
Briefly describe a possible member profile of your selected loyalty programme. Determine how this member displays attitudinal and behavioural loyalty. Examine one (1) example of each type of loyalty as exhibited by this member.

2000 word report

Question 1

(a) This is a two-part question.
For the first part, describe succinctly, the loyalty programme you have chosen. Identify five (5) factors that help the loyalty programme stand out among its competitors. You must address how the loyalty programme responds to customer concern for environmental and social responsibility (ESR).

Factors to consider may include:
Background (year of inception – industry – company headquarters – industry –primary products and services)

Customer reach within Singapore and beyond if applicable.

Features of the programme.

Strategic alliances formed.

Online platforms used.

Corporate social responsibility initiatives.

Other essential points of consideration specific to the loyalty programme.

For the second part, analyse the three (3) conditions in the competitive landscape that makes a trusted agent necessary. Explain how your chosen loyalty programme tries to increase the value of its customer base in the face of these prevailing new conditions. (30 marks)


  • Briefly describe a possible member profile of your selected loyalty programme. Determine how this member displays attitudinal and behavioural loyalty. Examine one (1) example of each type of loyalty as exhibited by this member.
  • Discuss the five (5) characteristics of the loyalty programme that makes it an effective programme.
  • Propose two (2) improvements that would make the loyalty programme more effective. Justify your recommendations.
    (40 marks)

(c) Building Learning Relationships with customers is a sustainable approach to growing a profitable customer base. A Learning Relationship aims to remember prior interactions with a customer in order to provide increasingly relevant value to that customer.

Appraise the three (3) benefits of a Learning Relationship with supporting evidence from the loyalty programme. Evaluate how well the loyalty programme achieves the three (3) benefits of Learning Relationship.
(30 marks)

Would benchmark datasets and task libraries help standardize evaluation? How useful can researchers make automated testing against requirements documents? How many users are needed to generate valid recommendations?

Researchers can contribute their experience with experimentation


Researchers can contribute their experience with experimentation to develop improved techniques for interface evaluation and the user experience. Guidance in conducting pilot studies, acceptance tests, surveys, interviews, and discussions would benefit large-scale development groups, but additional attention needs to be given to smaller projects and incremental-type changes. Strategies are needed to cope with evaluation for the numerous specific populations of users and the diverse forms of disabilities that users may have. In this project 2, you are the Experts in helping design and constructing psychological tests which can help in preparing validated and reliable test instruments for subjective evaluation of the varying types of interfaces, from small mobile devices to very large displays, including specialized interfaces such as gaming. Such standardized tests would allow independent groups to compare the acceptability of interfaces.

SCOPE: You are working for an Independent company and you are tasked to design an evaluation instrument tool used to profile users’ skill levels with interfaces that would be helpful in job-placement and training programs.

STEP ONE (1) Use PowerPoint (MS Suite Products or suitable Tool) to design (draw) your HCI Interface, design an Evaluation Instrument Test Tool to validate an interface for a small mobile device or a very large display to include specialized interfaces such as gaming. Please show in your design how you would incorporate quality features e.g., usability, universality, and usefulness using an AI and/or Machine Learning approach.

OBJECTIVE: This project 2 should show how do you best incorporate and evaluate qualitative data and dimensions such as fun, pleasure, joy, affect, challenge, or realism.

STEP TWO: Answer each of the following question to include why as it relates to Evaluations and the Users Experience.

  • Would benchmark datasets and task libraries help standardize evaluation?
  • How useful can researchers make automated testing against requirements documents?
  • How many users are needed to generate valid recommendations?
  • How can we better explain the differences between users’ perceptions of a task and the objective measures?
  • How do we select the best measure for a task?
  • How can life-critical applications for experienced professionals be tested reliably?
  • Is there a single usability metric that can be used and compared across types of interfaces?
  • Can we combine performance data and subjective data and create a single meaningful result?
  • Is there a scorecard that can be used to aid in the interpretation of usability results?
  • Is there a theory to explain and understand the relationship between measures?

Provide the full bibliographical form for the article that you summarized. Use the correct form, including double spacing, according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition.

Research Methods (Experimental Design)

Research Summary Template

1) Provide the full bibliographical form for the article that you summarized.  Use the correct form, including double spacing, according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition.

2) Provide a one paragraph abstract in your own words.  The abstract should not exceed 200 words and it is double-spaced. Include the word count from your computer.  The word count for my abstract of the article is ______ words.  Any portion of your summary that involves direct quotes should be in quotation marks with the page citation per APA. Use past tense throughout this section and all other relevant sections.

3) Fully define the behaviors that were studied and changed as a result of the experimental intervention.  Use operational and scientific terms. Give the behaviors not construct terms like “on-task.”

4) How were the data collected and reported? Do not use the following as a checklist; rather, describe in sentence form using these terms.   Do use the appropriate terminology including but not limited to: a) Event recordings:  Reported in Percentages, Rate, Number, or Other; b) Interval recording, Whole, Partial, Interval in seconds, Continuous, or Rotated/discontinuous observe/record, or Other; c) Trials: Reported in Number, Rate, Percentages, or Other; d) Learn Units or teacher behavior and responses to learn units:  Reported in Number, Rate, Percentages, this includes learn units even if not identified as such, because the paper preceded identification of learn units or the writers were naïve to the usage of the term; e) Time Sampling (after intervals of time, Intervals of time between observations; f) Other procedures such as probe trials.

Check the following. The target was learning________ performance _____ both ______

5a) Interobserver agreement (Often referred to, erroneously, as reliability).  a) Percentage or number of sessions with interobserver agreements____, b) Mean % of agreement across all sessions____, c) Range of % of agreement from the lowest_____ to highest ____, d) (If given) Mean agreed intervals percentage____ Non Agreed Intervals____% (Describe in sentence form do not use as check list.)

5b) Design was a _________ Describe design________.  Was it or was not a true experimental design? ________

6) List the tactic or tactics (the experimental intervention) and summarize how it was done such that you could use the procedure.

7) How many participants were studied? _______.  How were the participants labeled or described (e.g., developmentally delayed, second graders, students, teachers)?

8) Briefly summarize the results (use trend, range, mean, variability, overlap, slope and level when you have mastered the terms).  Was a functional relation shown? Yes__ No___. Do not use tables or copies of figures. Be brief but be thorough about the specific findings.

9) Comments, commendations, critique:  you must include this. The term critique does not mean that you necessarily need to be critical. What did you think was important, or not, about the study? How can / could this relate to your practice?


How does excessive salts(Nacl) use causes Hypertension?

Molecular pathogenesis

How does excessive salts(Nacl) use causes Hypertension?

What is a household? How do households interact with firms in a market? What is a firm? What other terms do economists use interchangeably with the term “firm”? What is technology and what factors does it depend on?


You must show your problem solving process. A solution alone cannot get any credits.

1.  Answer the following questions with no more than three sentences.

  • What is a household? How do households interact with firms in a market?
  • What is a firm? What other terms do economists use interchangeably with the term “firm”?
  • What is technology and what factors does it depend on?
  • What is an entrepreneur?


2.  Paul runs a lobster shop in Cape Cod. He is debating whether he should extend his hours of operation. Paul figures that his sales revenue will depend on the number of additional hours the lobster shop is open as shown in the table above. He would have to hire a worker for those hours at a wage rate of $25 per hour.



Hours Open

Total Revenue


1 $275
2 375
3 450
4 500
5 530
6 550


  • Using marginal analysis, how many hours should Paul extend his hours of operations?
  • What is Paul’s marginal benefit if he decides to stay open for six hours instead of five hours?
  • What is Paul’s marginal cost if he decides to stay open for six hours instead of five hours?


What are your first reactions? Make a reference to the examples from the video as well as your personal experience. Enumerate the teaching/learning behaviours that are familiar and unfamiliar to you.

Individual project – reflective statement

Watch this video which illustrates a lesson conducted with the use of the Audio-Lingual Method and meet Prof. Diane Larsen-Freeman

Write a synthesis/judgment reflective statement and include the following:

  1. What are your first reactions?
  2. Make a reference to the examples from the video as well as your personal experience.
  3. Enumerate the teaching/learning behaviours that are familiar and unfamiliar to you.
  4. Describe the impact this experience may have on your teaching.

Using the Six Steps of Decision-Making framework, develop an essay responding to the following questions related to the case study Student Advocacy and “Sweatshop” Labor: The Case of Russell Athletic (p. 109).

Student Advocacy and “Sweatshop” Labor: The Case of Russell Athletic

Using the Six Steps of Decision-Making framework, develop an essay responding to the following questions related to the case study Student Advocacy and “Sweatshop” Labor: The Case of Russell Athletic (p. 109).

Recognize decision requirement: What are the factors to consider in a corporation when deciding to outsource labor to developing countries? Include the following:

  1. Diagnosis and analysis of causes: If labor outsourcing to developing countries is a legitimate business strategy, how can it be handled without risk of running into a sweatshop scandal?
  2. Development of alternatives: What are other countries doing to avoid, reduce or eliminate sweatshops?
  3. Selection of desired alternative: Decide on alternatives for outsourcing for companies in developed countries, including whether or not to maintain or implement the same high labor standards and regulations as in the home countries.
  4. Implementation of alternatives: Which alternatives would be best for outsourcing for companies in the United States?
  5. Evaluation and feedback: Have your recommendations been implemented in other countries? Are they working? What has been the outcome?

Essays have an introduction (to the topic of the assignment), a body (where you will integrate your responses), and a conclusion (your thoughts on the assignment). Please do not just answer the questions as is. It is best to use APA (7th ed) headings to capture the essence of the questions as a way to make sure you have integrated all of the responses in your essay. Also, make sure you are using an APA (7th ed) paper template as a starting point.

Your well-written essay should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 5-6 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Introduce the topic (young people getting credit cards) and provide some background. At the end of your first paragraph it should be clear which position you will be proving to your reader.

Credit cards

Your first paragraph should introduce the topic (young people getting credit cards) and provide some background. At the end of your first paragraph it should be clear which position you will be proving to your reader.

Your second paragraph should contain one reason for your position and provide evidence from one or more sources to „ support that reasoning

Your third paragraph should contain one reason for your potion and provide evidence from one or more sources to

Your fourth paragraph should contain one reason for your position and provide evidence from one or more sources to support that reason.

Your fifth paragraph should begin with some people may argue’ and then make a specific claim that your opponent may bring up. You should then make sure to prove that point to be incorrect:.

Your bite paragraph should tie your entire argument together and review the reasons that you have given to your reader. This is your last chance to be convincing, so be creative in now you close your piece.


Write a 250-500 word summary of the “Broadening the Notion of Participation in Online Discussions: Examining Patterns in Learners’ Online Listening Behaviors” article. Include a discussion of the research problem, questions, methods, findings, and implications discussed by the authors.

Assessment Description

Write a 250-500 word summary of the “Broadening the Notion of Participation in Online Discussions: Examining Patterns in Learners’ Online Listening Behaviors” article. Include a discussion of the research problem, questions, methods, findings, and implications discussed by the authors.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Do you know how sewage is handled in your home? Do you have a personal septic tank or is there a sewage management facility in your community?

Sewage and wastewater treatment


Do you know how sewage is handled in your home? Do you have a personal septic tank or is there a sewage management facility in your community? In this assignment you will explore both.

Part 1: Septic Tanks

People who live too far from urban areas will not have drainage pipes connecting their waste water to a sewage treatment plant. In this case septic tanks are used. Do some online research and explain in about a paragraph how septic tanks works? What are some environmental dangers with regard to septic tanks? This should take up to 250 words.

Be sure to use your own words and cite and reference any quotes!

Part 2: Wastewater Treatment

If you live in an urban area your water will most likely be treated at a facility. As discussed in the lesson, there are several ways to treat wastewater and the sludge resulting from the treatment process. Wastewater is often released in different areas depending on where you live.

Go to the NYC website that explains how New York handles the waste water of millions of residents: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. You can do this in paragraph form or by providing bulleted/numbered answers to each question:

a. What are the stages of waste water treatment

b. What is used to disinfect the final water before release?

c. Where is the wastewater released?

d. What methods are used to treat sludge?

e. What happens to the biogas that is created during sludge treatment?