
Prioritize nursing care strategies for clients with cardiovascular disorders.

Cardiovascular Disorder

Prioritize nursing care strategies for clients with cardiovascular disorders.

Cardiac disease a one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Since it is so prevalent, you want to ensure your co-workers are fully prepared to care for patients. You are hosting a lunch to provide a refresher on heart disease and how to care for patients. During the lunch, you will present a PowerPoint Presentation to your co-workers.

cardiac diseases: Coronary artery disease

Provide a detailed overview of the disease process
Multidimensional care including risk reduction, health promotion, and nursing interventions specific to the disease process

Create an infographic for a lower respiratory system disorder.

Pulmonary Education Infographic

Compare strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients with lower respiratory disorders.

You are a nurse on a pulmonary rehabilitation team at an outpatient clinic in your community. You are updating educational resources to educate clients who want to know more about health promotion and maintenance and improving pulmonary health related to their lung conditions.

Create an infographic for a lower respiratory system disorder that includes the following components:

Risk factors associated with the common lower respiratory system disorder.
Description of three priority treatments for the lower respiratory disorder.
Description of inter professional collaborative care team members and their roles to improve health outcomes for the lower respiratory system disorder.
Description of three multidimensional nursing care strategies that support health promotion and maintenance for clients with the lower respiratory system disorder.
Description of a national organization as a support resource for your client specific to the lower respiratory system disorder.

Write an essay about Aulularia by Titus Maccius Plautus where you set this play in our time.

Aulularia by Titus Maccius Plautus

Write an essay about Aulularia by Titus Maccius Plautus where you set this play in our time.

About the essay:
– Presentation: justify why we are doing this play, what theme of the play we will explore, what changes we will make to the play, who our audience is, what cultural capital we expect from the audience, and how we will relate to the audience (catharsis/emotions)
– The result doesn’t have to be a play (it can be a movie, a series, a soap opera, a performance, a dance show, a circus)
– we don’t need to worry about technical issues
– matters:

1. Why does it make sense to perform a play from antiquity in our time?
2. How will it affect our audience?

– there is no need for casting
– brainstorming and not putting everything into the play (aka not doing it like SillySeason)
– the presentation can be done in any way.
– the presentation time will be told after the teacher knows how many groups you have (10/15 minutes max)
– one of the questions in the final test is to justify the choices we made in the group work

Discuss the potential disease processes and signs and symptoms related to the disease process that Jose may be exhibiting? How would you provide multidimensional care to include cultural, psychosocial, spiritual, physical, and emotional needs for Jose?

Male Reproductive Disorder

Jose is a 55-year-old Hispanic, male, migrant worker who speaks limited English. He presented to the emergency room with complaints of edema of the scrotum, urinary retention, and hematuria. He does not have any pertinent past medical history. He is married and has five young children. He states he has been having problems for a while but delayed seeing the doctor because of his work schedule and limited money. The doctor performs a digital rectal examination in the office and finds that Jose’s prostate is enlarged.

Initial Post
Male reproductive disorders can make a great impact on the patient’s life. Based on the case study, answer the following questions in your discussion post.

Discuss the potential disease processes and signs and symptoms related to the disease process that Jose may be exhibiting?
How would you provide multidimensional care to include cultural, psychosocial, spiritual, physical, and emotional needs for Jose?

Describe any specific obstacles or circumstances that hindered your past academic achievement. Describe how you have overcome or how you plan to overcome these obstacles if you are admitted to the MSW program.

Statement 3 questions 500 words each

1.) Describe any specific obstacles or circumstances that hindered your past academic achievement.

2.) Describe how you have overcome or how you plan to overcome these obstacles if you are admitted to the MSW program.

3.) Convince the selection committee that you have greater potential than is reflected in a low GPA or GRE score.

Describe an instance in which a decision made within your current or prior organization failed. Was one of the decision-making traps listed in chapter 11 of our textbook to blame? Do you prefer to make decisions independently or as a member of a group? Explain your preference.

Week #10 Discussion Board: Chapters 11 & 12 Decision Making & Workplace Communication

1) Post one message as a New Thread of about 150-300 words in total (roughly 10 to 15 sentences). Number your answers and use a separate paragraph for each, but don’t repeat the questions. Answer the following questions.

  1. Describe an instance in which a decision made within your current or prior organization failed. Was one of the decision-making traps listed in chapter 11 of our textbook to blame?
  2. Do you prefer to make decisions independently or as a member of a group? Explain your preference.
  3. Discuss a work situation in which you, a manager, or other employee had inadequate communications skills (written or oral), which created a problem in the organization. Briefly summarize the situation and the problem(s) it created. Was action taken to remedy the problem or prevent it in the future? If action was taken, to what extent was it effective? If no action was taken, what if any action should have been taken? What did you learn from this experience, which will make you a more effective manager?

Cookies Are Us runs a series of 100 cookie stores across the midwestern United States and central Canada. At the end of each day, the stores send sales and inventory data to headquarters, which uses the data to ship new inventory and plan marketing campaigns. The company has decided to move to a new WAN. What type of WAN architecture and WAN service would you recommend? Why?

Two mini cases

Complete the following two mini-cases

Cookies Are Us:

Cookies Are Us runs a series of 100 cookie stores across the midwestern United States and central Canada. At the end of each day, the stores send sales and inventory data to headquarters, which uses the data to ship new inventory and plan marketing campaigns. The company has decided to move to a new WAN. What type of WAN architecture and WAN service would you recommend? Why?

Sunrise Consultancy:

Sunrise Consultancy is a medium-sized consulting firm that operates 17 offices around the world (Dallas, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Miami, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Jose, Toronto, Montreal, London, Paris, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Hong Kong, Sydney, and Bombay). They have been using Internet connections to exchange email and files, but the volume of traffic has increased to the point that they now want to connect the offices via a WAN. Volume is low but expected to grow quickly once they implement a new knowledge management system. What type of WAN topology and WAN service would you recommend? Why?

Analyze whether a statute applies to a specific set of facts.

Law Question

This legal analysis will require you to analyze whether a statute applies to a specific set of facts. A fact pattern, at least one statute, and at least one case will be provided to you. This paper will test the skills you have learned during the first half of this course, including reading and interpreting statutory provisions, recognizing necessary and relevant facts, and using case law to understand statutory language.

In Week 5, you will have the opportunity to provide and receive feedback on your outline for Full Paper 1. You must supply your peers with an outline of your analysis within Discussion 5, and you must respond to two classmates with your feedback. Your responses must offer constructive reviews, give suggestions for improvement, highlight strengths, etc. Your grade for the discussion will be based primarily on the quality of your feedback. Please note that responses for this discussion are due by 11:59 p.m. CT Friday. This will provide you time to incorporate the feedback you receive.

Write 400-450 words on what you learned or what was highlighted for you through this activity. Apply at least one grand theory to your analysis of this experience.

Spoon Theory

Fill out the attached excel spreadsheet. The goal of this activity is to manage your life as best possible without overusing the spoons you have at your disposal.

Column A provides the activity you engage in and column B indicates the number of spoons each of those activities takes. For example, by simply getting out of bed (1 spoon) and coming to class (4 spoons) you are spending 5 spoons. If you have to drive to campus you are using another 3 spoons.

For column C (the Thursday where you have 30 spoons available) use a normal Thursday where you are attending class.

For the full week (columns D-J) where you only have 12 spoons available each day you are at least attending class with me on Tuesday/Thursday. As you move through the week indicate how many spoons you are starting with each day in row 4.

If you go over your allotment of spoons, you will run a deficit the next day. For each spoon you go over by, you will lose two spoons the next day (e.g., if you use 13 spoons on Monday, you’ll only have 10 on Tuesday). If you do not use all of your spoons, you do not get to carry them over with you to the next day (e.g., if you only use 11 spoons on Monday, you still only have 12 on Tuesday).

In column K fill in your spoon usage as if we were back in remote instruction (and in the height of Covid precautions) as if you only had 12 spoons to use. Again, this is for a Thursday when I know you’re at least attending class (4 spoons), but you may not have to get out of bed.

At the bottom of the sheet write 400-450 words on what you learned or what was highlighted for you through this activity. Apply at least one grand theory to your analysis of this experience.

Explain data extraction, transformation, and loading.

Write a summary of Chapter 4 with 1 page (times new roman, 12 pt font, and single-spaced).

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain data extraction, transformation, and loading.