
Choose an article whose main argument you agree with or whose argument you think is well done. After concisely describing what the article’s argument is, lay out 3-6 arguments in support of it.

Essay III: A movement divided: SlutWalks, protest repertoires and the privilege of nudity

Read through the Essay Guide and the article. Follow all instructions of the [General guidelines] in the Essay Guide document for writing Essay III.

For essay III: The goal is praise. Choose an article whose main argument you agree with or whose argument you think is well done. After concisely describing what the article’s argument is, lay out 3-6 arguments in support of it. The arguments in support can be substantive (i.e. using topic-specific information), methodological (i.e. based on the article’s data or the ways the data was collected or analyzed) or based on logic (i.e. based on reasoning). Only include the points you think are most effective in supporting the argument.

Salomon’s case shows that incorporation, separate legal personality and limited liability are available for all” (Mayson, French and Ryan, para 5.3.1). Critically analyse, by reference to the above quote, the importance of the case of Salomon v Salo


Salomon’s case shows that incorporation, separate legal personality and limited liability are available for all” (Mayson, French and Ryan, para 5.3.1). Critically analyse, by reference to the above quote, the importance of the case of Salomon v Salo

What population (individual, group, or family) is under consideration? What was the specific intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was already studied? What were the author’s claims?

Nursing Question

Addictive disorders can be particularly challenging for clients. Not only do these disorders typically interfere with a client’s ability to function in daily life, but they also often manifest as negative and sometimes criminal behaviors. Sometime clients with addictive disorders also suffer from other mental health issues, creating even greater struggles for them to overcome. In your role, you have the opportunity to help clients address their addictions and improve outcomes for both the clients and their families.

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide about diagnosing and treating addictive disorders. As you watch the 187 Models of Treatment for Addiction video, consider what treatment model you may use the most with clients presenting with addiction.
  • Search the Walden Library databases and choose a research article that discusses a therapeutic approach for treating clients, families, or groups with addictive disorders.In a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following. Your title and references slides do not count toward the 5- to 10-slide limit.
    • Provide an overview of the article you selected.
      • What population (individual, group, or family) is under consideration?
      • What was the specific intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was already studied?
      • What were the author’s claims?
    • Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own clients. If so, how? If not, why?
    • Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article.
    • Use the Notes function of PowerPoint to craft presenter notes to expand upon the content of your slides.
    • Support your response with at least three other peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Provide references to your sources on your last slide. Be sure to include the article you used as the basis for this Assignment.

Describe the evidence-based teaching strategy. Explain how the evidence-based teaching strategy addresses learner development in each domain (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective).

Nursing Education Practicum

Assessment Description

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

The purpose of this assignment is to immerse yourself in the literature to determine relevant and current evidence-based teaching strategies. An effective nurse educator is aware of evidence-based teaching strategies and how to use them in an educational setting.

Using the topic Resources and your own research on evidence-based teaching strategies, each CLC member will select one evidence-based teaching strategy. In a 15-20-slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following for each teaching strategy:

  1. Describe the evidence-based teaching strategy.
  2. Explain how the evidence-based teaching strategy addresses learner development in each domain (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective).
  3. Explain how the evidence-based teaching strategy can be used to address various generational learner needs.
  4. Explain how the evidence-based teaching strategy can be used to address diverse cultural learning needs.

This assignment requires two or three peer-reviewed/scholarly resources. Include the specific references to support each evidence-based teaching strategy.

What information is relevant/irrelevant? What information is most important? What is of immediate concern? What will you focus on based on this information? Perform appropriate focused assessment. Include the findings of your focused assessment

Clincle care plan

ASSESSMENT/RECOGNIZING CUES – The mental process involved in identifying relevant and important information
60 second initial visual assessment

(completed while receiving report and prior to physically assessing patient)

What do you see?

Visual cues such as room cleanliness, hygiene of patient, IV pump, O2, other lines, drains, tubes.


What information is relevant/irrelevant?


What information is most important?


What is of immediate concern?







Focused Physical Assessment

Recognize abnormal vs. normal – Recognizing signs and symptoms

What will you focus on based on this information? Perform appropriate focused assessment. Include the findings of your focused assessment


Normal Abnormal

Admitting diagnosis:




Include the pathophysiology of the client’s admitting diagnosis, including the risk factors, signs/symptoms, diagnostics, prognosis, and treatments. You must include a resource for this information. Patho:





Risk factors:
















Identify History Of

Medical/Surgical/Home Medication/Social, Occupational History cues

Recognize contributing past history

Interview your patient.


What is their pertinent medical/surgical history?


What home meds do they take?


Where do they work, live, socialize?

















Vital Signs, Lab Values and Diagnostics

Recognize abnormal vs. normal as well as pertinent information related to patient diagnosis

Document the patient’s vital signs.

Include reasoning for any abnormal vital signs.









Examine your patient’s Electronic Medical Record.


What are the pertinent lab values given the admitting diagnosis and current condition of your patient?




Lab Value Normal Range Patient’s Lab Value Result Reason for Abnormal Value

















What diagnostic tests has the client undergone? Include the results of the test.
























ANALYZING CUES – clustering and linking related information to create groups of individual cues
PRIORITIZE HYPOTHESIS – Evaluate and rank potential causes or risk factors to address
Based on findings from 60 second initial visual assessment

Hypothesize regarding needed interventions

What will require action?

Prioritizing action (i.e. bathe patient, tidy room, fluid replacement, adjust O2 etc)

Based on findings from Focused Physical Assessment

Analyze and form hypothesis for future action

What assessment findings are most concerning?


What makes you say that?


Are there any findings that seems contradictory? (i.e. findings that may point to an alternative or additional concern)


What findings are consistent with admitting diagnosis?
























Based on Identifying History Of

Medical/Surgical/Home Medication/Social, Occupational History cues

Analyze and form hypothesis for future action

What findings did you expect based on the client’s diagnosis/concern?


What medications would you expect based on the client’s diagnosis, concern, history?


Are there any findings that seem contradictory? (i.e. meds expected but not present, meds present but not expected, assessment findings without interventions)


What else could be going on?


Based on Vital Signs, Lab Values and Diagnostics

Analyze and form hypothesis for future action


What will require action? (i.e. BP requiring treatment, increase or decrease O2, treat electrolyte imbalance, intervene regarding fluid volume status, etc.)


GENERATE SOLUTIONS – Generate a set of feasible solutions to handle emergent concerns based on prioritized hypothesis above

Things to address?




What are the desirable outcomes?




Things to avoid?


What interventions are indicated?


Which hypothesis is the most important and should be managed first?


What makes you say this?































TAKE ACTION – Implementation of the solutions based on generated hypothesis
Based on generated solutions


What are the critical safety issues and what did you do to protect the client?




What interventions are needed immediately? How will you implement them?




What interventions can be delegated and to whom?




What specific items will you teach the client?




How did you respond to patient, family and caregivers?











































EVALUATING OUTCOMES – Understanding signs of clinical improvement or decline and reflecting on the effective outcomes of interventions
What follow-up data is needed?



What findings show interventions have been effective?



What interventions require formulating a new hypothesis?



What values show a need for continued monitoring (i.e. labs, vital signs, interventions)



What went well and what did not go well and why?



What would you do differently?



Would other interventions have been more effective?



What priorities, skills do you think you need to improve in order to care for future patients?













































For the problem statements, you need to ask, “What issue could kill this patient if not addressed”? The problem needs to be a current issue, not something that has already been addressed, like surgery. The interventions need to be NURSING interventions. Nurses cannot perform surgeries, order medications or labs, etc. Use your Conceptual Nursing Care Planning textbook for ideas on appropriate nursing interventions.


Problem Statement 1





Intervention Statement 1





Problem Statement 2





Intervention Statement 2






Problem Statement 3






Intervention Statement  3








Medication Administration Log: In your own words please provide the following


Medication Name


Explain how this relates to the primary diagnosis




Administration route and reasoning





Common side effects






Nursing/Safety concerns





Patient/Caregiver teaching







Create a power-point presentation detailing the six industries/business types that are discussed in chapter 5.

Power-point presentation

In chapter 5 we are introduced to Commercial Loan Structuring. The chapter details reasons why businesses borrow including the borrowing needs by business type or industry.

Create a power-point presentation detailing the six industries/business types that are discussed in chapter 5.

Attach the power-point to this assignment.


Based upon your reading of these documents, can you better understand why President Trump might try to model himself after President Jackson? What positive trait(s) of Jackson can you envision Trump attempting to emulate? What are the potential dangers of President Trump linking his administration to that of President Jackson?


President Jackson’s crusade to extend the blessings of democracy to the “common man” helped articulate a burgeoning notion of what today we refer to as “The American Dream.” However, Jackson’s vision was certainly limited in its application as the expansion of “Jacksonian Democracy” for some citizens often came at the expense of others. Highly controversial in his time, Jackson’s legacy is still very complicated and continues to be the source of much debate amongst historians. President Trump’s decision to hang Jackson’s presidential portrait in the oval office at the start of his first term certainly elevated President Jackson’s legacy into the public consciousness. In your analysis of these documents, please address the following three (3) questions in an essay with a MINIMUM length of Two (2) FULL Pages:

1. Do you agree with President Jackson’s conclusions of the necessity for an Indian Removal Policy? Why or why not?

2. Do you agree with President Jackson’s assessment of the faults of the Bank of the United States and its supporters? Why or why not?

3. Based upon your reading of these documents, can you better understand why President Trump might try to model himself after President Jackson? What positive trait(s) of Jackson can you envision Trump attempting to emulate? What are the potential dangers of President Trump linking his administration to that of President Jackson?

Using a loop random three new dice values, use the new values and determine if there is a double pair of values or ‘n triple thrown. Determine if the three values thrown are all even digits or all odd digits.

C++ visual studio windows application

Question 1

Do the necessary planning and write an algorithm in pseudo code for the following:

  • Random
  • values for
  • three dices
  • Display the
  • random
  • values
  • Sort the values of the dices in ascending order (Arrays are not to be implemented) Display the sorted dices
  • APM11A1 Advanced
  • Programming

Ask the user to enter the number of times he/she wants to do analysis.
Using a loop random three new dice values, use the new values and determine if there is a double pair of values or ‘n triple thrown

Also determine if the three values thrown are all even digits or all odd digits.

If the three new values match the sorted values then stop the loop.

If there is no match in the N number of times specified by the user, then the user should be allowed to activate a process using a loop that will count how many times it would take to guess the three values correctly.

The number of times it took to guess the three values correctly should be displayed.

The Z-boys and the Bones Brigade are two or the most influential skating crew in the history of skateboarding. Discuss their similarities, differences, and their relationship with each other. How do they compare in terms innovation, professionalism, and commercialization?

History Question

FOR an ESSAY you will have to do a proper essay format: you will have to watch a movie about Z-boys and Bones Brigade.

ESSAY question.

The Z-boys and the Bones Brigade are two or the most influential skating crew in the history of skateboarding. Discuss their similarities, differences, and their relationship with each other. How do they compare in terms innovation, professionalism, and commercialization?

Do an internet web search using the keywords: making conversation. Locate at least 2 websites and embed the links to your webpages you used in the search into this assignment. What did you learn from these webpages that is useful to you?

Marketing management- 0684

What do you plan on doing in the next six months to become a better conversationalist?

Do an internet web search using the keywords: making conversation. Locate at least 2 websites and embed the links to your webpages you used in the search into this assignment. What did you learn from these webpages that is useful to you?

Finally, give two of your best tips or advice about making conversation. Minimum 200 words. Due not