
Acting as a Caribbean journalist for the fictional magazine, The Caribbean Today, write a magazine article including pictures and /or other illustrations, in which you present your own opinion on Haiti’s current affairs.

History Question


1. View the following two video news reports from mainstream media outlets on current affairs in Haiti.

2. Acting as a Caribbean journalist for the fictional magazine, The Caribbean Today, write a magazine article including pictures and /or other illustrations, in which you present your own opinion on Haiti’s current affairs by

  • Discussing the historical context of the present-day situation in Haiti
  • Comparing and critiquing the issues presented by these two reports and
  • Linking these issues to themes examined in FOUN 1101 (Caribbean Civilation)

Video Report 1: Port-au-Prince: Haiti’s Capital City Taken Hostage by Brutal Gangs

BBC News, 5 December 2022

Video Report 2: Gangs in Haiti Battle for Control Amid Unrest

CBS News, 5 December 2022


Which dimensions were easy to evaluate, and which were not?? How strong is the culture of your school? What functions does the culture serve for your school? Do you think the culture of your school is best suited to maximizing your learning? Why or why not?

Rate the culture of your school on the 10 dimensions.

4.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  • Which dimensions were easy to evaluate, and which were not??
  • How strong is the culture of your school?
  • What functions does the culture serve for your school?
  • Do you think the culture of your school is best suited to maximizing your learning? Why or why not?
  • What kind of projects would be easy to implement in your school and what kind of projects would be difficult, given the structure and culture of your school? Explain your answer.

Does the statement define a business domain and explain why it is attractive? Does the statement describe the company’s responsibility to its stakeholders? Does the statement give a portrait of the company, capturing the culture of the organization?

Management Question



Read the given case information and answer the questions that follow.

[Source: (adapted)]

Bangalore Enterprise Blossoms

Rama Karaturi had the idea for his rose-growing business. When he searched the city of Bangalore, in India, without success, for a bouquet of roses for his wife’s birthday. The city was a rose-free zone, so he decided to start growing them himself. He had wanted to take decisions for himself for some time and he also wanted to earn much more than his current salary. In 1996, he opened two greenhouses growing just roses. He used his own savings so took a considerable risk, but his confidence in the growth of ‘flower giving’ at times of major festivals encouraged other investors too. He sold the flowers in India, but his business also became one of the first in India to start exporting flowers on a large scale. Rama worked long hours to make his business a success. The business, called Katuri Networks, has grown at a tremendous rate, helped by Rama’s all-round business skills. He recently bought out a large rose grower in Kenya and his business is now the world’s largest cultivator of roses – and Rama achieved this in a little over ten years.


1. Rama is an example of a ‘Business Entrepreneur’. Explain what is meant by this term. [3]

2. Explain any two problems Rama’s business might have experienced during the set-up stage. [4]


Part II

A mission statement is a brief description of why a company or organization exists. It tells the purpose of being. It explains what the company does, who it serves, and what differentiates it from competitors. It’s used to provide focus, direction, and inspiration to employees while it tells customers or clients what to expect from the business.

Mission statements vary widely from one company to another. One mission statement could be better than the other.


Q 3. Using the Internet, find and write the mission statements of three different organizations, (it can be Profit or Non-Profit Organizations).

Evaluate any one mission statement which you find best using the following questions. [5]

  • Is the statement easy to read? Mention the scope of the mission statement.
  • Does the statement define a business domain and explain why it is attractive?
  • Does the statement describe the company’s responsibility to its stakeholders?
  • Does the statement give a portrait of the company, capturing the culture of the organization?

Q 4. Which mission statement you find the best among the three? Why? [3]

Is federalism (the sharing of power between the states and the national government) still a useful concept, or would it be better to have a unified country with only one central government?

History discussion question

Answer this question in 100-200 words.

Is federalism (the sharing of power between the states and the national government) still a useful concept, or would it be better to have a unified country with only one central government?

Define the problem, frame and propose solution, oversee deliverable. Develop technical solution, design system architecture. Explain the client’s needs, develop implementation plan.

Develop a new solution and implementation plan to propose to the client’s executive management.

You will be working with a team of fellow consultants, developing solutions to help your clients deliver care more efficiently and effectively. Instead of analyzing available solutions as in the Individual Whitepapers, your team will be developing a new solution and implementation plan to propose to the client’s executive management. For this assignment each team member will assume one of three roles:

Project Manager – Define the problem, frame and propose solution, oversee deliverable.

Systems Engineer – Develop technical solution, design system architecture.

Business Analyst – Explain the client’s needs, develop implementation plan.

Each student should assume a different role for each report, with groups of four students “doubling up” on whichever role is most useful for a given project, and each team member’s role should be listed on the cover page of the report. The report should contain two single-spaced pages of text (not including the bibliography) per group member plus a system architecture diagram drafted by the engineer. At least five academic papers should be cited to support your position, and please include an annotated bibliography at the end. Please include PDF copies of each source cited in the report with your submission.

It should be about Healthcare information retrieval or Healthcare Imaging systems

Create an HTML form that accepts the user’s input to enter his/her first name, last name and sex.

E-portal development

Question One

  1. Create an HTML form that accepts the user’s input to enter his/her first name, last name and sex.
  2. Create a php file that displays the following sentence:

Hello first name laste name, welcome to IT405.

The sentence should be colored in blue or pink according to the sex..

Your program output should look as shown below

  1. Include the screenshot of the program output as a part of your answer.


Question Two

  1. Given the following HTML form code, write a php file that displays all the input of the user as a list.

<!DOCTYPE html>






<form method=“get” action=“file.php”>

First Name:<input type=“text” name=“first”><br />

Last Name:<input type=“text” name=“last”><br />

Email:<input type=“text” name=“email”><br />

Level:<input type=“text” name=“level”><br />

<input type=“submit” value=“submit” name=“submit”>




Include the screenshot of the program output as a part of your answer.


Question Three

  1. Write a PHP program to create a new string where IT’ is added to the front of a given string. If the string already begins with ‘IT’, the program returns the string unchanged.
    Sample InputèOutput
    “405” è IT405
    “403”è IT403
    “IT401” èIT401
  2. Include the screenshot of the program output as a part of your answer.

Why do some critics argue that casemix and managed care systems provide lower-quality care than FFS (FREE For Service) system? Evaluate this possibility from a societal perspective?

Health care economics and health insurance

  1. Discuss ways that managed care organizations may be able to reduce costs of care to their clients?
  2. Explain how the availability of alternative funding systems like casemix and managed care is expected to produce competitive effects throughout the health economy?
  3. Why do some critics argue that casemix and managed care systems provide lower-quality care than FFS (FREE For Service) system? Evaluate this possibility from a societal perspective?
  4. Discuss the ways that casemix and managed care systems can influence the adoption of new technologies?

On what theory or theories might Tommy recover damages and what defenses may reasonably be raised against: El Bicho Discuss. Mary Discuss.

Criminal Justice Question

Open a blank Microsoft® Word® document which should be labeled ‘Torts 612 Assignment # 8’ followed by your last name and your student number. In that Word Document answer the following essay question in an IRAC format. Choose your sentences carefully. They should explain why your choice is correct. Do not be conclusionary. Once you have completed this assignment, save it on your computer where you will be able to find it. You will then use the ‘browse’ button at the bottom of the assignment to retrieve the assignment and then submit it by clicking the ‘upload’ button. The faculty’s correct answer and some of the student’s answers will be posted on the Assignment Forum. You will earn participation credit for submitting substantive comments about the answers posted.

El Bicho Manufacturing produces a bug spray poison called “Bugs be Gone” and sells the product through a network of retail distributors. El bicho came up with a new package design for the spray can that contains the bug spray. The design was pretty pink, yellow and purple flowers with a few butterflies and ladybugs on the label. Distributor Sales Co. sold 100 cases to Acme a home improvement chain. In the State of Carlton, a consumer, Mrs. Angie Jones, who has ants in her kitchen, purchased two cans of Bugs be Gone” from Acme. When she arrived home she used the spray around her kitchen to kill the ants.

Once she was done cleaning up the dead ants from her kitchen, she left the spray cans on the kitchen table and then went upstairs to shower and get dressed to go out to dinner with her husband, Jon. Once the baby sitter, Mary showed up, Jon and Angie left for the restaurant leaving Tommy, their 4 year old boy with the baby sitter. Tommy cannot yet read. While they were out to dinner Tommy goes into the kitchen and finds the Bugs be Gone can of bug poison. Mistaking it for air freshener, Tommy sprays the bug spray around the kitchen and some of the spray got into his eyes, thereby causing serious permanent damage to his left eye. Mary did not see Tommy go into the kitchen, since she was busy texting her boyfriend on her cell phone.

On what theory or theories might Tommy recover damages and what defenses may reasonably be raised against:

  1. El Bicho  Discuss.
  2. Mary  Discuss.

Remember, this assignment must be prepared in Microsoft® Word® using the Times New Roman font, 12 point, single space, double space between paragraphs. Each page must be numbered and your last name and student number included on the upper left hand corner of each page.

On what theory or theories might the injured milk consumers recover damages from, and what defenses should they anticipate, in actions against: Grain Co.? Discuss. Farmer Jones? Discuss. Big Food? Discuss.

Extra Credit Assignment 8

You may earn extra credit by completing the Extra Credit Writing Assignments in this course. Immediately below is an Extra Credit Essay Question for you to complete. Please understand that the Extra Credit Writing Assignment is not a substitute for the Required Writing Assignment that is due this week. You will not earn the Weekly Writing Assignment Credit for completing the Extra Credit Writing Assignment.

This Extra Credit Essay Question is to be complete this week and submitted according to the directions below. You will not receive a grade for this Extra Credit Assignment. However a sample answer will be posted so you can compare your work to the sample answer.

Open a blank Microsoft® Word® document which should be labeled ‘Torts 612 Extra Credit # 8’ followed by your last name and your student number. Once you have completed this assignment, save it on your computer where you will be able to find it. You will then use the ‘browse’ button at the bottom of the assignment to retrieve the assignment and then submit it by clicking the ‘upload’ button.

Grain Co. purchases grain from farmers each fall to resell as seed grain to other farmers for spring planting. Because of problems presented by parasites which attack and eat seed grain that is stored for more than a few months, Grain Co., like all seed grain dealers, always treats the seed grain it purchases with an invisible mercury-based chemical to poison these parasites. Grain Co. sells the seed grain loose by the truckload to the farmers who will plant the seed. The Grain Co. trucks display signs that state: “Seed Grain. Not for Use in Food Products.”

Farmer Jones bought a truckload of seed grain from Grain Co. She was present when the seed grain was delivered, and supervised the Grain Co. employees who unloaded the seed grain into her silos. She then used some of the seed grain to sow her field. When she found that she had some seed grain left over, she fed it to her dairy cattle. Farmer Jones sold the milk produced by her dairy cattle to Big Food Stores, Inc. (“Big Food”). Several of the people who bought their milk at Big Food became seriously ill, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a government agency that investigates outbreaks of illness, determined that mercury poisoning was the cause of their illness. CDC traced the mercury to the milk that Farmer Jones sold to Big Food.

On what theory or theories might the injured milk consumers recover damages from, and what defenses should they anticipate, in actions against:

  1. Grain Co.? Discuss.
  2. Farmer Jones? Discuss.
  3. Big Food? Discuss.

Remember, this assignment must be prepared in Microsoft® Word® using the Times New Roman font, 12 point, single space, double space between paragraphs. Each page must be numbered and your last name and student number included on the upper left hand corner of each page.

Under what theory or theories might Victor’s parents bring an action for damages against Alice? Discuss.

Extra Credit Assignment 6

You may earn extra credit by completing the Extra Credit Writing Assignments in this course. Immediately below is an Extra Credit Essay Question for you to complete. Please understand that the Extra Credit Writing Assignment is not a substitute for the Required Writing Assignment that is due this week. You will not earn the Weekly Writing Assignment Credit for completing the Extra Credit Writing Assignment.

This Extra Credit Essay Question is to be completed this week and submitted according to the directions below. You will not receive a grade for this Extra Credit Assignment. However a sample answer will be posted so you can compare your work to the sample answer.

Open a blank Microsoft® Word® document which should be labeled ‘Torts 612 Extra Credit # 6’ followed by your last name and your student number. Once you have completed this assignment, save it on your computer where you will be able to find it. You will then use the ‘browse’ button at the bottom of the assignment to retrieve the assignment and then submit it by clicking the ‘upload’ button.

Alice operates a daycare center in her home from Monday through Friday for children from ages 6 months to three years old. One Friday, she discovered some mice in her house and called Bob, an exterminator. She told Bob that she runs the daycare center in her home for very young children and needs to get rid of the mice by the following Monday, when the children will return.

On Saturday, Bob placed small plastic packages of poison pellets in the corners of every room in the house. He explained that the mice would gnaw through the plastic packaging to eat the pellets, and then die shortly thereafter. On each package was printed the following warning:


Before leaving Alice’s house, Bob told her that the mice should ingest the pellets by Monday morning and that she could if she wanted to remove what is left of the packages before the children arrived.

Shortly before the children arrived on Monday morning, Alice removed as many of the packages of poison as she could find. Later that day, nine-month-old Victor, one of the children in Alice’s daycare center, was crawling along the floor of the living room when he found a package that Alice had missed. It had already been gnawed into by a mouse, and Victor reached in and ate some of the pellets. He became seriously ill. Medical tests determined that Victor’s illness was caused by his ingestion of the mouse poison.

Under what theory or theories might Victor’s parents bring an action for damages against Alice? Discuss.

Remember, this assignment must be prepared in Microsoft® Word® using the Times New Roman font, 12 point, single space, double space between paragraphs. Each page must be numbered and your last name and student number included on the upper left hand corner of each page.