
For each of the three myths below, provide a written rebuttal that uses the peer-reviewed literature as your primary source.

Chemical Engineering Question

The assignment is to debunk common climate change myths using peer-reviewed science. For each of the three myths below, provide a written rebuttal that uses the peer-reviewed literature as your primary source. Your response to each question can be no longer than 200 words (brevity is good). Make sure you include at the end of your answer the full bibliographic information for the article(s) you cite (not included in the word count).

Myth 1: There has always been natural variation in Earth’s climate, going back millennia. In fact, before there were humans on Earth, there were periods warmer than we have today. Therefore, today’s climate is just part of natural variations (including variations in the solar cycle) that have always occurred.

Myth 2: Extreme cold weather events, rare snow events, etc. disprove a warming climate. The most notable example came when Senator James Inhofe (Oklahoma) gave a speech on the Senate floor in 2014 where he cited such evidence.

Myth 3: Climate change might be happening but it’s not a big deal (in fact, it might actually have net benefits). People are resilient and adaptable. We can shift crop production north and go on with life essentially “as is”.

Describe the main purpose of the article and three ideas or issues you learned about. Explain how each idea affects the financial markets.This paper should have a professional tone and format.

Financial Market Research

Module 01 Content

  1. Visit one of the websites or library databases below to find a finance article that interests you.

    • Yahoo! Finance (
    • MarketWatch (
    • Click on “Markets,” “Personal Finance,” or “Economy”
    • Motley Fool (
    • Click on any sections at the top or see the Trending section
    • Other credible financial sites

    In at least one page (double-spaced) in a Word document, write a summary of your chosen article. Describe the main purpose of the article and three ideas or issues you learned about. Explain how each idea affects the financial markets.This paper should have a professional tone and format. Be sure to use correct grammar and APA in-text citations and references to give credit to sources. Wikipedia is not a credible website and should not be used.

Write about 5 things you learned, 3 things you wondered about, and how do you learn more about it.

Apollo 13

Write about 5 things you learned, 3 things you wondered about, and how do you learn more about it. You may or may not watch the movie, but it is recommended that you get information from it

Select a movie. Compare Hollywood’s images to news images to research findings of justice official behavior. What are these images? How do they compare? How do these media images affect justice effectiveness? How can we improve images as well as reality?

Hollywood and Police

Justice Paper: This paper must examine Hollywood’s images of police, prosecutors, public defense attorneys, or corrections officials. Select a movie. Compare Hollywood’s images to news images to research findings of justice official behavior. What are these images? How do they compare? How do these media images affect justice effectiveness? How can we improve images as well as reality?

Propose a policy for improvement. Be sure to focus your paper on a specific image such as corruption, criminal activity, heroism, etc. Sections of your paper must be: Title Page; Introduction; Hollywood Images; News Images; Research Findings; Conclusion; References. You may reword the section names to fit the specifics of your topic

How do ACOs differ from the health maintenance organizations (HMOs) of earlier years What role does health information technology (HIT) play in the newer models of care?

Accountability in Healthcare

This assignment will be at least 1500 words. Address each bulleted item (topic) in detail including the questions that follow each bullet. There should be three (3) sections in your paper; one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear brief heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Include a “Conclusion” section that summarizes all topics.

This week you will reflect upon accountability in healthcare and address the following questions:

Briefly define an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and how it impacts health care providers:
How do ACOs differ from the health maintenance organizations (HMOs) of earlier years
What role does health information technology (HIT) play in the newer models of care?
What is the benefit of hospitals partnering with primary care providers?
How does bundling payments contain healthcare costs?
How does pay for performance (P4P) improve quality care?
Briefly discuss the value-based purchasing program?
How do value-based purchasing (VBP) programs affect reimbursement to hospitals?
Who benefits the most from value-based reimbursement and why?
How does the VBP program measure hospital performance?

Indicate which electrode will be the anode (electrodes are labeled as 1 and 2). Explain why.

CHEM 100 Spring 2023 Exam 2 Free Response Section (30 points)

  1. Consider the following galvanic cell. Based on the electron flow,
    1. Indicate which electrode will be the anode (electrodes are labeled as 1 and 2) (0.5 points). Explain why.
    2. Indicate which electrode will be the cathode (electrodes are labeled as 1 and 2) (0.5 points). Explain why.
    3. If Pt and Au were the electrodes, which would be the anode? Which would be the cathode? Why? Please refer to the electronegativity chart on page 1 (2 points).
    4. Which is the correct half reaction for Pt (0.5 points)?

Pt2+ + 2e → Pto

Pto → Pt2+ + 2e

    1. Which is the correct half reaction for Au (0.5 points)?

Au3+ + 3e → Auo

Auo → Au3+ + 3e

    1. Write the balanced overall redox reaction for the Pt and Au Galvanic Cell. Please show your work. How many electrons are transferred (3 points)?

What is the article or ad trying to say? What statistical data are misrepresented or exaggerated? What are the undesirable consequences to the consumer of this information?

Statistics in the Media Discussion

We hear and see statistics in the news all the time. Examples include statistics about crime rates, children killed by handguns, pool drownings, people struck by lightning, and causes of car accidents. Should we take them at face value? Is it true just because it is in the news?

Another example from the world of advertising:

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 38 million Americans still smoke. Cigarette smoking was especially high among males between 25-64 years old. Since 1964, a warning on the side of each pack of cigarettes has informed the public that smoking is bad for human health and may cause cancer or contribute to other diseases. Still, 480,000 Americans will die of smoking this year (CDC 2020). This figure is shockingly high, exceeding the total number of wartime deaths suffered by 405,399 U.S. military in WW II (Green, 2017). For each smoker who dies, 30 more continue to live with a smoke-related disease. Yet, 15.5% of Americans 18 and younger pick up the habit. The CDC estimates that cigarette and smokeless tobacco industries spent over $9 billion on advertising and promotional expenses in the US in 2018 (CDC 2018).

How do company/industry funded studies get us to do things most of us agree are bad for our health? This four minute video on the effects of cholesterol Links to an external site. is a great example of why we replicate studies and why “who funded the study” is so important


Locate an article or advertisement that provides statistics in support of its message. Attach the article or advertisement link to your initial post.

  • What is the article or ad trying to say?
  • What statistical data are misrepresented or exaggerated?
  • What are the undesirable consequences to the consumer of this information?

Tip: Copy and paste the bulleted questions into your initial post.

Use current APA formatting to cite/reference your source(s).

Make your initial post by the end of today of the module week. Remember to include a summary of your research.

How is your selected cause of death addressed by Saudi Vision 2030? What are some of the methods in obtaining research and data for shaping KSA policy regarding your selected cause of death?

Research Poster (125 points)

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) not only lead the way with respect to mortality rates at a global level but also account for the majority of deaths in high-income countries. According to Bashir (2021), the most common causes of death in Saudi Arabia are ischemic heart disease, road injuries, stroke, chronic kidney disease, lower respiratory tract infections, Alzheimer’s disease, conflict and terror, cirrhosis, neonatal disorders, and diabetes mellitus.

Select one of the causes of death listed above, then assemble a research poster specific to your selected topic and how it progressed to a goal in Saudi Vision 2030. Approach the topic as if you are gathering sources to present this research at a conference. Be sure your references address:

  • How is your selected cause of death addressed by Saudi Vision 2030?
  • What are some of the methods in obtaining research and data for shaping KSA policy regarding your selected cause of death?
  • Any challenges to collecting evidence-based information.
  • Health policy laws implementing positive social changes in this area of healthcare.
  • What is the importance of this information?
  • Why is your selected cause of death relevant to your audience or field of study?
  • How is it applicable beyond these contexts?

Examine the Innocence Project and its role in our Justice System. Is their role necessary or not? Defend your research.

CCJ4662 Discussion Questions

Examine the Innocence Project and its role in our Justice System. Is their role necessary or not? Defend your research (3 resources)

The paper must be between 500 – 750 words. You cannot use a paper that has been previously submitted. Please reference the academic honesty policy for details. The paper is to be written in the APA format failure to do so will result in a zero (0) grade. You must use a minimum of three (3) resources, the internet can only account for one (1) of the sources. All of the other resources must come from journals and books (which you may access online). Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source, however, you may use the back research if it is a credible source. All papers will be run through upon submission. The Canvas software will complete this for you.