
Write about the logistics performance priorities of any ONE of your choice in Covid 19 restrictions. Explain why you have come to your conclusions.

Management Question

Write about the logistics performance priorities of any ONE of your choice in Covid 19 restrictions. Explain why you have come to your conclusions:

  1. A low-fare Airline FLYADEAL
  2.  A fast-food chain Such as Albaik

The Answer must follow the outline points below:

1. Executive summary (3 Mark, Max word count 450-500)

– Summarize what is logistics performance priorities, and what Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools applied to achieve the company’s objective.

2. Background information (3 Mark, Max word count 450-500)

– Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location, internal/external interesting facts, etc).

3. Problem Description (3 Mark, Max word count 450-500)

– Describe the objectives clearly and specifically.

– The objective may involve either logistics decision-making or process improvement.

4. Application of logistics and SCM concepts/tools that were applied (3 Mark, Max word count 450-500)

– Describe what specific logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools be applied to achieve the objective. This section should make it clear that you understand the concepts/tools you are about to use.

5- Conclusion and results (2 Mark, Max word count 300-400)

– Analyze the expected results / the proposed solution.

6. References at least 7-10. (1 Marks)

Explain the trade-offs associated with richness, control, and constraints when choosing a communication channel. Apply principles for writing effective emails. Explain how to handle emotion effectively in online communications.

Week 5: Interactive Learning Activity

5.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain the trade-offs associated with richness, control, and constraints when choosing a communication channel.
  • Apply principles for writing effective emails.
  • Explain how to handle emotion effectively in online communications.
  • Describe strategies for effective instant messaging in the workplace.
  • Describe strategies for managing digital message overload.
  • Explain principles for effective phone conversations and video conferences.

5.2 Action Required:

Chapter 7 in BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: Developing Leaders for a Networked World, Peter Cardon, 4th Edition McGraw-Hill Education

Watch the short videos at the following link:

8 Email Etiquette Tips – How to Write Better Emails at Work – YouTube

5.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Chapter 7, you learn about the principle of creating an effective email. Write a sample email following the principle that you have learned.

5.4 Instructions

Answer the question in the test your knowledge section.

Why does this company need a new plan? Are you entering a new market? Are you proposing a new offering? Does their current plan need to be revamped?


Submit a one (1)-two(2) page marketing plan describing your topic for your Marketing Plan due in week 7. Your paper must be in APA format with a title page, double spaced and appropriate references.

Note you can select and existing company, your own company, or one owned by a friend or family member.
Remember that your final paper is a 15-page marketing plan for a brand of your choice.

This paper should discuss the brand you are writing the marketing plan for. Explain why they need a new plan, and discuss some preliminary marketing strategies.


Brand or company you are proposing for your topic
Brief background


Why does this company need a new plan?
Are you entering a new market?
Are you proposing a new offering?
Does their current plan need to be revamped?
Include the rationale for the new plan.


Who is the intended market?
Where will you access the necessary information for your final marketing plan?
Please submit the assignment in APA format, including supporting scholarly research.

Course Objectives:

Develop a Marketing Plan
Define the process for bringing a new product or service to market.

What would be your social position based on your age, race, gender, and faith?

Wk. 6 Journal

Reflect on the readings using the 3, 2, 1 method.

A successful submission will require that you reflect on the following:
(3) main take aways from all the readings; what are
(2) things that you have questions about, are curious about, don’t understand, or would like to investigate further?;
(1) Imagine that you were transported into history and you were you dropped into a community of the people group you studied this week.

What would be your social position based on your age, race, gender, and faith?

Motivation is described into 2 differing types, intrinsic and extrinsic. In a 2-3 page paper describing these 2 types, giving examples of each kind, and describe how you as a leader/manager would utilize both of these.


Motivation is described into 2 differing types, intrinsic and extrinsic. In a 2-3 page paper describing these 2 types, giving examples of each kind, and describe how you as a leader/manager would utilize both of these.

How will you make time for exercise? How will you make time to successfully complete this course?

Time management

  1. Watch the Time Management Video by clicking on the link below. When watching the video, to see the subtitles, click on the closed captions CC button on the lower right of the video screen. To change the subtitles to another language: 1. Click on the Settings button (to the right of the CC button). 2. Click on Subtitles. 3. Click on Auto-translate. 4. Click on the language of your choice.

How to Manage Time

Links to an external site.

Answer the following questions. Write a minimum of 1 paragraph for each answer.

  • How will you make time for exercise? (5 Points)
  • How will you make time to successfully complete this course? (5 Points)

You may write your answers in the text box, or you may submit your answers as an attachment. When attaching assignments use .doc, .docx, or pdf.

Why did Estonia choose to have a digital system? What benefits can you see having a digital based society with most if not all institutions relying on technology? What do see as being the potential consequences of such a system?


Digitizing democracy and utilizing this process for developing countries to create democratic societies. Questions

Instructions: In your personal reflection, students are required to link their course text and studied class material (lectures/ handouts) whenever possible. This film should be linked to digitizing democracy and the possibility of utilizing this process for developing countries to create democratic societies.

Link to Film:



Watch both films before answering the questions!

[1.] Why did Estonia choose to have a digital system?

[2.] What benefits can you see having a digital based society with most if not all institutions relying on technology? What do see as being the potential consequences of such a system?

[3.] How safe are the privacy practices of a digital society? Has Estonia ever been hacked? Why might this make people hesitant to embrace digitization?

[4.] Does this style of digital democracy get more people to participate in political decisions? Do you think having easier access to political, government, and economic structures creates more of a connection to these structures? Explain!

[5.] Why is having a digital society a plus for economic development in Estonia? What is the program they have that allows them to have global businesses headquartered in Estonia. How might this help the economy?

[6.] How convenient is it to have your complete medical records and access to all medical procedures in one place? Do you think people in the U.S. would embrace a system similar to this why or why not? Could this access prevent medical mistakes?

[7.] Why might this system not work in the U.S.? Where would the hesitancy come from on integrating similar system like Estonia?

[8.] How does this digital system save money? List some examples from the types of digital services provided in the film.

[9.] Is Estonia’s digital system the future?

[10.] What is your own personal reflection on this topic!

How Estonia built a digital first government
How Estonia became one of the world’s most advanced digital societies | CNBC Reports

What type of relationship does the infant have with the caregiver (secure, anxious-ambivalent, or anxious-avoidant)? How do you know? In what ways does the baby communicate with the caregiver? Provide specific examples.

Child 4.


The purpose of this observation is for you to be able to observe, identify and document developmental milestones. The focus for this observation is attachment.


For this observation, you will be observing one infant 8 months old or younger. In this observation, you will be observing for the interactions between the caregiver and the infant.

  1. Take your observation either using the video below or if you know an infant 8 months old or younger.
  2. Write a one-page paper answering the following questions.
    1. What type of relationship does the infant have with the caregiver (secure, anxious-ambivalent, or anxious-avoidant)? How do you know?
    2. In what ways does the baby communicate with the caregiver? Provide specific examples.
    3. Does the caregiver respond to the infant? If yes, how to they respond? If no, what do they do instead?
  3. Please use citations from the chapters to support your observations. Don’t forget to cite using APA format.
  4. Submit to Canvas.


  1. If you take information from the chapters, you must cite our online textbook.
  2. Here is a website to help you with your citations. PurdueOWL
  1. Links to an external site.

Please view the video below to use for this observation if you are not able to observe an infant.

With the help of examples, explain how local governments can raise their funds, meet future challenges and be able to convert their challenges into opportunities.

Mgt 324- 2691

Assignment 1        

Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre via blackboard.

Weight: 15 Marks

We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind. The assignment with be evaluated in terms of your planning, organization and the way you present your assignment. All the three section will carry equal weightage

Kindly read the instruction carefully and prepare your assignment accordingly.

1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.

2) Organisation: Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to the question’s introduction and conclusion.

Make sure that:

  1. a) The answer is logical and coherent
  2. b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs
  3. c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style.

3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission. If you so desire, you may underline the points you wish to emphasize.

  “Globalization has changed the functioning of local governments”.

  1. In light of this statement, discuss the challenges faced by local governments in the age of globalization. (5 Marks)
  2. What benefits do you think globalisation has created for local governments? (5 Marks)
  3. With the help of examples, explain how local governments can raise their funds, meet future challenges and be able to convert their challenges into opportunities. (5 Marks)

What do you know, or think you know, about the kinds of writing that are practiced in your (potential) career field and what are the expectations or conventions of those types of writing?

Project Three Overview

Project 3 asks students to develop a Reflective Analysis of 3-5 pages, based on the reflection prompts provided in P3.6.

In Projects One and Two, you explored what research is, how to conduct it, and how to present research in an academic essay. In Project Three, we are considering what writing and research in academic and professional contexts requires; you will do so by exploring the question: “How is researched information presented in a discipline, and what concepts of writing are important for writers to consider?”

What you’ll be doing

  • writing a prompted Reflective Analysis of 3-5 pages minimum, connecting the research and writing knowledge you’ve developed through all the Projects over the semester, reflecting on how that writing knowledge might be used in future
  • locating additional sources or examples of writing in your major or discipline (minimum of 3) that show how researched information is presented in that discipline — sources from P1 and P2 can be used, if appropriate
  • analyzing those sources by identifying the writing concepts that might be evident in them, or informed by them
  • reflecting on your knowledge about writing and your thinking about what is important to consider when approaching any writing situation

In Project Three, students move from conducting and presenting research to critically reflecting on how research is presented in publications of their academic major or discipline (or one they are considering). By using the knowledge and practices developed in the previous projects, students will apply concepts learned in the course in order to analyze how research is presented to specific academic audiences.

To do so, students should consider these questions, among others:

  • what are the genres of writing in which research is featured?
  • how is it cited in academic and non-academic contexts?
  • how is it presented, considered, and analyzed in a particular discipline?
  • what purpose does research serve for a particular discipline?

Students might explore scholarly works, key publications, professional outreach, and/or subject matter communication to understand how researched information is shared in their discipline. They will analyze what a writer in that discipline/career space might need to understand in order to engage in the writing of that discipline successfully. This will help students understand their discipline further, prepare for their continued learning as a writer in that discipline, and develop knowledge about the real-world applications of the writing they’ve started to learn about in 1102.

The knowledge we gather from research, as you did in P2, has a place in the world of information. There are more sources now than ever, and more reason than ever to understand how information relates to other information, how it works differently in various contexts and genres and for different audiences and is used in the world for various purposes. The old saying, “knowledge is power” holds – the more we know and understand the more power we have in a situation, or to understand something, or to achieve our goals. In order to understand what is being communicated, we must consider key concepts about writing and develop our knowledge about how to strategize writing in various situations to ensure our communication is effective.

Reflecting on and analyzing what we know about writing generally — and in each writing situation we encounter — is a practice we must develop for success in academic, professional, and personal contexts.


Write a brief response to this overview by addressing the following:

  • Identify some of the concepts about writing we have discussed in this course. There is research of course, but beyond that, what are the writing concepts that you consider important for a writer to know?
  • For example, is there any concept within the rhetorical situation we need to consider when we write? Are there other concepts that impact us as writers in the world?
  • What do you know, or think you know, about the kinds of writing that are practiced in your (potential) career field and what are the expectations or conventions of those types of writing?
  • What do you imagine is important to understand about the writing in your chosen career or your academic major in order to participate in the conversation of that discipline or community or field of work?