
Write a review, survey or state-of-art article within the domain of topic (Access Control in IoT).

Project 666

You are requested to write review, survey or state-of-art article within the domain of topic (Access Control in IoT).

Your article must give an overview of existing literature in a field, often identifying specific problems or issues and analyzing information from available published work on the topic with a balanced perspective.


  1. The template of the article can be found on
  2. You need to prepare a paper of a length of at least six pages
  3. At least, 10 of your references must be from journal articles published in well publishers’ databases; IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley and Taylor & Francis.
  4. Avoid plagiarism.
  5. Word format only
  6. Presentation ppt. The maximum slides number is 10 slides.

Write one well-formed paragraph that summarizes the design process described in the case study.

Medical Device Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Case Study 1

Read the case study in the attached CS file, and take note of the different processes mentioned that were discussed in class. After reading, submit answer to the following questions in Blackboard.

1. Write one wellformed paragraph that summarizes the design process described in the case study. To get full credit, your wellformed paragraph must be at least 4 sentences, include a thesis statement that summarizes the paragraph, and have supporting sentences that give evidence for your statement.

Step by step hand written problems to the following questions in the textbook Textbook problems: 5.1 # 2, 10 5.2 # 35, 44, 46, 57-60

Calculus Web assign and discussion questions

Complete Web assign homework one

And step by step hand written problems to the following questions in the textbook Textbook problems:

  • 5.1 # 2, 10
  • 5.2 # 35, 44, 46, 57-60

Give an example of a learning organization from the SAUDI market. Describe the mission statement and vision of this organization. In which way this organization is considered a learning organization? Is it successful? What are the main problems faced by this organization to implement this approach?

Management case study

Question 1.

What is a learning organization? Discuss why is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management. (max 350 words)

Give an example of a learning organization from the SAUDI market. Describe the mission statement and vision of this organization. In which way this organization is considered a learning organization? Is it successful? What are the main problems faced by this organization to implement this approach? Justify. (max 350 words)

Question 2.

Refer to Porter’s forces driving industry competition to answer the following questions: (max 500 words)

  • In your opinion, what is/are the most important force(s) in Porter’s industry forces? Why?
  • What determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry?
  • How can a decision maker identify strategic factors in a corporation’s external international environment?
  • What are the main limits and drawbacks of Porter’s forces?
  • Choose an example of an organization from the Saudi market and draw the matrix of Porter’s forces. What is the main force in this case? Assess the competitive advantage of your chosen organization in relation to these forces. Suggest solutions to improve its position in the market

Note. To improve your answers, you are requested to use at least 5 recent scientific references, following the APA style.

Provide a final word on whether or not you think the legal topic is appropriate for society. What change may be needed? Defend your position.

Body Worn Cameras

Fornal Presentation Powerpoint: This presentation will involve you selecting a legal topic from the approved list ( Body Worn Cameras) and making a comprehensive presentation about it. The project will be “presented” in class. The real challenge should be making all of the information easy to follow, interesting, and engaging on a PowerPoint presentation (do not just write a ‘paper’ in your presentation).


  1. Include the topic, any significant authors or practitioners associated with the topic, the professional qualifications required to hold a position, to practice the topic, or standards needed to enforce a particular law or condition.
  2. Include the purpose of the law, history, appropriate people to enforce or practice, etc.
  3. Include information from contemporary examples of the law topic being applied in our society.
  4. List some realistic strengths san weaknesses.
  5. Somewhere in your presentation, utilize at least two peer-reviewed journal articles that discuss the law or utilization in daily practice.
  6. Include five questions about your project that may be used on the final exam.
  7. Provide a final word on whether or not you think the legal topic is appropriate for society. What change may be needed? Defend your position.

Regarding Miranda, the case has been hashed and rehashed. Today it means only “custodial” interrogations are illegal. So, what is a custodial interrogation as opposed to a non-custodial interrogation?

Miranda vs. Arizona

Miranda v. Arizona is among the most notable Supreme Court cases. Miranda was arrested, and after interrogation by the police department, he admitted that he had committed the crime. As a result, Miranda was sentenced to 30 years. Certain representatives of the society and the defense were worried about using interrogation techniques to force people to testify against themselves. Therefore, the change accepted by the Supreme Court required informing detained individuals about their right to remain silent before interrogation. Also, the decision says that any person has the right to express their unwillingness to participate in interrogation until the arrival of an attorney. In this case, police officers must stop the interrogation. The Miranda Warning significantly impacts any member of U. S. society. On the one hand, it reduces the opportunity to put pressure on falsely accused people and increases the degree to which ordinary Americans, including me, are protected in case of being falsely accused. On the other hand, the rule also applies to real criminals, which is not fair.

-you cannot just regurgitate the facts of each case

-There must be an analysis, using articles that have analyzed the impact of the case.

-Regarding Miranda, the case has been hashed and rehashed. Today it means only “custodial” interrogations are illegal. So, what is a custodial interrogation as opposed to a non-custodial interrogation? There have been many “exceptions” to Miranda through subsequent court cases. What are these, and why were they implemented? Miranda was decided by the progressive Warren Court. What is the sentiment today with regard to Miranda?

What strategies do remote workers use to mitigate the negative effects of limited social and group interactions on their emotional and psychological well-being, thereby avoiding feelings of loneliness and isolation?

Research Plan

  1. Program of Study

Doctor of Management

  1. Problem Statement

The problem is that remote working can inhibit social and group interactions, resulting in loneliness and isolation among employees. I had ideas about social isolation, loss of motivation, or even work-life balance, but I chose what resonated more with me: the social isolation part. I never had a “remote job” since I worked in a hospital for most of my 20s until I started working in corporate healthcare in 2021.

The specific elements of my problem statement that are included in my purpose statement are remote work resulting in social isolation. I will conduct a study with individuals from a variety of companies and professions to determine what they have in common or do not have in common when it comes to trying to avoid becoming isolated while working from home. What can humans do to prevent social isolation, which is beneficial to their mental health?

  1. Purpose Statement

The purpose of this qualitative narrative inquiry is to delve deeper into the experiences of individuals who work remotely and to understand how they navigate their social and group interactions to prevent feelings of loneliness and isolation. By exploring this topic, the study aims to shed light on a pressing issue faced by many remote workers in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world.

  1. Research Methodology (Proposed Method and Design)

What strategies do remote workers use to mitigate the negative effects of limited social and group interactions on their emotional and psychological well-being, thereby avoiding feelings of loneliness and isolation?

The research method employed in this study is qualitative in nature, incorporating a thorough review of peer-reviewed literature and data analysis of previous studies on the topic. The methodology was chosen because of its suitability for exploring the complex, multi-dimensional nature of the issue at hand. The inductive and exploratory nature of qualitative research allows for a deeper understanding of the experiences and perspectives of remote workers, providing valuable insights into the causes and effects of limited social and group interactions on their well-being. The research design selected for this study is qualitative narrative inquiry. This method was chosen for its ability to delve into the personal experiences and perspectives of remote workers, allowing for a deeper understanding of the issue at hand. Qualitative research methods, such as in-depth interviews and focus groups, provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to discuss their experiences, offering valuable insights into the ways in which remote work affects their emotional and psychological well-being. The inductive and exploratory nature of qualitative research allows for a deeper understanding of the diversity of perspectives among remote workers, illuminating the many ways in which remote work influences their well-being and the strategies they employ to mitigate its negative effects (Doyle et al., 2020).

This study will employ a qualitative research approach, specifically the narrative inquiry method. This method is well-suited for this investigation as it allows for the examination of diverse points of view and encourages the development of narratives that illuminate the experiences of remote workers. In-depth interviews and focus groups will be conducted to gather data and provide a wealth of information that can be used to understand remote workers’ perspectives and experiences.

  1. Research Population and Sample and Other Data Sources

Describe the population by discussing the criteria for selecting the study participants. Additionally, describe the sample size and describe the rationale for the sample size. If the study will include archival data, briefly explain the proposed data sources.


  1. Significance of the Study

The significance of studying workplace isolation among remote workers cannot be overstated. This research is of great importance to the scholarly community, human resources, and workplace management practitioners, and leaders in the field of remote work. Firstly, it will contribute to the advancement of our understanding of remote work’s psychological and social effects and help prevent and address workplace isolation among remote workers. Secondly, it will inform policies related to remote work and create a supportive work environment for remote employees. Thirdly, it will provide valuable insights to leaders in the field of remote work, allowing them to better understand the issues of workplace isolation and how to prevent it from occurring.

Furthermore, this research has the potential to promote the development of effective strategies to support remote workers and improve their well-being. By providing evidence-based strategies for remote workers to reduce workplace isolation and improve work engagement, the study can enhance remote employees’ overall performance and satisfaction. This research could also be used by businesses to better understand the needs of their remote employees and design better strategies to ensure that remote workers feel supported and connected to their colleagues.

Finally, the results from this study could inform further research into the impact of technology on remote work and how it can be used to improve the remote workers’ experience. By providing guidance to employers on how best to support remote workers and identifying any potential risks associated with remote work, the study can help leaders in the field of remote work create a safe, productive, and healthy work environment for remote employees. The study of workplace isolation among remote workers is of great significance, and its results have the potential to bring about positive change in the remote work community and improve the well- being of remote workers.

  1. Research Questions/Hypotheses

State the proposed research question and hypotheses, when appropriate. Review the “Research Questions/Hypotheses” section of the “Research Design Selection” and “Alignment” section associated with the proposed design to ensure alignment.

What strategies do remote workers use to mitigate the negative effects of limited social and group interactions on their emotional and psychological well-being, thereby avoiding feelings of loneliness and isolation?

  1. Topic Literature

Provide a list of 5 to 10 references in APA format that are relevant to the proposed study. Include 1 or 2 sentences with each reference to describe the relevance of the literature to the proposed study.

  1. Topic Theories

Review research literature associated with the selected research topic(s) and state up to 3 relevant theories associated with the topics. This step will become the basis for the conceptual or theoretical framework, which will become more fully developed in chapters 1 and 2 of the proposal.

  1. Research Data Collection Strategy

Briefly describe the proposed process for collecting these data from the research sample and from any archival sources described in item 5.

How might the digitization of flower auctions affect quality control of the product? Do the benefits of such digitalization outweigh the drawbacks? Why or why not?

Answer the question

How might the digitization of flower auctions affect quality control of the product? Do the benefits of such digitalization outweigh the drawbacks? Why or why not?

Share an example of a company whose strategy has been based upon the external market and one that is based on a set of capabilities. Discuss how the external environment or resources and capabilities offer a sustainable competitive advantage and generate profit in each case.

Strategy Planning: Resources and Capabilities

Discuss which should be the primary basis for formulating strategy: The external market or the internal environment (firm’s resources and capabilities)?

  • Share an example of a company whose strategy has been based upon the external market and one that is based on a set of capabilities.
  • Discuss how the external environment or resources and capabilities offer a sustainable competitive advantage and generate profit in each case.

● Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles,

Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit.

If freedom is just the absence of external impediments, how (if at all) do laws—even harsh and severe laws—reduce your freedom?


If freedom is just the absence of external impediments, how (if at all) do laws—even harsh and severe laws—reduce your freedom?