
Choose one provision from the ANA Code of Ethics. How is ethical behavior an integral part of being a nurse leader? How does one communicate the characteristics of a role model with this provision? Do ethics influence the leadership style of the nurse leader? Explain your rationale.

Nursing Question

Choose one provision from the ANA Code of Ethics. How is ethical behavior an integral part of being a nurse leader? How does one communicate the characteristics of a role model with this provision? Do ethics influence the leadership style of the nurse leader? Explain your rationale.

Provision 1 of the ANA Code of Ethics states that compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and distinctive qualities of every individual are practiced by nurses (ANA, n.d.). Trust, respect, and professionalism is fostered in the workplace when leaders integrate ethical behavior in their practice. Nurse leaders are expected to uphold ethical standards like honesty, integrity, and respect for the rights and dignity of others. Ethical leadership is characterized by a commitment to social justice, transparency, and responsible stewardship of resources (Williams, 2022). By practicing ethical behaviors, nurse leaders can inspire and motivate others to act ethically and responsibly. Effective communication of the characteristics of being a role model is done by using clear and simple language, providing examples of positive behavior, and using stories or scenarios to illustrate these characteristics. Through its ability too engage audiences and maintain their interest, storytelling has the potential to create a shared understanding among people about a situation, a topic, or a problem and help audiences form deep connections (Sundin et al., 2018).

Nurse leaders that exhibit the transformational style prioritize ethics in their decision-making. They emphasize ethical considerations, teamwork and collaboration, that leads to positive work environments. According to Moon & Jung (2018), ethical leadership styles lead to improved organizational outcomes like job satisfaction, retention, and improved patient safety. It is crucial for leaders to uphold ethical principles and standards of their practice and model the behaviors to influence and inspire others to do the same.

American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Nurses Code of Ethics.

Moon, K.-K., & Jung, C. (2018). Management representativeness, ethical leadership, and employee job satisfaction in the U.S. Federal Government. Public Personnel Management, 47(3), 265–286.

Sundin, A., Andersson, K. & Watt, R. Rethinking communication: integrating storytelling for increased stakeholder engagement in environmental evidence synthesis. Environ Evid7, 6 (2018).

Williams, A. (2022). What is Ethical Leadership: How to be an Ethical Leader.

You’ve been working on this throughout the course and may need to slightly tweak earlier iterations of it based on instruction feedback. Identify your audience. Is this for a general audience? Or experts in the field? Or people with some established knowledge on the topic already?

Final Research Guide

Introduce your topic and state your research question. You’ve been working on this throughout the course and may need to slightly tweak earlier iterations of it based on instruction feedback. Identify your audience. Is this for a general audience? Or experts in the field? Or people with some established knowledge on the topic already? This part should be a single paragraph.

Identify 4 sources that help frame and shape your understanding of the topic and address how you plan to answer the research question. State what category (background, exhibit, argument, or method) each source matches. Refer back to the BEAM frameworkLinks to an external site. if you are uncertain. Cite your sources according to APA or a style of your choosing.

  • 1 Background source
  • 1 Exhibit source
  • 1 Argument source
  • 1 Method source

Write a brief description for each of the four sources. In the description include:

  • A summary of the article, resource or webpage;
  • A summary of the source (journal, newspaper or website) and why it is reputable for this topic.
  • Evaluate the source paying particular attention to the qualities below. Refer back to Ch 6: Evaluating SourcesLinks to an external site. for more. This section is the most important.

Note that you not doing any writing to reach a conclusion about your question; the emphasis here is on forming your question and identifying and evaluating sources that you could use to address it in a full research project.

Identify 4 sources that help frame and shape your understanding of the topic and address how you plan to answer the research question. State what category (background, exhibit, argument, or method) each source matches.

Question to Position

For this assignment, you will begin to assemble a variety of sources that fit with your research topic proposal. We will use the BEAM Framework found in Ch. 13Links to an external site. Refer to the BEAM Reference Chart Links to an external site to help identify the types of sources and ideas for where to find specific sources to match your discipline.

Nuts and bolts

  • State your research question from your Research Topic Proposal. You may need to slightly alter what you originally submitted depending on instructor feedback.
  • Move your research question to the next stage by writing a thesis statement. Your thesis should directly flow from your research question. You are making a claim that you will support with evidence. Others may be able to counter you claim, so you are not necessarily establishing a fact but arguing for a specific position. It will be necessary for you to begin to collect evidence prior to finalizing your thesis statement; it should be a single sentence. See UNC’s Writing Center page on Thesis Statements Links to an external site. for more information.
  • Identify 4 sources that help frame and shape your understanding of the topic and address how you plan to answer the research question. State what category (background, exhibit, argument, or method) each source matches.
    • 1 Background source
    • 1 Exhibit source
    • 1 Argument source
    • 1 Method source
  • Reach a conclusion arguing for your position referencing all four sources. Be sure to take opposing sides seriously. (This should be approximately 1 page long).
  • Your final paper will be approximately 500 words in length.
  • Cite each source according to the APA Style 7th edition or another style of your choosing.

Browse the article and select three of the 11 topics in this article you find most relevant to our semester-long discussion on skeleton-related ethical issues and write a summary about them.

Social Science Question

Before coming to Week 16’s class, read and take notes on the following item.

  • Buikstra, J. E., DeWitte, S. N., Agarwal, S. C., Baker, B. J., Bartelink, E. J., Berger, E., Blevins, K. E., Bolhofner, K., Boutin, A. T., Brickley, M. B., Buzon, M. R., de la Cova, C., Goldstein, L., Gowland, R., Grauer, A. L., Gregoricka, L. A., Halcrow, S. E., Hall, S. A., Hillson, S., … Zakrzewski, S. R. (2022). Twenty-first century bioarchaeology: Taking stock and moving forward. Yearbook of Biological Anthropology 178(Suppl. 74):54–114.

This is a review on decades of bioarchaeological research and future directions. There are 11 specific topics where specialists on each topic discussed its current research progress and reflected on possible shortfalls and recommendations.

Browse the article and select three of the 11 topics in this article you find most relevant to our semester-long discussion on skeleton-related ethical issues and write a summary about them. Your summary MUST be between 250 and 300 words (i.e., this summary should be twice as long as the usual length).

Were your expectations and hopes for the class met? If not, what was different or missing? How has this course impacted you? What personal growth have you noticed throughout the semester?

Writing Question

  • Were your expectations and hopes for the class met? If not, what was different or missing?
  • How has this course impacted you? What personal growth have you noticed throughout the semester?
  • Which chapter was your favorite and why? What did you find the most interesting about it?
  • What is something you learned in this course that you will pass on to family, friends, etc.?
  • Overall, what is your biggest takeaway from this course?

Explain why you chose your research question and why it is an important one. Provide a basic overview of the topic (i.e., definitions, where might you encounter topic in life, frequency of topic, general research done on topic). Provide a hypothesis of what you expect to find.

Term Paper Requirements

Main Objective of Term Paper
1) Explore indepth your personal interest in Gerontology;

2) Demonstrate expertise in that specific area in Gerontology.

Ask a question that pertains to Gerontology, then provide “an answer” using empirical results from professional publications. Peerreviewed literature from other scientific domains may be used (e.g., developmental psychology, personality/social psychology, health, community, medicine & nursing (palliative care), and public policy).

  • Topic/Questions must be preapproved
  • Length: 35 pages
  • Three articles from professional journals that report research studies (not popular magazines or web pages)
  • APA Format

Introduction: (4 Points)
Explain why you chose your research question and why it is an important one. Provide a basic overview of the topic (i.e., definitions, where might you encounter topic in life, frequency of topic, general research done on topic). Provide a hypothesis of what you expect to find.

Method: (5 Points)
State the type of experiments/studies that were conducted in each of the publications used. What questions were asked? What was being measured? How was it being measured? How will the methods provide answers to your question? Who did they sample? For instance, 200
undergraduate students from a liberal arts college were surveyed. Likert scales surveys were used to measure wellbeing, a higher score meant more positive sense of wellbeing; the participants were judged by three independent observers for anxious behaviors, the higher the rating meant that they were exhibiting greater anxious behaviors according to the judges.

Results and Discussion: (6 Points)
Explain the results and discuss them. What is your interpretation of the results? How does everything fit together? What did you learn? What did you gather from results? Where there any surprises? The results and discussion should be “the bulk” of your paper. Add whatever you think is appropriate to support how you formulated your conclusions.

Limitations and Future Suggestions: (2 Points)
Discuss any limitations encountered by the studies you reviewed in your paper. Provide suggestions about the possible future implications of the research and what can be improved upon. Suggest a more “ideal” future study that would fill in some hole in knowledge.

Conclusion: (2 Points)
Short synopsis of what you learned (about a paragraph).

References and APA Format: (1 Points)
Cite all references used (APA format).

Estimate the standard error of the CATE for above-median water users. What is the 95% confidence interval of the conditional average treatment effect for above-median water users?

Designing Experiment Homework 5

Article & Data
This homework is partially based on Ferraro and Price (2013) Review of Economics and
Statistics, which you used for HW1-HW3, and partially based on Thornton (2008) American Economic Review, which you used for HW3-HW4.

Individual Questions

Questions on Ferraro and Price
In the Ferraro-Price data set, the variable percent_report reports the household’s percentile for water use the year before the experiment was conducted (2006). Let’s define “below median” as
any household with percent_report<50 and “above median” as any household with percent_report>=50. We have thus defined two subgroups: (1) treated and control households who were below the median; and (2) treated and control households who were at or above the median. Within each subgroup, you can estimate an average treatment effect, known as a conditional average treatment effect (CATE) because it’s an ATE conditional on some characteristic of the experimental units (in this case, pre-treatment water use).

1a. Estimate the conditional average treatment effect (CATE) for belowmedian water users. You can estimate this CATE by either calculating a simple difference-in-means in summer 2007 water use (like in HW1) between treated and control groups or by regressing summer 2007 water use on treat3, water_2006, and apr_may07 (like in HW2). For calculating standard errors, you can either use formula 3.6 in your textbook (like in HW1) or the output that Excel reports from the regression (like in HW2).

1b. Estimate the standard error of the estimated CATE for belowmedian water users.

1c. What is the 95% confidence interval of the estimated CATE for belowmedian water users? [Use answer from 1b and the simple formula that you used in HW1 to calculate confidence intervals; If you used regression to estimate the CATE, the program output will report the 95% CI]

1d. In HW1 and HW2, you estimated the ATE of Treatment 3. In this HW5, you estimated the ATE conditional on being a belowmedian water use (1a above)? Which design has greater statistical power: the one for estimating the ATE or the one for estimating the CATE? How do you know? [Hint: You do not need to do any calculations. Use your knowledge of what factors affect statistical power]

2a. Estimate the CATE for abovemedian water users.
2b. Estimate the standard error of the CATE for abovemedian water users.

2c. What is the 95% confidence interval of the conditional average treatment effect for abovemedian water users? [Use answer from 2b and the simple formula that you used in HW1 to calculate confidence intervals; If you used regression to estimate the CATE, the program output will report the 95% CI]

2d. Based on your estimates in 1a and 2a, which subgroup seems to respond most to the Treatment 3 message? I’m just asking you to compare the magnitudes of the two numbers. No statistical test is necessary.

Questions on Thornton (2008)
For this question, you need to use the variable HIV_04, which equals zero if the test indicated the person was HIV negative (HIV) and equals one if the test indicated the person was HIV positive (HIV+). Within each of these subgroups, you can estimate a CATE: the average treatment effect of receiving an incentive (any) on getting the test result (got), conditional on the person being HIV or HIV+. You can estimate these two CATEs by calculating a simple differenceinmeans in getting the test result (got = 1 vs got = 0).

  • 3a. What is the CATE for HIV+ individuals (the effect of receiving any incentive on getting results for HIV+ individuals)?
  • 3b. What is the CATE for HIV individuals (the effect of receiving any incentive on getting results for HIV individuals)?

Conduct a research on unethical business practices that corporations have been accused of, or found guilty of doing.

International Business: Ethics Assignment

So far, we have seen many benefits of international business to consumers, governments/economies and the corporations themselves.  Ethics deals with right and wrong; not necessarily legal and illegal.  As we have discussed in class, different countries have varying cultures and laws that stem from them.  As discussed in class, an international business person has two main lenses to view these differences; Imperialism and relativism.

You are to conduct research on unethical business practices that corporations have been accused of, or found guilty of doing.

Read article and use these guidelines in your review: In the introduction: What is the author’s purpose, or goal, or thesis? Why is author writing this article? What does author want to say? What are the author’s key points? What are the results, the findings? What are the conclusions? What does the author say about his/her findings?

Modern social work values

Review Paper of Journal Article: Racovita-Szilagyi & Diaconu (2016). Biblical Foundations of Modern Social Work Values and Practice Competencies. The Journal of Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning, 1, 1-20.

Requirements: Obtain article through Google search. Read article and use these guidelines in your review: In the introduction: What is the author’s purpose, or goal, or thesis? Why is author writing this article? What does author want to say?  What are the author’s key points? What are the results, the findings?  What are the conclusions? What does the author say about his/her findings?

Articulate your behavior management philosophy by creating a presentation on your beliefs and practices for addressing whole class and individual behavior management in your current or preferred classroom environment.

Behavior Management Philosophy Presentation

Articulate your behavior management philosophy by creating a presentation on your beliefs and practices for addressing whole class and individual behavior management in your current or preferred classroom environment. The presentation should be designed for an audience of a recently assigned co-teacher or paraprofessional who will be collaborating with you in your classroom.