
Based on your dream content, which theory of why we dream does it support? Why? What, if anything, did you learn from your dream and the analysis? What is your opinion of dream analysis?


Write a 2-page paper (typed) about the following:

Summarize (in one to two paragraphs) a dream that you have had recently. What do you think it means?
Then, go to a dream analysis website and analyze your dream. You may use either of the sites I have listed or you can use another one. Be sure to cite the website you used. What does you dream mean according to the website? Do you agree with the analysis? Why or why not?
Based on your dream content, which theory of why we dream does it support? Why?
What, if anything, did you learn from your dream and the analysis? What is your opinion of dream analysis?

Using a graphic organizer of your choice, create a visual graphic that explains your answer to the question below. Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words.


In June 2017, BMW announced plans to spend $600 million to expand production at its South Carolina plant. The new investment would allow BMW to prepare for the new X model of SUVs. BMW apparently felt it would be better able to compete and create value with a U.S.-based facility. In fact, BMW expected to export 70% of the vehicles produced in South Carolina. Also in 2017, noted Taiwanese iPhone supplier Foxconn announced plans to build a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin, and Chinese tire manufacturer Wanli Tire Corp. announced plans to build a $1 billion plant in South Carolina.

What are some of the reasons that foreign manufacturers of products as diverse as automobiles, cell phones, and tires might arrive at the same conclusion to build plants in the United States?

Using a graphic organizer of your choice, create a visual graphic that explains your answer to the question below.
Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words.
Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.

dress all questions.
Use proper grammar and punctuation.
Remember to cite your sources when you research your topic and use information from what you learned.
Do not plagiarize.
You will not be able to edit your assignment once you post, so please proofread and spell-check before hitting the post!

What is the central moral controversy at the heart of the ethical question? What ethical or societal values are at stake in the question? Who is impacted by the issue or moral controversy? What might it say about us as individuals or society depending on how we answer the ethical question?

Case study – Stealing or Rescuing

In March of 2017, animal activists entered into a major hog raising facility in southern Utah, observed the conditions of the animals, and removed two piglets that they considered at high risk of death due to malnutrition, disease, and neglect. They took the piglets (that they named “Lily” and “Lizzie”) to an animal sanctuary to receive care.

The owner of the hog facility, Smithfield Foods, saw this as an act of theft, since the piglets were its property, and the activists did not have permission to take them.

The activists saw it as an act of rescue, similar to breaking a car window to rescue a dog trapped in a car on a hot day.

In October of 2022, two of the activists stood trial for their actions. After deliberation, the jury found the defendants not guilty. Animal advocates saw this as a vindication of the “right to rescue.”

Law professor Justin Marceau stated, “Prosecutors would have you believe this case is about burglary, but in reality, it’s a case about whether people can rescue animals in dire conditions that are now commonplace in our food system … I can’t think of a more significant animal law case in recent history” (Jacobs, 2022). On the contrary side, Smithfield’s vice president replied, “This verdict is verydisappointing as it may encourage anyone opposed to raising animals for food to vandalize farms” (Bolotnikova, 2022).

ETHICAL QUESTION: Is it moral to trespass onto private property in order to rescue animals at risk of dying?


  • Bolotnikova, M. (2022). Activists acquitted in trial for taking piglets from Smithfield Foods. The Intercept.
  • animal-rights-piglets-trial/
  • Jacobs, A. (2022). Animal rights activists are acquitted in Smithfield piglet case. New York Times.
  • piglets-smithfield.html

Part 1: Introduction, Case Study

In this section, you will create the case study. To complete this section,

Choose a case study from the selection provided by your instructor in the Week 2 announcement titled “Week 2 Case Studies.”
Present a brief introduction to the case study.
Discuss background information provided in one of the resources.
This section should be around 300 words.

Part 2: Ethical Question

In this section, discuss one of the ethical questions provided with the case study. To complete this section,

State the ethical question you have chosen to discuss and place it at the beginning of the section in bold font.
Discuss the ethical question by considering two or more of the following:
What is the central moral controversy at the heart of the ethical question?
What ethical or societal values are at stake in the question?
Who is impacted by the issue or moral controversy?
What might it say about us as individuals or society depending on how we answer the ethical question?
This section should be around 150 words.

Part 3: Position Statement

In this section, you will formulate a position statement that answers the ethical question, and then support the position statement. To complete this section,

Formulate a position statement that directly answers the ethical question. For example, if the ethical question is “Is it moral for public schools to use corporal punishment to discipline students?” Your position statement would be either “It is moral for schools to use corporal punishment.” or “It is not moral for schools to use corporal punishment.”
Discuss reasons that support your position statement. The reasons should be moral or value-based as opposed to statistical or other information-based reasons. For example, the use of corporal punishment in public schools is rare, but this is fact and not a moral reason; so it would not provide much support for the position statement.
This section should be around 150 words.

Part 4: Opposition Statement

In this section, you will provide a statement that directly opposes the position statement and discuss reasons that support it. To complete this section,

Formulate a statement that opposes your position statement. For example, if your position statement was “It is not moral for schools to use corporal punishment,” then your opposing position statement would be “It is moral for public schools to use corporal punishment.”
Discuss reasons that support your opposition statement. As in the preceding section, these reasons should also be moral or value-based as opposed to statistical or other information-based reasons.
This section should be around 150 words.

Part 5: Application of Utilitarianism

In this section,

Explain the principle of “the greatest good for the greatest number.”
Consider how this principle would support your position or opposing position statement.
This section should be around 100 words.

Discuss the need and role of financial services in the society. Based on your discussion, list two (2) basic financial services that should be available to every individual.


Question 1
Debate and experimentation are on-going, regarding the introduction of central bank issued digital currencies (CBDC) amongst central bankers. Some countries are more advanced in their
CBDC work while others are still on the drawing table.

Examine the pace of CBDC progress in these countries — Singapore, US and China and rank their relative progress.

Discuss and explain the factors behind the differences in pace of CBDC progress in these three countries.

Make good uses of examples, statistics and events to augment and conclude your discussion.

Word Limit: Less than 1000 words
(25 marks)

Question 2

Discuss the need and role of financial services in the society.
Based on your discussion, list two (2) basic financial services that should be available to every individual.

As an example, making a payment service available to everyone is realized to be a basic financial service because it allows a household to reach out to a greater support network in times of financial distress.

Make good uses of examples, statistics and events to augment and conclude your discussion.

Word Limit: Less than 1000 words
(25 marks)

Question 3
A robo-advisor made extensive of automation to made periodic purchases of stocks on behalf of her clients. Given the databases of clients’ portfolios, the trading prices of stocks, and the following Python inputs in Figure 1,
Figure 1. Python inputs
Design and create Python code that can be used to evaluate the total units of target_stock to be purchased on purchase_date for all portfolios under management. You are reminded that integer units of target_stock must be acquired for each portfolio.
Print the total units of target_stock to be purchased on purchase_date clearly in your script.

You are reminded that your code must be driven entirely off the inputs given in Figure 1.

Appendix A documents the working of the robo-advisor and Appendix B documents the data structure of the data files provided.
(50 marks)

Create a formal 30-60-90 day plan to rectify these issues and develop a formal presentation to present to the CEO. Use your textbook as a resource to help you develop your thoughts and ideas. What new programs will you put into play? How will you improve employee satisfaction?

Employee Culture Shift Project

This Poroiect is due at the end of week seven on 04/24/23.

The learning tool for this project is called AdobeSpark. Use this link to create a free account Adobe Spark is now Adobe Express. AdobeSpark is a great learning tool and has many different templates to help you maximize creativity for this final project. Please allow time for you to focus on the final project. Here are a few examples of AdobeSpark presentations I have created myself in the past:


You have just been promoted to Chief People Officer for a major corporation. Their employee handbook is outdated and has not been a central focus for the company. Many employees are unhappy with the culture of the company and feel it has not adapted to the times. Stress levels are high, retention is low, pay structure has not been looked at in years, and the teams feels their basic needs are not being met. The current CEO has a “if it is not broken, we do not need to fix it” attitude and has not been open to ideas from staff in the past. Employees are being overworked with only one day off per week, not to mention they work all major holidays leaving little time for family. There is no current employee recognition program or formal method of employee evaluation. Raises were last given out six years ago. The women in the company feel underdeveloped and unnoticed. Current company issues are investigated by the CEO, with no formal process for resolving employee concerns.

Create a formal 30-60-90 day plan to rectify these issues and develop a formal presentation to present to the CEO. Use your textbook as a resource to help you develop your thoughts and ideas. What new programs will you put into play? How will you improve employee satisfaction? Break your plan down into goals for 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. How quickly will this plan be implemented? Who are the parties that will need to be involved? What method will you use to conduct employee feedback? How will you deliver the new programs to the team? You have full creative control on this assignment. This project is worth 45 points of your final grade. Your presentation should not exceed more than 5-10 minutes of material (Time yourself doing a mock presentation). I will be looking for certain elements we have covered in the course in your presentations. goal is to demonstrate understanding of the material and its’ application in the workplace. Use graphics, c videos, or any tool that helps illustrate your plan to turn the companies people agenda around.

How many elements are in periodic table?

Periodic Table

How many elements are in periodic table?

Technological innovation is thus the creation of new knowledge that is applied to practical problems. Sometimes this knowledge is applied to problems hastily……’. In your own words, explain what can be the possible consequences of hasty application of technological innovation. Explain whether the benefits of technological innovation over power its drawbacks.

Management question

Based on the knowledge and information gathered by referring to the textbook and the students own thorough research; they are required to answer the below mentioned questions as per the instructions.


Q1– ‘Technological innovation is thus the creation of new knowledge that is applied to practical problems. Sometimes this knowledge is applied to problems hastily……’. In your own words, explain what can be the possible consequences of hasty application of technological innovation. Explain whether the benefits of technological innovation over power its drawbacks. ( Min words 400-500)

Q2. Explain the three ways (in detail) with which a firm can increase the likelihood of the projects being both technically and commercially successful. ( Min words 550-600)

Q3– On the basis of your own research, map the timeline of the Most Important Technological Innovation in the last 50 years (1982-2022). Select one innovation as per your choice and write a detailed note about its positive as well as negative effects on the society. ( Min words 450-500)

Which category (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats) of the analysis simulation was the most challenging for you? What have you now learned that will help you better identify items that belong in that category in the future?

SWOT Analysis: Reflections


A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is an effective tool for making marketing decisions and continually evaluating the marketplace to determine if adjustments should be made to a marketing plan.

For this assignment, you will complete a SWOT analysis. You may do the analysis in the form of an interactive or in the form of a quiz. You only need to complete one version of the SWOT analysis. Then, you will reflect on what you learned from doing the SWOT analysis by responding to some questions.


Complete one version of the SWOT analysis simulation. The interactive and the quiz themselves are non-graded tools to help you experience a SWOT analysis. You will be graded based on the Module Six SWOT Analysis Rubric.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Name the SWOT analysis version that you completed. Reflect on your experience with completing a simulation of a SWOT analysis by answering the questions provided below.
    • Which category (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats) of the analysis simulation was the most challenging for you?
    • What have you now learned that will help you better identify items that belong in that category in the future?
    • Which category of a SWOT analysis do you think marketers may tend to overlook most often, and why?
    • What are at least two potential negative impacts of failing to consider the often overlooked category you’ve just identified?

Have you encountered power in the workplace/other places, what was the outcome? How did the “Robert P. Vecchio’s “Power, Politics, and Influence” help you understand power and power dynamics better, and why?

Chapter 13: Power and Politics

Power, Politics, and Influence by Robert Vecchio

Vecchio, Robert P. 2008. “Power, Politics, and Influence.” In Leadership: Understanding the Dynamics of Power and Influence in Organizations. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 69-95.

Make sure that you engage the reading before starting a discussion thread.


For a more meaningful understanding of organizations, think of power and power dynamics as perennial. With the importance of power in an organization mind, in this discussion you are tasked with the following:

1. With a familiar organization :

A. Delineating between power and authority, and then discuss the different types of power in the organization (including “access to resources” and “resources and strategic contingencies”).

B. Have you encountered power in the workplace/other places, what was the outcome?

2. How did the “Robert P. Vecchio’s “Power, Politics, and Influence” help you understand power and power dynamics better, and why?

Calculate the expenses to determine what will change and what will remain the same.

Ashford University Budgeting Excel work and analysis

Part 1:
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 4: Financial Forecasting in the textbook, and review the Personal Budget Resource Download Personal Budget Resource.

For this journal, complete two months of the Personal Budget Template

Then, evaluate your personal budget information and numbers from your completed Personal Budget Template. You may complete the template using your own personal financial data, which will make the activity more meaningful, or hypothetical numbers. Discuss the most important concepts and facts you learned. For example, were there any surprises in the amount or category of your expenses? Your reflection should be a minimum of 350 words.

Part 2:

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 4: Financial Forecasting in the textbook, and review the current financial statements of Starbucks through Yahoo! Finance Links to an external site.or the EDGAR | Company Filings Links to an external site.database in the Filings and Forms page. You can access the financial statements by going to the Yahoo! Finance webpage, typing in the stock symbol of Starbucks, and then clicking on the “Financials” tab. Watch the Week 1 Assignment video with Dr. Kevin Kuznia, DBA, CSSBB, PMP, available in the online classroom.

Reviewing the previous quarter’s financial statements will provide you with data to construct pro forma financial statements for Starbucks and make some basic projections. This week, you will be charged with constructing two pro forma financial statements and addressing some questions about your projections. The two financial statements will include an Income Statement and Balance Sheet.

1) To begin your assignment, download the Financial Forecasting Template Download Financial Forecasting Template.

2) Use the EDGAR | Company Filings Links to an external site.or Yahoo! Finance Links to an external site.database to download the last 10-Q from Starbucks into Excel. Use the downloaded data to complete the Income Statement and Balance Sheet on the appropriate tabs in the Financial Forecasting Template. Assume the following:

  • Sales will increase for the next quarter by the same percentage increase from the previous quarter to the last reported quarter. For example, if sales increased 8% from the last quarter to the current reported quarter, you will use 8% as the sales increase for your pro formas.

3) Calculate the expenses to determine what will change and what will remain the same.

Note: Not all costs are associated with the cost of sales. It will be up to you to determine which line items need to be increased and which ones need to be left alone. This will require you to distinguish between fixed and variable costs. For a reminder of the difference between fixed and variable costs, please watch the video Business Costs (Fixed Costs and Variable Costs) ExplainedLinks to an external site..

4) Within each line item expense explain your rationale, as well as provide a brief summary.

5) Then, calculate a quarterly variance analysis using the Variance Analysis tab of the Financial Forecasting Template (the same template you used for Part 1). Complete the following in your variance analysis:

  • In the Excel template, insert the line items.
  • In Column C, (Q4, 20NN) enter the previous quarter’s numbers as the budget.
  • In Column D, (Q1, 20NN) enter the current quarter’s actual numbers.
  • In Column E, the spreadsheet will calculate the dollar difference between the budget and actual numbers.
  • In Column F, the spreadsheet will calculate the percentage change.
  • In Column G, analyze and speculate the rationale for the variances.