
Write a program in a class CharacterFrequency that counts the number of times a digit appears in a telephone number. Create an array of size 10 that will hold the count for each digit from 0 to 9. Read a telephone number from the keyboard as a string. Examine each character in the phone number and increment the appropriate count in the array. Display the contents of the array.

Elements of computer programming


Problem 1: In check-writing systems, it’s crucial to prevent alteration of check amounts. One common security method requires that the amount be written in numbers and spelled out in words as well. Even if someone can alter the numerical amount of the check, it’s tough to change the amount in words. Create a dictionary that maps numbers to their corresponding word equivalents. Write a script that inputs a numeric check amount that’s less than 1000 and uses the dictionary to write the word equivalent of the amount. For example, the amount 112.43 should be written as:


Problem 2: Standard telephone keypads contain the digits zero through nine. The numbers two through nine each have three letters associated with them, as shown in the following table:

Many people find it difficult to memorize phone numbers, so they use the correspondence between digits and letters to develop seven-letter words (or phrases) that correspond to their phone numbers. For example, a person whose telephone number is 686-2377 might use the correspondence indicated in the preceding table to develop the seven letter word “NUMBERS.” Every seven-letter word or phrase corresponds to exactly one seven-digit telephone number. A budding data science entrepreneur might like to reserve the phone number 244-3282 (“BIGDATA”).

Every seven-digit phone number without 0s or 1s corresponds to many different seven-letter words, but most of these words represent unrecognizable gibberish. A veterinarian with the phone number 738-2273 would be pleased to know that the number corresponds to the letters “PETCARE.”

Write a script that, given a seven-digit number, generates every possible seven-letter word combination corresponding to that number. There are 2,187 (37) such combinations. Avoid phone numbers with the digits 0 and 1 (to which no letters correspond). See if your phone number corresponds to meaningful words.

Problem 3: Write a program in a class CharacterFrequency that counts the number of times a digit appears in a telephone number. Your program should create an array of size 10 that will hold the count for each digit from 0 to 9. Read a telephone number from the keyboard as a string. Examine each character in the phone number and increment the appropriate count in the array. Display the contents of the array.

What vulnerabilities found by Nessus would you attack? Why? Why would you want to scan a target using modules in msfconsole? Does a medium vulnerability always mean that a system can easily be exploited?

CYB 362 – Vulnerability Analysis Hands-on Assignment


The objective of this lab is to gain experience in vulnerability analysis.


  1. Laptop with internet connectivity
  2. Virtual environment
  3. One metasploitable machine
  4. One Kali machine

Lab Setup

  1. Go to and sign up for a nessus trial
  2. Go to the email you signed up with and copy the activation code to a note and click the download link
  3. Download the nessus version that will work on your kali box. (Nessus-x.x.x-debian_amd64.deb)
  4. Be sure you downloaded and installed the VirtualBox extension pack form
  5. Go to and download metasploitable to your host machine
  6. Extract the files to a folder on your desktop
  7. In VirtualBox create a new machine
  8. Set the type to linux and the version to Debian 32bit
  9. Create a new virtual hard disk, VDI
  10. Ensure the disk is dynamically allocated
  11. Set the hard disk size to whatever you like, this will be deleted soon
  12. Open the machines settings
  13. Go to storage
  14. Under Controller:SATA click the “machine_name”.vdi file
  15. Click add hard disk and choose existing disk
  16. Navigate to the folder with the metasploitable files
  17. Choose metasploitable.vmdk
  18. Go to the system tab
  19. In processor, check the extended features box
  20. Save the settings

Lab Procedure

  1.  Start the metasploitable machine you downloaded and login
    1. The credentials are msfadmin:msfadmin
    2. Type ifconfig to get the IP address and note it
  2. In kali, go to your downloads folder from command line where you should already have downloaded Nessus-x.x.x-debian6_amd64.deb
  3. Install Nessus. For this example, we are using version 7.2.1
    1. sudo dpkg -i Nessus-7.2.1-debian6_amd64.deb
  4. Start Nessus
  5. sudo /etc/init.d/nessusd start
  6. Open your browser and navigate to
  7. Create a username and password for your nessus account
  8. Enter the activation code you were sent from tenable
  9. Wait for plugins to compile (This may take some time)
  10. Create a new scan
  11. Choose advanced scan
  12. Name the scan msf scan
  13. Add the IP address of your msf machine, for example 192.168.1.x
  14. Save the scan
  15. Under my scans, click the run button next to your new scan
    1. The scan will populate in real time so you may see results during the test
  16. Once the scan is complete, take a screenshot of the results
  17. Pick several vulnerabilities and read what they do and how to exploit them
  18. Next, prepare a metasploit scan
  19. Open a console in Kali and start postgresql
    1. service postgresql start
  20. Initialize the metasploit database
    1. sudo msfdb init
  21. Start metasploit
    1. sudo msfconsole
  22. Ensure that the database has been connected
    1. db_status
    2. A positive result will be “postgresql connected to msf”
  23. Next, check the nmap db
    1. db_nmap
  24. Nmap the metasploitable machine from msfconsole
    1. db_nmap 192.168.1.x
  25. Screenshot the results
  26. FTP appears to have an open port on the target, let’s see if it’s vulnerable to anonymous login
  27. Select the FTP scanner is your msfconsole
    1. use auxiliary/scanner/ftp/anonymous
  28. Show the available options for the module
    1. show options
  29. Set the rhost, which is the target you wish to scan, from msfconsole to the metasploitable machine
    1. set RHOSTS 192.168.1.x
  30. Run the module
    1. run
  31. Screenshot the results
  32. Look in the auxiliar/scanner/ are of msfconsole for modules that can scan any services you find interesting
  33. Scan at least 1 other service and screenshot the results
  34. Use Nessus to scan your Ubuntu VM. Discuss the vulnerabilities found. See if you can find any vulnerabilities in your setup that you did not know existed.


Report Questions

  1. What vulnerabilities found by Nessus would you attack? Why?
  2. Why would you want to scan a target using modules in msfconsole?
  3. Does a medium vulnerability always mean that a system can easily be exploited?
  4. Name two vulnerabilities found by Nessus that you would not attack and why.
  5. Explain why Nessus is only one step to finding vulnerabilities and how it may be inaccurate.


Explain and draw the four sources of variation. Use the table worksheet below to explain and draw the four sources of variation.

Explain and draw the four sources of variation.

Use the table worksheet below to explain and draw the four sources of variation.

Four Sources of Variation In the four boxes below, explain each of these concepts that contributes to variation used in Natural Selection in a drawing or other visual way.
Mutation                                                                                                 Meiosis

Sexual Reproduction (on the cellular level — nothing your friend would giggle about)                   Polygenic Inheritance

Compare and contrast the information obtained about brand motivations by means of each interview format.

Marketing Question

Study consumer motivations for a brand of your choice. Four interviews are required, using any means (telephone, e-mail, video calls, etc), Two interviews will employ metaphor elicitation and two by means of individual depth interviews. For descriptions of these techniques see attachments in Blackboard. Your report will compare and contrast the information obtained about brand motivations by means of each interview format.

Why is the patient in the hospital: (Provide brief statement which led to the patient’s admission to hospital/facility i.e., need rehab post CVA)?

Weekly Nursing Process Worksheet

Instructions: Each clinical day each student will develop a nursing process outline for one patient of their choice. This portion of your clinical day is of the utmost importance. It provides you with key teaching-learning opportunities for your clinical practice and focuses on your ability to demonstrate patient care management with specific disease states through the AAPIE: Assess Analyze Plan Implement Evaluate. In this manner, what is the major purpose for using Tanner’s model of clinical Judgement? involves recognizing that an issue exists (patient problem), analyzing information about issues (clinical data about a patient), evaluating information (reviewing assumptions & evidence), and making conclusions.

These are quick notes and what should be assessed and what should be done throughout the shift. Expect to hone the skills of communication by focusing on the essentials of the care that was provided in handoff report and be able to “give report” utilizing the AAPIE format. These will be discussed in clinical and in post conferences with the faculty. Upload to CANVAS After the conference.

What needs to be done today.                                                                 Completed              Not Completed           Comments
Assess the patient.     YES    
Know the admitting diagnosis and hold status YES    
Read the most recent physician and nursing notes. YES    
Have the chart in hand or electronic chart open and be ready to report

●         allergies

●         medication times scheduled

●         fluids,

●         stat lab test results and   pre-op or procedures (if pertinent)


Patient Initials: G.J. Patient Age: 74 Gender    F    M     Allergies      NKA, NKDA       Isolation: N/A

  Other: __________ 

I am reporting about:  A 74 year old male patient Patient initial: G.J Room #201A
The problem and situation I am reporting about is:
Problem: Patient has pain due to a fall, subtle hazy and nodular opacities of the bilateral lungs are notes which present infection (pneumonia),




If this is a serious problem, identify what the code status is. Code/DNR    Full Code
Why is the patient in the hospital: (Provide brief statement which led to the patient’s admission to hospital/facility i.e., need rehab post CVA)?

74 year old male was admitted into the hospital on April 20th of a chief complaint of a fall. As per the patient he got up to go to the bathroom, and on his way back he fell. He says he tripped on his own feet. The family reported that the patient had been in bed for 3 days. The patient denied any chest pain, shortness of breath, fevers, chills, palpitations or abdominal pain. He denied any prodrome prior to fall. Patient had a cardiac cath about 10 years ago which was negative for significant CAD.


Admitting DX: Patient is admitted for Non-ST Elevation MI (NSTEMI) and type 2 MI (supply/demand) . Surgery: N/A

●        Briefly state why the patient is in the hospital give a synopsis of the treatment to date.
●        What is the admission plan?
●        Give the vital signs, pain level, oximetry, and how much oxygen is being given. (If none state none)

Blood pressure (128/81 mmHg), Heart rate (97 bpm), Temperature (97.7 F or 36.5 C), Respiration rate (15 breaths/min), O2 saturation (98%)

●        Relate the complaint given by the patient e.g., pain and anxiety level.

Patient verbalizes pain of 0/10 on pain scale and is feeling “fine”

●        Relate the physical assessment pertinent to the problem, especially any changes.


●       Pay special attention to mental status, skin temperature and emotional state of the patient

Patient has good eye contact, responsive, well-nourished, normal speech, appears comfortable, warm to the touch

PERTINENT HISTORY: (include pertinent history)


Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Heart Failure, Myocardial Infarction, Dementia, COPD,


 Psych: HAPPY          Living Situation: Patient lives in nursing care at CVS SNF

Give your conclusions about the present situation. Words like “might be” or “could be.”are helpful. A diagnosis is not necessary. (i.e., Patient’s tongue swelling might be from side effects from ACE drugs)


If the situation is unclear at least try to indicate what body system might be involved.
State how severe the problem seems to be. (Patient is having a severe chest pain from ischemia to cardiac vessels)


If appropriate, state the problem could be life threatening such as medication adverse effects.

(Pt is experiencing Red Man Syndrome from a severe reaction to Vancomycin infused too rapidly)


ANALYSIS OF ASSESSMENT: use the template on the next page


Research to determine the target audience of your business. Create three marketing personas that represent the organization’s target audience. Which platforms might best help you achieve your goals?

Social Media Marketing

Project Assignment

In this project, you will work as a group to provide social media consulting. You own a Social Media consulting company, and your company has been selected to work with a new Saudi B2C organization (business or non-profit) of your choice (select a business of any industry).

The selected business has decided to launch a New Product and Mobile App campaigns on social media. And they are planning to market and present their products or services on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Foursquare, Facebook, YouTube and Blog…. etc.

For this part of the assignment, you need to write a report that describe the following aspects of the business.

  1. Brief overview [Brand Summary & Social Media Accounts] [1.5 marks]
  • Find new creative store/business name [Doesn’t exist].
  • Give a brief description about your company and the industry?
  • Create proper social media accounts [such as Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat]. And provide screenshots of the accounts that you’ll use across all social platforms.
  • Explain the competitive advantage to show how the company can realize significant gains by using SMM and what do you want to achieve with social media?


  1. Audit your social media platforms performance [2 marks]
  • After creating your social media accounts, share links with your colleagues on discussion board.
  • All students are required to participate/engage [likes, comments, tags or share] and provide screenshots.
  • Social media marketing statistics will give you the vision you need to improve your plan, check your account’s statistics [ex: Twitter analytics, Instagram Insights] and attach a screenshot to your report.
  • After that, you must analyze the company’s use of the social media by examining their presence on the following social media platforms:


Metric Sentiment Reach Company Posts Feedback Average response time to feedback
Platform 1          
Platform 2          
Platform 3          


Note: you can use any free online Sentiment Analysis tools to evaluate your social media presence.


  1. Social media benchmarking [3.5 marks]
  • Review the social media accounts of five local competitors and pay attention to their tone and personality and analyze your competition’s social media platforms. Base your analysis on what you’ve observed on your competitor’s social media accounts across all platforms.

For each competitor answer the following questions:

  • How your competitors use each platform?
  • What type of content are they posting? And social media platforms used?
  • What content is getting the highest engagement [e.g. retweet, likes, comments]?
  • How many followers do they have?
  • How often do they post [daily, weekly, or monthly]?
  • Do they respond to comments? And how?
  • Are your competitors successful on these platforms?

Note: You can use any free online third-party platform for further analysis.

  • After completing the benchmarking, think about the results and act accordingly, how can a benchmarking analysis help your business?
  • Look at the data you’ve collected and identify the areas that need improvement (Explain).

4. Define your social media marketing goals (based on launching a new Product and Mobile App campaigns) [1.5 marks]

  • Based on the finding from your social media audit, write the goals and strategies section of your SMMP.
  • How are you going to get people to engage with your business on social media?
  1. Research your target audience [1.5 mark]
  • Research to determine the target audience of your business.
  • Create three marketing personas that represent the organization’s target audience.
  • Which platforms might best help you achieve your goals? [Select at least 4 platforms].



Reference list

List all the sources you have used in the process of researching your work

What is the price of the put according to the Black-Scholes equation? Under what circumstances does the investor make a profit? Under what circumstances will the option be exercised?

Homework AD 717

Week 11

Problem 1.
An investor buys a European style put option. The stock price is $42 and the strike price is $40. The option has ninety days until maturity. The riskfree rate stands at 1.6%, and the volatility of the stock returns is 49%.
a) What is the price of the put according to the BlackScholes equation?
b) Under what circumstances does the investor make a profit?
c) Under what circumstances will the option be exercised?
d) Draw a diagram showing the variation of the investor’s profit with the stock price at the maturity of the option.
e) Sketch how the value of the option varies with the stock price three months out, one month out, and on maturity

Problem 2.
Traders can use multiple strategies when they are bullish on the stock of a company. Two examples are
(i) writing a put option and (ii) buying a call option. Let us assume the stock does not pay a dividend.
a) Draw the payoff diagram at maturity for the put option and the call option. The put option has a strike price of $40, and it trades for $2. The call option has a strike price of $45, and it trades for $1.
b) List the maximum possible gains and losses for each strategy.
c) If the option is European style, it can only be exercised at maturity. American style options can be exercised at any time. Explain how this affects the strategies of the option seller and of the option buyer.

Critically evaluate the application of project management methodologies and techniques used to organise and plan project time, cost, resources and people. Demonstrate critical understanding on how cultural, communication, leadership and teamwork affect international project management.

Project Management

This assignment is designed to assess Learning outcome 3, from the following.

1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the role of project management within organisations to deliver successful change.

2. Demonstrate competence in planning a project within a given organisational context.

3. Critically evaluate the application of project management methodologies and techniques used to organise and plan project time, cost, resources and people.

4. Demonstrate critical understanding on how cultural, communication, leadership and teamwork affect international project management.

Assessment Information

You are required to develop a strategic project plan in the form of a document not more than 2400 words, excluding appendices and references. There is considerable freedom of choice for a suitable project scenario. But whatever scenario you choose, assessment is against specific criteria that originate in the module learning outcomes.

​List three (3) teaching points the nurse can provide a client with cholelithiasis on dietary choices for symptom management. ​Describe the goals and interventions of palliative care and provide one example of a client who might benefit from a referral to palliative care services.


  1. Send a detailed summary (2-3 sentences each) of 6 concepts learned from the focused review to Virtual-ATI Educator.

Dietary Choices for A Client Who Has Cholelithiasis

Planning Care for a Client Who Has Disseminated Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Evaluating Effectiveness of Fluid Replacement

Caring for a client with severe neutropenia.

Postoperative complication (the client has onset of excessive clotting followed by severe bleeding).

Precautions While Taking Chemotherapy for Cancer Treatment


  1. Answer the following questions 
While assessing a client two hours after a transurethral prostatectomy (TURP), the nurse notes the catheter drainage is bright red in color and contains many clots.  Name the priority nursing intervention.


A nurse is caring for a client who has just been admitted following surgical evacuation of a subdural hematoma. List one (1) priority nursing assessment to be completed.
A surgeon has explained an upcoming procedure to the client and the client has signed the informed consent form. An hour later the client tells the nurse, “I’m not really sure if I should have this operation. It sounds like there are a lot of risks”. What is the nurse’s responsibility in this situation?

​A client is being discharge to home after a total hip arthroplasty. Identify two (2) supportive equipment items the client will need to prevent strain on the prosthesis, postoperatively.
​​​A nurse is caring for a client with a latex allergy. What steps should the nurse take when initiating an IV line on this client?

​A home care nurse visits a client who has stage 4 metastatic lung cancer. He tells the nurse, “I don’t want any more chemotherapy or surgery. I just want to be made comfortable”. How can the nurse advocate for this client?

​List three (3) teaching points the nurse can provide a client with cholelithiasis on dietary choices for symptom management.
​Describe the goals and interventions of palliative care and provide one example of a client who might benefit from a referral to palliative care services.
​A nurse conducts a health seminar with clients. Identify four (4) risk factors for osteoporosis that should be discussed.
​An older client asks a nurse what she can do to minimize the risk of developing osteoporosis.  Identify 3 (three) health promotion activities the client should implement.
​The nurse is screening a client who has a family history of colorectal cancer. Identify three (3) modifiable risk factors for colorectal cancer to discuss with the client.
​A nurse provides discharge teaching for a client admitted in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Identify four (4) actions the client/family should take to recognize DKA prior to seeking medical attention.
​A school nurse is conducting a health class regarding symptoms of a urinary tract infection.  Identify four (4) expected findings.

A nurse is caring for a client in skeletal traction. What guidelines should the nurse observe regarding traction?

​The nurse is assessing a client with peripheral vascular disease. Describe the clinical manifestations the nurse would anticipate for venous insufficiency versus arterial insufficiency.
​A community health nurse is conducting a class for senior adults regarding osteoarthritis.  Identify five (5) possible contraindications for taking over-the-counter glucosamine and chondroitin.
A nurse is caring for a client who has dysphagia following an ischemic stroke.  The nurse understands that the client must be kept NPO until being evaluated by what member of the health care team?
​A nurse is teaching a client newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Describe management strategies for urinary elimination, diplopia, fatigue and safety.
​Describe the purpose and process of using hydrotherapy for wound care on a client who has a burn injury.

​A nurse swiftly completes an assessment after hearing a high-pressure alarm on the ventilation of a client in respiratory failure. Identify three (3) potential reasons for the alarm to alert the nurse.

​A nurse is caring for a client immediately following a paracentesis for ascites. What is a potential complication of this procedure? What are appropriate interventions for management of this potential complication?

A client is experiencing disequilibrium syndrome.  List three (3) manifestations associated with this presentation and three (3) associated nursing actions to manage the syndrome.


A 54-year-old client has undergone a surgical repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The postoperative orders include to maintain a warm environment. What is the rationale for this order?
​A nurse is providing teaching for a client who has a newly placed colostomy. Describe three (three) teaching points each for nutrition and ostomy care.
To assess for Chvostek’s sign in a client with hypocalcemia, how will the nurse illicit it?
A nurse is caring for a client who has hyponatremia.  Identify three (3) complications of hyponatremia.


​A community health nurse is teaching a class on testicular self-examination (TSE). What findings would need further evaluation for possible testicular cancer.
​The nurse answers a client’s call bell to find the client’s abdominal wound bleeding and after a brief assessment discovers the wound has eviscerated. Identify the priority interventions the nurse must perform.
​An occupational health nurse cares for a client who encountered a chemical splash to the eyes.  Identify three (3) nursing actions involving irrigation of the eyes.




Which elements of the supply chain should be managed within and beyond the organisation and how can technology be used to facilitate this? What are the practical issues with online supply chain management?

E – businesses strategy

•Which technologies should we deploy for supply chain management and how should they be prioritised?
Which elements of the supply chain should be managed within and beyond the organisation and how can technology be used to facilitate this?
What are the practical issues with online supply chain management?