
Find and discuss an example of a buffer overflow exploit. How could you verify that an overflow condition exists?


Find and discuss an example of a buffer overflow exploit. How could you verify that an overflow condition exists?
(Minimum word count 300 with references).

Read the Dawidowicz article a second time, focusing on the relationship between a research problem, a problem statement, and a purpose statement and on the narrowing process that occurs often between a research problem and a research study purpose. Reflect also on how research problems can be narrow and reflected exactly in a purpose statement or can be broad and must be narrowed to create a manageable study.

Tools for doctoral Research


To prepare:

In this Discussion, you will read the Dawidowicz article a second time, focusing on the relationship between a research problem, a problem statement, and a purpose statement and on the narrowing process that occurs often between a research problem and a research study purpose. Reflect also on how research problems can be narrow and reflected exactly in a purpose statement or can be broad and must be narrowed to create a manageable study.

Reflect on how purpose statements within studies should be succinct and should include the following: study (a) design; (b) theory being tested (quantitative), central phenomenon investigated (qualitative), or both (mixed methods); (c) intent; (d) variables (quantitative), the definition of phenomenon (qualitative), or both (mixed methods); (e) participants; and (f) site or context in one or two concise sentences (Crawford, 2016, Ch. 10, para 4).

However, remember that for this Discussion you will not provide these additional details. The focus, instead, is on the important problem-purpose relationship.

View the media piece in this module’s Learning Resources with a focus on identifying the relationship between research problems and purpose statements.

Review the problem statements of your classmates from the Discussion in Module 2.Post the following:

Choose one of your classmate’s problem statements that intrigued you in the Discussion in Module 2.

Post two purpose statements that could be used to collect data on that problem. Use the following stems to write your purpose statements.

  • The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between [list at least two variables you want to compare].
  • The purpose of this study is to [explore, explain, describe] the [phenomenon] of [a group of people] on [what].

What should we conclude about the analysts claim? Solve the test statistic approach. Use the following statistics to solve the problem. n = 15 = $1831.067 S = $506.59

Statistics questions

Top of Form

Apply the applicable rule before solving any problem.  Show the formula, and graph where applicable.


1a) Sx  is a known estimate: True or False


1b) Population mean is a known estimate:  True or False


1c) The objective of a confidence interval is not to bracket the fixed population mean:  True or False


1d) T-test discusses the deviation of a random variable  from its mean measured in standard deviation of the sample mean units:  True or False


1e) T-test is used to test a hypothesis about the population mean: True or False



Standard Normal Probability Distribution


2) Find the probability that the random value of Z is between +.65 and +.2.33.




T distribution is symmetric and t table gives values of t such that the probability of the larger t is equal to a given probability.


3a) P(t > to) = 0.10 given a sample size of 13.

Find to


3b) P(-to  > t > + to) = 0.05 given a sample size of 9.

Find to


3c) P(t <  2.1098) = ? given a sample size of 18.

Find the associated probability.


Consider the probability that a random interval x ± (t.05)S will contain the fixed μ (population mean) is .95  That is:


P( – t.05S ≤  μ ≤   + t.05S) = .95.


4) Construct a Confidence Interval given the following:

Sample size = 10,  = 131, S= 971.11.


T test:

5) If a real estate market is strong, there will be a close relationship between the asking price for homes and the selling price.  Suppose that one analyst believes that the mean difference between asking price and selling price for homes in a particular market area is less than $2000.  To test this using an alpha level equal to .05, random sample of n=15 homes that have sold recently was selected.  The difference between asking price and selling price data from the sample is in the following:


$2053 $1693 $1854 $1747 $869
$1396 $2473 $1931 $2303 $1502
$1038 $2755 $2084 $1664 $2104


What should we conclude about the analysts claim?  Solve the test statistic approach.  Use the following statistics to solve the problem.

n = 15     = $1831.067         S = $506.59




Write a research paper about retractable gear aircraft systems focusing on a review of at least two gear up landing accidents/incidents, one each of a pilot failing to extend the gear and a mechanical issue that precluded gear extension.

Earth and Space Exploration Question

Research Paper
Each student will write a research paper about retractable gear aircraft systems focusing on a review of at least two gear up landing accidents/incidents, one each of a pilot failing to extend the gear and a mechanical issue that precluded gear extension. The paper should address the various lessons learned from previous such incidents, and address what measures (procedural, technological, etc.) should be adopted to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

The style required for formatting the paper is American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition, guidelines. The paper will be graded on accuracy and completeness of information, cohesiveness, spelling and grammar, and number and quality of references.

What characteristics of this mentoring program contribute to its effectiveness? Does this program contribute to employees’ development and career needs? How? Explain your answer.

Case: Mentoring at Roscoe Property Management (RPM)

When RPM, a management company of apartment communities, doubled in size, it experienced high employee turnover, especially among new employees located in small rental markets. RPM developed a mentoring program with the goal of reducing turnover of new employees by 50 percent and among experienced employees by 25 percent. The mentoring program includes formal e-learning courses and group mentorship via Skype or GoToMeeting. Employees who were selected as mentors were high performers who were page 418identified as having promotion potential. Employees apply to serve as a mentor and have to receive approval by their regional manager. The mentors receive training to make sure they understand policies and procedures and learn how to audit if their protégé is following the established standards. They also receive soft skills training on how to provide feedback to protégés and their supervisors. They are asked to mentor new employees who hold their same position. The mentors meet online weekly with their protégés to coach them on their newly learned skills and provide advice on topics such as RPM’s policies and requirements. RPM found that new employee turnover has decreased by 85 percent and turnover for employees with two years or more of tenure has decreased by 50 percent. New employees found the additional feedback and policy expertise they received from their mentors to be valuable. Mentors liked the opportunity to improve their coaching and feedback skills through interacting with their protégés. The mentoring experience helped them prepare for their next position at RPM where coaching employees and providing feedback are critical to their effectiveness.

1. What characteristics of this mentoring program contribute to its effectiveness?

2.Does this program contribute to employees’ development and career needs? How? Explain your answer.

Discuss any cultural disparity in health care that a Nurse Practitioner can impact in practice.

Cultural disparity in health care

Discuss any cultural disparity in health care that a Nurse Practitioner can impact in practice.

An ERP software system is often one of the most significant investments a company will make. Give any three arguments if you agree or disagree. Describe your response in your own language.

Description of Discussion Board


The purpose of discussion board activity is familiarized student with the significance of the ERP Enterprise Resources Planning.

Action Items

  • Access the discussion forum for this assignment by clicking on the discussion forum title.
  • Click on “Create Thread.”
  • Enter a title for your response in the “Subject” line.
  • Type your response into the message field to the following discussion prompt:
  1. Post your answer to the Question (100 – 200 words):

Read the below given statement and answer the question:

Discussion Question:

  1. An ERP software system is often one of the most significant investments a company will make. Give any three arguments if you agree or disagree. Describe your response in your own language.
  2. Respond to two other classmates’ postings by critically reviewing your classmate’s answer and stating which points you agree or disagree with.

What if instead, for part 2., you had found the best-fit line t = C’ + Deb. Is the slope D related to the slope found in 1? How would you have expected the slopes to be related?

Linear algebra questions

Exercise III (2 x 10 = 20 points)

  1. Consider the data points (-2, 3), (2,1), (3, —4), and (5, 2). Find the equation of the best fit line b = C + Dt.
  2. What if instead, for part 2., you had found the best-fit line t = C’ + Deb. Is the slope D related to the slope found in 1? How would you have expected the slopes to be related?


Choose a speech, explore it, and make interesting claims about the author’s overall message or point.Offer a rich perspective on that point it and whether or not you think it would be convincing to other readers.

English Question

In the Argumentation Essay, you will choose a speech, explore it, and make interesting claims about the author’s overall message or point.Offer a rich perspective on that point it and whether or not you think it would be convincing to other readers. The goal is to think critically about the speech, take a position on it, and avoid summarizing it. Find a speech that interests you on the following sites: and Famous Speeches in History. Be sure to read and listen to the speech, if possible).

Describe this event in your life and to specifically compare it to one of the major changes that you learned about in this chapter such as the Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment, or Exploration.

History Question

One of the underlying ideas of this unit is rebellion and change. During the 15th through 18th centuries Europeans began challenging old ways of doing things and seeking new paths and ideas. This is evident in the Renaissance, where Europeans rediscovered the culture and art of ancient Greece and Rome, and during the Reformation, when many people began to challenge the authority of the Catholic Church and the traditional worldview at the time. Across the continent, humanism began to take hold which encouraged people to place an emphasis on the human experience and to use their senses and reasoning to understand the world around them.

Assignment Details:

Explore a time in your own life when you challenged an old way of doing things or questioned authority.

  • How did you create a new way of doing things or forge new paths?
  • Your task will be to describe this event in your life and to specifically compare it to one of the major changes that you learned about in this chapter such as the Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment, or Exploration.
  • Your essay must be at least 400 words in length and have at least one paragraph in which you explain how your experience was similar to one of these past events.