
How did you conduct your survey? What were your findings? How did you review the results? Did the results surprise you?

Social Work Question

Part I: Create a questionnaire ( 1 page)

  • Minimum of 7 survey questions
  • Include the date of birth as a question.
  • All questions must be over the same general topic.
    • Note: It doesn’t need to be your topic in the research proposal.
  • Create your questionnaire draft on word first, and complete online survey using Google Forms, Microsoft Forms, Survey Monkey, Qualtrics, etc.

Use the videos i attach to become familiar with the programs


Part II: Collecting and Reporting (1-3 pages)

  • Make sure that you have a minimum of 10 people answer your questionnaire.
  • Report the outcome of your questionnaire.
    • How did you conduct your survey? (methods, sample size, etc.)
    • What were your findings? (outcomes of each question. You may include the graphics to visualize the outcomes.)
    • How did you review the results? Did the results surprise you?

What is the overall study or data about? What is the title of the chart that correlates with the study? Which type of chart is used to present the data, and why do you think it was chosen? Define the variables and major findings from the data.

HA 535- 6A

Locate research studies related to your research topic (abused children/trauma) that have data presented as charts.
You may also use these two sites (list sites) and explore charts that have visualized their data in a more public format:


Analyze and discuss the graph or chart you have chosen. (Note – you must choose a graph or chart in a journal article for your research topic, as a graph or chart is required in the final week 8 research poster).

1. Paste an image of the graph or chart into your paper
* State the name of the graph or chart
* State the title/author/description of the study and chart
* Include a citation under the graph and in the References page.

2. In a 2- to 3-page paper (not including APA reference page), evaluate the data you found:
* What is the overall study or data about?
* What is the title of the chart that correlates with the study?
* Which type of chart is used to present the data, and why do you think it was chosen?
* Define the variables and major findings from the data.
* Have there been updates to findings of this data, and if so, who made them and are they reliable?
* What did you learn about data presentation from your analysis that could be useful in your career or future research?

Make the opening information in the introduction more specific. Why do teachers need this information? What are you hoping teachers will do with this information?


Purpose & Audience: Make the opening information in the introduction more specific. Why do teachers need this information? What are you hoping teachers will do with this information?

Thesis: Add a thesis that explicitly lists the main points you cover in the essay.

Conclusion: Develop the conclusion a bit more. Aim for 5-6 sentences summarizing what you presented in the body of the essay.

Sources: Add quotation marks to the information from the CDC and Gomez.

What actions should Louise take? Would you share the comments on the cards with your staff ? Should you contact the people who wrote the comments? What do you say or do?

Hospitality Question

Read the Case: Comments, (pages 205-206 of the textbook)


Answer the following questions:

    • What actions should Louise take?
    • Would you share the comments on the cards with your staff ?
    • Should you contact the people who wrote the comments? What do you say or do?

Can this be balanced algebraically? If so, can you show the steps? NO2 + H20 –> HNO3 + NO

Balancing an Equation Algebraically

Can this be balanced algebraically? If so, can you show the steps? NO2 + H20 –> HNO3 + NO

How did the use of AI in medical care affect the diagnosis and rehabilitation of kids with exceptional diseases ten years ago, and what were the limitations and successes of its implementation?

Research essay outline

The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare for children with special diseases

WHAT? How was artificial intelligence used in the medical care of kids with exceptional diseases 10 years ago?

WHERE? In what areas of medical care was AI being utilized to diagnose and treat kids with exceptional diseases, and where was it more importantly effective?

WHY? What were the advantages and drawbacks of utilizing AI in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of kids with exceptional diseases, and what ethical considerations wanted to be considered?

WHO? Who were the people and organizations engaged in the use of AI in health services for kids with exceptional diseases, and what were their perspectives on its implementation?

HOW? How was AI merged into health services systems for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of kids with exceptional diseases, and what challenges wanted to be addressed for ensuring its accomplished child placement and implementation?

Possible Research Question;

How did the use of AI in medical care affect the diagnosis and rehabilitation of kids with exceptional diseases ten years ago, and what were the limitations and successes of its implementation?




Does Hardening Schools Make Students Safer?

ENG 103 WEEK 4

Does Hardening Schools Make Students Safer? The first real possibility for federal firearms legislation in decades has been sketched out by a bipartisan group of senators.

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Complete interactive case studies and be asked to associate what you have learned about theory in comparison to the case study and reflect on it.

Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study

Links to an external site.

Complete the Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study following the readings and presentation for this week. Associate what you have learned about the theories to this case study, and then see the instructions below to complete a journal entry about your experience.

During weeks 2 & 4, you will complete interactive case studies and be asked to associate what you have learned about theory in comparison to the case study and reflect on it.

Each time you have completed a case study, submit your reflection. Each reflection should include the following:

  • A comparison of what you have learned from the case study to related theories you have studied. Make sure to cite these theories in APA format.
  • A comparison of the case study to your nursing practice, giving one or two examples from your nursing experience in which you might have applied a particular theory covered.

Your reflection should be a minimum of five to six paragraphs.

Who do you think has been the greatest President in American history? What characteristics do you admire about the President you chose? Think about his policies and effectiveness while in office. Give dates for when he was in office and for major policies that you discuss.


Who do you think has been the greatest President in American history? What characteristics do you admire about the President you chose? Think about his policies and effectiveness while in office. Give dates for when he was in office and for major policies that you discuss.

What performance is required under the contract? What are the terms of the contract? Who is the breaching party? What did the person do to breach the contract? What are the damages that the prevailing party can claim? Who will prevail in this lawsuit? Explain why.

8 Writing Assignment (Law Question)

First listen to video on how the teacher want paper done 8 Writing Assignment (Law Question)

Students will recognize particular legal issues inhering to a given case scenario and determine which laws come to bear on the issues towards arriving at a resolution of those issues.

The scenario this week is on breach of contract. Dino hires Eve to perform at Dino’s night club. Eve agrees and signs the contract. However, Eve breaches the contract and informs Dino that she changed her mind because she found another gig making more money on the same night. Dino files a breach of contract lawsuit against Eve. Please answer the following questions:

Presume that there is a valid contract. There is no need to outline the elements of a valid contract because we will presume the contract is valid.
What performance is required under the contract? What are the terms of the contract?
Who is the breaching party? What did the person do to breach the contract?
What are the damages that the prevailing party can claim?
Who will prevail in this lawsuit? Explain why.