
Create a Power Point presentation describing the outline of your project and capturing a summary of the main points.

T227 Change, Strategy and Projects at Work

Task 1: Writing Re port Use Report Template Available in Moodle

Provide a report named “Project Title_Student Name_Student ID.doc” that describes the definition phase and planning phase of your selected project. Use the Report Template.

The definition phase of the project plan must discuss the following items:

  • The change drivers for the project (Current situation vs. proposed project) (2.5 Marks)
  • The goals (Performance goals) of your project (2.5 marks)
  • The technical (2 marks) and functional (2 Marks) specifications of your project. (Total: 4 marks)
  • The team and responsibilities (of the members involved in developing the project) (4 marks = 2 for the listed Team + 2 for the corresponding responsibilities)


The planning phase of the project plan must include the following:

  • Work Breakdown structure (WBS) that includes phases and numbered activities (5 marks)
  • Cost estimation and budgeting related to the project from start to end: It must include the cost of technical resources (5 marks) and other expenses such as: materials, subcontracting, office space, testing facilities, equipment, etc…(2.5 marks)
  • Network activity diagram(Includes all the activities and MUST be compatible with the WBS above) (5 marks)
  • Critical path and project duration (Based on your network diagram above) (3 marks)

The report must be written in clear English language and should range between 1350 and1650 words.


Task 2: Implementation using MS Project OR GanttProject

Using MS Project or GanttProject (Open Source), create the project plan named as follows:

“Project Title_StudentName_StudentID.mpp”.

The following information presented in the MPP file must be consistent with the information presented in the report in Task 1 (the planning phase):

– Gantt chart (created using MS Project or GanttProject) (2 marks)

– PERT diagram (created using MS Project or GanttProject) (2 marks)



Task 3: Oral Power Point Presentation

  • Create a Power Point presentation describing the outline of your project and capturing a summary of the main points. The presentation must be named:

“Project Title_Student Name_Student ID.ppt”;

  • Using the prepared presentation above, present your project in class (if module is run on campus) otherwise record the power point presentation using the recording feature in MS PPT, save the recorded file and upload it to Moodle along with the other file (compressed);
  • The class presentation or the recorded PPT MUST be in clear English (5 marks);
  • The marks for Task 3 will be allocated based on the quality of the slides (5 marks), and the degree to which the student is convincing in his/her project plan proposal (2.5 marks) (Total Marks for Task 3 = 10 marks)

At what stock price is the conversion value equal to the bond value?

Business Question

  1. In the absence of the conversion feature, the current yield is calculated as the annual coupon divided by the market price, which is 4.75%/0.91 = 5.22%. The yield to maturity is the internal rate of return on the bond and is calculated as the annual interest plus any gain or loss on the bond if held to maturity, divided by the current market price. As there is no gain or loss if held to maturity, the yield to maturity is equal to the current yield, which is 5.22%.
  2. The conversion ratio of the debenture is the number of shares that the debenture can be converted into divided by the face value of the debenture. The conversion ratio can be calculated as follows:

Conversion ratio = Face value of debenture / Conversion price Conversion ratio = $1,000 / $47 Conversion ratio = 21.28 shares per debenture

  1. If the conversion ratio were 50, the conversion price would be calculated as follows:

Conversion price = Face value of debenture / Conversion ratio Conversion price = $1,000 / 50 Conversion price = $20

  1. The conversion value is the market price of the common stock multiplied by the conversion ratio. The conversion value can be calculated as follows:

Conversion value = Conversion ratio x Market price of common stock Conversion value = 21.28 x $41.50 Conversion value = $882.80

  1. At what stock price is the conversion value equal to the bond value?

The bond value in the absence of a conversion feature is 65% of the face value, or $650. To find the stock price at which the conversion value equals the bond value, we can set the conversion value equal to $650 and solve for the stock price:

Conversion value = Bond value Conversion ratio x Market price of common stock = 0.65 x Face value of debenture 21.28 x Stock price = 0.65 x $1,000 Stock price = $30.83

To find the stock price at which the conversion value equals the bond value:

Conversion ratio x Stock price = Bond value

21.28 x Stock price = $650    Stock price = $30.53


  1. The market price can be less than the conversion value, but in general, the market price of a convertible bond should not be lower than the conversion value, as this would make it more attractive for investors to buy the bond and convert it to stock, putting upward pressure on the stock price.
  2. Convertible holder pays = Market price – Bond value in the absence of conversion

Bond value = 65% x Face value

Bond value = $650

Market price = 91% x Face value

Market price = $910

Convertible holder pays = $910 – $650

Convertible holder pays = $260

  1. To justify conversion, the common stock price needs to rise enough to compensate for the difference between the bond value and the conversion value. The convertible holder pays $650 for the bond but can convert it to stock worth $882.80 (assuming a conversion ratio of 21.28 shares per debenture and a market price of $41.50 per share). Therefore, the common stock price needs to rise by:

Common stock price increase = Conversion value – Bond value Common stock price increase = $882.80 –

Common stock price increase = $882.80 – $650 = $232.80

This means that the common stock price needs to rise by $232.80 to compensate for the difference between the bond value and the conversion value and justify the conversion.

Since the conversion ratio is 21.28, the common stock price needs to rise by:

$232.80 / 21.28 = $10.94




  1. Cite three (3) peer-reviewed articles not including your textbook.

Hagan, B., Antwi, S. K., & Amankwah-Amoah, J. (2021). The impact of monetary policy on stock prices in Ghana. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 1-15.

Sharma, G., & Singh, J. (2020). Corporate social responsibility and capital structure: Evidence from Indian firms. Managerial Finance, 46(12), 1791-1807.

Omri, A., & Zouari-Ghorbel, S. (2021). The relationship between capital structure and financial performance: Evidence from listed companies in the Tunisian Stock Exchange. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 22(2), 315-332.


Write a 200-300 word summary of the article that includes the section headings of the article (for example, introduction, literature review, methods, results, conclusion) and what the main topics are in each of these sections.

Intergrating Community Gardens


The purpose of this assignment is to gain experience reading scholarly, peer reviewed articles. This type of source is common in academic reading and writing and, eventually, you will be locating and reading many of these in your own research.


For this assignment, you will gain practice reading, understanding, and summarizing a scholarly, peer reviewed research article.


Here’s how you should approach this assignment:

  • Watch the “How to Read a Scholarly Article
  • Links to an external site.” (9 minutes) video.
  • Read the article Integrating community gardens into public parks.pdf

Write the following:

A 200-300 word summary of the article that includes the section headings of the article (for example, introduction, literature review, methods, results, conclusion) and what the main topics are in each of these sections.

A minimum of 150 word paragraph on how you felt about reading the article (you could talk about how long it took you to read the article, if you found in challenging, what types of annotating or note taking strategies you used, terms you had to look up, how you felt about the content).

Consider workers, immigrants, and African Americans. Explain how minorities were represented by the New Deal. Analyze to what extent you think that the New Deal effectively ended the Great Depression and restored the economy.

Hist405N The New Deal

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, pick two (2) of the following (any program and/or act of the New Deal):

Programs Acts
Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)

Public Works Administration (PWA)

Civil Works Administration (CWA)

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Farm Security Administration (FSA)

Emergency Banking Relief Act

Economy Act

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

Tennessee Valley Authority Act (TVA)

National Employment System Act (Wagner-Peyser Act)

Home Owners Loan Act

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIA)

Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act)

Securities & Exchange Act

Emergency Relief Appropriation Act

Resettlement Administration (RA)

Rural Electrification Administration (REA)

National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)

Social Security Act

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Reflecting over the weekly reading and lesson video The New Deal Coalition (also linked in the Required Resources), address the following for your selections:

  • Consider workers, immigrants, and African Americans. Explain how minorities were represented by the New Deal.
  • Analyze to what extent you think that the New Deal effectively ended the Great Depression and restored the economy.

Analyze the role that government played in reforming American working conditions. Explain the benefits of the Federal Government regulations of monopolies. Analyze which progressive presidents attained economic justice and reform for workers.

Hist405N Case study


The purposes of each case study assignment include the following:

  • To hone your abilities to research using scholarly sources
  • To advance critical thinking and writing skills
  • To compile a response to the prompts provided
  • To explore a historical topic and make connections to change over time


Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic. Use at least one (1) documented example of the corresponding primary source in your writing.

Option 1: Big Business (Monopolies) and Exploitation of Workers
View the following resource:

Browse and read one (1) of the following:

Then, address the following:

  • Explain if big business leaders were “captains of industry,” “shrewd businessmen,” or “robber barons.”
  • Based on one of the resources noted for this option, assess American working conditions and exploitation of workers in the Age of Industry.
  • Analyze the role that government played in reforming American working conditions.
  • Explain the benefits of the Federal Government regulations of monopolies.
  • Analyze which progressive presidents attained economic justice and reform for workers.

Option 2: Who is A Progressive?
Review the following site:

Then, address the following:

  • According to Roosevelt, what are the characteristics of a progressive?
  • Explain and give examples of the characteristics of “anti-progressives.”
  • Trace what types of activities “anti-progressives” engaged in?
  • Analyze the goals of progressivism.
  • Explain what areas of society progressives addressed?
  • Analyze the progressive achievements Roosevelt highlights in his speech?

Option 3: World War I
Review the following resources:

Then, address the following:

  • Trace the origins of World War I, and assess if the world war was inevitable in 1914?
  • Explain if it was possible for the United States to maintain neutrality in World War I. If yes, explain how. If no, explain why not.
  • Analyze if the United States should have entered World War I to make the world safe for democracy.
  • Analyze if the Treaty of Versailles was a fair and effective settlement for lasting world peace.
  • Explain if the United States Senate should have approved of the Treaty of Versailles.

Base on your decision about which source to choose based on whatever criteria you wish – is it a company based in the US (meaning it’s probably easier to get it shipped)? Is it the least expensive? Do they have it in stock, or will it be synthesized on demand?

Use of the Chemical Literature


Part 1
Search for the first 10 compounds from Assignment 10 using SciFinder. Like last week, you can use whatever method you wish. Ideally find the source YOU would choose to purchase each compound from and take a screen grab of the Commercial Source Information for each. You can base your decision about which source to choose based on whatever criteria you wish is it a company based in the US (meaning it’s probably easier to get it shipped)? Is it the least expensive? Do they have it in stock, or will it be synthesized on demand? Your choice.

As an important note, if the compound you’re searching for does not have any commercial sources, just take a screen grab that shows that there aren’t any commercial sources available (for example, there is no Suppliers link).

Part 2
Search for the same 10 compounds (from Part 1 of this assignment) using Google Shopping,
It’s worth noting that, just like everything associated with Google, ads will try to guide you to
certain vendors, so don’t be afraid to scroll a bit!
Compile all of your screen grabs in order and separated by labeled parts onto a single document.

Is the death penalty racially biased or prejudiced?


Is the death penalty racially biased or prejudiced?

Explain the basic principles of programming, concept of language, and universal constructs of programming languages.


Explain the basic principles of programming, concept of language, and universal constructs of programming languages.

As a Project Intern, design a business plan/business strategy to help the company in increasing its revenue either by suggesting the company to starting a new business unit or by launching a new product or services. Write any five key learnings after finishing this project

ECOM421 WEEK5,11


You have just graduated from Saudi Electronic University and have been selected by a company as a Project Intern for six months’ probation period. Your Marketing Manager has invited you for coffee and during your interaction with him, you come to know that your company wants you to support it in growing the business. Your Marketing Manager has told you to prepare a project report and design a power-point presentation based on certain parameters. The company will decide whether to offer you a full-time opportunity or not based on our quality of work, efforts, and creative thinking. Kindly do this assignment with great dedication. The purpose of this assignment is to help students in learning how to apply skills and knowledge in planning, managing, and nurturing a business by implementing an appropriate strategy. Students are expected to understand the ongoing recent developments in the marketplace and be able to employ various concepts of this course deliberately to boost the businesses of the company where they are working/or will work. This assignment is divided into three parts and students are suggested to submit each of them as per the stated due date. Students are suggested to create a group of 3-5 students in each group to complete this group project and join any one of the below groups considering that all members of your group have been selected by the company stated in front of each group number.

Group 1: McDonald

Group 2: Jawwy Telecom

Group 3: LuLu Hypermarket

Group 4:

Group 5: Samsung

Group 6: Jahez

Group 7:  Almarai

Group 8: Careem

Group 9:  ARAMCO

Note: Kindly make ensure that your group members have joined a single group only. Join your group on or before the end of Week 2.


Group Project Assignment Part 1

Submission: End of Week 5 (Saturday, 15/April/2023)                                        Marks: 15

1.      Company Profile (3 Marks).                                                                                                                                                                                                Brief descriptions of the company such as About the company, Products & Services, Vision and Mission statement, and Organizational structure
2.      Business Canvas Model of the company (3 Marks).                                                                                                                Design a business canvas model of the company and explain each element of it by writing at least 2-3 lines for each.
3.      SWOT Analysis of the company (2 Marks).                                                                                                  Do the SWOT analysis of the company and explain each by writing at least 2-3 lines for each.
4.      Core competencies of the company (2 Marks).                                                                                                  Write the core competencies of the company.
5.      Types of Business Models (2 Marks).

Discuss the types of business models (B2B, B2C, C2C, Social Commerce, Local Commerce, and M-Commerce) adopted by the company.

6.      Challenges faced by the company during the COVID-19 pandemic (3 Marks).                                                                                                  List out the key challenges faced by the company during the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss their impact on the company.



Group Project Assignment Part 2

Submission: End of Week 11 (Saturday, 03/June/2023)                                Marks: 15

7.      Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the company (3 Marks).                                                                                                                                                                                                Do Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the company.
8.      Compare the business strategy of the company with one of its competitors

(3 Marks).                                                                                                                                                                                                Select any one competitor of the company and do a comparison of their business strategies.

9.      Suggestions to the company to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic (3 Marks).                    As a Project Intern, suggest your suggestions to the company to overcome the challenges created due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
10.  Design a business plan for the company (3 Marks).                                                                                                                                                                                                As a Project Intern, design a business plan/business strategy to help the company in increasing its revenue either by suggesting the company to starting a new business unit or by launching a new product or services.
11.  Learnings from this project (2 Marks).                                                                                                  Write any five key learnings after finishing this project.
References (1 Mark).

Write all the sources using the APA style of referencing. In case of a wrong referencing style, your group will lose 1 mark. Learn how to refer a website, article, and such sources.


How does the target segment and brand image of Gucci differ from its key?

Luxury Marketing case analysis and research

Read the PDF document about Gucci and answer the following question
How does the target segment and brand image of Gucci differ from its key?
