
What issues do these works of art represent? How do you feel about these issues? Do these works of art motivate you to change your perspective on these issues for any reason? If so, how? If not, how might these works change the perspectives of others?


This common assessment should be at least 750 words, not including heading or title. Additional paragraphs may be necessary; fewer words than the minimum for each section are not permitted.

Read the textbook information and research historical information about the following paintings from Academic Sources (do not use Wikipedia)

  • Francisco Goya’s, 3rd of May, 1808 (fig.12.2, page 321)
  • Pablo Picasso’s, Guernica (fig. .11, page 31)

1. What issues do these works of art represent? How do you feel about these issues? Do these works of art motivate you to change your perspective on these issues for any reason? If so, how? If not, how might these works change the perspectives of others? (250 – 300 words minimum)
2. Where did these works of art originate? Why were they created? What impact does origin play in artistic development? How might these works of art be relevant in the state of Texas? (250 – 300 words minimum)
3. Do these works of art encourage the fair, ethical, or nondiscriminatory treatment of others? Why or why not? (250 – 300 words minimum)

Without revealing too much personal information, what sanctions have you experienced and for what actions? Were the sanctions effective or not? Do you think there is a problem with the criminal justice system in the United States?

Discussion post

1) Discuss how sociologists view, analyze and explain the concept of deviance.

2) Without revealing too much personal information, what sanctions have you experienced and for what actions? Were the sanctions effective or not? Do you think there is a problem with the criminal justice system in the United States?

What is the average sedimentation rate for the Great Marsh, SC? What is the average sedimentation rate for the Rat Island Marsh, SC? What is the average sedimentation rate for the Boston Marsh, SC?

Radiotracers exercise

To be completed independently (you may use your notes)


Part I:

Draw the appropriate plot for cesium vs. depth for Morris Island, SC.  This marsh has a sedimentation rate of 8 mm per year.



Cesium-137 Plot for Morris Island Marsh, SC




10 cm


20 cm


30 cm


40 cm


50 cm


60 cm


0          2          4          6          8          10

Decays per minute (“amount” of 137Cs)








Part II:

Place your final answers (including units/years/etc.) from Part III in the blanks below.


1)_____________________________           2)_____________________________


3)_____________________________           4)_____________________________






Part III: 

The problems.  Write the answer to each problem in the appropriate blank above.



Cesium-137 Plot for Great Marsh, SC



20 cm


40 cm


60 cm


80 cm


100 cm


120 cm


0          2          4          6          8          10

Decays per minute (“amount” of 137Cs)


1)  What is the average sedimentation rate for the Great Marsh, SC?





Lead-210   Plot for Rat Island Marsh, SC

25                 50                 75                   100%



20 cm


40 cm


60 cm


80 cm


100 cm


120 cm


0          2          4          6          8          10

Decays per minute (“amount” of 210Pb)


2)  What is the average sedimentation rate for the Rat Island Marsh, SC?




Cesium-137 Plot for Boston Marsh, SC



10 cm


20 cm


30 cm


40 cm


50 cm


60 cm


0          3          6          9          12          15

Decays per minute (“amount” of 137Cs)


3)  What is the average sedimentation rate for the Boston Marsh, SC?






Lead-210   Plot for Folly Beach Marsh, SC

25                 50                 75                   100%



10 cm


20 cm


30 cm


40 cm


50 cm


60 cm


0          2          4          6          8          10

Decays per minute (“amount” of 210Pb)


4)  What is the average sedimentation rate for the Folly Beach Marsh, SC?



Read each response. There are 2 responses. Write a 100 word response for each.

U4 BUS 774 Q1 Responses

Instructions: Read each response. There are 2 responses. Write a 100 word response for each.

Response 1.) Deborah


Health Insurance Challenges

Health Insurance has many challenges. Consolidation and the cost of healthcare is another major challenge in the Healthcare Exchange. Both consolidation and the cost of health care play a huge factor that focuses on prices and quality. An example would be the merger of Natchez Community Hospital merging with Natchez Regional Medical Center in Natchez, Mississippi.

Natchez Community Hospital was a 101 bed facility that was owned and operated by the Health Management System. Natchez Regional Medical Center had 179 beds and was owned by the County and had been through two bankruptcies. Natchez Community Hospital was bought out by Community Health Solutions (CHS) in January 2014. The hospital closed in 2015 after CHS bought Natchez Regional in 2015. Two hospitals merge into one hospital at Natchez Regional Medical while closing Natchez Community Hospital. The new hospital is called Merit Health Natchez. Although the services have not changed, the price of healthcare skyrocketed. The shareholders believe the consolidation changed geographic access to care, physician referral behaviors, how educated patients were about their health care, the health care advertising environment, and economies of surrounding neighborhoods (O’Hanion).

There are different types of health insurances: group plan, individual plan, Medicare, and Medicaid. A group plan is sponsored by the employer and it is optional. An individual plan is coverage brought through the marketplace by the individual for themselves or family who doesn’t have access to employer sponsored or government health coverage. Medicare and Medicaid is a federal insurance from the government.

Response 2.) Tomeka

This week, I will continue to work on my literature review about the purpose of the qualitative descriptive inquiry study and focus on the role of the researcher to identify 20 African American females in Rural South Mississippi and get their viewpoints on goals, barriers, and accomplishments in their careers. Choosing the right participants and asking the right questions is vital to my research. Collecting this information is essential to move forward with Chapter 2. I will continue to work through the bullet list I emailed last week with the understanding that some of the information may have to be edited to have a sound Chapter 2.

Identify the best scholarly or other relevant resource you have found for your final paper so far and write a critical analysis of the item.

Critical analysis of source 1

Identify the best scholarly or other relevant resource you have found for your final paper so far and write a critical analysis of the item: offer a one or two paragraph summary of the the content of the item and then write about two paragraphs discussing the critical issues regarding issues of facts and issues of evaluation/interpretation/analysis that you see in this item and how these might relate to your paper.

Be sure to give a full bibliographic entry for the item in a works cited entry at the end and, as you discuss the item, give specific in-text page references. Your aim is to begin working out some of the material and terms of analysis for your final paper: the critical work on source materials that you do for this assignment may not figure directly in the final paper, but it should help to shape and develop your thinking about the issue and the critical question you will address in your final paper. Your work here is like the “studies” that painters produce of individual figures or details of a larger composition: it may or may not appear directly in the finished product, but it will have served its purpose if it helps you clarify what you want to do in the final paper.

Write a Readme text file that includes (1) your group member names and the contribution of each member (who did what); (2) list each file enclosed in your submission package and briefly explain its function and usage.

CS370 Lab 2 Creating circuits

Goal: The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the use of Boolean logic and build basic circuits. Note that this lab assignment is group assignment with each group having either 2 students or 3 students.

Problem Statement: The predominant storage inside computer systems are on disks drives. SCSI disks are the standard disks in most Unix Workstations from Sun, HP, SOL and other vendors. They are also the standard disks in Macintoshes and Higher-end Intel PC’s, especially network servers. Consider the Wide Ultra4 SCSI which transfers data packets in 16-bit bursts at 160 MHz with a maximum throughput of 320 MB sec. The data transfers at higher rates can result in random-noise pulse changes from a 0 to 1 and 1 to a 0. As the speed of processors and electronic communications increases, these parity flips become more prevalent and the inability to detect when these errors occur can be fatal. As a Design Engineer you have been requested to create system for the transmission of these 8-bit packets from an I 0 Controller to Memory using Error Correcting Code over 12-bit data bus line. Wide SCSI contains a 68bit bus: however for the sake of simplification we are only concerned with the data bits. The other bits in the SCSI bus are for bus arbitration, synchronization, power management. etc. In this project, we will use even parity.

  • Hex Displays –Memory — I.0 Controller

Transmission Vectored Bit: A 4-Bit Parity Vector (131-134) are interlaced with the 8-bit Data Vector (DI:Ds): P1 P2 DI P3 D2 D3 D4 134 Ds D6 D, Ds

  1. ) Create an ECC Generator, at the I 0 Controller from the 8-bit Data Vector. The output of the ECC Generator will be the 4-Bit Parity Vector.
  2. ) Construct a 12-bit Data Transmission bus to send the binary data and parity bits over to Memory.
  3. ) Construct an ECC Detector at Main Memory that corrects for single bit errors.

Generally, an interrupt error handler is used to handle errors from the OS. for this exercise we will use 3 Hex displays. 2 for data and 1 for an error status. for diagnostic purposes:

In the event that no error has occurred. your design must display the data transferred using the 2 Hex data displays and a “0” as an error status.

For single bit transmission errors, your system must correct the error and display the data along with “C” in the 3rd Hex Display.

For multiple bit transmission errors, your design must display “E” in the error status display.

Submission Instructions:
1. Write a Readme text file that includes (1) your group member names and the contribution of each member (who did what); (2) list each file enclosed in your submission package and briefly explain its function and usage.

2. Submit your LogicWorks files including your circuit schematic file (.cct) and your library file (.clf).

3. In your .cct file, please document each section using the Text tool (Ctrl_E) so that the grader knows how it works.

Note that documentation is essential for full credit.

Pick 1 video from the list below. Listen to the musical selection. As you listen, fill in the cluster/word web using the elements of music. For each element, identify one or two related ideas to help you organize your thoughts (instruments heard, style or feeling of music, the time stamp / marker where that element was prominent, etc.).

Music elements summary

Pick 1 video from the list below. Listen to the musical selection. As you listen, fill in the cluster/word web using the elements of music. For each element, identify one or two related ideas to help you organize your thoughts (instruments heard, style or feeling of music, the time stamp / marker where that element was prominent, etc.). After you fill out the word web, write a brief summary of what you heard, addressing your choice of elements of music. The response should address four or more ideas drawn from the elements of music.

Who here drinks lattes? Who here makes their own lattes at home? Why do you make them at home? What products or appliances do you use to make your own lattes at home?

MKTG 6140 cool hunt 2

Appendix A: Focus Group Guides

Focus Group Guide #1

This guide was used by the moderator to facilitate the focus group discussion.



Share with participants what the focus group topics will cover and disclaimers before beginning.

 Moderator Prompts:

  • Today, we will be talking about latte making and coffee accessories.
  • You will be shown a new product concept.
  • There are no right or wrong answers – we just want to hear your honest opinions about your preferences and learn about what is prioritized by you when it comes to coffee.
  • This session will run for one hour.



Zone 1: Exploring Coffee Behaviour

Ask easy ice-breaker style questions to have the participants warm up to sharing their ideas. These questions help to explore the topic of coffee.

 Moderator Prompts:

  • Who here drinks lattes?
  • Who here makes their own lattes at home? Why do you make them at home?
  • What products or appliances do you use to make your own lattes at home?


Zone 2: Explore Latte Making Accessories

Narrow down on the particular topic of late making accessories to allude to the product concept without revealing it. Start to ask more specific questions about coffee beans.

 Moderator Prompts:

  • Do you grind your own coffee beans?
  • Do you measure your coffee beans?
  • Where do you store your coffee beans at home?


Zone 3: Introduce the Product Concept

Present the concept board to the participants.

 Moderator Prompts:

  • What are your first impressions of this product?
  • Rate the concept on a scale of 1-5, based on how much you like this concept idea.
  • What are your likes or dislikes about this concept?


Zone 4: Explore How Compelling the Idea Is

Ask whether participants would actually be interested in this concept.

Moderator Prompts:

  • Would you purchase this product? Why or why not?
  • How likely are you to purchase this product if it were around $100 CAD?
  • Would you be willing to pay a premium for additional features?
  • Would price be a deal breaker?


Zone 5: Open Discussion

Allow for participants to bring up candid topics.

 Moderator Prompts:

  • Are there any topics or issues about this product that have not been addressed?
  • Do you have any other thoughts you would like to share?


Zone 6: Closing

Thank the participants for taking the time to participate in this discussion.

 Moderator Prompts:

  • Thank you for taking the time to participate in this discussion.
  • We are thrilled to have these new learnings, which will be used to refine the product concept further and explore how we can meet the needs of consumers like you.


Focus Group Guide #2

The second focus group was conducted using the same guide as the first, with the following edits applied:


Zone 3: Introduction of the Product Concept

  • The product concept now includes a rechargeable feature, where the container can be plugged into a power source to recharge the battery.
  • Based on an idea proposed in the first focus group by a participant, the product concept now also includes a mobile app that is similar to a social media platform.

How long have they been in corn ethanol business? Are they using any other biomass feedstocks besides corn (for ethanol production)? What technologies and processes are they using for corn ethanol production?

Part 2: Reflection

Most ethanol is fermented using the sugar produced from the starch in corn grain or from sugarcane. However, most people think the future of ethanol will be in producing ethanol from sugar extracted from lignocellulose. In previous years we had students look up some of these lignocellulosic ethanol companies. Unfortunately most of them are no longer in business so we’ll go back to corn ethanol companies.

For this reflection, we’d like you to investigate one of the following companies that produces corn based ethanol (or find another not on this list).

  • Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
  • Cargill
  • CHS
  • Marquis Energy LLC
  • Valero
  • Poet
  • Other?

Explore the company’s website and report on the following information about their corn ethanol production. Note that some corn ethanol producers (such as Cargill) also produces other products not related to corn ethanol. Be sure that your information about the business start date, technology, plant location, and annual production volume is as specific as possible to corn ethanol.

  1. How long have they been in corn ethanol business?
  2. Are they using any other biomass feedstocks besides corn (for ethanol production)?
  3. What technologies and processes are they using for corn ethanol production?
  4. Where is (are) their corn ethanol production plant(s) located?
  5. How much ethanol do they produce per year (you may have to dig a little to find this information)? 6. Do they make any other products from fermentation?
  6. What else did you find interesting about the company/plant?
  7. Of course provide title and URL for your sources.

We are estimating 200+ words (word count not including the listed sources or questions). This means you will have to elaborate adequately and in full sentences what we ask for in the bullet points!!

Briefly describe the method and procedures to be followed during data collection. Enclose any relevant materials (including interview questions where possible, participant information sheet(s) and participant consent form(s) where applicable).

Questionnaire, ethical committee form and others


Application Form for Ethical Approval

1. Title of the study


2.  Primary applicant

Notes: Please note that by entering your full name below, you will be considered as signing this form.


Full Name and Signature


Graduate School Click here to enter text.


Contact e-mail & phone number


Click here to enter text.
3.  Research Team

Notes: If there are other researches included in this study (including supervisors), their names, titles, affiliations, emails and roles in the project should be provided. Please note that by entering your full name below, you will be considered as signing this form. Please add as many people as required by adding new rows below.

Full Name and Signature:


Click here to enter text.




Click here to enter text.





Click here to enter text.


4.  Funding Body

Notes: Please provide the details of the funding body if your research received funding from a funding body.

Name of the Funding Body Click here to enter text.
Contact Person


Click here to enter text.
Contact e-mail address & phone number


Click here to enter text.
5. Proposed Dates of Research


Research start date


Click here to enter a date.
Research end date


Click here to enter a date.








6. Briefly describe the purpose of your research. 


Click here to enter text.









7. Briefly describe the method and procedures to be followed during data collection. Enclose any relevant materials (including interview questions where possible, participant information sheet(s) and participant consent form(s) where applicable).

Notes: Please make sure that your explanations cover the answers to the following questions.


What kind of data will be collected from the participants? (e.g. qualitative data about drug use, quantitative data about voting behaviour etc.) What sort of data collection tools will be used? (e.g. Semi-structured questionnaires, structured questionnaires etc.) When and where will the data be collected? How long will data collection last? Who are the intended participants and how will they be selected/recruited? (e.g. Age, Gender, intended sample size, representative sampling, convenience sampling etc.) Will the participants be paid for their time and effort? If so, how much and what will be the nature of this incentive/reimbursement be? How do you plan to provide the participant information sheet(s) to participants? When and how exactly do you plan to obtain consent of the participants?

Click here to enter text.










8. Do you intend to collect data from any vulnerable groups (e.g. prisoners, minors, socioeconomically disadvantaged, etc.)? If so, please provide details regarding how you will be accessing these groups and how you intend to protect their rights within the process of your research.


Click here to enter text.











9. Does your research necessitate any deception? If so, please provide reasons for this and also provide details of debriefing session you plan to do with the participants. If information will be withheld from the participants at any stage during the research, when and how will they be provided with full information?


Click here to enter text.



10. Do you foresee any psychological or physical discomfort for the participants? If so, how do you intend to minimise/overcome these?
Click here to enter text.


11. Where and for how long do you plan to store the data? How will you make sure that personal data will not be obtained by third parties?

Notes: Please describe all the measures you will be taking in terms of keeping the participants’ data confidential and anonymous during the research process and after its completion


Click here to enter text.
12. Date of Application


Click here to enter a date.

Note: Please attach all relevant data collection materials (List of Questions, Participant Information Sheet(s) and Participant Consent Forms) to this application form and make sure that you compile all documents into ONE PDF file before submission.