
Assess whether there is enough information for a diagnosis and what other information you need to collect. • Discuss what the two next steps are for this client with respect to assessment and treatment.

PSY 606 Module 4 Assignment _Madi Case Consultation Letter

Read the case study below then write a 2 page consultation letter. In this letter, please include:

• A case conceptualization theory to understand what is being presented (such as Erikson’s stages of development, Person-Centered theory, cognitive-behavioral, etc.).
• Identify at least two psychological disorders you think this could be and why.
• Assess whether there is enough information for a diagnosis and what other information you need to collect.
• Discuss what the two next steps are for this client with respect to assessment and treatment.

You have been asked to consult on a case with a colleague, Dr. Jones. The colleague contacted you to get your clinical opinion about the following case.

Madi is a 13-year-old Caucasian female, who is in the 7th grade. Her parents have been divorced since she was five and her mom has sole custody. Her mom brought her in because she was concerned with her recent behavior, which included being caught drinking and sneaking out. When I first met Madi, she looked slightly older than her stated age, a bit taller than average, 5’5”, average build. She was open with me when her mom wasn’t in the room. The client stated that her mom puts a lot of pressure on her and has a lot of rules and she doesn’t feel as though she has a great relationship with her. 

Madi opened up about her friends starting to get boyfriends and that she also wanted a boyfriend, but no one seemed interested. She stated that she often will do things to get attention from boys, such as sneaking out, drinking alcohol, and once she smoked marijuana with them. Even though she tries to fit in, they only call her when they are wanting to drink. She stated about two months ago some of the boys have commented on her body and her softness. Madi stated this made her feel a bit self-conscious and uncomfortable. After that, she stated she could feel the fat on her body, she felt like a stick of butter.

After that, Madi lessened the time she spent with her friends and boys and started going to the gym and watching what she was eating. She stated she felt really good about herself when she could get a good, hard work out in. She made a goal that she would exercise five days a week, which eventually became seven. She works out three hours a day. She states she has cut out carbs, sugar, and tries to eat less than 1200 calories a day. If there is a day that she eats more, she increases her workouts. She said that her mom hasn’t noticed her eating decreasing. She states if she knows she has to eat around her mom, she will eat very little rest of the day., so she can eat more regularly around her mom. Last week was her mom’s birthday, and she tried to avoid eating cake but was pressured into it. She said she ended up eating a quarter of the cake and feeling awful. She snuck away and threw up the cake. She said it was the one and only time she has done that.

Madi stated she started to get a bit more attention from boys and now has a boyfriend, who she snuck out one weekend night to see because her mom will not allow her to have a boyfriend until she is 16. When she was sneaking back in, her mom caught her and smelled alcohol on her breath.

Why are you interested in One Million Black Women: Black in Business? How do you differentiate your product or service from your competition?

2023 Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs | Goldman Sachs | Black in Business

  1. Why are you interested in One Million Black Women: Black in Business?
  2. How do you differentiate your product or service from your competition?
  3. List 3 goals that you have for the business over the next 12 months.
  4. What is your 5-year vision for the business, in terms of revenue and employees?
  5. Is there any additional information that you would like to share about your business?

Develop a 10-12 page PowerPoint presentation on how DEI benefits any healthcare workforce sector of your choice (not including the title slide and the references slide). In addition, identify 2-3 diversity management theories or approaches that undergird the importance of DEI benefits in the healthcare workforce sector you’ve identified.

Power Point Presentation

In this unit, you have learned various theoretical backgrounds to diversity management and the importance and benefits of diversity, equity, and inclusion to the overall healthcare workforce. Now, it’s time to take what you’ve learned and apply it to the specific healthcare sector of your choice. You may wish to consider the health sector in which you currently work or would like to work. Examples of the healthcare workforce include, but are not limited to the following: behavioral or mental health, geriatrics, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, health IT, public health, oral health, community health workers, EMT, etc.

Develop a 10-12 page PowerPoint presentation on how DEI benefits any healthcare workforce sector of your choice (not including the title slide and the references slide). In addition, identify 2-3 diversity management theories or approaches that undergird the importance of DEI benefits in the healthcare workforce sector you’ve identified.

Describe whats the use of data analysis in the paper in research.

Data analysis

Describe whats the use of data analysis in the paper in research.

Make a Chart of Rules, Rights, and Responsibilities of United States citizens.

Government Assignment

Make a Chart of Rules, Rights, and Responsibilities of United States citizens.

Use the United States Constitution as your guide
Make a written Heading for each of the following: Rules, Rights, and Responsibilities
Instead of writing each example of rule, right and responsibility, you will use a visual, a picture, a photo, etc. NO handwritten or hand drawn work
You can use your own photos, photos from the internet, be sure to cite if they are not yours
Need to have at least a total of 15 items among the chart (you can divide up the rules, rights and responsibilities as you wish as long as there are at least 3 examples for each)

Write a chapter for a history textbook titled “The Causes of The American Civil War.” In this chapter you will be comparing and contrasting the differing views of Southern and Northern citizens towards a cause of the Civil War.

Fugitive slave acts of 1850

Assignment Description

Your task is to write a chapter for a history textbook titled “The Causes of The American Civil War.” In this chapter you will be comparing and contrasting the differing views of Southern and Northern citizens towards a cause of the Civil War. Your task is to choose one of these topics at the end of this prompt and then explain how it played a role in causing the Civil War by comparing and contrasting the attitude of people in the North and people in the South. There is a 6 page requirement for this research paper.

DO a research paper on how Charles Lindbergh was an isolationist and how it relates to him being an American hero.

Charles Lindbergh as an Isolationist

DO a research paper on how Charles Lindbergh was an isolationist and how it relates to him being an American hero. Must be eight pages with a ninth page that has at least 8 sources.

Think about Peter Singer’s thesis in “Famine, Affluence, and Morality.” Begin the paper by identifying Singer’s thesis and summarizing the argument. Then defend his argument.

Famine, Affluence, and Morality

Think about Peter Singer’s thesis in “Famine, Affluence, and Morality.” Begin the paper by identifying Singer’s thesis and summarizing the argument. Then defend his argument. Your paper should include an objection and a response to the objection in the second to last paragraph of the paper, before the conclusion paragraph. Make sure to include creative, real-world examples to make your defense of Singer’s thesis stronger.

How does Socrates justify his decision to accept his death sentence, and how does this relate to his overall view of the role of the individual in relation to the state? Analyze and discuss the key principles of Socratic philosophy that underlie this position.


In Plato’s Apology and Crito, Socrates argues for the importance of obeying the law and accepting the decisions of the state, even when they seem unjust. How does Socrates justify his decision to accept his death sentence, and how does this relate to his overall view of the role of the individual in relation to the state? Analyze and discuss the key principles of Socratic philosophy that underlie this position.

Examine the implications of ethical, legal, and regulatory policy issues on health care information systems.

Week 5 Assignment

Course Objective for Assignment:

Examine the implications of ethical, legal, and regulatory policy issues on health care information systems.
Assume that you have been hired as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) by a local healthcare organization which has no health information privacy and security policy yet. Thus, your first assignment is to formulate a health information privacy and security policy for the organization in accordance with the HIPAA and HITECH Privacy and Security Rules. Before the development of the privacy and security policy document, your supervisor advises you to review the HIPPA and HITECH Privacy and Security regulations the organization is required to comply with.