
What responsibility should Sara take for her introduction exercise to be inclusive and respect other cultural customs outside the host culture’s practices? What recommendations you have for the student who did not want to shake hands?

Management question


Ali is a successful financial officer in a banking company. He will take over the recently acquired footprint as the new regional CEO. The newly acquired banking institution has a good market reputation

On Monday morning at 10am, Ali had called a meeting. He reached the office at 9am and saw very few employees in the meeting so he got annoyed but keeping his emotions at side, he started the meeting at sharp 10am .Ali was unhappy due to lack of dedication of employees towards the organization, as most of the employees did not arrived on time.

Later that afternoon Ali met the executive team and outlined the strategic goals, objectives and deadlines. A meeting was held with the senior staff members for reporting progress. In the report it was shown that currently the market growth numbers were up and new business numbers were increasing.

A quarter later Ali had a quarterly report result. The report showed both positive and negative result. Ali reviewed the report with his staff and requested them for their input. However his request was greeted with silence. He sensed an uneasy feeling in the room.


  1. To what extend do you think Ali process Emotional Intelligence. (2.5 Marks)
  2. Do you think the concept of emotional intelligence is important in organizational setting? Briefly justify your answer. (2.5 Marks)



Part-2-Case Study

 Sara, a third-year adjunct faculty member at a major university, looked at her course evaluations from students for the term just ending and shook her head in disbelief: What could have prompted the very negative comment one student made? She remembered vividly the day in question. It was the first day of class for a new school year and a new semester. Since this was a freshman-level class, students were also new to campus. New classes routinely require introductions, and Sara tried to have an interesting icebreaker. She had the students do a “mix it up” exercise where they had to stand up, move around the room, shake hands with and greet every other person in the class. The room buzzed with excitement as the new students greeted each other, and it seemed to be quite a success. The rest of the semester went as expected, and students continued to network with each other. Now, at the end of that term, Sara was looking at a student’s comment on the semester end course evaluation and was shocked. The student rated her “D” (the lowest possible) and commented: “The instructor was very insensitive and unaware. She even expected us to shake hands during introductions.” Thinking about that first day of class, Sara did not recall that any of the students participated reluctantly. No one seemed to hesitate, or to avoid the activity, or to ask to be exempt from the introductions. She wondered why the student did not immediately indicate any discomfort. Why did this student not ask for an alternative way to participate? Looking back, Sara tried to think through how students who were reluctant to “touch” anyone else could participate. While she thought of the handshake as a form of friendly interaction, clearly some students did not see things that way. How could she re-design the exercise so that students from outside the main culture could fully participate but not have to do anything that would make the giver or the receiver of the handshake uncomfortable? She also thought about the idea that religious beliefs were not the only reason for a reluctance to touch others. Perhaps students were germphobic, had skin sensitivities, or were adverse to having others touch them for health reasons. She asked herself what other inclusive instructions could have been provided, such as, “If anyone does not want to shake hands, let’s work out an alternative now, before we start.” This would have provided an option before the activity started. Also, in a low-key, positive and friendly way, any concerned student needed to be prepared to suggest an alternative action, such as, “I am not able to shake hands, but I would be very happy to do this [provide alternative].” No big loud “ugh..” no moaning or groaning, but a maturely presented alternative. It was now apparent that, for the entire semester, the student had harbored a grudge about the handshake introductions.


  1. What responsibility should Sara take for her introduction exercise to be inclusive and respect other cultural customs outside the host culture’s practices? (2.5 Marks)
  2. What recommendations you have for the student who did not want to shake hands? (2.5 Marks)



Think about any difficult situation/conversation, which you might have encountered in your professional life or student life. Based on that conversation, answer the following

  1. Briefly discuss the conversation/situation. (1 mark)
  2. Evaluate your and others’ performance in terms of assuming the best in one another, staying calm, finding common ground, disagreeing diplomatically, avoiding exaggeration.(2 marks)
  3. Describe three ways you would approach the conversation differently if you again encountered the same situation (2marks)



Explain the three ways (in detail) with which a firm can increase the likelihood of the projects being both technically and commercially successful.

Management Question

Q1– ‘Technological innovation is thus the creation of new knowledge that is applied to practical problems. Sometimes this knowledge is applied to problems hastily……’. In your own words, explain what can be the possible consequences of hasty application of technological innovation. Explain whether the benefits of technological innovation over power its drawbacks. (5 Marks, Min words 400-500)


Q2. Explain the three ways (in detail) with which a firm can increase the likelihood of the projects being both technically and commercially successful.  (6 Marks, Min words 550-600)


Q3– On the basis of your own research, map the timeline of the Most Important Technological Innovation in the last 50 years (1982-2022). Select one innovation as per your choice and write a detailed note about its positive as well as negative effects on the society. (4 Marks, Min words 450-500)

Develop a database that delivers the above requirements (at minimum) with a user-friendly interface for different potential users. Assume and expand on any requirements that are necessary but not fully scoped in the above description.

Databases Question

[14 marks] Question 1:

Consider the ER diagram shown in Figure 1 for part of a BANK database. Each bank can have multiple branches, and each branch can have multiple accounts and loans.
1. List the non-weak entity types in the ER diagram.
2. Is there a weak entity type? If so, give its name, its partial key, and its identifying relationship.
3. What constraints do the partial key and the identifying relationship of the weak entity type specify in this diagram?
4. Write concisely the user requirements that led to this ER schema design.
5. Suppose that every customer must have at least one account but is restricted to at most two loans at a time and that a bank branch cannot have more than 1000 loans. How can this be represented using (min, max) constraints?

Figure 1. ER diagram for the bank database

[16 marks] Question 2:
The following tables form part of a database held in a relational DBMS:

  • Hotel (hotelNo, hoteiName, city)
  • Room (roomNo, hotelNo, type, price)
  • Booking (hotelNo, guestNo, dateFrom, dateTo, room No)
  • Guest (guestNo, guestName, guestAddress)

Hotel contains hotel details and hotelNo is the primary key.
Room contains room details for each hotel and (roomNo, hotelNo) forms the primary key.
Booking contains details of bookings and (hotelNo, guestNo, dateFrom) forms the primary key.
Guest contains guest details and guestNo is the primary key.

Using the above Hotel database schema, write SQL queries to retrieve the followings:
1. List full details of all hotels.
2. List full details of all hotels in Jeddah.
3. List the names and addresses of all guests in Jeddah, alphabetically ordered by name.
4. List all double or family rooms with a price below 400 SAR per night, in ascending order of price.
5. List the bookings for which no dateTo has been specified.
6. How many hotels are there?
7. What is the average price of a room?
8. What is the total revenue per night from all double rooms?
9. How many guests have made bookings for August?
10. List the price and type of all rooms at the Hayat Hotel.
11. List all guests currently staying at the Hayat Hotel.
12. List the details of all rooms at the Hayat Hotel, including the name of the guest staying in the room, if the room is occupied.
13. What is the total income from bookings for the Hayat Hotel today?
14. List the rooms that are currently unoccupied at the Hayat Hotel.
15. List the number of rooms in each hotel.
16. List the number of rooms in each hotel in Dammam.

[40 marks] Question 3:
An EPC company requires an information system to track the professional development (PD) of its engineering and management team members. The personal information of each member needs to be stored (i.e., name, address, and contact information). A member is required to accumulate at least 100 PDHs (professional development hours) each year. PDHs are acquired through different types of activities. Formal activities include conferences, workshops, meetings, short courses, or meetings that target PD training. Each hour spent on any of these activities is equivalent to 1 PDH. Members need to file annually the number of PDHs they accumulated together with the type of activity they engaged in to acquire the PDH, its title, location, time, and the host organization.
The company delivers different activities to support the PD of its members. These activities include one-day workshops, multi-day conferences, monthly half-day training courses, and a weekly one-hour PD meeting. The company needs to keep track of the subject, location, date, and attendees of each of these programs. The information system should automatically update the PDH numbers for each member that attends a company-delivered PD activity.
A member involved in delivering any of the above activities as a trainer in the company or outside the company also accumulates PDHs. Each hour spent as a trainer is equivalent to 2 PDHs. Members also may accumulate PDH through volunteering for community services and charitable organizations. A volunteer hour is equivalent to 1 PDH to a maximum of 20 PDH per year.
The information system should allow company management to track the history of PDH for each member over the years, to get a list of members that are below, above, or within a user-defined number or range of PDH, or to track PDH hours per activity type for one or all members. It also should allow every member to enter his/her PD activities outside the company and to check his/her PDH history.

Develop a database that delivers the above requirements (at minimum) with a user-friendly interface for different potential users. Assume and expand on any requirements that are necessary but not fully scoped in the above description.

Include in your report the ERD for the database, the SQL statements used for any queries in the system, and a mini user manual of how to use the system.

What are the type of products and/or services provided? Explain the products and services does the online store provide such as customer service, exchange and return, delivery, and payment options.

E-commerce Project (Part A)

In this project, you are required to evaluate one of the websites below based on what you learn
from this course and your perspective. The evaluation will cover the different aspects of E-commerce such as business idea, website design, marketing, security … etc.
You will need to analyze the business and provide suggestions to improve the current business
Current e-commerce businesses: (choose one)

  10. 1

The following questions require critical thinking to be answered successfully. The answers to these questions will drive the ways of improvement of the current e-commerce business.

1. Know the business (7 marks) Each point worth 0.7 mark

1.What is the business?
(Introduce the e-commerce business you have chosen).

2. What is the idea?
(Provide an overview of the business idea & The visioning process).

3. What are the type of products and/or services provided?
(Explain the products and services does the online store provide such as customer service,
exchange and return, delivery, and payment options).

4. Explain the business statement, business vision and business objective.

5. Where is the money?
(Explain the company’s business model and the revenue model. Give a general idea of how
the business generates revenues)

6. Who and where is the target audience?
(Explain demographics, lifestyle, consumption patterns, etc.).

7. Characterize the marketplace

(Research the market and give an idea about the size, growth, demographics, structure, competition).

8. Describe the content of the business website

9. Conduct a SWOT analysis for the business
(Provide 3 points each)

10. Develop an e-commerce presence map.
(For example: website, email … etc. What activities does the company use these platforms
for? (E.g., marketing, customer service, news…etc.).


2. Explain the design of the system (4 marks)

Explain in detail the design of the system (business objectives, system functionality, information provided)

Business Objective System Functionality Information provided
Ex: Display goods
Digital Catalog Dynamic text and graphics catalog

2. What can be improved or added into the system design?

3. Explain the current business e-commerce features (2 mark)
What are the current website features? And what types of these features can be annoying to
customers? Provide pictures.
What can you do to improve the current features on the website?)

4. Explain the business e-commerce process (2 marks)
Explain in detail all the steps from the time user enters the website until the final user buys a
What can be improved in the process?)

To which extent do you agree or disagree with the author point of view “that internal customers’ needs are important as externals to create a true quality environment” and Why?

MGT424 questions

Read the article, and answer the following questions:

Assignment Question(s):

  1. In your own words, summarize the article. ( 150 – 200 words ) ( 5 marks )
  2. To which extent do you agree or disagree with the author point of view “that internal customers’ needs are important as externals to create a true quality environment” and Why? ( 150 – 200 words ) ( 5 marks )
  3. Discuss the tools needed to operate within the new environment as indicated by the author. ( 150 – 200 words) ( 5 mark )


Important Notes: –

  • For each question, you need to answer not in less than 150 Words.
  • Support your answers with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles

Use APA style for writing references.

On January 1, Omar signs a contract with a client to provide catering services for their wedding on July 1. The total contract amount is SAR 25,000. When should Omar recognize the revenue for this transaction under the accrual basis?

Assignment (1)

Deadline: Saturday 29/04/2023 @ 23:59

Course Name: Principles of Accounting Student’s Name:
Course Code: ACCT101 Student’s ID Number:
Semester: Third Term 22/23 CRN:
Academic Year: 1444 H


For Instructor’s Use only

Instructor’s Name: Rabab Farrash
Students’ Grade:           /15 Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low


  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO No exceptions.
  • All answers must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism.
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


Assignment Question(s):    (Marks 15)

Question 1:         (5 Marks)

Sarah owns a boutique that sells women’s clothing and accessories. She keeps track of her business transactions using a journal.

  1. On March 1, Sarah invested SAR 10,000 cash in her business to start operations. Prepare the journal entry.
  2. On March 5, Sarah purchased inventory for SAR 5,000 on credit from a supplier. Prepare the journal entry.
  3. On March 10, Sarah sold SAR 3,000 worth of inventory for cash. Prepare the journal entry.
  4. On March 15, Sarah paid SAR 1,000 cash for rent for the month. Prepare the journal entry.
  5. On March 20, Sarah purchased office supplies for SAR 200 cash. Prepare the journal entry.
  6. On March 25, Sarah received a bill for SAR 800 for advertising expenses incurred during the month. Prepare the journal entry.
  7. On March 31, Sarah paid SAR 4,000 cash to the supplier for the inventory purchased on credit earlier in the month. Prepare the journal entry.

Instructions: Prepare the journal entry in SAR currency for each of the above transactions.


Question 2:    (5 Marks)

Omar owns a catering service company that provides food and beverage services for events such as weddings and corporate events. He uses the accrual basis of accounting to record his company’s financial transactions. Here are some of the transactions that occurred during the year:

  1. On January 1, Omar signs a contract with a client to provide catering services for their wedding on July 1. The total contract amount is SAR 25,000. When should Omar recognize the revenue for this transaction under the accrual basis?
  2. On July 1, Omar provides catering services to the client from the January 1 contract. The client pays the full amount of SAR 25,000 on the day of the event. When should Omar recognize the revenue for this transaction under the accrual basis?
  3. On October 1, Omar provides catering services to a corporate client and invoices them for SAR 12,000. The payment is not received until November 15. When should Omar recognize the revenue for this transaction under the accrual basis?


Question 3:  (5 Marks)

ABC Consulting is a company that provides consulting services to clients in various industries. The company also rents out a portion of its office space to other businesses. As the accountant for ABC Consulting, you are tasked with preparing the company’s income statement for the year 2022 based on the following information taken from the trial balance:

  • Consulting revenue: SAR70,000
  • Rental revenue: SAR30,000
  • Supplies expense: SAR5,000
  • Rent expense: SAR20,000
  • Wages expense: SAR30,000

Your task is to prepare the income statement for ABC Consulting in 2022 based on the information provided above.

Discuss the importance of treating substance use disorders with a family systems approach. Why would treatment not be effective if you do not include the family?

Two discussion questions one different peer supported scholarly source for each question

Question 1

Discuss the importance of treating substance use disorders with a family systems approach. Why would treatment not be effective if you do not include the family?

Include one different peer supported scholarly source to support your response for each question. Cite any scholarly references accordingly using in-text citations and a reference list.

This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:

6) Appreciate the importance of family, social networks, and community systems in the treatment and recovery process.

95) Understand the characteristics and dynamics of families, couples, and intimate dyads affected by addiction.

96) Be familiar with and appropriately use models of diagnosis and intervention for families, couples, and intimate dyads, including extended, kinship, or tribal family structures.

97) Facilitate the engagement of selected members of the family, couple, or intimate dyed in the treatment and recovery process.

98) Help members of the family, couple, or intimate dyed understand the interaction between their system and addiction.

99) Help families, couples, and intimate dyads adopt strategies and behaviors that sustain recovery and maintain healthy relationships.

104) Describe how addiction affects families and significant/concerned others.


Question 2

From TIP #39, Chapters 3 and 4, select a concept that you find interesting. What is the concept and how is this concept important in your future counseling practice? Discuss and give examples of how you may apply the concept in your counseling.

Include one different peer supported scholarly source to support your response for each question. Cite any scholarly references accordingly using in-text citations and a reference list.

This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standard: 96) Be familiar with and appropriately use models of diagnosis and intervention for families, couples, and intimate dyads, including extended, kinship, or tribal family structures.

Explain 3a in plain language, like you’d explain it to Grandma. How would you explain the effect of committing to actually call a loved one on self-esteem?

SPSS Assignment #3

What you will need:

  • sav
  • sav
  • Answer-Sheet document, saved as Last_First_SPSS3
    • Top-left corner: your name, uta email address, [due date], SPSS #3
  • The PSYC 2300 manual helps a lot…
    • … Otherwise, be prepared to Google “how to ____ in SPSS” several times.



  • BE VERY CAREFUL TO PRECISELY FOLLOW THE APA-FORMATTING DEMONSTRATED IN THE PPT SLIDES AND THE 2300 SPSS MANUAL! Points will be deducted for seemingly minor issues such as correct usage of italics, sp a cing, and what specific details are reported for each analysis. Some examples: p should always be written in lowercase italics… put one space on each side of an + or < sign: p = .002 instead of p=.002….
  • If you don’t understand what the words you’re typing mean, you are probably typing something that doesn’t make sense, and points will be deducted. Read what you wrote. Make sure it makes sense. Get feedback during class or during stat-tutor club.
  • For this entire assignment, regardless of the research hypothesis, report the two-sided/two-tailed p – the one they give you by default… The two-tailed p is more conservative – less prone to type-1 error – so nobody will ever complain if you report a two-tailed p for a one-tailed test, even if a one-tailed test is technically correct, given the research hypothesis.





  1. In the dataset sav, go to Variable View… expand the Labels column as wide as it will go. This column shows you exactly what participants were asked in this survey.

    Based on reading the variable labels in variable view…

… What do you think was the purpose of this survey?

… Is there a certain difference you think Dr. Adams was hoping to find between selfesteem_t1 (the first question) and selfesteem_t2 (the last question)?

In as few words as possible, in your Answer-Sheet Document, explain your answers to these two questions.

  1. To test whether there was a difference between selfesteem_t1 and selfesteem_t2, run a repeated measures t-test (see manual pp. 36-38 + repeated-measures lecture slides).
    1. Screenshot/Paste the output into your Answer-Sheet Document
    2. summarize the result in APA format.
    3. Forget about APA format etc… Based on the result of this test, what would you conclude about the effect of [_? 🤔 ?_]  on self-esteem? In plain language – like you’d explain it to Grandma – what general conclusion would you draw from this study? Use as few words as possible to make your point. It’s possible to earn full points on 2c with a single sentence!



  1. Adams wonders if the overall boost to participants’ self-esteem in this survey was dependent on whether they committed to calling a loved one immediately after class on Monday. To explore this possibility, “split the file” by willyoucall (manual p. 19). NOTE: When you turn on “split the file by willyoucall,” nothing will happen immediately. Now that the file is split, however, you will receive two separate chunks of output for any analyses you run: one chunk of output for participants who responded “okay, yes, I will call…” and another chunk for those who responded “nah…”
    1. With split-file by willyoucall turned on, run the same exact analysis as in #2. Paste the two different chunks of output into your document, and explain the results in APA format.
      HINT: Your write-up should take this form:
      Among participants who did not commit to calling a loved one after class, __[t-test results in APA format]
      By contrast, among participants who committed to calling a loved one after class, __[t-test results in APA format]__
    2. Explain 3a in plain language, like you’d explain it to Grandma. How would you explain the effect of committing to actually call a loved one on self-esteem?

CLOSE SPSS3_self-esteem.sav


OPEN UAlabama_dataset_2017.sav



  1. Run a bivariate correlation analysis on the variables happiness_1 and HoursTV_1
    (see manual p. 71 + Correlation lecture slides). ***

    ***HINT: Within the correlation dialog box, if you right-click on the list of variables on the left, you can choose Display Variable Names and Sort Alphabetically – this makes it much easier to find specific variables (e.g., happiness_1).

    Paste the output into your AS Document and report your results in APA format.

  2. Choose two other variables for which you would hypothesize a significant correlation. Run a bivariate correlation analysis, screenshot/paste the output, and report the results in APA format. NOTE: for a correlation analysis, you should NOT use categorical variables; use variables with a range of numerical values.
  3. Choose five other variables that you think might be correlated with each other. Add them all to a bivariate correlation analysis (only these new 5; not the prior two). Paste the correlation matrix into your document and report the results of three of these correlations in APA format. For any significant correlations, also provide a simple, one-sentence explanation of the relationship: In other words Variable1 increases/decreases, Variable 2 tends to increase/decrease.



Save your datasets. Save your AS Document. Save your AS Document as a PDF. Email all of the files to yourself. Submit your PDF – Lastname_Firstname_SPSS3.pdf – on Canvas.

Given the following HTML form code, write a php file that displays all the input of the user as a list.

Php website design

Question Two

  1. Given the following HTML form code, write a php file that displays all the input of the user as a list.

<!DOCTYPE html>






<form method=“get” action=“file.php”>

First Name:<input type=“text” name=“first”><br />

Last Name:<input type=“text” name=“last”><br />

Email:<input type=“text” name=“email”><br />

Level:<input type=“text” name=“level”><br />

<input type=“submit” value=“submit” name=“submit”>




Include the screenshot of the program output as a part of your answer.


Explain the actions to take when health, safety and risk management, procedures and practices are not being complied with.


Be able to implement and monitor compliance with health, safety and risk management requirements in health and social care or children and young people’s settings

Explain the actions to take when health, safety and risk management, procedures and practices are not being complied with.

If there is ever any doubt that health and safety 9 risk management procedures and practices are not being adhered to then immediate action is required. Within my workplace we have a responsible individual who ensures that risk assessments are up to date and factual’ however’ the staff and management team as a whole have an overall responsibility for reporting any areas or issues which may jeopardise the safety and wellbeing of individuals. The usual course of action taken when a health and safety issue is highlighted is to contact the company maintenance team who will address any issues without delay and ensure that necessary steps are taken to amend the problem. There are however at times’ instances whereby a staff member may not be following basic procedures or may be taking unnecessary risks in relation to health and safety issues: This again is dealt with swiftly and without delay’ usually through formal supervision or immediate action by the management team. at times a simple refresher training is all that is required to ensure that a repeat of the same action does not occur again.i+f non2compliance is down to a service user’ then advice and support is offered and clear expectations and guidelines are explained’ to prevent further occurrences and information is logged and recorded and shared with any necessary third parties.