews at this time belong to?

18. What was common to all of these groups?

19. What are the “insider” and “outsider” perspective and why is it important to look at both when studying the life of Jesus?

20. What is the difference between a “historical” and “biblical” view of Jesus?

21. What are the criterion that historians look to when determining what information in the Gospels is historically reliable about Jesus’ life?

22. Who was Jesus baptized by?

23. What is an “apocalyptic prophet” and how does that term apply to Jesus?

24. Who did Jesus associate with?

25. Who did Jesus argue with?

26. How did Jesus die and who killed him?

27. What happened after his death?

According to the author what is Problem Solver Profiles (PSPs). How the five different decision-making archetypes help you in improving decision-making and problem-solving skills? Explain in relation with the text you learnt in the course.

Problem solving and decision making

Assignment Instructions for Part-I:

  • Log in to Saudi Digital Library (SDL) via University’s website
  • On first page of SDL, choose “English Databases”
  • From the list find and click on EBSCO database.
  • In the search bar of EBSCO find the following article:

Title:        “What Are Your Decision-Making Strengths and Blind Spots?”

Author:                Cheryl Strauss Einhorn

Date of Publication:        August 09, 2022

Published:            Harvard Business Review


Assignment Question(s):   (Marks 15)


Read the article titled as “What Are Your Decision-Making Strengths and Blind Spots?” by Cheryl Strauss Einhorn published in Harvard Business Review, and answer the following Questions:

  1. Summarize the article and explain the main issues discussed in the article. (In 500-600 words)    (Marks 5)
  2. According to the author what is Problem Solver Profiles (PSPs). How the five different decision-making archetypes help you in improving decision-making and problem-solving skills?  Explain in relation with the text you learnt in the course. Use additional reference to support your argument. (In 400-500 words)     (Marks 5)


Part-II- Critical Thinking Question

  1. “Problem-solving is a daily task in any business. But what to do when significant problems keep coming back? Think about the last major problem you encountered. Did you take the time to discover the actual underlying cause or did you implement a quick fix that dealt with the symptoms? Discuss in detail the about the root cause analysis. (Words 400-500)    (Marks 5)

What is the name of the source? Is this an acceptable source to use in a college level research paper? Why or why not?

Week 3:Evaluating Sources


Click the link for each source to review. For each source listed answer the following questions:

  • What is the name of the source?
  • Is this an acceptable source to use in a college level research paper?
  • Why or why not?

Your rationale should be supported by at least two specifics about the source, such as what you can uncover about the credibility of the author, publication, or sponsoring organization; bias detected; or the quality of sources used. What kind of specifics you use will depend on the source you’re looking at.

You should look at the site as a whole for the first two. The remaining three link to specific articles to focus on, though you might still find useful information elsewhere on the site.

Sources to Evaluate:
• Global Warming (

  • “The Myth of Smoking During Pregnancy” (
  • • “Feline Reactions to Bearded Men”  (
    • Dr. Oz (
    • “Effects of an Irregular Bedtime Sleep Schedule”  (…

Should James and Pamela consider doing Roth conversions at some point? If so, when should they consider doing it? What accounts should they consider doing conversions from? How much should they try to convert? How will this impact their overall wealth?

Financial Planning for retirement Client case

For this assignment, use 2023 numbers.

Write to your clients. Please consider the questions below as a guide for different areas in the retirement plan you will address.

  • Advise James on how much he should contribute to his 401k and IRA, if applicable. If he receives an employer match, how much will he save this year in his 401k? What does catch-up contribution look like next year (what changes did the Secure Act 2.0 make regarding catch-up contribution)? Should James and Pamela consider doing a spousal IRA? (Note, for clients, resources are limited. Therefore, you must consider their current budget and cash flow when making recommendations).
  • When will James and Pamela have to start RMD (remember to consider Secure Act 2.0 changes)? Should they consider doing a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)? Be sure to educate them on QCDs and the rules surrounding QCDs, given they have charitable intentions.
  • Is Pamela allowed to roll her 403b to an IRA? If so, would you recommend her doing so, and why?
  • Should James and Pamela consider doing Roth conversions at some point? If so, when should they consider doing it? What accounts should they consider doing conversions from? How much should they try to convert? How will this impact their overall wealth?
  • Assuming James and Pamela each have a moderate growth risk tolerance, they would like to invest 70% equities and 30% bonds. Using these Vanguard Models as a guide, I recommend an asset allocation for your clients. Assume James is limited to the Vanguard funds listed in his portfolio. If Pamela rolled over her 403b to an IRA, you could invest in most stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs. you can use this TD Ameritrade tool to assist in your analysis.