
Is it possible to teach someone to love reading?

Learn to love reading

Is it possible to teach someone to love reading?

Discuss why EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in which you will continue to integrate evidence into your practice and encourage it within your work environment. What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?


Discuss why EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in which you will continue to integrate evidence into your practice and encourage it within your work environment. What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?

What is meant by gateway substances? What is one example of a gateway substance? What is wrong with assuming that using a gateway substance causes an increased use of other substances? Define gateway substances Provide an example of a gateway substance Describe why the assumption is wrong.

Example questions

1. In terms of substance use, what is meant by risk factors and protective factors? Provide at least two important examples of each. Define risk factors Define protective factors Give two examples of each

2. Explain the difference between physical dependence on a drug and psychological dependence on a drug. Define each and then provide the differences

3. There are many different routes by which drugs can be administered. Describe the pros and cons of the oral route versus the intravenous route. For each Oral and IV routes, provide pros and cons.

4. What is meant by gateway substances? What is one example of a gateway substance? What is wrong with assuming that using a gateway substance causes an increased use of other substances? Define gateway substances Provide an example of a gateway substance Describe why the assumption is wrong.

5. Describe some of the factors that influence blood alcohol concentration when drinking alcoholic beverages. Discuss Rate of absorption, distribution, and metabolism in your answer.

6. Briefly discuss the correlation between pregnancy and smoking.
What is the correlation?
What are at least 3 health effects of smoking on pregnancy or the baby that may occur?

7. Even though chewing tobacco might not be as unhealthy as smoking it, smokeless tobacco still has risks. Compare and contrast the health risks of chewing and smoking tobacco. Cite health risks for each and then discuss why one would be more or less harmful.

8. Using either the public health model or the Institute of Medicine classification, describe in general terms three different kinds of drug prevention programs. These are differentiated mainly by the people at whom they are targeted. The general terms of one of the models are each described related to drug prevention. Cite the targets for each.

9. Explain the concept of safe drug consumption sites. How do these safe drug consumption sites combat drug overdoses and the spread of blood-borne illnesses? Define safe drug consumptions sites. Provide how they help reduce overdoses Cite how they affect the spread of blood borne diseases. Name at least 2 of the blood borne diseases that might be reduced.

10. Give a brief description of the process required for a pharmaceutical company to test a new drug on humans and later to market a new prescription drug. Describe the process that must be followed to test a new drug on humans and marketing it by listing and describing the steps that must be followed?

11. Describe the structure of a neuron. Name and describe the four regions and what each do.

12. Describe the three major uses for aspirin and aspirin-like products, such as acetaminophen. For each of the drugs, name and describe the major uses aspirin like Be specific for each product.

13. Discuss the beneficial uses of opioids. Name and describe at least three beneficial uses of opioid drugs.

14. What are the approved medical uses for dronabinol, and why do some argue that smoked marijuana needs to be available to cancer patients and others in addition to (or instead of) oral THC? Identify at least three medical uses for dronabinol and then provide a reason for access to smoking marijuana for some patients.

15. Discuss briefly the adverse effects of steroids on the human body. Provide at least 4 adverse effects in a discussion format.

16. Describe at least three of the components of the Social Influence Model of drug prevention Briefly identify and describe at least three components of the social influence model in drug prevention.

Explain why you chose the two causes of death. Explain the cause of death in detail, including two cited facts for each cause. Explain if this data set represents a sample or population and explain your reasoning.

An Analysis of the Causes of Death in the United States

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is responsible for collecting data related to public health in the United States. They collect a wide variety of information, from workplace accidents to disease treatment success to cause of death of individuals. In this critical thinking assignment, you will explore data from 2020 related to the cause of death in the United States. You will describe the causes of death recorded for two states of your choice using descriptive statistics. These states will then be compared using descriptive statistics and box-and-whisker plots.

Part 1: Data Analysis
To begin this assignment, you will need to
download the data from an Excel Spreadsheet

  • (
  • ( .

1. Choose two states that interest you. Each state is in a tab at the bottom of the Excel file, including a separate tab for New York City and Puerto Rico.
2. Choose two causes of death you would like to compare (located in columns D – Q). You
will use the same two causes of death for both states.

  • Explain why you chose the two causes of death.
  • Explain the cause of death in detail, including two cited facts for each cause.
  • This can include but is not limited to information about the disease/cause, demographics most likely to be affected, symptoms, etc.
  • Explain if this data set represents a sample or population and explain your reasoning.

3. Transfer the data from the two columns of interest (from each state) into StatDisk. The easiest way to transfer that data is to copy/paste the four columns of interest. Trying to upload the data into StatDisk would require multiple steps and would be too time-consuming. Make sure to edit the column titles to help you stay organized. Please note that StatDisk does not recognize commas in numbers, so do not include the commas in numbers with more than 3 digits. For example, if a data value is 1,241, then 1241 should be the input in StatDisk.
4. Using StatDisk, find the mean, median, range, and standard deviation for the two causes
of death chosen in question 2 (for both states). Make sure to label the results and highlight the values requested.
5. Using StatDisk, create a box-and-whisker plot for each cause of death chosen in question
2. Use the modified box plot option to see if your data has outliers, and if it does, use that option for this assignment. Also, make a conjecture as to why your data has outliers. If your data does not have outliers, use the regular box plot option. You will have a total of four box- and-whisker plots for this question (two for each state).


Part 2: Drawing Conclusions From Data
Use the descriptive statistics from question 4 in part 1 to compare the two states chosen.

1. Compare one measure of center and explain what that comparison means in context of the situation.
2. Compare one measure of variation and explain what that comparison means in context of the situation.
3. Compare the two boxplots for each cause of death, and make one conclusion based on the graphs alone. For example, if the two states you choose are Alabama and Alaska, and the two causes of death you choose are Alzheimer’s and Influenza, you will compare the Alzheimer’s boxplots for Alabama and Alaska and then compare the Influenza boxplots for Alabama and Alaska.


Part 3: Summary

Write a summary of your data analysis and conclusions, including your personal thoughts on what you found during this research. Did anything surprise you? How important is analyzing medical data? Explain.


Part 4: Sources
You should have at least two sources from question 2 in part 1. Cite those sources (and any other
sources you used) in APA 7 format. Here is a resource to help you cite your sources: Purdue University. (2021). Reference list: Electronic sources
. Purdue Online Writing Lab.

Upload the entire critical thinking assignment in Canvas, using a word-processed document.

National Center for Health Statistics. (n.d.). Weekly Provisional Counts of deaths by state and
select causes, 2020-2021. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved November 29, 2021, from

To what extent can the policy process be described as evidence-based, in your chosen policy area? In what circumstances has research been utilised by decision-makers, and why?


Joshua Newman(2017: 1108) observes that for many scholars of evidence-based policy, ‘Research evidence is just one influence on a complicated decision-making process, and not necessarily the most important one, either’.
Use one of the policy issues presented in weeks 8-10 (a. drug harm minimisation, b.gendered violence, or c. global health response to COVID) as the case study for your essay, and answer the following questions: To what extent can the policy process be described as evidence-based, in your chosen policy area? In what circumstances has research been utilised by decision-makers, and why?

After perusing the assigned readings, discuss the importance and impact of applying non-nursing and/or interprofessional theories to nursing practice.


After perusing the assigned readings, discuss the importance and impact of applying non-nursing and/or interprofessional theories to nursing practice. Next, choose one non-nursing theory from your textbooks (Butts & Rich, Chaps 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14). Analyze the appropriateness to nursing practice by applying the five (5) criteria for evaluating a theory found in the McKenna (1997) text in Chapter 8 on page 223. Finally, draw a scholarly conclusion about the use in an APRN environment. Review at least 2 of your classmates’ initials posts and give feedback about your understanding (or not) of their analysis and conclusion.

Outline the implications of reduced physical activity for children’s cognitive, social and emotional development. What has contributed to the decline in physical activity? What can you do as a teacher to help to reverse the trend?

EDC135 Child Development for Educators Assessment 1

Assessment 1 – Report 40%

For each answer, your work must be supported by citing your set text and a minimum of one additional source which must be academic, peer-reviewed journal articles or other credible scholarly material.

Use APA 7th edition guidelines to cite in-text as well as your one reference list at the end of your assessment. All in-text citations need to include page numbers.

500 words (+/- 10%) per response. This includes all text headings, in-text citations, captions and direct quotes. It excludes the Reference List.

Following APA 7, your submission should be double space and left-aligned with indented paragraphs. Your font should be either 12 point Times New Roman, 11 point Calibri, 11 point Arial, 10 point Lucinda Sans Unicode, or 11 point Georgia

Please do not include an overall introduction or conclusion. Each response should ‘stand-alone’ and the layout would be:
• Cover page
• Response 1
• Response 2
• Response 3
• References

A1 Question 2
Outline the implications of reduced physical activity for children’s cognitive, social and emotional development. What has contributed to the decline in physical activity? What can you do as a teacher to help to reverse the trend? Ensure you include practical applications including for students with disabilities. Particular emphasis may be given to the age group of students you plan to teach (i.e. Early childhood, Primary, or Secondary education).
• Physical activity and other domains of development
• Why decline?
• Two examples of what you as a teacher can do

A1 Question 2 Resources
• Duchesne et al. (2022)
• Implications for Educators 2.1 p. 42
• pp. 35-41
• Academic journal articles (within the last 10 years)
• The Australian Government Department of Health guidelines and
• other documents re physical activity. See
• strateg-phys-act-guidelines#npa517
• *These resources are suggestions only and a point to START your research

Why is the murder of Lady Macduff and her dramatically necessary? Consider what the murder reveals about Macbeth and the effect the murder has/will have on Macduff and other noblemen.


Why is the murder of Lady Macduff and her dramatically necessary? Consider what the murder reveals about Macbeth and the effect the murder has/will have on Macduff and other noblemen.

Reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. Outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally, how the student met the competencies aligned to this course.


Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to combine into one course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course.

In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. The journal should address a variable combination of the following, depending on your specific practice immersion clinical experiences:

New Practice Approaches
Interprofessional Collaboration
Health Care Delivery and Clinical Systems
Ethical Considerations in Health Care
Practices of Culturally Sensitive Care and Ensuring the Integrity of Human Dignity in the Care of all Patients
Population Health Concerns and Health Disparities
The Role of Technology in Improving Health Care Outcomes
Health Policy
Leadership and Economic Models

Students will outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally, how the student met the competencies aligned to this course.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid9/99

Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project. Discuss why each of your choices is the best option for you to disseminate your new knowledge.

 Dissemination of EBP and research

Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project. Discuss why each of your choices is the best option for you to disseminate your new knowledge.