
Think about how students can be part of the solution for creating environmental change, and in what ways change should be left up to adults, corporations, or the government.

Protecting the environment

“Who is responsible for protecting the environment?” Think about how students can be part of the solution for creating environmental change, and in what ways change should be left up to adults, corporations, or the government.

Differences between classrooms of today and those of 1968 and 1993. How would the classrooms of 1968 and 1993 have handled Dr. King and Maya Angelou’s speeches and how would today’s class handle the speeches?

Differences between classrooms of today and those of 1968 and 1993

Differences between classrooms of today and those of 1968 and 1993. How would the classrooms of 1968 and 1993 have handled Dr. King and Maya Angelou’s speeches and how would today’s class handle the speeches?

Give an example of a property interest that an administrative agency could take action on. State why it is a property interest and what agency would likely regulate it.

Module 3 Discussion Post

Give an example of a property interest that an administrative agency could take action on. State why it is a property interest and what agency would likely regulate it.

Note: You will be unable to view and reply to other posts until you have posted your original submission

Analyze the effect absenteeism has on an organization. Analyze an article on absenteeism that focuses on metrics and measurements. Analyze the correlation of employee depression, absenteeism, and work performance.


For this project, you will continue your research on absenteeism and develop a problem statement to present to the stakeholders.

Analyze the effect absenteeism has on an organization.
Analyze an article on absenteeism that focuses on metrics and measurements.
Analyze the correlation of employee depression, absenteeism, and work performance.
Evaluate the various options to engage employees and reduce the absenteeism rate.
Evaluate an employee absenteeism policy.
Formulate a business problem statement to provide stakeholders regarding your research on absenteeism.

Identify the model being used? State why the model is a good choice? State why the question is important (what did the author(s) hope to learn about the field?

Journal Club SAMPLE Worksheet

Instructions: This worksheet must be completed for ALL peer-reviewed research articles that you read in this course.

Student Name: _________________ Date Submitted: _______________ (Mandatory)

Full Article Citation being read, interpreted, and presented – in APA format:

______________________________________________________________________________________ (Mandatory)


Observation that led to research (look in Abstract and Introduction)

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Describe 2-3 Observations in the article? What I observed from this article…
Question (try rewording the Title)

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Identify the model being used? The model being described is …
  • State why the model is a good choice? The model is a good choice because…
  • State why the question is important (what did the author(s) hope to learn about the field? The research question is important because…
Hypothesis (usually not stated, but implied in the Abstract of Introduction; look for phrases like “this research shows…”)

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Explain why these hypotheses make sense based on current knowledge (found in the Introduction)? The research hypotheses make sense because…
Experiment (look at the figures displayed in the article to determine what they did).

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Choose 2-3 key figures that directly address the Hypotheses? Three key figures are …(if none, then state ‘no figures’)…
  • Restate the model (look at the Legend for the Figure)?  The model in the research study is…(if none, the state ‘no models’)…
  • Describe the general experimental design; what was measured/compared and how? The experimental design was … and measured/compared…
  • Describe the methods and controls (draw a flow chart that will be presented to class)? The methods in the study used…The controls were…
  • Explain why the choice of controls was appropriated? The controls were appropriate because…
Results (look at the Figures First)

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Explain figures clearly; restate what is being compared to what for each one? The variables being compared are …
  • Look for trends; (e.g. what is increased over what)? Trends found in the study include…
  • Identify the controls and how they validate the trends? Controls found in the study include…
  • Look for statistical analyses (look at the Legend or Results) that validate the data? The statistical analyses that validates (or rejects) the data include…
Conclusion (based on the data, NOT on the discussion)

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Does the data support the hypotheses? The data does (does not) support the hypotheses as stated in…
  • Are there other possible explanations for the data? Other possible explanations for the data include…
  • Is the data convincing (statistics)? The data is convincing because it shows…
  • How could the experiment be improved? The experiment could be improved by…
  • Why is the data interesting? The data in this study was interesting because it…
  • How does it contribute to our understanding of the field? The data from this study contributes to our understanding of the field of…

Include a 7-9 sentences summary of the article. You are limited to only one quote from each article, the rest is a summary in your own words. Read the article, summarize the findings, include the summary here – you may also include elements from your responses above to formulate the summary.  

You must use APA formatting. All paragraphs must have a proper citation at the end of the material denoting the author and year. Do not use contractions. Write in third person and do not write in first person (i.e. “me” or “I” should not be used).

Explain what the recommended dietary allowance represents? What eating patterns are associated with positive health outcomes? What eating patterns are associated with bad health outcomes? What is the quality of U.S. diet today?


Chapter 1(nutrition fundamentals)

  1. Review Tyrone Green diet and daily routine that is contributing to prediabetes, hypertension that increases risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  2. What are the five sets of reference standards that make up the Dietary Reference Intakes?
  3. What are the components that are essential for food complex mix combinations?
  5. Explain what the recommended dietary allowance represents?
  6. What eating patterns are associated with positive health outcomes?
  7. What eating patterns are associated with bad health outcomes?
  8. What is the quality of U.S. diet today?
  9. What is the purpose of Healthy People 2030?
  10. Name some lifestyle risks factors for chronic disease?
  11. What are the potential benefits for nutrigenomics?


Chapter 2 (guidelines for healthy eating)

  1. Review Aurea ulcerative colitis and her concerns of eating healthy food due to her diet recommendation by her GI doctor. She is concerned about risk for chronic disease as she ages.  Review this case study and write your recommendations for good health outcomes keeping her in remission with her diagnosis of ulcerative colitis.
  2. What does health eating mean to you?
  3. State the four broad guidelines of the Dietary Guidelines for American 2020-2025 and recommendations for each guideline?
  4. What is Healthy U.S.-Style Eating Pattern?
  5. What is the recommended eating patterns?
  6. Compare Health U.S.-Style Eating Patterns with a typical American eating pattern today?
  7. Give 3 examples of nutrient-dense foods?
  8. Describe what the MyPlate graphic is.
  9. List nutritional attributes and potential health benefits associated with the MyPlate food groups. The nutritional 4 attributes are vegetable, fruit, protein, grains.
  10. Review the need for oil in your diet. Compare saturated fat unsaturated fat?



Chapter 3 (carbohydrates)

  1. Review Krista Larson chronic constipation with her current diet. Discus her use of laxatives and how a diet change can help.
  2. What are the classifications of carbohydrates?
  3. Identify sources of carbohydrates?
  4. What is a simple sugar?
  5. What is a complex carbohydrate?
  6. What is a starch?
  7. What is a monosaccharide?
  8. What is glucose?
  9. What is fructose?
  10. What is galactose?
  11. What is disaccharide?
  12. What is a complex carbohydrate?
  13. What is glycogen?
  14. What is Fiber?
  15. Compare soluble fiber to an insoluble fiber.
  16. What are sources of carbohydrates?
  17. How does the body handle carbohydrates?
  18. Describe metabolism and how the body metabolizes food.
  19. What is the glycemic response?
  20. What is the glycemic load (GL)?
  21. How do we prevent ketosis?
  22. What is protein sparing?
  23. What is the Dietary Reference Intake?
  24. State what the anatomy of a grain is and benefits.
  25. Read LABELS about nutrition FACTS. Why?


Critically reflect the impact the Malpractice Liability in the Healthcare Field. Present a case of Malpractice in a Healthcare setting and what was the outcome.

Health & Medical Question


The main purpose of this RP is to critically reflect the impact the Malpractice Liability in the Healthcare Field. Student must present a case of Malpractice in a Healthcare setting and what was the outcome.

  • Why it was considered Malpractice?
  • Reasons for Malpractice Suits
  • Outcome- any new laws created based on this issue
  • Course of Action in a Malpractice Suit
  • Legal Liability in an Ethical Perspective

. This RP must have 10 pages, including cover page and references, and be presented on APA format. The maximum similarity allowed with other publications is no more than 20%.


Students will critically evaluate the existing publications related to this RP topic. This assignment is planned to help you review, understand, and apply different concepts related to the Malpractice in the Health Care Field.

Discuss how the Christian worldview perspective can be demonstrated in professional practice by explaining why teachers need to be committed to respecting students’ individual strengths, interests, and needs to promote each student’s growth and potential.

Education & Teaching Question

Part of a special educator’s responsibilities include understanding the characteristics of the major disability categories and how the characteristics affect typical development. When conducting observations and consulting with staff who work with students with disabilities, teachers must be able to articulate the differences in development and prescribe appropriate interventions. Understanding the effect of culture and language development must also be considered in meeting student needs.

Case Study: Larissa

Grade: 3rd

Age: 8

Larissa is a female third grade student with a specific learning disability in written expression and an executive functioning disorder. She is originally from El Salvador and moved to the U.S. with her mother, father, older sister, and newborn brother when she was 14 months old. In first grade, she was assessed for special education services and was found eligible in the areas of written expression and executive functioning due to a diagnosis of dyslexia and ADHD by an outside psychologist referred by her primary care physician. Larissa’s verbal expression is close to grade level, but when asked to express her thoughts on paper, she often uses lower level vocabulary and fragmented sentences, and her writing lacks organization. This could be due to her inability to focus on longer tasks as well as her difficulty with spelling, written expression, and multiple languages spoken in the home. Larissa also struggles with starting tasks independently, staying on task, and with task completion. She often cannot find her materials when needed such as pencils, paper, assignments, books, etc.

Recently, her mother and father separated. Her mother has since moved the children out of their home and in with family friends. The family friends have three children and two adults living in the home already, so the three bedroom, one bath home is very crowded. Their new home is within walking distance of Rosewood Elementary, where Larissa has recently transferred.

Larissa’s mother, Rita, has a job in which she works long hours and is currently struggling to establish her own line of credit. At home, Larissa’s family speaks both English and Spanish. Rita considers English her primary language; however, Spanish is her first language and she sometimes has difficulty understanding written English, despite speaking it well.

At a recent parent-teacher conference with Larissa’s teacher, Mr. Fleming, Rita shared that she obtained an order of protection against her husband after they separated. Because the order of protection extends to the children, she provided Mr. Fleming legal documentation of the order. The day after the conference, Mr. Fleming notified the office and gave them the documentation in the event that Larissa’s father should come to the school.

Using the information from the case study, address the following in a 1,000-1,250 word essay:

  • Discuss how the Christian worldview perspective can be demonstrated in professional practice by explaining why teachers need to be committed to respecting students’ individual strengths, interests, and needs to promote each student’s growth and potential.
  • Explain how language, culture, and family background influence the student’s student’ learning.
  • Describe three research-based, specially designed instructional strategies that can be used to respond to the developmental differences and individual needs of the student.
  • Cite research to provide justification for how the selected strategies provide specially designed instruction and access to the general education curriculum and standards as required by IDEA.

Suppose you are willing to invest in Saudi real estate market. If you get the opportunity to invest in following three sectors, which one would you select and why? Explain your opinion with the help of suitable examples.

Html / CSS Question

Q1: Suppose you are willing to invest in Saudi real estate market. If you get the opportunity to invest in following three sectors, which one would you select and why? Explain your opinion with the help of suitable examples.

  1. a) Retail Shops
  2. b) Offices
  3. c) Residential Properties

With a careful calculation of the number of statuettes to place on each arm, what is the minimum number of times he will have to do this operation to be 100% sure of identifying the one that weighs the most?

Mathematics Question

1.NASA has picked up three messages from Proxima Centauri. After careful analysis, scientists have determined that “Flock Tecor Culdon” means “Missile Explosion Danger”, that “Edwan Mynor Tecor” means “Fire Danger on Board” and that “Culdon Gimilzor Zondor” means “Imminent Gas Explosion”. What is the meaning of the word “Flock“?

  • missiles
  • nobody
  • danger
  • explosion
  • gas

2. At a conference 12 members shake hands before and after the meeting. How many handshakes were there at the conference?

  • A. 132
  • 144
  • 145
  • 121
  • 100

3. Which number continues the series: 144 | 121 | 100 | 81 | 64 |

  • A. 36
  • 19
  • 49
  • 17
  • 50

4. A jeweller has nine golden statuettes, which belong to a new line of high-design ornaments. He knows that one of them is a little heavier than the others, but the difference isn’t such that you can tell by eye.

He will therefore have to use a very sensitive double scale to find out which of them he can sell at a higher price.

With a careful calculation of the number of statuettes to place on each arm, what is the minimum number of times he will have to do this operation to be 100% sure of identifying the one that weighs the most?

Choose from 1 to 10.


5.“One Hundred Soldiers Went to War”.

Identify 2 options that together make the statement unequivocally true.

  • There are no two options that make the sentence true.
  • The order to go to war was ignored by sixty soldiers.
  • Forty soldiers did not show up for war.
  • Twenty soldiers were killed in the war.
  • Eighty soldiers returned alive.

6.A new humanoid robot is governed by the algorithm in the figure: what word will it say?

  • Welcome!
  • He won’t say anything.
  • Hello!
  • set mood to 0

7. What is the output of the following flowchart if a=13 and b=7?

  • 7
  • 20
  • 0
  • 13
  • End

8. Identify the diagram that satisfies the set relationship between the given terms:

  • Names of colours,
  • Names of flowers,
  • Names of planets

9. Which of these graphs would you use to represent the daily number of sales over the past two years?


10. The data represented in the following scatterplot has a relationship:

  • Directly proportional
  • Inversely proportional

11. Considering the logical and graphical relationship between these two variables, we can say that between them there is:

  • Both
  • Causality
  • Correlation
  • Other

12. Considering the performance of a sports team in the first six months of the season, what is the percentage of games won by the team?

  • 50%
  • 65%
  • 60%
  • 80%

13. Considering the performance of a sports team in the first six months of the season, which month was the worst for the team?

  • 6
  • 3
  • 2
  • 4

14. The graph below shows the results obtained by rolling two dice of different colours 20 times each. What is the weighted average of the results on the blue dice?

  • A.3.33
  • B.2.25
  • C.7.5
  • Other (Write it down)

15. The graph below shows the results obtained by rolling two dice of different colours 20 times each. Assuming that the dice are not rigged, what is the probability that, after a further roll, the average of the orange die increases?

  • 1/6
  • 1/2
  • 2/3
  • Other (Write it down)


16. The graph shows the monthly earnings of a company from April to August. As a percentage, how much more did the company earn in June than in April?

  • 250%
  • 500%
  • 175%
  • Other (Write it down)

17. The chart above shows a company’s monthly earnings from April to August. The graph below shows the number of shares of the same company in each month.

As a percentage, how much did earnings per share increase from May to June?

  • 40%
  • 150%
  • 200%
  • 120%