
Write an essay on the limitations of open-source intelligence (OSINT) in monitoring Persons of Interest (POIs) by a government entity in America.

Discussion essay

Write an essay on the limitations of open-source intelligence (OSINT) in monitoring Persons of Interest (POIs) by a government entity in America.

Has Covid-19 had a lasting impact on Globalization?


Has Covid-19 had a lasting impact on Globalization?

Identify a specific ethical dilemma that might be encountered by a support service worker. Use examples from your local news or the textbook for ideas, if needed. Describe how personal boundaries may assist the worker with the ethical dilemma.

Wk 3 – Personal Boundaries and Ethical Decision-Making [due Mon]

Assignment Content

To prepare for working with justice-involved individuals, the best way to protect yourself from failing due do ethical issues is to think through dilemmas ahead of time and know how to establish your personal boundaries.

Imagine you have been tasked with educating new support services workers on how to resolve ethical dilemmas.

Write a 525- to 700-word handout designed to offer guidance to the new support service workers. Include the following:
Identify a specific ethical dilemma that might be encountered by a support service worker. Use examples from your local news or the textbook for ideas, if needed.
Describe how personal boundaries may assist the worker with the ethical dilemma.
Identify the ethical codes that may apply to the situation.
Identify which decision-making model you may apply to the ethical dilemma to guide working with the client in the scenario.
Describe how this decision-making model can facilitate your ability to maintain ethical practices in human service and criminal justice fields.

Use images and design the page to best deliver the information.

Note: This assessment does not require in-text citations.

All Jamaican adults should have the right to bear arms without going through an application process. Do you Agree or Disagree?

 Right to bear arms

All Jamaican adults should have the right to bear arms without going through an application process. Do you Agree or Disagree?

What are the challenges to regional security and cooperation in the ASEAN region? Can ASEAN surmount these challenges in the next decade?


What are the challenges to regional security and cooperation in the ASEAN region? Can ASEAN surmount these challenges in the next decade?

In a 1,500-word essay, you will analyze the internal or external conflict of a character and discuss how the conflict represents larger societal issues.


Conflict is an important element in the study of stories, novels, plays, in movies, as it portrays the struggle between opposing forces or points of view. Conflict analysis is the study of problems between or within characters in a narrative. It is about the manifestation of various problems that drive a plot. Understanding conflict in a narrative for gaining helps the reader better understand societal problems.

Types of internal/external conflicts:

Man vs. Man
Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Society
Man vs. Self

In a 1,500-word essay, you will analyze the internal or external conflict of a character and discuss how the conflict represents larger societal issues. You will select one of the following texts AND use two scholarly sources to support your analysis.

What is the external conflict in Bless Me, Ultima and how does the conflict reflect societal issues prevalent in Chicano culture/identity? In your introduction, state the conflict of the novel. In your thesis, explain how the conflict affects the character analyzed. In your body paragraphs, give specific examples of the novel and discuss its significance. Use two outside sources to support your analysis.

Demonstrate knowledge of how decision-making in nursing practice relates to clinical reasoning and critical thinking, taking into consideration the many facets of decision-making in nursing.

Final paper

This semester we have reviewed a various Issues and Trends in Contemporary Nursing Practice. Many objectives have been addressed and met. Please take a moment to reflect on the objectives of the course and develop an 8-10-page scholarly paper stating how you have met the outcomes of this course.

Course Outcomes

Demonstrate understanding and competence in making decisions in nursing which will promote client-centered care, taking into consideration ethical, clinical, cultural, spiritual, and political implications.

Demonstrate intentional learning with reflection as it relates to decision-making in nursing.

Understand processes of making decisions in nursing, and apply evidence in supporting concepts and processes which relate to practice.

Demonstrate knowledge of how decision-making in nursing practice relates to clinical reasoning and critical thinking, taking into consideration the many facets of decision-making in nursing.

Demonstrate leadership in organizational, local, and global environments as it relates to decision-making in nursing.

Communicate effectively and therapeutically, with and without the use of technology, while making decisions in nursing practice.

Propose evidence-based, culturally-competent nursing care which promotes standard safe practices along with error and hazard prevention and quality improvement practices.

Participate as a collaborative team member in understanding and implementing client care, and in promoting the health of clients while making decisions as nurses in practice.

Final Project – a scholarly paper is written in BSN465 on achievement of the eight outcomes associated with BSN465. The learner writes an APA formatted paper on meeting the course outcomes listed above.

What are the central issues facing planners at the Port of Melbourne? Estimate the container movements at the Port and its various berths to 2010 if you assume a 6% growth rate from 1991/92.


Students are required to write an individual report for the senior management team, analysing the information and proposing solutions to the questions set regarding the case study. To satisfy the assessment criteria, students are expected to demonstrate depth of analysis, breadth of reading and critical discussion.

The questions that you need to answer are:
1. What are the central issues facing planners at the Port of Melbourne?
2. Estimate the container movements at the Port and its various berths to 2010 if you assume a 6% growth rate from 1991/92.
3. What options are available to planners to improve the logistics systems in order to cope with the closure of Victoria Dock?
4. To what extent can greater use be made of the rail option?
5. Is it necessary to embark on the construction of a new terminal? Justify your answer by examining the costs and benefits. What is your answer if growth occurs at only 2 or 3% per annum?
6. What will be the impact of technological developments (in terms of container ships, Internet of Things, future developments, etc) on the options for the Port?

When undertaking an assignment which specifies a ‘critical discussion, analysis or critical evaluation’, you are expected to collect (and use) different sources of information from both academic text books and journal papers, to complete the assignment. It is important that you do not take all your information from one source as it is likely to be biased. Please note that you are expected to support all of your answers to the above questions with information, theories, etc from academic sources where appropriate.

Students are expected to demonstrate up-to-date research on the subject matter.

Report Structure & Contents
1. Executive Summary/Abstract (5%): A concise but well-rounded summary which provides an overview of the report contents and key findings (this is not an introduction). It should be between ½ – 1page in length.

2. Introduction (5%): Provide an interesting start to the report and clearly state the purpose. Your introduction should conclude by outlining the scope and context of the report.

3. Q1 – What are the central issues for the planner? (5%): Use information from the case study and other sources to support your ideas.

4. Q2 – Estimate container movements (10%): Estimate the growth in container movements till 2010 assuming an annual growth rate of 6% from 1991/92.

5. Q3 – What are the options to cope with the closure of Victoria Dock (10%): Explain the options, including an evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses.

6. Q4 – Evaluation the rail option (10%): to what extent can greater use be made of the rail option – provide a critical discussion of the factors involved.

7. Q5 – Is it necessary to embark on the construction of a new terminal? (20%): You need to justify your answer by including costs, benefits and drawbacks and resilience e.g. if growth only occurs at 2/3% pa.

8. Q6 – What is the impact of technological developments on the Port (20%): Use academic and business sources to support your discussions.

9. Conclusions (5%): Summarise and highlight the key points from the whole report and include a summary of your recommendations.

10. Referencing (5%): The use of consistent and coherent citation and referencing style (Harvard is the recommended style). Please note that, although your ‘style’ of referencing is rewarded under this heading, plagiarism can result in a zero mark for the entire report and referral to University Disciplinary Committee.

11. Report Presentation (5%): Marks will be awarded for the report structure, general layout, the use of language, etc.

Word length – 2,500 +/- 10% (excluding reference list, Executive summary & appendices)

In your discussion response, describe each of the two selected characteristics and why they are important for improving healthcare.

Week 4 Discussion

This week focused on the characteristics of data and how data helps provide better healthcare. Visit the AHIMA Statement on Quality Healthcare Data and Information at Statement on Quality Healthcare Data and Information and select two of the 10 characteristics. In your discussion response, describe each of the two selected characteristics and why they are important for improving healthcare.

  • (Website URL:

How can you apply this knowledge or understanding (from all the readings) as a future educator to disrupt unjust systems? How do the reading/s make you re-think, re-consider, or re-understand your future/current teaching practice/philosophy?

Rethinking Disibility

The Text Response must demonstrate that you have read the text carefully and identified key questions, issues and critical points for discussion for the assigned reading. The document should capture key information from the readings using your own words as deeply as possible and connect it to relevant personal experiences. This assignment is not intended as a summary or test to show that you did the reading. We will expect that each of us will do all the readings, so this assignment is an opportunity for us to deeply engage these readings in the context of our interests in the class. Your summary can be as long as you want but no less than 400 words. Text Response should include:

  • What are at least three of the most important concepts/main ideas from the reading/s?
  • What are at least two personal reflections the reading/s generated for you?
  • What is at least one question you have about the reading/s?
  • At least one passage/quote of the text you find particularly striking, and why?
  • How can you apply this knowledge or understanding (from all the readings) as a future educator to disrupt unjust systems? How do the reading/s make you re-think, re-consider, or re-understand your future/current teaching practice/philosophy?