
What are at least three key course takeaways that resonate with you and that you may use in your current or future workplace? Explain how they resonate with you. When thinking of attributes of an effective leader, what personal brand traits do they appear to possess?

 Discussion: Wrap-Up

Leaders must understand the importance of the brand to business success and sustainability. It is important for you to reflect on the last nine weeks and the relevance of marketing to optimizing a brand. The theme park scenario you have worked on will, someday, not be a purely hypothetical situation to you. You will be faced with real-world crises and challenges. There will be critical roles for marketing and other functional departments to play when they arise.

One of the important factors in your personal success will be how you brand yourself. What do you represent? Why should you be the “go-to” future leader of an organization? Why should you be the first choice as that leader? You are being asked to self-reflect on what you want your personal brand to be.

In your initial post, you should address the following questions based on what you learned in this course:

  • What are at least three key course takeaways that resonate with you and that you may use in your current or future workplace? Explain how they resonate with you.
  • When thinking of attributes of an effective leader, what personal brand traits do they appear to possess?
  • Describe your desired personal brand. How can being a lifelong learner help with reaching your desired personal brand image?

When responding to at least two of your peers’ posts, consider the following:

  • Compare and contrast your learning from the course with that of your peers.
  • How do your views on the attributes of an effective leader align with those of your peers?

What is the policy issue? What was the event or series of events that was a catalyst for action? Is it a problem or crisis that demands immediate attention? What interests are at stake for the Actor (e.g. the government) overall?

Policy Brief and Analysis of Canadian Indigenous Policy

Section I – Identify the Policy Problem
This section describes the symptoms, magnitude, and consequences of the policy problem you are analyzing, and identifies one or more plausible goals for government intervention (i.e. goals for a policy or program).

Your analysis should convince a thoughtful, analytic reader of the existence and importance of the policy problem, and inform the reader about alternative goals for public intervention. You should not approach this as an advocate (watch out for exaggerated claims, etc.) and you should not begin by identifying the lack of a policy or program as the problem.

Your analysis in this section should address the following questions:

  • What is the policy issue?
  • What was the event or series of events that was a catalyst for action?
  • Is it a problem or crisis that demands immediate attention?
  • What interests are at stake for the Actor (e.g. the government) overall?

Section II – What are the Potential Solutions?
This section describes and evaluates the policy alternatives designed to help meet the policy goals. You are expected to identify alternatives and to identify and logically support criteria by which these alternatives can be compared. The alternatives can draw on both existing policies and programs, or propose new ones.

This section should address the following questions:

  • What alternatives were considered to address the policy problem?
  • Why were the other alternatives rejected? Were they rejected for political or rational reasons?
  • Describe the trade-offs policy makers must accept based on your selection.

Section III – What Action do you recommend?
Now that you know the problem, the goals, the alternatives, and advantages of each, your job in this section is to think critically about the implementation realities.

You will want to consider the political interests and how they are organized, along with the ability to enact policy alternatives. It is important to remember that new policies create new politics. Based on your analysis, make a recommendation for action or, if there is no single “best” solution, compare the relative benefits of the top two alternatives.

Questions to be addressed in this section include:

  • Who are the primary stakeholders? What are their interests?
  • What is the extent of agreement on goals? What are the potential conflicts?
  • What is the possibility for implementing various alternatives?

Contrast the use of an internal evaluator and an external evaluator for program evaluation. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of having an individual employed by the institution conduct the evaluation versus contracting with an external program evaluator.

Nursing Question

Contrast the use of an internal evaluator and an external evaluator for program evaluation. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of having an individual employed by the institution conduct the evaluation versus contracting with an external program evaluator.

What is the significance of descriptive statistics? How can they be applied to your area of nursing? Give some examples.


What is the significance of descriptive statistics? How can they be applied to your area of nursing? Give some examples.

Write a 3-page paper clarifying what each of these groups believe, making sure to address the points. Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of each.

Clarify the distinctives of Arminianism and Calvinism.


Calvinism and Arminianism are two major competing theologies as it relates to understanding the doctrine of salvation. Calvinistic theology describes the theological views of John Calvin and is often synonymous with Calvinism and the reformed faith. Arminian theology describes the theological views of Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609). Due to the sincere and deeply held beliefs of the adherents to these theologies along with their prevalence, it is important that students understand what they are, what makes them unique, and the doctrinal positions each group affirms.

Assigned reading from Basic Theology and The Moody Handbook of Theology

Write a 3-page paper clarifying what each of these groups believe, making sure to address the points below:

  • Arminianism and Calvinism defined.
  • The History of Arminianism and Calvinism.
  • Doctrinal affirmations of Arminian Theology and Calvinistic Theology.

Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of each.

In The Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Michael Chabon questions whether superhero comics are a tool of social change, a cheap escape from reality or, worse yet, an indulgence of people’s worst revenge and power fantasies. Given that superhero comics reflect problems and anxieties present in our culture, what, if anything, do they have to contribute to our responses to those problems and anxieties?


Instructions: Choose two of the three questions listed below and, for each question, write a ballpark 750 to 1000 word essay that answers it. You should treat your responses as essays, which means you are expected to provide an argumentative thesis, support your claims with evidence and detail drawn from our texts including specific references to the text (you should use multiple sources for each text), organize your writing into focused paragraphs, observe grammar and mechanics standards, and cite your sources appropriately in MLA Style (please refer to the Purdue OWL MLA site for advice and a refresher on how to do so). Each essay response is worth 150 points, with 100 points assigned to the argument and its quality and 50 points assigned to structure (please see the assignment rubric for more detail) making this exam worth 300 points overall.

Each essay response should be labeled with the question you are responding to and its number on this list.

You may choose between these questions:

1. A common criticism of superheroes is that they too often support the values and ideologies of dominant groups (i.e. the state, the ethnic majority, capitalist values) through their promotion of blind patriotism, adherence to law and promotion of The American Way, but others argue that superheroes are an equally powerful tool for the criticism of social injustices and serve as a useful figure through which to question our assumptions about what constitutes a just society. Write an essay arguing your point of view on this issue, and make sure your response addresses this question directly.

2. In The Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Michael Chabon questions whether superhero comics are a tool of social change, a cheap escape from reality or, worse yet, an indulgence of people’s worst revenge and power fantasies. Given that superhero comics reflect problems and anxieties present in our culture, what, if anything, do they have to contribute to our responses to those problems and anxieties?

3. The archetype of the superhero, like all cultural figurations, tends to change and adapt across different time periods, dependent on the needs, interests and views of society. In what ways do you believe superheroes have changed over time, and how are superheroes now different from their original Gold Age roots? How have they remained consistent? Be sure to address the social events that have caused such changes/consistency.

Explain how the four management functions relate to different management activities. Explain the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. Explain how conceptual, human, and technical skills are relevant to managers.

Management Analysis

Organizational management drives organizations to accomplish identified goals through analytic processes. Through discussion and analysis, management develops new ways to improve an organization’s efficiency and to increase profitability through reduced costs and increased revenues.

This topic addresses the following competency:
• Competency 3018.1.1: Practice of Management
The graduate explains the theoretical bases, current knowledge, best practices, and trends related to the practice of management.

This topic highlights the following objectives:
• Explain how the four management functions relate to different management activities.
• Explain the difference between efficiency and effectiveness.
• Explain how conceptual, human, and technical skills are relevant to managers.
• Define ten roles that managers perform in organizations.
• Describe the innovative use of management principles.
• Explain major developments in the history of management theory.

Explain the debate over the causes of poverty in Canada. What evidence suggests that the poor are responsible for poverty? What evidence suggests that society, as a whole, is responsible for poverty?

Poverty in Canada

Explain the debate over the causes of poverty in Canada. What evidence suggests that the poor are responsible for poverty? What evidence suggests that society, as a whole, is responsible for poverty? How has the documentary presented in class (generation poor) reinforced or changed your understanding of poverty in Canada? Which side of the debate do you find more convincing? Why?

Using your final project from Unit VII as a guide, create an six- to seven -slide PowerPoint presentation.

Cookie Business Final Presentation

Now that you have completed running some calculations for the cookie business in Unit VII, you will present your findings.

The learning objectives of this project allow you to apply accounting concepts and standards to the creation of accounting information and reports.

Using your final project from Unit VII as a guide, create an six- to seven -slide PowerPoint presentation.
In this presentation, you want to summarize what you found and discuss how you think these findings will help you make better business decisions.

In addition, provide future recommendations for the cookie business based on your report findings.

Write a 2000-word research essay, including interview material, on the coverage of an international news story.

Reporting on any international news

Write a 2000-word research essay, including interview material, on the coverage of an international news story. The story must have happened on or after September 1st, 2022.

Note that the focus of your essay needs to be a news story