
How does Hislop’s concept of organizational “unlearning” relate to communication and organizational change? Offer from your experiences one best practice that a leader may use in the workplace to provide a daily learning method so each employee learns from the overall company’s experiences.

Org leadership

  1. How does Hislop’s concept of organizational “unlearning” relate to communication and organizational change?
  2. Offer from your experiences one best practice that a leader may use in the workplace to provide a daily learning method so each employee learns from the overall company’s experiences.
  3. Consider the concept of critical self-reflection as well as Senge’s mental models at the organizational level rather than at the individual level. Describe how organizational leaders can successfully accomplish this challenging endeavor. Use examples from your personal experience to illustrate this continuous improvement.
  4. There is a challenge in how we know that we are accurately evaluating our mental models, especially if we have personal biases and judgments. Is there a process we can put in place that encourages critical reflection and the testing of models?

What is the purpose of seeking consent from patients? Who should seek consent?

Week 3 – Assignment

Assignment Instructions (Week 3):

The Assignment is available in Course materials and activities under Week 3 by name Week 3 – Assignment.

Assignment topic: What is the purpose of seeking consent from patients? Who should seek consent?

How did your perceptions change? What did you learn that was unexpected? Describe your thinking about your thoughts and feelings regarding the new learning you experienced.

Journal 8 week

Your Weekly Practicum Journal is:

  • A personal, introspective subjective account of your practicum experience and how your practicum experience relates to Healthy People 2020 and course objectives. Include events that occurred in your practicum experience, and be sure to describe your thoughts and feelings about those events. How did your perceptions change? What did you learn that was unexpected? Describe your thinking about your thoughts and feelings regarding the new learning you experienced.
  • Connected to South University’s College of Nursing Conceptual Framework Pillars (Caring, Communication, Critical Thinking, Professionalism, and Holism)
  • Connected to prior coursework and experiences through reflective analysis.
  • Written in a scholarly, academic style using APA style format. Two or three sentences are not sufficient nor are daily logs/reports of activities.

Write a SELECT that lists all patients (one per row) and the COUNT of the prescriptions that they currently have. Write a SELECT to find the maximum and minimum temperatures taken for each of your patients.

CHIP 490.297: Into to Databases in Healthcare…

Using the Patient, Medications, Prescriptions and Temperatures Schema (located in link above) that we arrived at in class, insert some fake data and then write SQLto do the following:

Write a SELECT that lists all patients (one per row) and the COUNT of the prescriptions that they currently have. (This should return one row per patient with their name in one column and the number of prescriptions in another.) – use GROUP BY (OUTER JOIN)

Write a SELECT to find the maximum and minimum temperatures taken for each of your patients. If the patient has no temps in their list, then their name should still come back, but with NULLs in their min and max columns. (This should return one row per patient with columns for their name, their max temp, and their min temp.) (GROUP BY, OUTER JOIN)

In the same select (as ^above^), make the NULL values say “(None)” instead of just ‘NULL’ by using CASE WHEN ELSE syntax in your SELECT statement. You can write this as a separate select, or you can just modify the one above to include it.

Write a SELECT that returns the name(s) of the patient(s) with the absolute highest and lowest recorded temperatures. It should be one row with a maxtemp column and a mintemp column, and those columns should contain the name(s) of the patient(s) who had those maximums.

Take any two concepts or ideas described in the Becoming a Strategic Leader book and provide another supporting example for each besides those described in the book itself. Explain why you chose these examples (why they are appropriate to use as examples) and tell where you got the examples from.

Writing Question

Summarizing Becoming a Strategic Leader chapters (60 points).

Do the following for any 2 of the Chapters 3 through 7 of Becoming a Strategic Leader: Summarize each chapter in no more than 300 words for that chapter. In other words, you could for example have summaries of Chapter 4 with 299 words and Chapter 6 with 254 words Think of this activity as your communicating to a leader of any type of organization what the main point(s) of the chapter are. Be sure to include and explain what you feel are the major concepts or ideas from a particular chapter that you select.

Further examples for a concept or idea from Becoming a Strategic Leader book (20 points).

Take any two concepts or ideas described in the Becoming a Strategic Leader book and provide another supporting example for each besides those described in the book itself. Explain why you chose these examples (why they are appropriate to use as examples) and tell where you got the examples from.

Disagreement with Becoming a Strategic Leader book (10 points).

Take any idea or concept presented in the Becoming a Strategic Leader book that you disagree with and explain why you disagree with it. Be sure to cite the idea or concept and where it is located in the book. Further, be sure to explain your reasoning for this disagreement. Please note: It is acceptable to disagree with anything in the book; what matters is your explanation for your disagreement.

Which of the following is NOT an approach for handling nonlinear relationship between Y and X?

Week 11: Homework, Model Building

Quiz Instructions

Question 1
The following is the quadratic regression equation for a sample of
(1) predict Y for
. (Keep integer)
Suppose that the computed test statistic for the quadratic regression coefficient is 1.95. At the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence that the quadratic model is better than the linear model?

(Put “Y” for “Yes” or “N” for “N”)

Question 2

The logarithm transformation can be used

  • to overcome violations to the autocorrelation assumption.
  • to test for possible violations to the autocorrelation assumption.
  • to change a nonlinear model into a linear model.
  • to change a linear independent variable into a nonlinear independent variable.

Question 3

Which of the following is NOT an approach for handling nonlinear relationship between Y and X?

  • Logarithmic transformation
  • Square-root transformation
  • Quadratic regression model
  • Variance inflationary factor

Question 4

A real estate builder wishes to determine how house size (House) is influenced by family income (Income), family size (Size), and education of the head of household (School). House size is measured in hundreds of square feet, income is measured in thousands of dollars, and education is in years. The builder randomly selected 50 families and constructed the multiple regression model. The business literature involving human capital shows that education influences an individual’s annual income. Combined, these may influence family size. With this in mind, what should the real estate builder be particularly concerned with when analyzing the multiple regression model?


  • Randomness of error terms
  • Collinearity
  • Normality of residuals
  • Missing observations

Question 5

A regression diagnostic tool used to study the possible effects of collinearity is

  • the slope.
  • the Y-intercept.
  • the VIF.

Question 6

The Variance Inflationary Factor (VIF) measures the

  • correlation of the X variables with the Y variable.
  • correlation of the X variables with each other.
  • contribution of each X variable with the Y variable after all other X variables are included in the model.
  • standard deviation of the slope.

Question 7

An independent variable X is considered highly correlated with the other independent variables if

  • VIF<5
  • VIF>5
  • VIF>1
  • VIF>4

Question 8

Which of the following is used to find a “best” (most appropriate) model?

  • statistic or adjusted R square
  • Standard error of the estimate
  • VIF

Question 9

The statistic is used

  • to determine if there is a problem of collinearity.
  • if the variances of the error terms are all the same in a regression model.
  • to choose the best model.
  • to determine if there is an irregular component in a time series.

Question 10
Using the best-subsets approach to model building, models are being considered
when their


Based on your new understanding of how to identify your own responsibility in the learning or behavioral process, explain whether you might handle failure, in general, differently now. If so how? If not, why not?

PSY331: Attribution Theory and Performance: It Was Their Fault—Or Was It?

To successfully write this journal,

  • Discuss your understanding, based on our required content, of attribution theory, including the origins and major premises.
  • Describe stability and controllability and how they affect performance attributions. Include why these matter in the context of learning.
  • Identify a time where you feel you have failed and blamed someone or something else when it was not actually, in hindsight, their fault (e.g., the teacher, the friend, a loved one). (Failure could be academic, relational, and/or organizational—loss of a job.)
  • Elaborate on how blaming the external source(s) preserved your self-image and your self-efficacy?
  • Based on your new understanding of how to identify your own responsibility in the learning or behavioral process, explain whether you might handle failure, in general, differently now. If so how? If not, why not?

Your journal this week should be 400 to 500 words, limit quoted material, and have an introduction and a conclusion

We have been in a era of deregulation similar to the period leading up to the Great recession. Are you concerned that history may repeat itself again?

Unit 5 D. B: 5.2

We have been in a era of deregulation similar to the period leading up to the Great recession. Are you concerned that history may repeat itself again?

Compare the formal strategies of Bowling for Columbine and Koyaanisqatsi. How does each film present and establish its position or set of ideas? How is each approach more appropriate to the rhetorical or expository purpose of the film?


Your short essay should be between three and (no more than) four typed, double-spaced pages (800–1,000 words) on the following topic:

Compare the formal strategies of Bowling for Columbine and Koyaanisqatsi. How does each film present and establish its position or set of ideas? How is each approach more appropriate to the rhetorical or expository purpose of the film? In your analysis, specifically refer to the different expositional and imaginative practices that are central to each film. Do not merely list the various practices used in each film; rather, explain in what particular way those practices are employed to convey a particular message.

A paper that lists and compares the strategies but does not make connections to each film’s practices with respect to its message can only receive a grade in the C range. That is, your paper needs to detail the particulars of the documentary form for both films. Try to explain why the practices chosen by Moore and Reggio, respectively, are appropriate for their film’s particular purpose.

Briefly summarize the current event and the specific ways in which it is broadly affecting consumer behavior. Describe how the current event has specifically affected your own purchasing decisions.

Marketing Question

Identify one current event that you believe is affecting how consumers are making buying decisions.

Then, address the following:

  • Briefly summarize the current event and the specific ways in which it is broadly affecting consumer behavior.
  • Describe how the current event has specifically affected your own purchasing decisions.
  • Describe two data-collection tool that could be used to evaluate the actual impact the current event is having on consumer behavior or preferences. Indicate whether the tool reflects quantitative or qualitative data.